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The Practice

Page 15

by Grant C. Holland

  Thomas asked, “Are you happy still living here in Catlett’s Cove, Yale? Do you want to go somewhere else?”

  Yale knitted his fingers together. “I’m pretty happy. I could always use more money, but who couldn’t use that? I’m not convinced going somewhere with more people would be the solution to things that I want. I think there is plenty of opportunity for me right here. What about you, Thomas? Are you getting itchy about having come back?”

  “I was that way as soon as I drove past the town limits sign, Yale. I was excited about the practice, but I wasn’t convinced I could find everything I wanted here. There’s just so much…less…than in the city.”

  “Have you changed your mind?” asked Yale.

  “I’m starting to, yeah. If I can have Hadley.”

  Yale said, “Well, let me ask the most important question. If somebody else hasn’t asked it, then it’s the one you need to answer, Thomas.”

  Thomas reached down and let Molly lick his fingers. “What’s that question, Yale?”

  “Do you think you deserve to have it all, everything that you need, right here in Catlett’s Cove?”

  “I do,” said Thomas.

  “Then the rest is easy,” said Yale. “Just go out and get it. Put all the pieces together, Thomas. I’ll cheer you on, and I’ll make sure the rest of the Purple Pack does, too. Welcome home, buddy.” Yale grinned from ear to ear.

  Thomas said, “This is exactly the kind of pep talk that I needed. You know, I found some good friends in the city, but I never found anything like the Purple Pack.”

  “We’re one of a kind,” said Yale. He looked down to see Molly tugging lightly at the hem of his jeans. Yale reached down and patted her head saying, “You two wait here for just a moment. I’ve got something for Molly.”

  Thomas watched as Yale stood and disappeared into the rear of the store. He sighed heavily in relief. He was still gripped with fear that perhaps Hadley had already given up on him, but at least now he knew what he wanted to fight for. Thomas bent over, scooped Molly up, and placed her on his lap. He petted her for a few seconds and she squirmed so much that he placed her back down on the floor again.

  Yale came back carrying a dog biscuit. “Is she old enough that she can have one of these?”

  Thomas said, “Yes, of course she can. It will be good for her teeth, but she’ll probably leave crumbs all over your carpeting.”

  “That can be vacuumed up.”

  “Yale, why do you have dog biscuits at the bookstore?” asked Thomas.

  “I just remembered that. Derek booked an author coming in for a visit in a couple of weeks who wrote a dog training book. He’s excited about it, and customers are encouraged to bring their dogs to the book signing. Derek thought it would be good to have a supply of dog biscuits available. He bought five freaking boxes!”

  Thomas laughed. “That’s a lot of customers. Of course, if you have any left over, you can always just drop them off at the animal hospital. We always need treats for our clients.”

  While Molly happily gnawed at the treat and gradually ground it into crumbs and chunks that she lapped up from the floor, Thomas asked, “Speaking of Derek, how are things?”

  Yale smirked slightly. “Please don’t turn the questions on me. Life is…complicated…”



  The day after speaking with Aunt Mae and enjoying both dinner and an old movie together, Hadley went to work with a smile on his face. The day just seemed to breeze along. His eagle eye for perfection was back. Concentration was easy again.

  Hadley decided to stop by Thomas’ place after work and tell him both about his true feelings and about his conversation with Aunt Mae. If Hadley could have Thomas, he believed that he had no reason to hide anything about his life anymore.

  He joined his co-workers in the lunch room. They were on good behavior for a change. Hadley contributed directly to the conversation. He talked about the best fishing spots in town and the increasing number of touristy businesses in Catlett’s Cove. He didn’t want it to become just a tourist trap, but more visitors were good for the local economy.

  Late in the day, Hadley began tossing back and forth in his mind the specifics of stopping by Thomas’ place. He could just drop a text message and ask to stop by, but he worried that might make it too easy for Thomas to just say no and not listen to anything else he might have to stay. He wanted to hold close the idea that Thomas felt the same about him, but fears kept gnawing at the back of Hadley’s neck.

