Book Read Free

First Impressions

Page 9

by Jay Hogan

  “No, it makes no sense whatsoever, and it’s not easy. What if someone does find him? Then he’s right down the road bringing a whole lot of trouble right to your freaking door. Not to mention right in my face while he’s there.”

  “Hold on there. What the hell, Josh? He seems a nice guy, and did I mention, hot? Thought you’d be happy with him being gay. Taking care of the tribe, and all that. Besides, it’s the right thing to do.”

  “He’s not my tribe, and I don’t need you telling me what to do.”


  Damn. “Sorry. But this is exactly what he does to me, screws with my head. He came on to me when I was working a scene, for Christ’s sake.”

  “Oh, well, that changes everything,” she mocked. “You’re gay, and you were in a gay club, idiot. And I’m guessing he didn’t know exactly who you were and what was really happening to start with, right? The guy must be a total douchebag. Obviously needs his head read, and a much better pair of glasses if he came on to you. Oh, and then he went and saved a mate’s life. The cheek of the man. He clearly needs to be arrested.”

  Josh took a deep breath. “Okay, when you say it like that, it does sound stupid.”

  “Well, duh.” Her voice dipped low. “You like him, don’t you? You like him, and you can’t stand that you do. Hey, I have an idea. How about you give the poor man a chance. Sheesh.”

  God, he loved her. “You’ve been talking to Mark,” he huffed.

  She ignored that. “I did as you asked, by the way, and never mentioned Sasha to him,” she said.

  “Thanks. I just don’t want him up in my business any more than he has to be. And you can stop worrying about me. I did actually listen, and I’m actually meeting a guy for coffee on Saturday.” He could almost hear his sister’s jaw hit the floor.

  “Really? What the hell, Josh? And when exactly were you going to tell me about this?”

  “I’m telling you now, and it is just coffee. Now, can we get back to Michael? Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Katie sighed. “It’s not for long, right?”

  “A few days, a week at the most. If he can positively ID someone, then we can probably get him something official. If he can’t, then he ceases to be a threat to them, and they should leave him alone. In that case he can go back to his apartment.”

  “Fine. Then we’re agreed?”

  He groaned loudly. “Yes, okay. He stays here, and you stay with me. Happy?”

  “As a clam. Are clams happy? Whatever. You’re a good man, Charlie Brown.”

  “Bye, Katie.”


  Josh hung up and rejoined Michael, who was busy on his phone organising a locksmith. When he was done, he leaned back against the wall and eyeballed Josh.


  Josh sighed and suspected he pouted as well. Whatever. “You can stay, but Katie comes to my house. Safer that way.”

  “Really?” Michael was clearly surprised. “And you’re okay with that?”

  Josh frowned. No. Yes. Maybe. “Doesn’t matter. It makes sense, and it’s what Katie wants.”

  A flash of what looked like disappointment crossed Michael’s face, sliding quickly into schooled indifference. “Right. Well, tell Katie I appreciate the offer, but I’ll sort something out at the hospital.” He pushed off the wall to leave.

  “Don’t be an arse,” Josh snapped. “I said you could stay.”

  Michael pinned him with an angry glare. “Look, sunshine, I don’t stay anywhere I make people uncomfortable, and I won’t be responsible for creating an issue between you and your sister. She’s been great. I’ll be perfectly fine in one of the doctors’ rooms at Auckland Med.” He turned away.

  “Stop.” Josh crossed the floor before he even knew it, put a hand on Michael’s shoulder, and spun him slowly. “Don’t be stupid. You’re safer here.” Michael froze on the spot, his eyes cobalt pools of anger, and Josh wanted nothing more than to take a dive into them.

  “Take your fucking hands off me,” Michael spat.

  Paris appeared from nowhere, drawn to the tension. He planted himself alongside Josh, gaze fixed on Michael.

  “Sorry.” Josh loosened his grip and stepped back. Jesus, what was he doing? “Paris, stay.” He drew a couple of slow breaths. “Look, I’m being an arse. Just take the offer. Katie will kill me if you’re not here when she gets back.”

  Michael cocked an eyebrow. “And that’s my problem, how?”

  The man’s pissy attitude was a potent mix, and yeah, fucking sexy. Josh threw his hands up in defeat. “Fuck if I know. And you’re right. It’s not your problem. Do whatever you want. I’m done.”

