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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

Page 31

by Ruby Raine

  Riley’s hand trailed upward tracing the band of her panties, plying underneath the band stroking across her hips, teasing.

  He raided her mouth, his tongue pillaging deep inside.

  Melinda grabbed the front of his shirt, fisting it. His fingers trailed lower and he drank in her needy moan. He was taking too long. Her center ached.

  His hand rested just at the crest of her folds.

  Riley relented his attack of her mouth and pulled his head back. She opened her eyes to see him grinning. Did he want her to ask? To beg? She wasn’t sure, and the words wouldn’t form.

  “I want to see your eyes,” he whispered, answering her silent dilemma. His fingers dove in, plundering for her buried treasure.

  Sparks lit up her eyes and she gasped. Her grip on his shirt tightened, her eyes fluttering closed.

  Riley kissed her again, sucking in another moan. His kiss became more forceful. His tongue tracing her jaw, her neck, pushing back inside her mouth and colliding with another moan.

  Her leg tightened around his hip. She wanted to tell him he was driving her mad with his perfect strokes, but she could not utter the words. Only gasps as fiery pulses ignited beneath his fingers.

  His confidence built when she bucked uncontrollably under his hand and the fist against his chest clenched as if hanging on for dear life. Melinda squirmed, a thrilling spasm shooting from her core down to her toes. She wanted him to caress faster and harder, but struggled to find the courage to ask him.

  His fingers slowed to a frustrating level. Each caress a deliberate draw.

  Damn. Damn. Damn. He knew exactly what he was doing.

  “Riley,” she gasped out. Melinda’s body acted of its own free will, hips rocking against his rhythms, further driving her to madness.

  “I love the way you move when I touch you.” Riley rolled them over so Melinda was on her back. His hand never left her panties. He draped his body over hers, having a difficult time from taking her, whether onlookers might catch a glance or not. But this was about Melinda today, not him.

  Riley’s legs pushed against her thighs, opening her to him fully. His hand plunged into her treasure, two fingers thrusting deep into her core. The intensity of her shudder enticed him to withdraw and thrust again.

  Melinda writhed in the need to finish, his thumb kneading, fingers driving into her setting off charges that spiraled into insanity. Her chest heaved, arching into him, breasts trying to free themselves from the dress. Riley nudged the cloth aside with his mouth, his tongue ravaging her freed peak.

  Melinda moaned and arched underneath him. She couldn’t take anymore.

  He withdrew his fingers from her depths, palming her center, feeding her lusty pants.

  Melinda insides quaked. A sensation spread from her core, down her legs, curling her toes, shooting blasts of ecstasy through her stomach to her chest; something deeper and more intense than anything she’d ever felt.

  But it wasn’t enough. She needed more. Wanted more. Had to have more.

  “Riley, harder. Please.” The demand in her request thrilled him in a way he didn’t expect. He stroked her, groaning in satisfaction. Her trust gave him a high he’d never experienced before.

  Melinda thought she might ignite into flames. Blood rushed to her ears, all sound muffled. Her insides boiled, thousands of tiny charges exploding, seemingly everywhere and all at once.

  Her hands and legs wrapped around Riley with a need to secure herself to something. One, because she thought she might float away, same as in the quarry. And second, she wanted him to feel the intense rush of explosions shuddering through her body.

  Riley invaded her mouth. Sucked in her ecstasy, keeping it all for himself, hiding her scream from the world outside their little cavern.

  He slowed the strokes between her legs but didn’t stop until her body quivered and relaxed. He released her so-kissable lips, swollen by his attack on them, their gazes glued to each other. Breath heavy.

  For a minute, neither spoke.

  Riley rolled them back to their sides, so they faced each other again, and slid her dress back down over her thigh. His hand found its way to her ass, pulling her as close to him as possible.

  Melinda’s hearing returned. The blood no longer rushing to her head. But she had no words for what he’d just done to her. For the explosions still ricocheting throughout her insides.

