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True as an Arrow

Page 4

by Sean Michael

  Hunter wrapped his arms around Kyle, tongue pushing the strawberry between Kyle’s lips. Kyle bit into it, juice spreading between their mouths. He lapped at Kyle’s lips, moaning at the sweet, the tart. Pushing closer again, Kyle rubbed against him, cock sliding on his belly, nudging his own heat. He moaned, scooted closer, legs wrapped around Kyle’s waist.

  “Want you, Hunter. Please.”

  “Anything.” He eased Kyle back, their cocks sliding alongside each other.

  “Want to feel you inside me.” Kyle reached down, wrapping his hand around Hunter’s erection and tugging.

  “Fuck, yes.” He bent to lick at Kyle’s hole, pulling the lean, lithe hips up to his mouth.

  “Oh, God!” Kyle bucked, ass pushing toward him.

  He knew that flavor, knew how much Kyle loved his tongue, so he didn’t hold back. He was going to bury himself in his lover, feel that tight heat surrounding him. Bucking, and crying out, Kyle made it clear just how good it was. The tight little hole squeezed down on his tongue over and over.

  He held out as long as he could, but his cock was full, aching. “I need, lover.”

  “God, yes, Hunter. Please. In me. Now.” Kyle’s heels drummed on his back.

  “Now.” He licked his palm, slicked his cock up. He wasn’t long, but he was thick enough that Kyle felt him, every time.

  “Yes. Now, now, now.” Kyle shifted, trying to help get him.

  Hunter scooted forward, his erection looking for that wrinkled ring of muscles, wanting in.

  Kyle groaned as he found it, the head of his cock resting there for a moment. “Oh, God. Please. Please.” Kyle was vibrating.

  “Uh-huh.” Hunter pushed and Kyle pushed and he pulled and that hole opened for him, his cock popping in.

  Kyle moaned and whimpered, hands clutching his shoulders. “Hunter.”

  “Kyle. Fuck, love you.” He pushed in deeper.

  “Yes. Yes, love.” Kyle agreed, but Hunter could see his eyes were glazing over as Kyle lost himself in the burn and pleasure of being stretched.

  Hunter focused on fucking—pushing in and out, driving into his lover. Kyle moaned and babbled, words sweet and dirty by turns. He heard what they meant, knew that Kyle was flying, and that was what mattered. The hands on his shoulders tightened, as did Kyle’s ass, like Kyle was trying to keep him deep inside every time he pulled out.

  “Love. Fuck. Oh, Jesus.” His head fell back and he pushed faster.

  “Harder, Hunter—I’m almost there.”

  “Harder.” He gritted his teeth and moved.

  “Oh, fuck!” Kyle grabbed his erection, tugging in time with Hunter’s thrusts. “Yes! Yes!”

  Wild. Kyle was fucking wild. Hunter bent to take a kiss, his hips slamming hard. All teeth and tongue and need, Kyle kissed him back. It wasn’t going to take long, not for either one of them. He could feel Kyle’s nails digging into his shoulders, leaving marks. He pushed harder, faster, so fucking close he couldn’t bear it.

  “Hunter!” Kyle screamed, ass clamping down around his cock.

  Hunter shot, his toes curling as he blew. Kyle stayed wrapped tight around him—arms, legs, body, and hole.

  “Love.” He blinked rapidly, fighting the urge to just crash.

  This lovely laugh came from Kyle. “Yeah. Really good, love.”

  “Mmmhmm.” He nodded, head on Kyle’s shoulder.

  “Welcome home, Hunter.” He could hear the smile in Kyle’s voice, the happiness.

  “Thanks, lover.”

  “No, thank you!”

  They both chuckled. Yeah. Thank them, both.

  Chapter Six

  Kyle washed up the dishes then put them away, sighing as he wandered through the apartment. He hated washing dishes for one—it always seemed so pathetic. Hunter was back on the road, and he was feeling at loose ends tonight. Again. Still. Whatever.

  The siren song of the computer called to him, and, after trying to read for a half hour with very little success, he turned it on and opened his browser.

  Logging onto ForMen, he typed in his nick, Sir T, and told himself he wasn’t secretly hoping that ‘Arrow’ would be on tonight.

