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Dark Rising Trilogy

Page 71

by DeAnna Browne

  “I think I found something.” She placed the book down in front of him.

  Darion put his book aside and looked up. “I’m only learning spells and ancient myths. I copied a couple that are worth saving, but nothing world changing. What do you have?”

  “I don’t think Lazaro opened the portal.”

  He tilted his head. “Explain.”

  “They never talk about him opening anything. And every time we ask people, they just brush off the question. What if the portal was never closed? What if you just needed a strong enough magician to draw out a demon on a full moon or whatever?”

  Frowning, Darion rubbed his face. “Maybe, but there are a lot of holes in that theory. Like someone built these ruins centuries ago, what happened to all the magicians? Their offspring would have more likely been magicians as well.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe the magicians from years ago died from a war or from demons.”

  “What about Lazaro helping other people gain power? How did he do that? From his standpoint, it would be easier to be the only one with power.”

  “It would.” She agreed with him. Then like a deflated balloon, she leaned back, her excitement running out. “The history starts with Lazaro standing in the midst of sacrificial stones with demons sitting on each one. Each demon gifted him with a power. Then once the demons were tied to Lazaro, magic flowed to all the Earth. The covenant between man and god was reestablished for all.” She shivered.

  “If demons are gods, then this world is really twisted,” Darion said.

  “It does reference another book here about the covenant.” Becca flipped the pages, looking for the name of the book, but the chapter jumped ahead. Someone tore pages out. Idiots.”

  “If they were protecting their secrets, they weren’t idiots.”

  “True,” Becca shot him a dirty look. “But I’d love a few minutes with them.”

  “Me too.” He stood and rummaged through another desk.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “More paper. I’d like to copy down more of these spells.” He found what he was looking for and returned to his big book. “I’ve never seen anything like these. Spells to manipulate demons’ powers, and the connections between demons and magicians. This is probably how Stewart got that small demon to cooperate. Though how Stewart could perform the magic is beyond me, unless he got a magician to do it for him. I’d like to come back with something useful.”

  “Agreed. Let’s take as much as we can. I’ll keep going too.” Becca’s book wasn’t too large, so she set it aside thinking she’d take it for a long term borrow. Stealing sounded so bad, but she figured the guys here had already spent years poring over the texts. The rest of the world deserved a turn.

  “We still have a few hours before dawn and Navina isn’t complaining.” Becca looked back to her table and found it empty. Her gut hardened as fear poured over her. “Darion, where the hell is Navina?”

  Chapter One Hundred Four

  Caleb had spent hours planning out this trip. After working with the others, he and Nikki decided to have the plane drop them off several miles from the border of the coven and leave right away. Timing was important in this war, and the sooner they secured Bates’ coven the better.

  Nikki left picking the team up to Caleb; he had worked with Leon’s team for months. They didn’t need a lot of men since they wouldn’t be muscling their way in. Instead Caleb chose Marcus and Alex, two men he had fought with before and trusted to guard their backs. They both had the strength, speed, and intelligence of true warriors, but Alex’s smart mouth and Marcus’s kind soul made them friends. The four of them packed their bags and supplies. He had one more thing to do before he left.

  He knocked on Elizabeth’s door. Brianna answered it.

  “I need to speak to Elizabeth.”

  The woman turned first to get Elizabeth’s approval.

  “Let him in,” Elizabeth’s voice called from within.

  He stepped in, surprised to find her still in her bed. Her dark sunken eyes and pale complexion didn’t look good. “Are you ill?”

  “I’m okay. Brianna is taking good care of me.”

  He stepped closer not as sure of Brianna’s ability. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m just spent after using my magic.”

  Anger burned in his gut. “You don’t have to use your power if you’re not feeling well. You need to take it easy.” He shot a glance at Brianna.

  The woman stood tall, meeting his anger and returning her own. “We don’t ask her. She volunteers, and I assist her however she needs.”