  Riley wished they were in a private room, with a proper bed. He pictured many different ways to pleasure his blue-eyed beauty.

  “I’ve never let anyone touch me like that before,” Melinda revealed to him. Dreams did not count.

  His molasses eyes swirled and danced. “Something tells me you liked it.”

  “I really liked it,” she told him in throaty confidence.

  “Damn, Melinda. You keep talking in that voice, I will have no choice but to do it again.”

  Her cheeks turned red. He fed her confidence, but it still shattered too easily. She closed her eyes, determined not to let it claim her this time. His lips pressed against her forehead. A gentle kiss.

  “I can’t even explain what you feel like my little beauty queen. The way you react to what I do to you.”

  Beauty queen. Did he really just call me that?

  “And when you told me you needed more, that pretty near sent me over the edge. I almost forgot we were in a cavern and tore my pants off.” He chuckled. “You make me act like crazy man.”

  She let out a satisfied sigh. In his voice was nothing but honesty and devotion. “Still with the magically saying everything I want to hear.”

  “And I still can’t keep my mouth shut. You make me wear my emotions. No one’s ever done that to me.”

  Her insides stopped quaking, but her nerves tingled. Melinda wondered if she should return the favor. Wondering if he expected it. Her hand trailed down his chest, getting lower and lower. He caught it and brought her fingers to his lips, caressing them gently.

  It was the second time someone had done that to her in twenty-four hours, and both times stole her breath and stalled time. A pinch of guilt wrapped around her heart just thinking about William. However, it melted when Riley’s voice found her ears.

  “Today is all about you, Melinda. I want you to feel beautiful. I want to make you believe how special you are.”

  “Two days in a row of this. You’re spoiling me, Riley.”

  “You should be spoiled,” he lifted her chin to see her eyes.

  She saw only truth staring back at her. “Do you think we could stay right here for the rest of our lives, and just pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist?”

  His eyes gleamed dangerously. “I’d amend being stuck in this cavern, to a room in some luxurious hotel with a firm bed. And maybe a hot tub.”

  She grinned. “An entire night with you. Waking up beside you in the morning.” It sent a flutter of desire, reawakening the fire between her legs. “I like that idea.”

  He leaned in and kissed her, pulling away too quickly. She saw a flicker of apprehension dampen his dark gleam. “Melinda, will you promise me one thing?”

  His sudden seriousness got her worried. She nodded, her head a bit hazy.

  “Always be honest with me, even if you think it might hurt my feelings. I’ll try very very hard not to let it, it’s just, I don’t ever want to hurt you. And, well...”

  “You can tell me,” she urged.

  He shook his head. “I don’t want to keep bringing up the girl I was involved with, it seems so uncool. It’s just, she was never honest with me. I didn’t know until it was too late, but I don’t think I can go through something like that again. She hid things from me. Lied to me. And the truth is,” he stopped, breath hitched. “The truth is I’m falling for you, really hard. I can’t believe how hard. Or fast. I suddenly cannot imagine how I got through life without you in it. I can’t even believe I’m telling you this.”

  She smiled, almost giddy over his willingness to share this with her. She couldn’t help it
. Partly because she was feeling the same way. Her tongue twisted though, and the words she wanted to say would not formulate. So she leaned in and kissed him instead. Her meaning pouring out of each touch, press, nip and tug.

  His arm wrapped around her waist tightly, his fingers splaying and keeping her attached to him. Melinda broke their mouth apart and pulled her head back.

  “Riley, let’s just promise to be honest with each other.” She pushed out the words before she lost the courage to say them. Before her brain had time to process their meaning.

  He answered by rolling her onto her back and draping his body over her. Their eyes met. Stared. Took each other in.

  Her heart skipped a few beats. Time coming to a stop. Again.

  Her brain catching up to what she had just said to him. She had just promised to be honest with him.

  Why did I do that?



  I can’t have William.

  So that means you just pretend he doesn’t exist?

  Not fair! Her thoughts battled.