  A bunch of the little subs that were always on greeted him, a few going so far as to PM him. He returned the greetings and sent whip flicks at the PMers, but his heart wasn’t really in it. He wanted to dominate Arrow again. There was just something about a reluctant sub that rocked his socks.

  He had starting doing this sort of thing in college, just idly playing, enjoying having some control. Now it was something to occupy him whenever Hunter was out of town. In all the years he’d done it, though, none had intrigued him the way Arrow had. Crazy, really, as the man was just a screen name, but his reactions excited Kyle more than any sub in recent memory.

  He opened another browser window, checking out the latest gear available at his favorite online bondage store, keeping half an eye on the ForMen chat window.

  His phone rang, surprising him. It was Hunter’s ring tone, happy and light.

  Kyle flipped it open. “Hey, handsome.”

  “Hey, lover.” Hunter sounded tired. Hunter always sounded tired on the road. “How was your day?”

  “Pretty good. I scored some great bargains on some big-ticket items for two of my best clients. How about yours?”

  “Long. Boring. I want to go on vacation.”

  “Yeah? Where?” He opened another window in his browser—they’d talked about an Alaskan cruise a while ago, but he wanted to hear what Hunter wanted to do first.

  “Somewhere queer friendly, somewhere warm. Somewhere with booze and soft beds and no cell phone access.”

  “Should this magical somewhere be floating?” He could so do that with Hunter. He hit the search engine for gay-friendly, warm destination cruises.

  “Works for me, Kyle. I just want to go for, like, two weeks.”

  “I’ll find us something. When do you want to go?” His own schedule was pretty flexible—he just let his clients know when he’d be out of pocket.

  “I’m coming home next week, then I have to work in the office for a couple of weeks. Then I can take a break.”

  “Okay, love. I’m checking sites now. I’ll find us something fabulous. I swear.”

  “You are my hero.” It didn’t even sound like Hunter was putting him on.

  He chuckled, pleased from his head to his toes. “It’s what I do—why shouldn’t we benefit from it?”

  “Man, I don’t even know exactly where I am. The hotel I was booked in had some electrical thing and the company put me up in some corporate apartment.”

  “Oh, honey.” He made a sympathetic noise. “Have you had anything to eat? Is there even room service there?”

  “I ordered a pizza.” He heard Hunter sigh. “I’m just jetlagged, I think. Ignore me.”

  “If I was there, I could make you feel better. Massage your shoulders, hand-feed you…”

  “Mmm. If you were here, we’d be taking advantage of this huge bed.”

  “Is it comfy?”

  “I don’t know yet. I’ll test it out after my shower.”

  “Oh, you should have showered first thing. It’ll ease you.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I wanted to make sure I got you before you crashed for the night.” Hunter never missed telling him goodnight. Never.

  “Thanks, babe.” He shifted, getting more comfortable as he searched through the various cruise sites.

  He could hear Hunter’s breathing and he knew his lover had nodded off, then a bell rang and Hunter snorted. “Pizza’s here.”

  He blew a kiss into the phone. “Why don’t you go eat and get your shower and then hit the hay? I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Okay, lover. Find us a fabulous cruise. Love you.”

  “I will. Enjoy your supper. Love you, Hunter.”

  He waited until his lover had hung up the phone before disconnecting. He had a lot of PMs in his other browser window, and he played idly, a little disappointed that Arr
ow wasn’t there. He switched back between the cruise pages and the PMs, excited about the prospect of a holiday with Hunter. It had been a while since they’d had a break, since they’d gone away together. Nassau. Cozumel. Montego Bay. Mmm. Nassau.

  He heard new people ping up on the forum and he peeked over.

  Oh. Oh, yummy. Arrow.

  He started typing in the PM, but then waited. He wanted Arrow to come to him.

  It took a long time—ten or fifteen minutes, really—before the PM came.

  Arrow: Evening.

  A jolt of electricity went through Kyle. He kept it casual, though. He was supposed to be the big, bad top and it wouldn’t do for Arrow to think he was too eager.

  Sir T: Hi.

  Arrow didn’t say anything else for a while, the other little subs keeping Kyle busy. When the window lit up again, the message was simple.

  Arrow: How goes it?