  “Then why let her push herself so much she can’t get out of bed?” He began to stand to address Brianne, but Elizabeth grabbed his hand.

  “Don’t.” Her pleading blue eyes made him stop. “Brianna is kind. I want to help as much as I can, please.”

  He sat down, clasping her hand in his. “I need you to take care of yourself while I’m gone.”

  She didn’t question his leaving. She had probably already seen it. “How can you expect me to take it easy, while you and everyone else is putting their life in danger?”

  She made a good point.

  “Just be careful. I can’t go knowing those I consider family won’t be here when I get back.” He squeezed her hand, cold and weak.

  “I’ll be here.”

  Brianna stepped up to the other side of the bed. “I’ll watch her with my life. She is valuable as a sister in magic.”

  “Thank you.” He turned back to Elizabeth, bent down and placed a light kiss on her forehead.

  “Be careful,” she said. “I haven’t seen what exactly will happen when you arrive in the West. If I see anything, I’ll let them know.”

  “I know you will. Take care of yourself.”

  “You too.” Elizabeth gave him a sweet smile before he turned and walked out the door.

  Less than an hour later, he found himself on a small plane with Alex, Marcus, and Nikki, wondering how someone his age could be leading a group to overthrow a major coven leader. How could the rebellion rest in the hands of this small group? He pushed aside his doubts and fear. He was ready to die that day he found his home burnt down, his parents inside. And remembering Elizabeth’s innocent smile, he couldn’t think of a worthier cause.

  Becca frantically looked around, holding the lantern high to illuminate the dark corners. “Navina, this isn’t a game.” Her gut told her this wasn’t a childhood game of hide and go seek, but she willed herself to not freak out yet. “Did she go to the bathroom?”

  “We would have heard her.” Darion hurried over to the desk and looked at her seat. Maybe he could see something Becca couldn’t? He bent under the desk, witchlight in his hand. “They dragged her away.”

  Fear stabbed her as she rushed to his side. There were two lines, presumably her feet, then nothing. They might have picked her up, but what about their footprints?

  “How could they take her mere feet away from us, and we not even hear it?” She whispered now, thinking others may be nearby, but panic cut a sharp edge to it. “We have to find her.”

  “We will. We’re not going back without her.”

  Setting down her lantern, she pulled out her two knives. She motioned with her head, not trusting words, and headed back into the hall. Someone will pay for laying a hand on that girl. And if they dare hurt her? Well, she could watch a demon eat their stomach.

  They crept into the hall, moving fast, but sticking to the sides of the walls. When they first entered this underground building, the hall way split to two branching halls. They passed the door and continued down the corridor. Voices mumbled up ahead. Fight, Navina. We’re on our way.

  As the voices grew louder, Becca started running, Darion beside her. They were almost sprinting, but the voices stayed just out of reach. Suddenly a doorway appeared on their right. Skittering to a halt, Becca realized the stone doorway was the same one they entered. She stepped out quickly just to double check. Damn.
  “Did we just go in a huge circle?” Looking back and forth, she searched for another way.

  “Let’s keep going. Sometimes magicians set up loops like this for security. If we’re slower, I can maybe sense a hidden doorway.” The witchlight cast shadows on the rage on his face, which mirrored the fury building inside her. The longer they had Navina, the more harm they could do.

  They didn’t move slow, but kept a steady pace feeling out with their magic. Sticking an arm out, Becca felt it first. Just like searching for consciousness, she pushed out her magic and felt them. Behind the rock wall, she could feel Navina’s mind along with several others.

  She pointed to the spot and let Darion try to break the spell. He stood in front of the wall, murmuring in Latin. Sweat beaded down his forehead. Placing a hand on his shoulder, Becca combined their magic, hoping to push the issue.

  She tried to grasp hold of the consciousnesses she felt earlier. They felt farther away, or maybe she was just low on magic. She could barely feel them anymore.

