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First Impressions

Page 10

by Jay Hogan

  Josh released the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, and a shiver ran through him. Why did he feel he’d just grabbed a snake by the tail? Already his pulse was flipping at the thought of getting the damn man in bed. Fuck. He was in trouble.


  MICHAEL RODE the entire trip to the hospital with a semi from the sexual tension clogging up the inside of Josh’s truck. In some ways he was thankful, since behind the arousal sat a bunch of jiggling nerves at the thought of being outside for the first time since the attack, and no matter what he did, he couldn’t stop his eyes darting from side to side, checking out who was in the vehicles close by. Josh must have noticed, as halfway through the trip, he rested a hot hand on Michael’s thigh and left it there, squeezing softly every now and then, reassuring him. The nerves didn’t vanish but they muted under the rush of the other man’s touch.

  But it was also unnerving in its own way. Michael couldn’t remember feeling this kind of intensity with another guy in a long time, if ever. That kiss had been unexpected and fucking brilliant. He loved kissing, although he never permitted it with hookups—the implied intimacy just complicating shit. And that was another thing. Michael liked to be the one to initiate and control how things went. Simon had been a happy bottom, more than willing to follow Michael’s lead, and that’s just how Michael usually liked it.

  On occasion they’d switched things up. Simon had topped but it was more to satisfy the man’s rare need in that arena. Michael didn’t really enjoy bottoming and usually managed to top from the bottom anyway. But when Josh had him caged against that wall, devouring his mouth, Michael had only fought it for a few seconds. His body was embarrassingly all over it, responding to the other man’s dominance with a whiny need that hadn’t been pretty or welcome.

  Who’d have guessed Josh had it in him? It was always the quiet ones, and to say Michael couldn’t wait to see what the man was like in the sack unrestrained, that was the understatement of the century. Damn.

  The ER was quiet, and it took less than an hour for Michael to be cleared by the resident neurologist. Josh went to grab a coffee in the cafeteria in the interim and Michael suspected he needed a little distance. To be honest, he was grateful. Every time their eyes met, he saw his own lust reflected back, and it was doing a number on him.

  They were like horny kids; it was beyond ridiculous. Cam had spent the first few minutes casting veiled glances between them. So much for being subtle. Now, with the two of them alone, the charge nurse perched on the hand basin while Michael dressed in some fresh scrubs. Josh had thankfully offered to scoot by Michael’s apartment so he could grab some of his gear on their way back.

  “So, how long have you two been fucking?” Cam asked casually.

  Michael froze. The nurse was sporting red eyeliner today, a rainbow gauge in his earlobe, and a matching leather wrist strap. “We’re not fucking. Now would you turn around and give me some privacy?”

  Cam slid off the basin and turned his back, giving his cute butt a wiggle.

  Michael chuckled. “Really? As nice as that ass is, I’m not telling you anything.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Cam huffed and shook his butt a second time. “My back’s tired, that’s all. You think it’s nice, huh?”


  “You better believe it.” Cam straightened and faced him again, ignoring Michael’s exasperated sigh. “Well, if you’re not fucking him, you damn well should be. The air between the two of you is as thick as a porn star’s dick. I needed a shower just being five minutes with you two.”

  “We’re not fucking. Not yet, anyway. And you can’t say anything. I might have to be a witness, yet.”

  “No kidding. Well, you better practice your poker face because your current one sucks big time.”

  “Point taken.”

  Cam arched an eyebrow. “Besides, I thought you hated our young civil servant and vice versa.”

  “Well, to be more accurate, he hated me.”

  Cam grinned, handing Michael his shoes. “Well, it appears he’s had a change of heart.”

  Michael pinned Cam with a smirk. “He kissed me—well, he fronted me—and I was fully on board.”

  The other man’s jaw hit the floor. It wasn’t often you could shock Cameron Wano.

  “As in, he made the first move?”

  Michael nodded.

  “Well, fuck me. Word in our little community is that our sexy handler is pretty standoffish. No one in the hospital has snagged a date with him, not for the want of trying. I did hear he had a partner for a while—no one I knew, though.”

  A partner? Huh. “Yeah, well, this isn’t a date. This is just fucking. And it’s yet to be even that.”

