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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

Page 32

by Ruby Raine

  “Sorry I have to interrupt our day again.” She sighed in annoyed vexation.

  He leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose, followed by her pouty lips. He pulled away with a smirk. “You really don’t want to leave, do you?”

  “No. But I do have to.” Melinda avoided his eyes. She didn’t want him to catch the inner struggle playing itself out in her mind.

  “Well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little unsatisfied with leaving so soon. But there’s plenty more days, and nights, for me to spend touching you.”

  She let out a start. First, that he was still talking like he wanted to keep seeing her, and second...

  Second? Second what? All thought and reason flew away. All she could picture was his fingers burying themselves inside her again.

  Riley nibbled on her ear. “I was planning a much different ending to our day.”

  “You are such a tease.” Her eyes flew open. She couldn’t believe she’d just said that.

  “Me? If you could see you right now. You’re lucky I don’t drag you back inside the cavern and...” She put her hand over his mouth, a dazzling smile breaking underneath her fingers. He nipped playfully.

  Melinda shook her head. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “I just don’t want you to stop thinking about me.”

  “That’s an impossibility.”

  “Then my job is done, for now.”

  Melinda refused to reply, afraid her only response would be to drag him back into the cavern and forget completely about her duties. She refused to listen to the argument ensuing in her brain, shutting it down, instead, letting out a huff as she straddled the motorcycle. She tucked her short summer dress under her butt so it wouldn’t blow up in the wind.

  Riley got on and reached back, letting his hand run down her outer thigh. Pleased by her frustrated moan, he let go, let out a low chuckle and kicked the engine to life, taking them back towards town.

  Melinda toyed with reaching around him and sliding her hands precariously low, but changed her mind when she realized she’d prefer to reach her destination alive and in once piece.

  She shouted directions over his shoulder, having him pull to a stop a few houses from the sheriff's, preferring to keep him a secret from Mack and William. She figured she needed to tell William she was seeing someone before just showing up with him at her side. Especially after their intimate moment, and awkward conversation earlier that day. How would she tell him though? Ugh. Let’s not think about that yet.

  Riley got off the bike, grabbing her waist, helping her off and onto the sidewalk. “So can I see you tonight?” His hands slid around her backside, pulling her in.

  “Um, let me think about it. Okay. Yes.”

  He grinned. “And you promise not to stop thinking about me?” He didn’t let her answer, leaning in and occupying her mouth.

  When he pulled away, she grumbled her reply.

  Riley grinned. “That’s the answer I was looking for.”

  Melinda had no idea how she was going to concentrate on her job. She wanted his hands running all over her body, and hers all over his. A replay of everything they’d already done with the addition of a few new things.

  A shudder pulsed through her body as Riley straddled the motorcycle.

  It was going to be a painfully long and achy afternoon. She wished she’d had time to go home and change. Her panties were soaked. This short dress was totally the wrong outfit to work in. But when she breathed in, it was almost like having Riley close. His smell was all over the dress. All over her. He smelled like he looked. Molasses. A hint of brown sugar. And spice. And she wanted to bathe in all his gooey stickiness.

  “God, Melinda. You’re making it so very hard to leave.” His eyes warned how close he was to stealing her away. She was tempted to let him. Her body was a lust filled open book, begging him to take her.

  “How about I pick you up at eight, at the Wicked Muddy Cafe? We’ll take an evening ride, catch the sunset.” Riley tossed her a crooked grin.

  She nodded her answer, afraid if she spoke her voice would sound awkward and broken. He leaned over and gently kissed her forehead, his mouth sweeping down to her ear.

  “Plan on getting home very late tonight.” He shook his head. “Strike that. Don’t plan on making it home at all. Or getting any sleep.”

  Melinda blew out a simpering exhale, her brain a flurry of befuddled giddiness. Her body a boiling kettle ready to blow. “You claim not to have much experience,” she argued hotly.

