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True as an Arrow

Page 5

by Sean Michael

  Kyle snorted. “Let’s see. Mr. Hathaway’s wife hated the necklace, and his mistress threw the diamond anniversary band in his face and cursed him. Of course, if he’d given his wife the ring and his mistress the necklace, he would not currently be in the doghouse with both women at the same time—and for a very long time.

  “Which would mean that I wouldn’t have gotten screamed at for an hour and a half. I mean, really… Is it my fault he wanted to wrap them himself for that ‘personal touch’ and then screwed up which present went to who? If he’d let me wrap them like I’d wanted to, the correct labels would have been on each box.

  “And then the folks at that specialty store I love brought in the wrong dolls for Mr. Hamasuru and are claiming it’s my fault and they won’t refund him. And I know I’m in the right because I was very fastidious in the notes I took. Mr. Hamasuru is very picky and you know how every little thing has meaning in his culture and I had given those idiots a copy of my copious notes on the dolls. If they want to keep my business, they’re going to make good on this for me before I lose face with my client.

  “Duey canceled lunch, but at the last minute, so there I was, all dressed up, nowhere to go, and starving to death. I wound up with McDonald’s take-out instead of high-class French food to die for. You don’t even want to know about supper.” Kyle paused in his rant to take a breath.

  “I’m sorry, lover. Who do you want me to kill?” Hunter would just make a list and deal with it when he got home.

  “Mr. Hathaway, for a start. This isn’t the first time he’s messed up and tried to blame it on me. He’s refusing to pay for my time. Thank God, I’d expensed the purchases on his account at the jewelry store or I’d have to sue him.

  “God. I just.” Kyle took another breath. “I’m sorry, it’s just been a shitty day. Anything that could go wrong has, you know? How about you—tomorrow’s your last day, right? Looking forward to coming home?”

  “I am. My flight’s at eight.” If he didn’t die first—his sinuses were that stuffed.

  “You okay, Hunter? You sound off.”

  “I have a sniffle, lover.”

  “Oh, no. That’s going to make flying home a pain. Make sure you take some meds, babe.”

  “I will. Don’t bother making a big supper tomorrow night, huh? I’m sort of at a chicken soup and popsicles place.”

  “I can do that. You just get home, and I’ll take care of you.”

  “You don’t have to, lover.” Hunter sighed. “I’m going to go shower and sleep, huh?”

  “Of course I don’t have to. I want to. It’s my job.”

  “No, your job involves spoiled assholes. I’m just spoiled. Love you, yeah?”

  “You’re not spoiled. You’re loved. There’s a difference, you know? And I love you, too.” Kyle’s voice was low and intimate now.

  “I know, lover. See you tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, come home safe.”

  “I will. Better day tomorrow.”

  “It will be. Love you, babe.” His lover blew him a kiss.

  “Love you.” He hung up, let his head rest back against the back of the chair.

  Throb. Throb. Throb. He didn’t feel up to eating, but he didn’t know if he was going to be able to get to sleep this early, either, no matter how bad he felt. He sat, blinking slowly. Finally, he decided to check his email before he did anything else.

  He logged in, his browser opening up the ForMen window. The chat room logo blinked at him, running through a variety of colors. Hunter just sort of stared at it, not even really seeing it.

  What would Kyle think about the things going on in that chat room, even if they weren’t real? And what if Kyle thought they were? What if he was screwing everything up just for jack-off material? He thought about that for a minute. Nah. At worst, Kyle would think he was a pussy man. At best, they’d have a laugh.

  Kyle loved him. Of that, he was absolutely certain.

  He closed his eyes, let his head rest back. Let himself float a second. Was he up for a round of teasing and being told what to do by Sir T? Or did he just want to go to bed so he could plod through tomorrow and make it back to his lover?

  Hunter thought about Kyle, the clever hands touching him, spreading him, exploring him. Ever since he’d first logged onto ForMen, he’d imagined it was Kyle who’d been on the other end of that chat, Kyle who would order him to his knees and take his mouth, Kyle who would… His mind skittered away from those thoughts, from the images that had come up on the site Sir T had shown him.

  Even just the little he’d thought about made him hard. He dropped his hand into his lap, moving slow and easy. Images flashed in his head of Kyle in leather pants and nothing more. Kyle with tiny little silver nipple clamps in his fingers. Kyle sprawled in a chair, cock hard and aching and all Hunter’s. Kyle, ordering him to worship every inch of his body.

  The other things had excited him unbearably—insane acts, games, kink that he couldn’t believe. His hand moved faster, his breath growing shorter. He’d seen red bottoms and huge plugs. Dildos. Men with things inside their cocks. Men with hands inside their holes. Just the idea of Kyle doing any one of those things to him… Hell, just the idea that Kyle might have heard of one of those things was enough to make him buck a little.

