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Dark Rising Trilogy

Page 72

by DeAnna Browne

  He turned to the unconscious demon to see he was still breathing. Caleb kept an eye on the Soultorn. It wouldn’t be too happy when it woke.

  It took a few minutes before the reinforcements showed up as a black car pulled up to the road. A Soultorn, obviously meant for security, drove the car. After he got out, he opened the back door.

  A man of Asian heritage stepped onto the sidewalk. While he was of average height and build, a power emanated from him, or maybe it was how he carried himself. Caleb wasn’t even a magician, and he could tell this man had to be high up in the coven, the type of man that dealt with problems. This was the man they had to convince, everything depended on it.

  As he entered the shop, the woman behind the counter bowed her head. “Welcome, Akio. This is the witch in question.”

  He turned that piercing gaze on Nikki. Caleb cringed and resisted the urge to step forward. If he drew attention to himself, they would see he wasn’t a Soultorn.

  Akio straightened his jacket. “Give me a good reason as to why I don’t put you in the coven’s harem? A weak level demon and you would work wonders for the men, I’m sure.”

  The old woman behind them mumbled some sort of agreement.

  Nikki wasn’t going to be intimidated so easily. “Because you would die, along with everyone else. And as the earth is about to swallow you up, you’ll wish you had listened.”

  He eyes narrowed, his strong jaw tightening. “What do you know?”

  “I know enough to talk directly to Mr. Bates. The covens are converging, and you’ll want to be on the right side of things.”

  “And we should listen to you? A weak magician who can’t even summon a real Soultorn.”

  “I’m not that weak.” Nikki stepped towards him.

  Caleb placed a hand on the hilt of the knife on his hip.

  They stood for a minute, both staring at each other.

  After a moment of uncomfortable silence, the man turned to Nikki’s companions. “Where do you get your information?”

  “Straight from the Mathison coven.” They decided earlier that Nikki would tell the truth, or as close to the truth as possible, in case they had someone like Becca who could delve inside minds. The closer to the truth the better the lie.

  “And Scarlett didn’t woo you to join her?”

  “I’m not big on slumber parties and pillow fights.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t care. You can come to the manor, not your boys.”

  “I’m not going anywhere without my security. I’m not stupid.”

  “You really think a few Mundanes can cause any harm?”

  Nikki shrugged, imitating the man’s previous shrug. “If they are not a threat, then it shouldn’t matter if they come.”

  Shooting her a dark look, he conceded with a small nod. He left his Soultorn behind due to lack of space. Obviously, he didn’t see the four of them as a threat.

  No one spoke during the ride. Nikki sat in the front as the three guys squeezed in the back. They drove for some time along winding paths through a forest. The clouds began to get heavier and a slight drizzle started down.

  Finally, Nikki turned to the man. “Why does Mr. Bates live so far from the city?”

  Akio sent her a dismissive look. “Not everyone wants to lie with the pigs.”

  They passed a small airstrip, and Caleb wondered if that was the one that Elizabeth saw in her vision. They began the ascent up the mountain littered by tall trees and lush countryside. After several miles, the path opened, and a large log cabin home appeared. It looked elegant and expensive like coven homes usually did. Magic, blood, and demons do pretty good work.

  They parked in the back and followed their escort to the home. He opened a door in the back that led down into a basement of some kind.

  As Akio opened the door, he pulled a gun from a shoulder holster. “After you.”

  Apprehension put Caleb on alert. Were they walking into a trap? Did they have a choice?

  Caleb went first, keeping Nikki close behind, followed by Alex and Marcus. Downstairs, there was a simple open room. Couches lined the walls and a TV sat in one corner. There were a few other doors as well.

  Akio motioned for them to sit. Smoothing out his suit, he remained standing near the door. His serious and quiet demeanor gave nothing away.

  Nikki sat down and crossed her legs. “Are we even going to talk to Mr. Bates?”