  “It’s all you. I have no idea where any of this is coming from. You make me want to do, and say, the wildest things.”

  Why can’t we just do those wild things now? her inner voice whined.

  Oh my God, listen to yourself and get a freaking grip!

  Riley eyed her. “I so want to know what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours.”

  “If you knew, you would not be driving off on that machine alone.” It was her turn to toss a little tension in his direction. This time, he had no reply. “Just wanted to make sure you didn’t stop thinking about me this afternoon, either,” she teased, feeling bolder.

  His helmet slid down over his head, hiding the crimson in his cheeks. “Forgetting about my blue eyed beauty queen is not possible. Especially the way you squirm when my fingers are buried inside you.”

  She sucked in and held her breath.

  My blue eyed beauty queen.

  She wasn’t going to win this battle. And she liked the way he called her his. It was possessive, and yet charming. She liked the idea of belonging to someone. That he wanted her like that. Is this all it was though? Was she only reacting to him so much because of the way he treated her, and made her feel? It had to be more than that.

  Her finger traced a seam on the leather seat of his motorcycle, wishing she could skip her duties and drive away with him.

  Have to go. Work to do.

  He chuckled. “Until tonight, my beauty queen.”

  She turned to go to Mack’s house, breath still held.

  “Oh, hey,” Riley called out. She spun around. “Don't forget, you promised me you’d eat something.”

  Eat? How the hell was she supposed to eat with all this untapped energy surging through her? But she nodded absentmindedly, watching her motorcycle man drive out of sight. Out of her life until tonight.

  She wished time would fly right through the afternoon and run directly into eight o’clock. Worked up level was acceding the boiling point, heading toward Mount Vesuvius!

  How is it that she’d had more action in the last twenty-four hours than all combined in her twenty-one and a half years, and yet felt more unsatisfied and needy than ever?

  She shook herself back into the moment.

  Job to do.




  Where is Charlie?

  Need to help Mack.

  And Michael.

  Melinda scurried down the sidewalk and stormed up the stairs onto Mack's cottage porch. So out of her mind, she did not see William Wakefield’s statuesque frame filling the open door, awaiting her arrival.

  Her eyes met his, and she froze.

  His emerald greens stared back with an intensity she understood instantly.

  Her breath caught in her lungs, unable to escape.

  Blood sank to her feet, dragging her heart with it.

  Everything cracked inside of her.

  If William had possessed a living heart, she was positive it had just died, shriveled, and turned to dust.

  Her arms slid around her center, nausea nearly doubling her over.

  Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Why hadn’t she been more careful and had Riley stop further away? Hell, she should have gone home and taken a freaking shower. William’s sense of smell was just as keen as his hearing. He smelled another man on her.

  Guilty. That was the only look she could muster.

  Oh my God! He heard everything Riley just said to me. />
  Everything I just said... she inhaled, unable to get enough air. Nothing wanted to function properly. She bit her lip, hard, to keep from crumbling into pieces.

  They stood there, neither saying a word for a good long time.

  Why hadn’t she just told him this morning? All this could have been avoided if she’d just been daring enough to tell him she’d met someone.

  Her and her avoidance of awkward conversations needed to come to an end!

  But they are so hard...

  And this isn’t much, much harder? And far more cruel. Her inner voice chastised harshly.

  This was entirely her fault, for not being open and honest with William. Why did she always need to avoid confrontation and run away from anything serious? The outcome was never a better outcome. So why did she keep doing it? And now she was setting herself up to do the same thing to Riley.

  Her eyes cried out a hundred emotions, none of which made up for the anguish currently etched in William’s tight gaze. The emerald green she loved so much looked dampened. Darkened. Displeased.

  With her? With himself? She had no idea.

  He’d told her nothing could ever happen between them.

  No, that wasn’t what he said. I cannot... He said he could not. He never said he did not want to. Why was it only now, that she heard what he did not say?