  Michael stared, the silence hanging thick between them.

  “You sure do have a problem with me, don’t you?” he said. “What is it? Did someone like me kiss and tell when you were a horny teen full of angst, so you’ve hated on my type ever since? ’Cause you know what? It was fun for a while, riling you up, but I’m done being the shit under your shoe. Last night scared the fuck out of me, and your little personal freak thing going on here—” He flicked his index finger back and forth between them. “—it just doesn’t rate anymore.”

  Paris growled softly in his throat, tuned in to the threat present in Michael’s anger. Michael gave the shepherd a nervous glance but held his ground. Josh quieted the shepherd again and sent him to his mat, unable to come up with a single response to Michael’s diatribe. It was too damn close to the truth.

  Michael snorted in disgust. “I thought so. Fuck. Someone must’ve screwed you over well and good. Don’t worry, I’ll get myself to the hospital. It’s been a blast.” He spun on his heels.

  Without thinking, Josh closed the distance between them in a second, sliding around in front of Michael, whose eyes widened in surprise and then narrowed in irritation. “What the hell do you think you’re—” But he never finished the sentence as though suddenly reading the intent in Josh’s expression, an intent Josh wasn’t sure even he understood.

  Michael hesitated for just a second, his gaze dipping to Josh’s lips, then back up to his eyes, reading the barely formed question there. Then heat fired in his eyes and he stepped in and hissed, “Yes,” crashing his mouth over Josh’s and pulling him back until he’d sandwiched himself between Josh and the wall.

  Josh had just enough time to wonder what the fuck he was doing before he was all in, remembering to keep his weight off the worst of Michael’s injuries. It surged, that inexplicable need he’d carried since he’d first laid eyes on him, desperate to taste and feel what he’d been craving more than air for the last week.

  Pinned against the wall, Michael gripped Josh’s biceps, his fingers digging in hard, holding Josh in place, keeping the kiss going, but with his lips still closed, as if he’d not entirely made up his mind what he wanted. Josh tentatively ran his tongue along the seam of Michael’s lips, licking, nibbling, questioning, and a few seconds later he felt the shift. Michael’s shoulders relaxed, his lips gave way, and Josh was inside.

  The taste of Michael Oliver exploded over Josh’s tongue as their mouths tangled, the kiss bruising and raw. Josh sucked Michael’s tongue into his mouth, probed and tasted every inch. Arms encircled his back, pulling him close, as Josh’s tongue was stroked, nipped, and dragged back into Michael’s mouth. Josh dropped his hands to the doctor’s waist, crushing their hips together, encouraged by the rock-solid erection pressed against his own.

  Trying to stay aware of Michael’s injuries, Josh couldn’t contain the urge to gently grind against him, creating a delicious friction, relying on Michael to shove him away if needed. There was apparently no chance of that as Michael responded with a gritty moan and arched into the pressure instead. Jesus, the man smelled and tasted as good as Josh had imagined. Woodsy orange from the shower gel mixed with coffee and something sweet on his tongue. Josh couldn’t get enough. A nagging voice pounded away in his head, insisting this was a bad, bad idea, but there was no way Josh was stepping
back now.

  Hungry for each other, neither seemed willing to break the punishing kiss. Josh suspected it was based on fear that any space between them might end things. Instead there was a constant realignment of lips and hips and crushing demands. Nipping, biting, sucking, taking as much as they could from the other.

  Josh snaked a hand between them, cupping Michael’s erection through his scrubs, feeling its heft and adding a few rough strokes. Fuck. He moaned into Michael’s mouth. The guy was commando. Michael immediately responded, pressing his dick hard into Josh’s fist, then nipped Josh’s lower lip to show his displeasure when Josh withdrew his hand.

  Josh grinned against Michael’s mouth. “Hang on, handsome. I’ll get you there.”

  He slipped his hand inside Michael’s waistband and gripped his erection, skin to skin. Oh fuck. He was uncut. Yum. Silky and thick, the feel wasn’t nearly enough. Josh was desperate to look and taste, but he was too far gone. He ran his thumb over the broad head of Michael’s erection, sliding the foreskin back and forth. Then he slicked his hand with precum and began a slow stroke up and down the length.