  Hadley’s final decision was that he would just walk across the street and knock on Thomas’ door. It was the most direct approach, and it would be difficult for Thomas to just turn him away without talking first. Hadley fantasized about the door opening, wrapping each other in hugs, kissing feverishly, and proclaiming their love for each other. The idea sent warm sensations coursing through his body.

  Hadley left the factory by five minutes after 5:00 p.m. He climbed into his truck and waited in the line of fellow employees leaving for the day. He turned up the 80s music on the radio and began to sing along.

  As he drove across town, Hadley thought about that day when he saw Lucky hit by a thoughtless truck driver. He believed that taking her to the animal hospital would be a simple act of kindness. It would be his good deed for the day, perhaps even qualifying as a good deed for the week. He didn’t count on seeing Thomas Randall when he walked through the door. He didn’t count on his life being changed forever.

  Hadley remembered that it was still chilly outside on that day. Now it was summer, and it was hot during the day. Hadley drove across town with the air conditioning pumping out cool air in the truck. Hadley looked forward to having Thomas to cuddle up next to once the cold weather began again.

  As he pulled into the driveway, Hadley noticed that Thomas was already home. Either he had a light day at work or he scheduled himself to leave early. Hadley hopped out of the truck and entered his own house. He checked in the living room for Aunt Mae.

  She was sitting in her chair solving a crossword puzzle while Singin’ In the Rain played on the TV. Aunt Mae smiled up at Hadley and said, “There will never be another Gene Kelly. He was one of a kind.”

  Hadley leaned down for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He said, “I’m going across the street to talk to Thomas.”

  She smiled. “Just be yourself, Hadley. That’s who he wants.”

  He bounced slightly on the balls of his feet. “Thank you Aunt Mae. I do hope you’re right.” Turning toward the door, Hadley told himself to just place one foot in front of the other for the trip across the street to Thomas’ carriage house apartment.

  Hadley climbed the steps to the kitchen door and knocked. He instantly heard the sound of toenails skittering across the kitchen floor and then the thud of at least one dog plastering itself against the door. He knocked twice more, and there was no human response from inside.

  After at first turning to walk away and slipping downward three steps on the staircase, a hint of worry caused the hair to prickle on the back of Hadley’s neck. What if there was something wrong? Thomas’ car was parked in the driveway. He should be home.

  Hadley climbed back to the door and reluctantly pulled the key from his pocket. He let himself in, and he was greeted enthusiastically by both Lucky and Molly. They wagged their tails and both searched for fingers to lick. Hadley rubbed behind their ears, and he knelt down letting each give him a doggie-style kiss on the cheek.

  Standing up, Hadley glanced quickly around the apartment, and he noticed a pile of boxes in the living room. They were cardboard boxes plastered with the name of a moving company on the side. Some also carried handwritten labels in black marker such as “Bedroom,” “Kitchen,” and “Closet.” Then Hadley realized he could hear the sound of water running in the bathroom shower.

  Confusion swept over Hadley. He looked again at the pile of boxes. Is Thomas planning on leaving town? He slowly traced the top edge of one of the boxes with a finger t
ip. A single tear began to well up in the corner of his eye, while Hadley slowly stumbled backward toward the kitchen.

  Lucky and Molly followed wagging their tails and pushing up against his legs. Hadley turned toward the kitchen door, pushing back against the dogs with his left leg. He pulled the door open and slipped out. Hadley could feel his world start to tilt, and he nearly stumbled as he ambled down the stairs. With a quick glance back at Thomas’ car, he propelled himself forward down the driveway.



  Thomas took the afternoon off from the practice and hauled in the final boxes from the trunk of his car. He also retrieved the still unopened containers from his living room closet. Putting away more items and consolidating the rest down into fewer boxes was a cathartic process. It helped him feel that the decision to stay in Catlett’s Cove was for real. Next in line would be dealing with the furniture and belongings he still had packed away in a storage unit in the city, but that could wait for a decision on a more permanent place of residence in Catlett’s Cove.