  Akio shrugged. “Sit, shut up and wait.”

  Since they didn’t have a lot of choice, they obeyed. Alex and Marcus sat on the edge of the sofa, their eyes on the gun. Caleb did the same, ready to go. Stuck in the basement with a wizard with a gun wasn’t how he hoped this would go. Caleb gave himself credit for looking at the bright side—they were alive. If Bates really wanted them dead, they would be in the backyard where cleanup was easier.

  Chapter One Hundred Six

  Becca woke to find herself sitting on a stone chair, the sky the dusty color of the sun setting. How long had she been here? Every inch of her body ached, including the constant throbbing going on inside her mind. It took effort to open her eyes. And when opened, she wished she would have kept them closed.

  In front of her loomed a large pyramid against the disappearing sun. It was one of the stone ruins they visited yesterday. Tall torches gave off light, and shadows danced around the ruins. In front of the pyramid, a small sacrificial altar stood. The same one described from when Lazaro first welcomed the demons to Earth.

  Turning her head, she found Darion about five feet away in the same position, hands tied behind his back and something chaining his hands to the chair. He moved slightly as if he was coming around as well. The last thing she remembered was… Navina! Becca yanked against her bindings and the metal bit against her wrists. Dammit, they had to find Navina.

  Use your magic. She tried to push her power outside herself, looking to reach Darion’s mind. About a foot in front of her, she hit a wall. Looking down, she realized a pentagram surrounded her. Her feet were also bound and chained.

  “Darion,” Becca called to him. “Darion!”

  He didn’t respond. Could he even hear her? It depended on the pentagram. Turning her head back towards the path, she noticed a large group of people gathering. Tonight was the full moon. Were Becca and Darion the sacrifice? They weren’t on the altar but that didn’t matter.

  Mumbling a constant stream of swear words, she fought the rising hysteria. “Darion!” she screamed again. The others approaching on the path didn’t flinch at her cries.

  What’s going on? Elizabeth spoke inside her mind.

  A sense of relief flooded Becca, until she realized the little Elizabeth could do for her.

  Becca? Her sister called for her again.

  I’m here. Things are not looking too good over here. I’m in a bit of a jam. Yes, that was an understatement, but she didn’t want to worry her sister more than necessary.

  Can I help?

  I can’t think of a way right now. Becca knew there was no way out of a pentagram. And if they choose to let her out, then she could think about her options. Breathing deep, the best thing she could do was remain calm.

  I can look at your future. Elizabeth offered. Maybe it can give you some insight. I have been practicing.

  Desperate, Becca agreed. If she could she the future, then she could prepare. That would be great.

  Okay, give me a second.

  Darion started to wake, and panic filled his eyes. She could watch him scream her name but couldn’t hear anything. Shaking her head, she mouthed the word ‘sorry’.

  Sorrow filled his gaze and broke her heart. They both knew how hopeless their situation was. In her hopes to destroy Lazaro, she may have killed those she loved. She didn’t know whether to pray that Navina was dead or alive. Which was worse at this point?

  Something moved in the edge of her vision and she turned. Her blood turned ice cold. No. Not this.

  In her
life, Becca had endured a lot of pain, trauma, and grief, but she didn’t think she could survive this. Two dark robed magicians held Navina between them and escorted her to the altar. A scream tore at Becca’s throat, watching Navina walk with an empty look in her eyes.

  Elizabeth. I need you! Please tell me this doesn’t happen. Tell me what I have to do.

  It took her sister a moment to reply. I can’t tell you anything.

  What? Hot tears burned Becca’s eyes. There had to be something she could do.

  It means while I have been doing better at seeing a people’s future, I can’t see yours. No matter what I tried. I’m sorry. What’s happening?

  Becca bit the inside of her lip, unsure of what to say. Elizabeth, this may be the last time we talk. Please tell Navina’s mom and Andre that I’m sorry. I thought we could help, but this is goodbye.