  Michael hummed with pleasure against Josh’s mouth and still neither broke contact. With one hand tangled in the back of Josh’s hair and the other up under his tee, working the top button of his jeans, Michael held him close. He brushed Josh’s erection, and Josh nearly came on the spot. Fuck.

  Finally, the button popped, and Michael’s fingers immediately skirted across the head of Josh’s leaking cock and around to his arse, grabbing a cheek and pulling their two bodies tight. The position trapped Josh’s hand, still wrapped around Michael’s dick, between them in a fierce grind. Then those long slender fingers found their way to Josh’s crease and the soft pucker of his entrance with surgical precision. They teased the delicate creases with slick fingertips, and Josh almost didn’t recognise the needy moan that escaped his mouth. Josh was pretty sure that was a first.

  As if he’d been waiting for that one sound, Michael immediately pushed his leg between Josh’s, amplifying the friction, and just like that, Josh was right on the edge like a fucking teenager. He worked Michael’s cock faster, his hand rubbing against his own erection as he did. And then Michael’s fingertip slid home into Josh’s arse, and the world tipped on its axis. Josh’s breath hitched, and he pushed back, driving the intrusion deeper.

  “Shit, I’m gonna—”

  “Right with you,” Michael husked, arching hard into Josh’s hand.

  Their lips stilled but remained pressed together. The sensations were too intense for Josh to focus on anything but what was happening farther south. His balls drew up, he felt Michael’s urgent thrusts, and then he was gone, riding the exquisite wave of pleasure with a deep groan.

  Seconds later Michael’s pulsing release filled Josh’s hand, and they braced, leaning into each other, until the rush eased. Then Michael reclaimed Josh’s mouth in a deep kiss and flipped their positions, pinning him against the wall. He withdrew his hand from Josh’s jeans and kicked Josh’s feet apart, bringing them to eye level. Then for the first time since they’d touched, he pulled his mouth away from Josh’s and pressed their foreheads together.

  “Damn, you turn my shit on,” he huffed against Josh’s cheek. “Christ, I haven’t come in my pants since I was twelve.”

  Josh snorted, his hand still trapped in Michael’s scrubs. He gave the man a rough squeeze just because he could. “Likewise.”

  Michael flinched and gave a soft chuckle. “Well, fuck me, Josh. You took your damn time.” He leaned in and sucked Josh’s lower lip into his mouth, biting, then soothing it with a lick and pressing a trail of kisses along his jaw, ending at his ear. His tongue flicked in and nibbled Josh’s lobe.

  “You are so fucking hot, wolf-man,” he whispered against Josh’s ear. “But we’re both wearing way too many clothes—if you’re up for another round, that is?”

  Josh turned his head and bit down on Michael’s neck. The idea of marking Michael was hot as hell. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  “Black eye and all?” Michael nuzzled into his neck.

  Shit. He pulled back and ran his eye over the other man. “You okay? If I hurt you—”

  “Shut up.” Michael took his lips in a hard kiss. “I loved every damn second. I’m quite capable of looking after myself.”

  Josh relaxed and leaned into Michael, carefully wondering if he should be regretting what they’d just done, but he couldn’t find a fuck to give anywhere. He angled his neck to give Michael better access, and they stayed that way for a minute, Michael nipping and licking a path around his neck, Josh trying not to embarrass himself by whimpering too loudly.

  Then he remembered. “Wolf-man? Really?”

  “Just go with it,” Michael mumbled against his skin, then pulled back and considered Josh with a serious expression. “So, just out of curiosity, what the fuck are we doing here, officer? Not that I’m unappreciative, but two minutes ago, you couldn’t stand the sight of me and now here you are with your fingers still wrapped around my limp dick.” He glanced down pointedly where Josh’s hand was, as mentioned, still buried in Michael’s scrubs.

  The heat of a blush crept up Josh’s neck and he cocked an eyebrow. “You want I should let go?”

  “I’m thinking what we both want is crystal clear.” Michael glanced at the clock on the oven. “But I’m guessing it’s not going to happen today.”

  Josh released him and reluctantly removed his hand from Michael’s scrubs. “Commando?”

  Michael shrugged. “Wasn’t exactly expecting visitors.”