  “I’ll take that bet and raise you.”

  Michael laughed. “You’re incorrigible. And how do you get away with all this shit?” He waved a hand over Cam’s makeup and jewellry.

  The charge nurse struck a pose. “Because I’m so fucking good at my job, that’s how.” He turned on his heels and left, Michael grinning from ear to ear.

  AS PROMISED, Josh went by Michael’s apartment so Michael could change, gather some clothes and toiletries, and pick up his car. He grabbed a frozen pizza while he was at it.

  “Sustenance,” he explained, holding it up as he returned to the apartment parking lot where Josh waited. The other man rolled his eyes.

  Back at Katie’s, Josh parked behind Michael in the driveway but seemed reluctant to get out of his car. Michael sighed. What now? Had the guy changed his mind? He really fucking hoped not.

  Michael bent alongside Josh’s open window. “You coming inside, officer?” Please. He wasn’t going to say it, though. If the guy left him with a case of blue balls, there’d be hell to pay. He was already fit to bust in his jeans from the anticipation alone. Twice in one day, and he’d have to hand his man card in.

  Josh’s face clouded in concern. “Are you sure you’re up for it?”

  Michael spread his arms. “Fully cleared, bar the bruising, and I’ll let you know play-by-play if I have a problem. Cam gave me a dose of the stronger stuff, so I’m actually not feeling too bad at the moment. You sure it’s me you’re worried about?” He arched an eyebrow pointedly.

  Josh’s gaze flickered away. He checked his watch, and Michael wondered what the hell was going through that pretty little head, its honey-blond hair all stuck in unruly tufts like he’d just rolled out of bed. And those perfect features, all schooled and serious. There wasn’t a hint of the fierce man who’d pinned Michael to the wall and kissed him senseless less than three hours before. The guy was just fucking adorable. Adorable?

  He sighed. “Come on, Josh. Let’s play a little. You’re the hottest damn thing I’ve seen in forever, and in case you’re worried, I’m told I’m no slouch in the sack.”

  Josh turned and met his gaze, a soft blush stealing over his cheeks and the hint of a smirk under those chocolate-brown eyes. “Believe it or not, doctor, that particular concern never once crossed my mind.”

  And just like that, the toppy man was back. The sizzling man Michael had encountered that morning. Hell yeah. Michael couldn’t help himself. He leaned through the open window and took Josh’s full lips in a gentle kiss, his tongue running the seam, the taste of the man sending his dick rocketing skyward. He pulled back and let himself stare. “Damn, you’re beautiful. Get your ass inside.”

  Josh broke into a huge smile, and although Michael had seen the man smile before, it had never been aimed in Michael’s direction quite like that. It fairly sucked the breath from his chest, and something fluttered in his stomach that he did his best to ignore. A part of him wanted to be the one responsible for all those smiles. Shit. He’d known the guy for, like, two minutes and already he was trouble.

  They moved inside and Josh locked Paris in Katie’s backyard, throwing the shepherd a few treats to keep him occupied. Michael smiled. He liked the animal more than he’d expected, and it app
eared the feeling was mutual. Paris had found a soft place in his animal-neutral heart, but Michael wasn’t fooling himself. He knew he’d be dog fodder without a second thought if Paris had to choose between them.

  With his back to Michael, Josh stood watching the shepherd through the glass, and Michael again wondered if the man was going to back out. One thing was sure, though—Michael wasn’t going to be the one to push this. The ball was firmly in Josh’s court. He wanted no doubt about that down the road.

  He was about to suggest a drink to get things rolling when Josh abruptly threw his jacket on the chair and kicked his shoes underneath. Well, alrighty then.

  Josh turned a smouldering gaze on Michael, his expression one of pure predatory lust. Holy hell. Michael’s breath caught in his chest and his semihard dick sprang to full attention. An unexpected flight of nerves shimmied across his belly as he bore the full impact of the attention, and the most ridiculous thought skittered through his mind. Am I up to this?