  Don’t say that. You fight to the end! Her sister’s voice was full of emotion.

  Biting back the tears, Becca said goodbye one more time. I love you. Always have and always will. She blocked the channel between her sister. Elizabeth didn’t need to hear or feel the torment that was about to take place, and if there was a chance of escape, Becca needed to focus.

  Glancing at Darion, his eyes were filled with rage. She could almost see smoke rising from him. I love you. She mouthed to him.

  He shook his head, not letting her say goodbye. Elizabeth and Darion were both right. Fight to the end. But in case she didn’t have time later, she wanted him to know it.

  The sun was now lost behind the trees and the crowd swelled around them. Ignoring the crowd, she focused on the magicians. Twenty or more entered the lawn in front of the large pyramid.

  Each carrying a small black bag, they scattered salt in a large circle around the altar. It moved down to encompass Darion, Becca and the other empty chairs as well. They were making a pentagram to hold in the demon when it appeared, she assumed.

  Becca vaguely wondered if Lazaro made one that fateful day, or was there some type of permanent encounter among the ruins that kept the demons in. Once the magicians finished their work, they split up and approached Darion and Becca.

  Becca knew better than to fight these men who were no better than demons themselves. It would take all she had to remain calm, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike out. She prayed to whatever god would hear for such an opportunity.

  The Holy Bishop broke Becca’s pentagram. “You are still locked inside a larger pentagram and chained to the chair. Please don’t make a scene or we will be forced to sedate you, like we had to with the child.”

  Her fingers dug into her palms at the idea of Navina fighting them all alone. She glared at the magician, wishing she had practiced more of the dark magic to kill this man with a single look. “You will die one day, and I only hope I wield the blade.”

  He smiled and walked away. Before he made it out of the circle, Becca pushed her magic towards him. She tried to force him to stop, but his shields were too strong. She couldn’t even budge him. Granted there were twenty of them, who lived next to a demon stronghold, it was a long shot. But one she had to try.

  “Becca,” Darion called her name.

  “Darion.” She pushed back the fear that had been eating at her. “Any chance you can loosen these chains?”

  “Maybe, but I’d have to heat the metal to such a degree without burning you.”

  “I don’t care. We can recover from burns.”

  He pulled on his legs, jerking the chain. “I’m working on my legs now. It’s going to take a minute to work through these.”

  “I don’t think we have a minute.” The lifeless form of Navina looked so small on the altar. “Navina!” She hoped to call the child to her.

  “She’s put out, and that might be best for the time being.”

  He was right. The metal began to warm against her wrists, and she pulled to weaken the metal. She hissed at the pain and heat but continued to work the metal.

  Not that they could get out of the larger pentagram, but if they could get to Navina, maybe they could protect her. Maybe save her. Or were they all doomed to die at the hands of demons?

  The metal began to bend at her ankles. With the protection of her boots, she could withstand the heat better. They both worked on their bindings while the priests began talking to the crowd. She wasn’t interested in the crap they were selling to those ignorant people, but she couldn’t help but hear part of it.

  “With three willing magicians, we have hopes in calling a stronger demon than we have in years past.” The crowd applauded.

  Another wizard soon began the incantation in Latin.

  As he finished, the crowd cheered with excitement. Sick bastards, they even called out demons’ names like they were a part of a fan club. A fan club that killed innocent people.

  “Finally.” Darion gave a cry of relief. “I got my legs free. Give me a few more moments.”

  The air shimmered above where Navina lay.

  “No!” Becca screamed and pulled on her chains. The hot metal bit into her wrists, but she ignored the pain. It couldn’t take Navina first. She pulled one hand free and continued yanking on the other.

  The demon materialized in the air. The creature took on the shape of part beast, part man with six arms and two legs that looked too muscular to be human. He had dark skin with no clothes besides random fur to cover his torso. His head was twice the size of a human, with two horns instead of hair.