  Soon her legs began to tremble. “Darion, if we can’t stand once this is open, how are we going to rescue Navina?”

  They had to think of another idea. Horrible thoughts entered her mind. Images of what they could be doing to Navina, or how this would destroy her mother. No. Becca would stay and tear this ruin apart one brick at a time if she had too.

  Flames danced in Darion’s hands as if he was thinking of the same thing. “Let’s—”

  Before he could finish his sentence, something bright exploded. Becca flew back, slamming against the wall and darkness took her.

  Even though Elizabeth had spent the day in bed, her sleep was restless. Her dreams were fraught with Becca in a jungle somewhere and Darion screaming and fighting. The sense of unrest and worry bothered her. She woke once and tried to contact Becca, but her sister was silent, too silent.

  Forcing herself to go back to sleep, the dreams took over again. Elizabeth found herself in a city. Tall buildings lined the streets, but they all looked empty. Vacant cars littered along the street with no one to drive them. Was this one of the dead cities? Cities built from before when people crowded into one place, with tall buildings housing hundreds, with a variety of cars and things of wonder.

  There was a small shop on the corner with a light on. Approaching the shop, she noticed a man sitting at a small table drinking something.

  For some reason, Elizabeth was drawn to this man, who sat all alone. Deep inside, she knew he was dangerous. Fear gnawed at her, but she continued forward. As she opened the door, a small bell chimed.

  Smiling, he lifted his gaze. “Welcome.”

  Was this a dream or the future? Lately they intertwined. Either way, her heart pounded so hard against her ribcage that surely he could hear it. “Who are you?”

  “The one your people hunt, Lazaro.”

  Having the chair pulled out, she stalled for a moment.

  “Please sit, Elizabeth, I won’t hurt you.” With a spin of his wrist another cup of dark liquid appeared in front of him.

  She sat down but avoided the cup. “What are you doing?”

  “What I always do, protecting humanity from itself.”

  She started to reply, but he leaned forward, cutting her off with his dark gaze.

  “Let’s not waste time. Your people will fail and be destroyed in such a fashion that will warn generations yet to come. I don’t want to hurt you. I will come for you, but I mean you no harm. Trust me.”

  He moved his hand towards her own, but she pulled back, placing her hands in her lap. Everyone wanted her. Her uncle, Lazaro, even the sister coven. Being used like a tool was something she’d never allow again. Her glance traveled outside the window to the tall building across the street.

  She couldn’t remember when the dream went from sunny to overcast, but she finally returned his gaze. “You are the king of empty buildings and decaying piles of bones. I will jump off that building before I work for you.”

  “That is a shame.” In a blink of an eye, he reached out for her neck and squeezed. “Willing is a lot easier, but don’t think for a moment you’ll escape me. The only safety you’ll ever find is in death.”

  Her scream woke her from the nightmare. Brianna was soon at her side, but the screams didn’t stop. Elizabeth tore at her throat, trying to rip apart those heavy hands. By the time her screams softened to painful jagged breaths, more people had arrived.

  Soon Brianna was in front of her, both hands on the sides Elizabeth’s face. “Focus. You’re here with me. Remember your room and the gardens. No one will hurt you here.”

  Candles gave eerie shadows to the room as it was still dark outside.

  “He will.” Hot tears splattered on her cheeks. “I’m only safe if I’m dead.”

  “Who will?” Someone else asked nearby.

  Elizabeth turned to find Scarlett standing in the shadows, who prompted her again. “Who did you see?”

  “Lazaro. I met Lazaro.”

  Chapter One Hundred Five

  The plane landed in an empty dirt field. Caleb appreciated the thick forest and dark green solitude of the country. There were only ghost towns that surrounded them, and mother nature. Scarlett’s pilot stayed behind with the plane while the others hiked out.

  They found a small town three miles to the north. They searched for a vehicle with four wheel drive to save them from a two-day hike. It took some convincing and more coin than Caleb wanted to part with, but a farmer gave them two all-terrain vehicles.