  And pretending you don’t have feelings for William is fair to the guy you just promised to be honest with? Who just admitted he needed honesty. Who opened himself up enough to tell you what he needed.

  What’s the point of telling Riley about a vampire I can’t have?

  Okay, so what about being a witch?

  I can’t tell him that yet either.

  I think he can handle it. I really do.

  But what if he can’t?

  Why did you promise to be honest? You’re an idiot! A heartless frigging idiot.

  Shit. Why did I promise him?

  Because it’s what he wanted to hear.

  That’s the first honest thing you’ve said.

  Stupid brain. Just shut up!

  Hello! This isn’t your brain talking, it’s your conscious!

  No, it’s all hormones.

  If Riley could hear this argument, he’d run away and never come back again!

  Why don’t you just try to be honest with him? Open up a little. It might turn out okay. It might turn out great. You’re going to have to be honest and open up at some point.

  Instead, she grabbed hold of Riley’s lips with her own, before he could sense or question the silent struggle raging in her brain. Jolts awakened every nerve, crawling along her skin leaving behind a trail of yearning and urgency.

  He pulled away, out of breath. His voice seductive. “Can I touch you again, Melinda? It’s much too fun for me.”

  “Me too,” she told him. See. I can be honest.

  Only because it’s an easy thing to say yes to. There’s no lingering consequence other than instant gratification. And so what? You like being felt up! That’s a real big honest reveal, dumbass!

  Riley’s hand dove underneath her dress.

  Melinda shuddered underneath him. The silent battle dissolving into a buzz surging through her.

  No, wait, it wasn’t her.

  A cross look whipped across her face. Her phone was buzzing, vibrating against the ground nearby. Her heart sank. Somehow, the way this buzz zinged into her brain, her day was about to be ruined.

  She tried to ignore the phone, but it refused to stop buzzing.

  Riley stole his hand away from her hot and ready center, reached into her sweater pocket and grabbed the phone for her, holding it up to her ear, all without losing contact with her brooding eyes.

  “Hello,” she grumbled into the speaker.

  “MELINDA. WHERE ARE you? It’s Michael. Do you know where Charlie is? I can't reach him.” His panicked voice forced Melinda out of her love stupor. She sighed, pushing Riley up. He helped her sit up and then to her feet.

  “Sorry,” she whispered to him. “My brother... just give me a minute.” She collected her head and walked out of the cavern.

  Riley rolled over onto his back, closing his eyes.

  “Michael, what's wrong? And no, I have no idea where Charlie is. He was at home when I left a few hours ago.”

  “He's not answering his phone. But, well, there's a bit of a problem.”

  “What do you mean? I thought you were having lunch with Mr. Jordan.”

  “Yes. We did meet up with him, but then something happened.”

  Melinda heard what she thought was Emily's voice in the background.

  “Spit it out already, Michael. I don’t have a lot of time.”

  Michael groaned and explained. “Emily sort of got turned into a mermaid and if I can't turn her back before sunset, she'll be a mermaid forever.”

  “Um. What?” Melinda blurted back, unsure she had heard Michael correctly.

  Riley noted her change of tone and sat up. Melinda sucked her lip anxiously, hoping she could manage this conversation without having to explain anything bizarre that might send Riley running away from her.

  See. If you’d just told him what you are, wouldn’t this be easier?

  Oh shut the hell up! She let out a frustrated groan.

  “You okay, Sis?” Michael waited for her reply.

  “Yes. Sorry. How the heck did Emily... did this happen?” It was hard to talk freely with Riley so close by.

  “I'll explain later. I’m going to need your help though, because remember those bloodsuckers we told you about? Well, they're attacking mermaids now, which means they must be getting desperate to find food.”

  “That means they'll be attacking people next,” Melinda mumbled.

  Damn it. How will I explain this to Riley?

  No time for that! I’ll just have to ditch him.

  “You tell Mack yet, Michael?”

  “She's on it. Gonna try to clear the beaches. Don't ask me how, no idea! Listen, I just got off the line with William. He's going to try to help Mack. If you could help them too, I can focus on Emily.”