  She never thought for a moment that William actually returned any of her feelings. Yes, he had vanished after kissing her hand. But she still didn’t think... and therein lies your problem! You don’t think Melinda Howard!

  How dumb could she be?

  She’d shattered him. The unbreakable vampire, crushed by her complete lack of sight.

  Ha! Funny, her messed up brain shouted at her sardonically. What good are my dreams if they can’t help me with any of this? Using her dreams as an excuse was beyond pathetic.

  William’s face went blank, his usual emotionless expression returning. He stepped aside, motioning for her to come in. “We are making plans to combat the leeches,” he explained, his voice low, but even.

  “Okay,” she stammered, stepping through. She had to look away from him, unable to face him. Her throat felt heavy and burdened by the effort of speaking. “William...” she had no clue what to say. Anything she said would come out wrong.

  He said nothing. Melinda forced herself to look at him. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. His silence killed her. Sliced her down the middle.

  She heard Mack talking on her phone at the back of the house, in the kitchen. She hustled to join her there. The sheriff waved and motioned for Melinda to help herself to anything she needed while she chatted away.

  “Ya heard me right!” Mack bellowed into the phone. “Attackin’ sea lions! Like it or not, we need to clear the beaches on the northern shores. Better safe than sorry, don't ya think?”

  Melinda lifted her eyebrow in disbelief as Mack worked her magic. Attacking sea lions, this is what we’ve been reduced to for excuses now? She spotted an open box of donuts sitting on the counter. She’d promised Riley she would eat something, but she wasn’t sure she could. A pit had opened, and she didn’t think sugar would fill it, or fix it.

  Mack continued her tirade over the phone and Melinda couldn’t help but grin, albeit a tight grin, while listening to her smooth talking whoever she was speaking with, into the idea of attacking sea lions on the beaches of The Demon Isle.

  Melinda caught William’s gaze. His look was kind, understanding. An unspoken apology for his reaction. A bit of the tension released, but the pit remained. She shoved a bite of donut into her mouth to keep herself from crying.

  He might be okay now, but she’d hurt him. Which meant only one thing: he really did have feelings for her, even if he did not, could not, or would not, admit it.

  She shoved another bite of donut into her mouth. It tasted terrible. Like sawdust. She couldn’t eat another bite. That’s a first! Can’t finish a donut. You really are messed up.

  She hopped up onto the kitchen counter and poured a coffee, sipping the steamy contents of her warmed mug. It helped the ache, just a little.

  Mack hung up her house phone, her cell phone going off a second later. “Some days!” She rolled her eyes, answering, “Hello!” There was silence as Mack listened to the other line. “Odd lookin’ sea lion, you say. Attackin’ eh. Okay, secure the area, I'll be there in a jiff!”

  William must have heard what was reported, as he dashed away, already heading to the scene. Melinda felt a twinge of relief that he was gone. Did he need some space as much as she did? She needed time to gather herself.

  Mack disconnected her call.

  “Those dang bloodsuckers have left the water. Just attacked a fisherman. He wasn't seriously hurt, thank goodness. And the only good thing I can say is at least those things resemble sea lions. Attack of the sea lions! Ha! Never thought I'd see the day I had to use that one.”

  Melinda laughed, but it came out in an uneasy shake. She didn't know how Mack kept her sense of humor living in this crazy town.

  The sheriff narrowed her eyes. “You okay, Sweetie?”

  Melinda wasn’t sure how to answer that question. She didn’t want to talk about it as she was still trying to process it all. And if she did spill, she’d just bawl her eyes out.

  “I’m fine, Mack. Just feeling a little...” She let out a frustrated groan. “Guy problems.”

  “Guys. I see. Well...” Mack rubbed her chin in thought. “I’m afraid relationships are not my cup of tea. Hence my lack thereof, and the reason I avoid tea and drink a lot of coffee.”