  After taking the dogs out and piling up the last of the empty boxes, Thomas stripped out of his sweaty T-Shirt and his jeans to take a shower. He hoped that Hadley would be home later in the evening, and they could get together to talk. Thomas had things that he needed to say, and the sooner the better.

  Thomas enjoyed the warm water as it cascaded down over his body. It helped the muscles of his tired shoulders and lower back unwind. Just as he finished rinsing his hair, Thomas heard frenetic barking in the apartment from Lucky and Molly. He thought perhaps it was a late package delivery, but they kept up the constant barking for longer than a package drop off would take.

  Thomas yanked the handle of the faucet to turn off the water, and then stepped out of the shower while wrapping a white towel around his waist. Clad only in the towel, he stepped out of the bathroom and called for Lucky and Molly. They only continued their barking and scraping of claws at the door.

  Checking at the living room window, Thomas looked out to try and determine the cause of the commotion, and he saw Hadley in the center of the driveway walking away. Hadley’s head was down, and Thomas could read the body language of his movements. Hadley was very unhappy.

  Ignoring the fact that he was nearly naked, Thomas pulled open the kitchen door and shouted, “Hadley!” After the first shout there was no response. Thomas called, “Hadley!” again. This time Hadley stopped and turned his head.

  Thomas waved his arm in a huge arc trying to gesture for Hadley to return. “Hadley! Come back!”

  He watched as Hadley stopped and looked up in the direction of the carriage house. After what felt like an agonizingly long wait, Hadley turned and slowly walked back in Thomas’ direction.

  Suddenly realizing he was standing outdoors in his neighborhood only wrapped in a towel, Thomas glanced around to see if there were others peering at him. In a deadpan voice, Hadley spoke from the bottom of the stairs, “You might want to consider putting some clothes on.”

  Thomas said, “I didn’t have time. Somebody already decided to leave instead of stick around.”

  Halfway up the stairs, Hadley said, “From the looks of your living room, you weren’t sticking around either.”

  Thomas shook his head no. He said, “You don’t understand. I finally just finished unpacking the car and the boxes I had stuffed in the closet. I’m all in, Hadley. I’m staying in Catlett’s Cove.”

  Hadley climbed one more step. “You’re staying? For good?”

  “For good.” Thomas tugged at the towel and made sure that it was tight enough that it wouldn’t come loose. “How could I leave? I love you. Now can we please go inside, before I show the neighborhood something that they shouldn’t see?”

  Hadley climbed another step. “Back up…and say that again. I talked to Aunt Mae, too.”

  Thomas said, “I love you. I got an offer to leave town for a different job. That much is true, but I have everything that I want and need right here in Catlett’s Cove, and the biggest part of that is you.”

  Hadley climbed the final step and threw his arms around Thomas with tears sparkling in the corners of his eyes. “I love you, too. I’m sorry. I was an ass, but hopefully we can get past that.” As he hugged Thomas tight, he could hear the dogs barking and scraping at the door.



  Hadley said, “Why don’t you get some clothes on, and then we can go over to my house. Aunt Mae knows now, so we can just cuddle up together on the couch and watch movies for the evening. We can even slip off up to my bedroom.”

  Thomas tugged at Hadley’s T-Shirt and opened the kitchen door behind him. He said, “I understand that Aunt Mae knows about us as a couple now, but do you really think she wants to hear what I have in mind for the man that I love?”

  Hadley stumbled forward and did his best to re-enter the apartment without letting Lucky and Molly escape. “You had something in mind?”

  Thomas reached his hand between their waists letting his towel drop to the floor and gripping Hadley’s package in his fist. “Yeah, I had something in mind that might be a little bit noisy for Aunt Mae.”

  Hadley leaned forward moaning, “Fuck…” and cut off the words with a kiss. He could feel Thomas’ cock stiff and pressing at his belly.

  Thomas pulled the T-Shirt off over Hadley’s head saying, “And you are still way too overdressed. You don’t get to do this fully dressed.”