  “Yeah. Okay. Where's William?” Melinda stepped away from the cavern. Riley didn’t follow, giving her the space she obviously needed.

  “Mack’s house.”

  “Okay. Keep me posted, Michael. And if you need any help over your way, just holler, okay? I'll be there as fast as I can. I'll even make William super-speed me there if I have to,” she stated in a hushed whisper.

  “Thanks Melinda. I think we'll be okay. I've got Mr. Jordan helping me here. Just stay safe and try to keep anyone else from getting hurt.” He paused before hanging up. “Be careful, okay Sis?”

  “Of course. You too.”

  He still didn’t hang up.

  “What is it, Michael?”

  He let out a disbelieving sigh.

  “You’re not going to lose Emily,” she insisted as loudly as she dare.

  “Are you sure you’re not empathic?”

  “No, definitely not. I just know you.”

  “Emily’s everything to me, and I’ve lost her almost three times this week. It’s like since I decided to stay on the Isle she’s suddenly a target for everything evil, or that can go wrong.”

  Melinda let out a burst of air, glancing at Riley. Is this what would happen to him as well? He would suddenly become an easy target because of who and what she was?

  I really need to be honest with him.

  Now is not the time, and you don’t have the time!

  You’re very good at coming up with excuses Melinda Howard.

  See, there’s that honesty peeking out again, her thoughts berated.

  “Just, get on it, Michael,” she ordered sharply, trying to keep her words to him vague. “Can’t solve anything over the phone.”

  “You’re right. I'll be in touch. Bye.”

  He hung up. She turned back to Riley. Just like at the quarry she was going to need to scurry away. What excuse did she use this time?

  You wouldn’t need an excuse if you’d just tell him you’re a witch.

  It’s not an easy, or quick, conversation! And I don’t know him well enough yet to tell if he’ll be okay with it.

  Oh, but you know him well enough to sleep with him? And let his fin
gers explore your insides!

  Oh. My. God. Shut. Up.

  She looked to see Riley on his feet and staring at her. There it is. That look. He’s realizing what a freak I am. What kind of mistake he’s making.

  “Everything is not okay, is it?” he said, without asking her first if everything was okay.

  “Still with the perception,” she muttered, letting out a cleansing exhale.

  “Nothing much to perceive really. You're clearly distraught now.”

  “I am... it’s just...” What did she tell him?

  “What can I do, Melinda?” His eyes pinched together, concern leaking out of his molasses gaze.

  Tell me you don’t think I’m a freak. Aloud, she told him, “I need to go. I’m sorry. It’s a family slash work thing. I could use a ride back into town.”

  “Of course. Just tell me where.”

  “Don't suppose you happen to know where the local sheriff lives?” she asked, wrinkling her nose as she spoke.

  “I can't say that I do. Are you related to the sheriff?” He stepped into the cavern and shook the sand off the blanket, shoving it back inside the picnic basket.

  “Oh. No. Not related. But she's an old family friend. I sort of work for her now and then.”

  “So you don't work at that bookstore I dropped you off at before?”

  There’s those pesky questions she didn’t want to clarify the answers to. “Just that day.” Before he could question her further, she explained, “I’m more of a freelance kind of gal. Work here. Work there. Wherever my talents are needed.”

  She could practically see his brain spinning with questions. She grabbed the picnic basket and threw it onto the bike.

  Way to be vague Melinda.

  You’re ruining this relationship before it’s even started.

  Maybe it really is you? Maybe Jerkwad wasn’t really a jerk? Maybe those other guys you dated just gave up on you?

  I just need more time. And Jerkwad was a total asshat! The other guys, yeah, I might have pushed them away.

  Guys won’t wait around forever. You have to open up. And I’m not talking about your legs, damn it!

  Riley strapped the basket down to the motorcycle. He had that sneaking suspicion again, that she was having more than one conversation at a time. An inner one with herself, and another with him.


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