  Then Josh moved and Michael, expecting a replay of the morning, braced for impact, for the hard kiss and the clash of bodies. He was therefore somewhat surprised when Josh brushed past instead, trailing a hand lightly over Michael’s groin as he did, sending a jolt of scorching desire straight through him. God in heaven.

  “Are we doing this or not?” Josh teased over his shoulder, sauntering toward Michael’s bedroom, hauling his T-shirt over his head as he went. Dropping it on the floor outside the bedroom door, Josh exposed a hard, muscled back with a generous smattering of blond hair and a trim waist. Michael was transfixed in place. Josh unbuttoned his jeans and stepped out of both them and his boxers, flashing a beautiful cock and more tufts of blond hair over a delicious ass. Then he disappeared into the bedroom.

  Goddamn. Michael’s mouth hung open, and he suspected he was drooling. Yep, confirmed. No one ever led him by the dick like that, and damn, if said dick didn’t absolutely freaking love it.

  Josh banged on the wall. “Get the fuck in here.”

  Michael obeyed instantly to his own mortification, stepping over the discarded clothing to join Josh as fast as humanly possible. Through the door, he was instantly gripped by his shirt and pulled in for a lengthy kiss. And when Josh’s tongue pressed for entry, Michael opened without a second thought, his arms wrapping around Josh’s waist, pushing hard against his naked body. They delved deeply into each other’s mouths—tasting, sucking, probing, exploring.

  Muscles ached and protested, and skin burned over the bruising that circled his waist, but Michael ignored every damn thing except the overwhelming sensation of Josh’s touch. A surge of need pulsed through his body as Josh nibbled his lower lip, then soothed it with a lick and a kiss. This was followed by more kisses trailing along his jaw to his ear.

  Michael tilted his head to give Josh better access, inviting another line of kisses from his jaw to his shoulder before Josh took possession of his mouth once again, his hands angling Michael’s head to exactly where he wanted it. Michael was apparently just along for the ride. Who the hell was this confident, aggressive lover? And where was the uptight, prudish man he’d replaced? God, Michael was flying in the twilight zone.

  Leaving one hand wrapped around Michael’s neck, Josh moved his other under Michael’s tee, lightly skimming his tender abs and up over the sprinkling of hair on his chest. Fingertips glided over one nipple, then the other—catching lightly on Michael’s barbell piercings—and Josh hummed in appreciation with every moan Michael fed into his open mouth. He was turned on beyond imagination, and when Josh finally pulled back, Michael couldn’t hold back the whimpering protest. Colour him mortified.

  Josh looked down on Michael, his expression serious. “I meant it. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Michael nodded impatiently. “Yes, yes, fine. Whatever. Just get those lips of yours back on me right this second, you hear?”

  Josh smirked. “Understood.”

  And with that, he sealed his mouth over Michael’s once again and all bets were off. There was a single moment of unnerving recognition that this wasn’t going quite as Michael had planned, before he simply gave in and decided to ride the wave.

  A quick and dirty hard fuck had been his agenda, but Josh seemed in no mood to rush and Michael was surprisingly comfortable letting the man lead. Not to mention his dick seemed to be loving every minute of it. In the back of Michael’s head, however, a slightly panicked voice urged him to take control and get his head back in the game. But Michael’s body wasn’t getting the memo, apparently.

  The hand under his T-shirt tracked down his stomach to the waistband of his jeans as Josh continued the onslaught of kisses that kept Michael breathless and on the edge. He shivered as wicked fingers teased over his jeans to cup his balls before gliding along the rigid length of his erection. Ugh. He was so damn close, and he was still fully dressed.

  Thank God, the hand withdrew and cupped his face instead, Josh’s tongue flicking lightly along Michael’s lips. In all this time, he’d been pinned to the spot, a plaything for Josh to do what he wanted with. Michael hadn’t even focused enough brainpower to touch Josh in return.

  “Mmm. You have altogether too many clothes on, Dr Oliver,” Josh whispered against his mouth. “Get rid of them.” He stepped away and simply waited.

  Michael had a snarky rebuttal poised to fall from his lips but found himself reaching for the button on his jeans instead. Before removing them, he reached into the pocket and threw a few packets of condoms and lube he’d grabbed from his apartment onto the bed.

  Josh’s mouth quirked up in appreciation.