  Melinda bit her lip and let out a nervous laugh. “It’s okay, Mack. It’s just, no matter what I do, I’m going to hurt someone I care about.” She hoped if that someone was William, her actions wouldn’t put a permanent wedge between them. She needed William in her life.

  The sheriff smirked. “One of those type situations. I feel for ya, Melinda. I really do.”

  Melinda shrugged half-heartedly, sliding down off the counter, changing the subject. “I'm wagering William has already arrived at the scene. We should probably get going.”

  “Don't know what the Isle would do without that man! I wish I had an army of vampires just like him.”

  “If we had an army of Williams, we might actually get to take vacations, off the Isle,” Melinda jested.

  “Imagine that... vacations,” Mack’s mind wandered, as if debating how to actually find herself an army of Williams.

  “Or, we could just get our kicks killing some bloodsuckers.” Melinda’s gaze turned humorously lethal.

  Mack laughed and motioned for them to head to her police vehicle.

  She turned on the siren and they raced to the scene of the attack.

  CHARLIE FOLLOWED THE two merladies through his yard, into the woods and onto a trail, which came out just down the street from his home. He laughed in secret. If he had realized where they were taking him, he would have just brought them through the front yard and to the street.

  The girls were easily sidetracked as they sauntered through the town. More than once, Charlie had to stop the girls from accosting female tourists wearing shiny jewelry that the girls wanted to look at, and touch. They also turned many heads, as it wasn't often that blue-haired, barefooted ladies walked down the streets, even on The Demon Isle.

  “Remember, you are taking me to save your sister,” Charlie chided lightheartedly, after apologizing to a third woman the merladies had accosted. She’d worn exuberantly colored, oversized earrings that they would have surely pulled out of the woman's ears if Charlie had not intervened.

  “Yes. Sister,” one said.

  “Sorry,” spoke the other.

  “Yes. Sorry. So many shiny things.”

  “This way, Charlie, who is Howard.”

  One of the merladies took hold of his hand, pulling him forward.

  “Not far now.”

  They hurried along, taking a side street, which came out on the backside o
f several shops. They scurried in between garbage cans and parked cars, hopping onto a trail that shortly came out to the shore. The path veered suddenly, now following alongside the water's edge. Soon, the merladies led Charlie off the pathway and onto a small stony beach.

  “Not far. Not far,” one of the sisters repeated. The path was narrow, forcing them to walk single file. The sisters were cautious not to touch the salty water, to keep their human feet from turning into flippers.

  Charlie stepped cautiously, following as they worked their way around a jagged, rocky corner. He was surprised when they rounded the corner that there was a cave entrance.

  “This is where we change,” one of them revealed. She spoke as if this had been a long held secret.

  “When we come to land,” the other finished.

  It’s the perfect hiding spot for a mermaid to dry out, Charlie thought.

  They had to duck to enter, but once inside, there was plenty of space to stand up straight. Once in, Charlie saw the trapped sister instantly.

  “Sisters,” she cried out.

  “We are here.”

  “Yes, we found Howard.”

  “You really got yourself into quite a mess,” Charlie noted as he took a closer look.

  “Yes. Mess. Hurts.”

  “Don't worry. I'm going to get you out of here.” He flashed a bright smile and winked, which seemed to calm the trapped merlady.

  Charlie knelt down trying to figure out where to begin. The merlady was completely ensnared by an old fishing net, which kept her unable to walk or swim. Charlie took out a pocketknife and painstakingly cut piece after piece of the net, slowly freeing her. After about twenty minutes, he finally cut the last line and she was free.

  The merlady leaned forward, planting a grateful kiss on Charlie’s lips. It only lasted a moment, but when she pulled away, he had to rub his lips together to stave off a tinge of numbness.

  “Thank you. Thought I was dead.”

  “You’re welcome.” Charlie stood up, assisting the merlady to her feet. She joined her sisters.

  “Would have died,” one of them spoke.


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