  The rough ride through old roads was dark and quiet. They had done all their talking, planning, and some arguing on the plane. The others had not trusted Caleb’s plan at first, until they realized they didn’t have many options. Sometimes the least expected plan was the best.

  After several hours they arrived at town, the one Bates’ coven controlled. It had suffered through the years, some buildings reclaimed by the wild forest around them. There was a decent population though, working what businesses and factories they could. They parked their vehicles and strolled to a greasy joint.

  “Burgers and beers.” Caleb tossed money on the counter.

  The man behind the counter stared at Caleb. Probably at the dark eyes that Nikki had given Caleb on the plane. The eyes of a Soultorn.

  Finally, the man nodded and took the money.

  It had been Caleb’s idea. A witch, even one that powerful, wouldn’t be traveling by herself. She would be better received with a Soultorn and two security guards by her side.

  Despite her reluctance, Nikki played her part as well. When the food arrived, she didn’t lift a finger. Between the three guys they carried her food and helped her into her chair.

  Sitting down, he could see Nikki’s annoyance. “Do you think they will really buy this?” She tipped back her drink and wiped her mouth.

  “It’s not like they’ll lay out a red carpet either way,” Alex said before biting into his burger.

  “True,” Caleb said. “But people have been watching us since we arrived. If Bates is as paranoid as they say, he’ll want to meet her.”

  “Eyes at three o’clock.” Alex raised his drink in acknowledgement to the men at the counter, then took a swig of beer.

  As they finished their meal and stood to leave a Soultorn approached. The demon was housed in a man’s body, tall and athletic—a great fighter, Caleb assumed. The worst thing about fighting a Soultorn was they didn’t care if they lost a limb or an eye. They took dirty fighting to a new level.

  The Soultorn, with pitch-black hair that matched his eyes, stopped in front of Nikki. “You’ve entered the city unauthorized. You will need to register.”

  Caleb stood close by Nikki while Alex and Marcus took up their positions.

  Nikki glared at the Soultorn, like a bug scurrying across the road. “Says who?”

  “The coven leader of this town, William Bates.”

  “Huh. How about a little meeting then?” Nikki asked.

  “You will
meet with the registrar.” The Soultorn didn’t back down. “Or I will get to kill you. I bet your organs taste as good as you smell.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and Caleb remained poised and ready to go.

  “Lead the way.” She waved the Soultorn forward.

  Exiting the restaurant, he turned down the road. They kept pace with him. They knew getting an audience with Bates wouldn’t be easy. How could it be, if he was willing to kill any strong magicians who flew into his space? But every step closer was a step in the right direction.

  They walked through town, people offering sideways glances before scurrying away. After several blocks, they turned into a small office tucked into a strip mall. The old stained carpet and dusty smell made his nose itch.

  A stern woman stood behind the desk and motioned to Nikki when she arrived. “Business?”

  “Personal.” Nikki played her part well with a sass that was unlike her. Life and death situations could motivate the actor in anyone.

  “You better make it not-so-personal or I’ll let Chuck here get real personal with you.” The woman motioned to the Soultorn.

  Without warning, Nikki threw a spell at the Soultorn behind her. His body slammed against the wall, rattling the sheet rock, then slid unceremoniously to the ground. So much for a low profile.

  “Since Chuck is out of the picture are you going to get ‘real personal with me’? I don’t take kindly to threats.”

  The woman’s eyes darkened. “Mr. Bates will kill you for that. Employees are expensive and take time to train properly.”

  “I’m bringing Mr. Bates something far more valuable than some low-level Soultorn or snotty old receptionist. So, I suggest you get on that phone and let Mr. Bates know someone is here to see him.” Nikki glared until the woman turned to make the call. Looking closely, Caleb could see Nikki’s chest heaving. That move cost her more than she would show.


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