  Not studying demons or lore, Becca had no clue who stood in front of her. The disgusting ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ of the crowd behind her told her it was powerful.

  The demon stalked towards Navina. Before Becca could strike out, a fire started in between the demon and Navina. Sparing a quick glance at Darion, she realized he was going to fight it. And she would help.

  The demon walked through the fire without flinching at all. He appeared beside the altar. “I do so enjoy live bait.” It closed its eyes and sniffed the air. “Especially dripping with magic.”

  It stalked towards Darion first. That was when Becca realized any curse or spell that she could send off, wouldn’t do a thing to this demon. Her powers lay in controlling the spirit and that’s what she would do.

  Pushing her magic towards the demon, she entered its mind, surprised how unguarded it was. Did they not feel threatened enough to guard themselves? She pushed a simple command towards him, one not too different from his own desires.

  Get the woman first. You want the woman. Forget about the others.

  Who dare enters my mind? The beast roared internally.

  Becca continued. If you’re going to take anyone, take the woman.

  The beast swiveled his head. Those dark eyes bore down into Becca’s soul.

  This was Becca’s strength though, and she pulled everything she had into her command. Take me.

  Eat others, take the girl. Master likes them young.

  No! Your master wants me. Leave the others and take me. Your master will be proud.

  The demon struggled for a moment; his numerous pairs of hands clenched. The muscles on his arms flexed. Becca kept repeating her command, not giving up. She would probably never be able to fully control this demon, but since her command was similar to his desire, she had a chance to coax him. Take one witch instead of another. Leave the others.

  As dark spots entered her vision and her will was about to crumble, he took a step forward. Then another. He didn’t seem to be fighting her command anymore and only appeared a bit confused, if that was possible for this massive creature.

  “You? What are you, witch, that you use the powers of old?”

  “Take me and you’ll find out.”

  Darion screamed to her left. “Don’t you dare!”

  Couldn’t Darion see this was her only choice? The demon wouldn’t go back empty-handed. And this gave Darion time to free Navina. A month before the next full moon.

  She turned to tell him so, when the demon’s massive hands grabbed her b
y the shoulders and the world dissolved around her.

  Chapter One Hundred Seven

  Sitting down in the dank basement, Caleb traced the edge of one of his small knives with his thumb. Nikki sat next to him, her foot tapping impatiently. Waiting could be frustrating, but any good hunter knew that timing was everything. As much as he cared for her, she wasn’t a hunter, but she played her part well and was willing to do anything for those she loved—even walk into a lion’s den like this.

  Unease settled into his bones. He didn’t like being surrounded by so much magic. It put Nikki in danger, and there was only so much Caleb could do to protect her. Even with Alex and Marcus, this one magician could probably take all three of them. So, they kept their heads down and continued to wait.

  Hours passed until another man came downstairs to relieve their babysitter. This man was older than Caleb, but not by much. He was maybe in his early thirties, but his body showed no sign of age or relaxation. He had to be over six feet, with wavy brown hair to his shoulders. Caleb wasn’t in a habit to check out men, but this one’s good looks stood out.

  “Hey, Akio. Dinner’s upstairs. Get it while the beer’s cold and the meat’s hot.”

  “Alright.” Akio kept his formal attitude, not even a wrinkle in his shirt.

  “See ya.” The man turned his gaze to his captives. Looking good or not, this wizard’s deathly gaze made Caleb stand up. He wasn’t here to just take over babysitting duties. “Sit down or I’ll make you.”

  Caleb didn’t realize they’d all stood up. He must have not been the only one who felt threatened. With a quick look between them, all four of them took their seats again.

  “So, I heard there were some rats down here wanting to talk to Bates.” He kept his hands in front of him as if tempted to strike out.

  “We’re not rats,” Caleb spit out before he could stop himself. He needed to control his temper if he was supposedly a Soultorn.


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