  Reaching around behind, Hadley gave Thomas’ ass a swift swat. He whispered, “Yeah, Aunt Mae would have heard that.”

  Thomas tugged at Hadley’s zipper and opened the door to the bedroom. They slipped through the doorway and then shut the door tight keeping the dogs at bay. Thomas said, “And I think this might be a little bit too adult for the dogs.” He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of Hadley’s jeans and pushed them to the floor.”

  “Underwear, too?” asked Hadley.

  “Underwear, too,” confirmed Thomas. He took one step back to gaze at Hadley fully naked. He sighed and said, “It’s been way too fucking long.

  Hadley grinned and stepped forward gripping Thomas’ ass cheeks with each hand and pulling him in tight. He pressed their lips tight and then sucked at Thomas’ lower lip losing himself in the fiery surge of carnal energy.

  Together they tumbled on to the bed. Thomas fell on to his back and looked up at Hadley looming above. He whispered, “How could I ever leave town and leave you?”

  Hadley growled, “Now I won’t have to track you down and stalk you in the city.”

  They both laughed while Hadley buried his face in the side of Thomas’ neck and inhaled deeply. “Fuck, you smell so good…so clean and fresh out of the shower.” Hadley trailed kisses down the side of Thomas’ neck and over his collarbone and chest. He took a nipple into his mouth and bit down lightly. Thomas yelped while Hadley laughed and said, “I bet Aunt Mae wouldn’t want to hear that either.”

  Hadley slowly wrapped his fingers around Thomas’ thick, pulsing cock while he planted kisses down the trail in the center of Thomas’ abs. Thomas dug his fingers into the sheets of the bed scrunching them tight. He moaned breathlessly, “Now, I want it now.”

  “Patience” whispered Hadley as he kissed the head of Thomas’ cock.

  Thomas writhed on the bed. It had been so hard to find a lover that just naturally wanted to take control like Hadley. He learned everything so quickly. He knew the right buttons to push.

  Thomas was in control of so much in the course of his work day that he wanted nothing more than to give control in bed to an amazing man like Hadley. He arched his back and pushed his hips forward waiting to feel Hadley inside.

  Hadley reached down and stroked heir hard, thick cocks together. Thomas’ precum made both slippery. Thomas closed his eyes and moaned louder as the veins glided against each other in one slick, smooth motion. Thomas howled, “Fuck, Hadley…now…please.”

  Hadley straddled Thomas and pushed himself forward so that his co
ck rested in the middle of Thomas’ chest. He cupped it with his fingers and held it up asking, “Do you want this Thomas? Do you want this inside of you?”

  Thomas licked his lips and his eyes glinted with the fire of lust. He said, “Damn, don’t be such a tease…you know what I want.”

  Hadley reached for the nightstand and pulled out a condom packet, tearing it open with his teeth as he stared down into Thomas’ hungry eyes. Hadley asked, “Why don’t you help out?” and offered the condom to Thomas. He smiled down as Thomas’ broad chest rose and fell while he rolled the condom slowly down over Hadley’s hard cock.

  Seconds later, Hadley slipped past Thomas’ ring eliciting deep guttural moans. “Ready to scream?” whispered Hadley with a wicked smile on his face. “I hope they don’t hear you clear across the street.”

  Thomas let go and yelled out loud. Hadley smiled triumphantly and pounded even harder. Within minutes they both exploded in orgasms like a runaway train hurtling itself over a cliff. Hadley collapsed at Thomas’ side and pulled his sweat-soaked body up close. He whispered, “Damn, nothing ever like this in my life…ever.”

  Thomas pulled his arms up over his head still gasping for breath whispering, “You totally wreck me.”

  Hadley asked, “Does this mean we’re back together?”

  Thomas pounded on his own chest saying, “I don’t think in here we were ever apart.”

  Hadley grinned and kissed the side of Thomas’ neck. He said, “Aunt Mae is going to be very happy.”

  “Really? Why is that?” asked Thomas.

  “I think she’s got an old lady crush on you.”


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