  Michael shrugged. “Seemed the right thing to do.”

  Then, under Josh’s lustful gaze, Michael continued to slowly discard his clothes into a pile on the floor. He did his best to put on a bit of a show even though the state of his body was a little less than stellar. But for all the bruising Michael knew he sported, Josh’s admiring gaze never faltered, Josh stroking himself slowly as he watched. It was a fuck ton of sexy.

  Naked at last, Michael stepped aside and simply waited. He was surprisingly enjoying this freaky dominant/submissive thing they had going on, and he wanted to see where Josh went with it. Handing control over was new to him, like shiny fresh-out-of-the-oven new, and it felt simultaneously liberating and terrifying. But for whatever reason, he trusted Josh enough to take the risk.

  He stood still as Josh charted his body top to toe, his expression mesmerising. The lust, the concern when his eyes tracked all the bruising, the need, and the hypnotic intensity were the sexiest damn thing Michael thought he’d ever seen. Not because of who Josh was, but because of how he made Michael feel, like Michael was a work of art to be savoured, the centre of his universe. It was intoxicating.

  Josh’s gaze lingered over Michael’s erection, his lower lip caught between his teeth, his hand continuing its slow stroke. Now Michael would never be accused of being shy—he was confident in his body—but having that appreciative eye and obvious arousal focused so acutely on him, well, it cranked Michael’s juices no end, and he’d never been harder.

  Josh’s gaze lifted to the startling run of bruising that wrapped around Michael’s waist and chest, and his fingers trailed along the edges. Michael held back a reflexive flinch, not wanting to worry Josh. He wasn’t letting a few bruises deny him this.

  “You let me worry about that, wolf-man,” he said. “I’ll let you know.”

  “Make sure you do. Your ink’s hot, by the way.” Josh ran a finger over the stylised kiwi. “New?”

  “Wanted a reminder.” Michael was done with the hands-off and stepped into Josh’s space.

  “No, you don’t.” Josh held him in place. “I want a good long look.”

  Michael’s dick shot farther north at the instruction. May as well bury his pathetic ass now. His brain might want to quit with the damn tease and get on with the fucking, but his body clearly wasn’t bothered. So he said not a word, did as he was told, and let his gaze wander Josh’s hard fles
h in return.

  Josh had been blessed with a body to equal his beautiful face. Tattoo-free, smooth and hard but not overly muscled. Michael wanted to run his tongue and teeth over every inch, the sooner the better. He wasn’t sure his own body matched up, to be honest, but he wasn’t about to let that faze him. Josh had a dense covering of silky soft blond hair over the length of his well-cut torso. Certainly more than Michael usually preferred—he liked his men well-groomed typically. He might, however, have to review that after today.

  His gaze tracked down, and as if reading his mind, Josh dropped the hand stroking his erection, letting it fall aside to reveal an ample cock, flushed and leaking precum from its thick head. Michael responded by gripping his own, giving it a few rough strokes, convinced if he didn’t get a taste of this man soon, he’d explode.

  “You done with the tyre kick?” Michael quipped. “I’d kind of like to get on with the test drive, if it’s all the same to you.” He stepped right up into Josh’s face and pressed his lips to Josh’s. Next thing he knew, he was sitting on the bed with Josh looming over him, a wicked grin on his face. Huh. Whatever. Michael was past caring. Josh could do whatever the hell he liked as long as things started moving along pronto. The fact he was now eye to cock meant things were definitely looking up.

  Michael loved giving head, although he didn’t advertise that to his one-night stands, but Simon had always appreciated it. And with fuck-all gag reflex, he knew he was a pretty good experience. Wrapping both hands around Josh’s butt, he pulled him close, leaned in, and ran his tongue from the man’s hefty balls up his cock and across the head, dipping into his slit as he passed.

  A low moan rumbled from somewhere above him, and Michael dropped his head to take Josh’s balls one by one into his mouth. He pulled at them gently, rolling them and adding a hum to send a quiver of sensation through them. Josh’s fingers bunched in Michael’s hair, holding him still, but Michael pulled free and rose slightly to get a better angle. He then took Josh whole in one swallow.


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