  Sir T: I’m good. U?

  Arrow: Okay. Long day.

  Sir T: And now u need to decompress.

  Arrow: I guess, yeah.

  Sir T: I can help with that.

  Kyle knew Arrow wasn’t going to ask for what he wanted. Not yet. Maybe not ever. The man wasn’t like the little subs who flocked to him. Maybe that was the biggest part of Arrow’s appeal.

  Arrow: Maybe, yeah.

  Sir T: Only maybe? U didn’t get off last time?

  He knew Arrow had. He just knew it. He’d been playing online top for a while, could read people by what they said and what they didn’t say.

  It took a long time for Arrow to answer.

  Arrow: Just meant I was tired.

  Sir T: U want to just talk?

  Arrow: Sure. U been doing this long?

  Sir T: Few years.

  Arrow: Cool.

  Arrow didn’t have to tell him how green the man was. Kyle was pretty sure the first night they’d met had been the first time Arrow had dipped any part of himself into the BDSM waters. He knew that was probably part of the draw as well.

  Orgasms worked wonders to get you off to dreamland. Kyle knew that. He was a big proponent of it, really. Much better a natural remedy than sleeping pills.

  Sir T: U need a little something to help u sleep?

  Arrow: Yeah. Bad.

  Sir T: U naked yet?

  He could walk Arrow through a little fantasy, no problem. Get the man off and he’d come back again, wanting more from Sir T.

  Arrow: Yeah.

  Sir T: Good. Hard?

  Arrow: Not yet. Sorry.

  Sir T: K. U said tired. U meant it. Lying comfortably?

  Arrow: Yeah. You sure you want to do this?

  Sir T: I am. U?

  Kyle knew the answer was yes, but he waited patiently for Arrow to admit it. It was always better if a reluctant sub came to that kind of conclusion on his own. It made it more real for the sub. Arrow couldn’t shrug it off if he admitted it himself.

  Arrow: Yeah. Yeah, I wanna.

  Sir T: Good. Imagine you’re tied, spread eagle. At my mercy.

  The cursor blinked in place for a long time. Long enough that Kyle wondered if he’d pushed too far and freaked Arrow right out. Then, finally, Arrow answered.

  Arrow: I haven’t ever.

  Sir T: No? It intrigues u, though, doesn’t it?

  Arrow: A little.

  Arrow: Maybe.

  Arrow: I don’t.

  Sir T: Are u hard now?

  Once again it took forever for the response, but he’d known it would when he’d asked. He wasn’t disappointed, though, Arrow giving him the answer he’d expected.

  Arrow: Yes.

  Sir T: Cup ur balls, tough guy. Roll them in your hand.

  Arrow: K.

  Sir T: Imagine they’re my hands, because urs are tied up.

  He loved the image of a bound man, strong and muscled, arched and needy. He could imagine Arrow’s hot cheeks, his spread legs. Arrow would fight the ropes at the beginning, muscles working. Kyle groaned a little, his cock hard in his pants.

  Sir T: And that’s my hand wrapping around ur cock, stroking u, just how u like it.

  Arrow: I. k.

  Arrow: Like it hard.

  Sir T: That’s how I’m giving it to u, Arrow. Nice and hard.

  Sweet, reluctant man. Kyle popped the button on his black jeans and let the pressure of his erection push the zipper open a little. Sure, this little fantasy was to get Arrow off, but he was going to cream, too—Arrow too hot for it not to happen.

  Sir T: Ur at my mercy. All tied up like that. I could do anything to u.

  Arrow: What would u do?

  Sir T: I’d start by binding ur cock.

  Arrow: Ow?

  Sir T: LOL. No, not ow. It’s good. Makes u not able to come, keeps you hard. Good.

  Arrow: Oh. Right. Me=vanilla.

  Sir T: Not that vanilla. Ur here.

  Arrow: Yes.

  He typed up the URL for one of his favorite BDSM sales sites and posted it in the PM. Let Arrow peruse all the things available. Later.

  Sir T: 4 later. 4 u 2 look.

  Arrow: Cool. Thanks. Thanks, Sir.

  Sir T: Very good. U can stroke harder now, and rub ur thumb on ur slit.

  Arrow: K.