  Josh raised his hand slowly and held Michael’s gaze as he licked his fingers clean.

  Michael’s pupils blew up into deep dark holes. “Damn,” he hissed, pulling Josh in for a soft kiss and slipping his tongue inside for a taste.

  Josh bunched his fists in Michael’s scrubs. He was in danger of getting lost. Michael was gorgeous, no doubt. Gorgeous and damned hazardous to Josh’s heart. Fuck. He wasn’t sure what, if anything, he should want from him and so he stepped away. “We need to talk.”

  Michael’s head dropped like a stone. “Fuck me, I knew it.”

  “I just think we should clear the air. Put stuff on the table.”

  Michael raised his brows. “Really? We shared a crazy good hand job and grind. It wasn’t a fucking marriage proposal.”

  Josh rolled his eyes as he sat down. “I didn’t intend for anything to happen.”

  Michael pulled a chair up and sat down, his expression equal parts frustrated and wary.

  Josh guessed he deserved that. “I just think it would be helpful to clarify where we stand.”

  “Where we stand, huh?” Michael nodded his head and pursed his lips. His gaze slid off Josh with a sigh and Josh heard the slam of those walls shudder back into place.

  “Look, we had a seriously hot grind against the wall,” he said. “Unexpected, but hey, I’m wearing a smile. How about you?”

  Josh felt his stomach twist. Well, he’d asked for it.

  Michael continued, “Having said that, I’d like to think we could take it further. A bed would be nice. Maybe even explore removing some clothing, there’s a novel idea. A little doctor/patient role play perhaps. I’m open to suggestions.” He eyed Josh through long batting lashes.

  Josh didn’t mind being made fun of, but he was beginning to think he should’ve kept his fucking hands to himself. For just a second in there, he thought he’d felt something more on Michael’s side when they’d kissed. He’d been wrong. He scraped his chair back and stood.

  “Well, I’d say that makes things pretty clear,” he said. “Best we nip this in the bud, then. I’ll drop you at the hospital when you’re ready.”

  Michael stood to block Josh’s exit. “Whoa, slow down there, asshole. You started this. You kissed me, remember? I’m not looking to analyse this too seriously, and I am sure as shit not looking for a relationship. I had fun. It felt like you did too. And yes, I’d fuck you in a m
inute since you’re seriously hot, but you already know that. And although I’m assured by nameless sources that you’re a nice guy and all, I’m not looking for more. But there was some hot sexual chemistry going on back there, in case you hadn’t noticed. Be a shame not to explore that.” He stared at Josh, waiting.

  Josh felt the burn from Michael’s gaze go straight to his dick. There was no denying that last bit. He wanted this man like none before, even Jase. They’d been good in bed, sure, but nothing as sizzling as the electricity he felt with Michael. And they hadn’t even taken their clothes off yet.

  It might not be wise, but fuck, Josh suddenly realised he needed this, needed something to kick-start his life again. Getting epically laid a few times by a hot guy with no strings was starting to sound like a good beginning. He just needed to be careful. Keep his emotions in check. Nothing serious. But short-term fuck buddies? Yeah, he thought he could do that, this once. He swallowed hard.

  “Okay,” he eyeballed the other man. “Sure, I could be up for an extended session or two.” He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, and Michael tracked it with hungry eyes. “No strings, no expectations. And we keep it quiet. I might not be directly involved in the investigation or listed as a formal witness anymore, but you are. It would be smarter if we didn’t do this, but….”

  Michael stepped in and pressed his lips to Josh’s, dipping inside for a quick taste, and just like that, Josh was rock-hard again.

  “I’m not known for smarter…,” he said. “And no strings sounds perfect.” He stepped back and held Josh’s gaze with those sapphire eyes. “How about tonight?”

  Holy shit. Josh was really doing this. “I’m on shift at four,” he said.

  Michael frowned. “How about before?” Pushy.

  Josh found himself nodding. “I’ll bring you back after your check-up.”

  “Done.” Michael winked. “Bring a packed lunch. There’ll be no intermissions. And, um, I’d better have your number, just in case, yeah?”

  They exchanged cell numbers, and Michael turned and headed for his bedroom, talking over his shoulder. “I’ll be ready in a second. Cam will tear me or you a new one if I’m late, and that could seriously screw with our plans.”


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