  He could imagine Arrow moaning, pushing into that hand.

  He almost touched his own cock, but then didn’t. He usually got off after he was done chatting for the evening. And while he knew he was going to tonight, and probably immediately after, he wanted to keep his focus on Arrow right now.

  Sir T: Feel good?

  Arrow: yeah. burns a little.

  Sir T: Good burn.

  Sir T: It’s why whipping will feel good.

  Silence. Pure silence, and he knew, in his heart of hearts, Arrow was shocked. And had no doubt blown his load at Kyle’s words.

  Sir T: Did that make u come?

  Arrow: I. I was close.

  Sir T: Uh-huh.

  Arrow: Was.

  Sir T: Uh-huh. You feeling better now, more relaxed?

  Arrow: Yeah, thanks.

  Sir T: Glad to be of service ;)

  Arrow: I…

  Arrow: What do u need?

  Sir T: Tell me a fantasy.

  Arrow: I want to take a vacation.

  Sir T: That seems to be going around. I meant a sexual fantasy, and u know it.

  Arrow: I usually just think about my partner, about him fucking me. Hard. Usually.

  Sir T: And does he? Fuck u hard, I mean.

  Arrow: He’s good to me.

  Sir T: Ah, poor Arrow. Next time we do this, I’ll fuck u hard. Promise.

  Arrow: U have a guy?

  Kyle paused for a moment before answering. He was not in the habit of sharing personal information when he did these chats. After all, this was just a bit of fantasy, not real life.

  Sir T: Yes.

  Arrow: Cool.

  Sir T: Yeah.

  Arrow: Does ur guy know you do this?

  Kyle shook his head. This was getting more and more personal—he wasn’t sure he liked that. He’d always kept this very separate from him and Hunter, kept these people away from everything but the facade of Sir T. He wasn’t friends with anyone he topped online. He felt that would cross the line.

  Sir T: Why u want to know?

  Arrow: I feel weird, not telling mine.

  Sir T: U share everything?

  Arrow: Yeah. Dont u?

  Sir T: Not this.

  Arrow: Oh. I might have to share.

  Sir T: How come?

  He’d thought about telling Hunter, but he wasn’t sure his lover would understand, and it wasn’t cheating. It was like a valve to relieve pressure. No way was his stud of a lover gonna let him work out any of these fantasies in real life, and the last thing Kyle wanted to do was make Hunter feel like the man wasn’t meeting all of his needs. Because, really, mostly, Hunter did.

  Arrow: I love him. Also, u have to be smart to keep secrets.

  That made him lau
gh. Hunter was always saying that that he didn’t keep secrets because he wasn’t smart enough to keep the details straight. Kyle didn’t lie, though. He wouldn’t lie to his lover any more than he’d make Hunter feel like he was missing something. It just…never came up.

  There was no way his steady, vanilla, solid lover would play those games with him. No way.

  Sir T: U think ur partner would like it?

  Arrow: Like knowing? I hope he’s not mad.

  Sir T: Like doing.

  Arrow: I don’t think so. Hope he doesn’t think I’m nasty.

  Sir T: I hope so 2. Good luck. Make sure you really want to tell him b4 u do.

  Arrow: I will.

  Sir T: Ok. C u round?

  He was oddly reluctant to say goodbye to Arrow. Something about the man made him want to stick around. Which was dangerous, and he should sign off, go take a shower, and get himself off.

  Arrow: Yeah. till friday 4 sure.

  Nice. That fit in with when he’d be around, too.

  Sir T: Cool.

  Arrow: K. Night, man. Have a good one.

  Sir T: U 2

  Kyle made quick goodbyes with the rest of the folks on the chat then signed off. With Arrow gone, there wasn’t much point in staying around—his pump was already primed.

  Speaking of which, he headed for the bathroom and a nice, relaxing jack off session in the shower.

  Chapter Seven

  Hunter stumbled into the apartment, head pounding, nose so stuffed up he couldn’t bear it. God, he was sick. Hunter plopped down into one of the overstuffed chairs and dialed home. One more day and he could get home—if getting on the plane didn’t make his head explode.

  “Hey, Hunter.”

  “Hey. How was your day?” He leaned his head back, closed his eyes.


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