  The images replayed in his head over and over, and he heard Kyle’s voice say, “Bend over, big boy.”

  “Fuck…” Hunter shot, heat on his fingers, his belly aching. God. Imagine if Kyle would do that, wanted it, too.

  Hunter slumped back into the chair, chuckling at himself. His lover wasn’t the type, and honestly, he wasn’t, either. He was just tired of traveling. Tired of knowing Kyle was waiting at home for him. God, he needed that vacation.

  He let his eyes close. Soon. Soon. First, he had to just not die.

  * * * *

  Kyle had chicken soup on the stove. He had a decongestant rub in the little humidifier, clean sheets on the bed, fresh towels in the bathroom, and a mickey of whiskey. Now all he needed was Hunter. He seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time waiting for Hunter to get back from a business trip.

  He’d gotten a quick text early this morning telling him ‘ I love you’, and that Hunter was coming home. There was also, ‘Please, lover. I need my soft sweats’. Someone was really sick. The sweats were washed and ready for Hunter to step into as soon as Hunter was finished with his hot, hot shower.

  Kyle heard the front door open and close, heard Hunter’s briefcase hit the floor.

  He went rushing to the door. Oh, Hunter looked like death walking. Kyle slipped under Hunter’s arm and put an arm around his lover’s waist. “Oh, baby, I’ve got you.”

  “Hey.” Hunter was burning up, eyes red and wet and squinty. “How’re you?”

  “Glad to have you home where I can take care of you. Come on. Shower first.” He led Hunter toward the bathroom.

  “God, so glad to be home. Missed you.” It told him how bad Hunter was feeling, to get no argument.

  “I missed you, too, babe. God, it’s been a long few months.” He got Hunter into the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet while he got the water going, making it hot enough that the room started steaming up right away. Then he turned back to Hunter to help his lover get undressed.

  “It has. It has. I’m so fucking tired.”

  “You’ll be in bed soon, yeah? You’ll feel better if we do this first, though.” He pulled Hunter’s shirt off and started working on his pants.

  “Yeah. You be careful. Don’t get too close.”

  “Don’t you worry about me. I’ve been taking my Echinacea.”

  “I worry.”

  He could hear a little rattle in Hunter’s chest. Kyle frowned. “Your breathing sounds really off. Maybe you should have gone straight to a doctor.”

  “I wanted to come home, huh?”

  “I just hope you’re not so sick you need the good drugs.” He helped Hunter get back onto his feet and pulled the man’s pants down.

p; “I’ll call the doctor in the morning. Promise.”

  “Well, with any luck, I’ll have you all but cured by then.”

  He dragged Hunter over to the shower, pushing his lover in before stripping down and joining him under the spray. Kyle thought Hunter might have lost a few pounds—Hunter was just not looking well. He kept Hunter under the hot water, even as he washed the man down with soap.

  “We’ll get you in bed in no time, love.”

  “No stress. I’m better already, just being off the plane.”

  “I bet the pressure going up and down was just awful.” Kyle finished washing Hunter and patted the flat belly. “You just stay put for a moment, I’m going to get you drugs.”

  “I think I need to lie down, Kyle.”

  “Okay. We can do pills in bed.” He turned off the water and supported Hunter as they got out of the shower. “No falling down.”

  “No falling.” Hunter’s steps were clumsy.

  “Yeah, I don’t know if I could catch you.” He got a towel around Hunter’s shoulders and started drying.

  “I bet you could. You’re strong.” Hunter started shivering, entire body shaking.

  Kyle snorted but didn’t argue the matter. Hunter wasn’t up to anything more than going to bed. He dried his lover as quickly as he could, then hustled Hunter to bed, bringing the covers up under his chin.

  “F…fuck. Fuck, it’s cold.”

  He crawled into bed with Hunter, pressing up close to the big body. “I’ll warm you up, baby.” Hunter wrapped around him, holding on, rocking nice and slow. Kyle stroked Hunter’s skin, hoping to help warm his lover. “We’ll get you feeling better soon.”

  “Mmmhmm.” Hunter’s cheek was on his shoulder.

  “You want to try a little bit of soup?” He had no clue when Hunter’d last eaten, but he’d be willing to bet it had been a while ago.

  “Not hungry, lover.”

  “No? Then sleep, huh?” The air was redolent of the Vicks VapoRub in the little humidifier, the covers warm and pulled up around their necks.

  “Love you.” Hunter was like a furnace.

  He sat up and reached for the little container of cold pills he’d laid out on the side table. “You should take a pill before you go to sleep.”

  “Hmm?” Those poor bloodshot eyes stared at him.

  He pressed the pill against Hunter’s lips. “Open up, baby.”

  Hunter opened up for him, unquestioning. He popped the pill right in and held a bottle of water up to his lover’s lips, helping Hunter to drink.

  Hunter winced as he swallowed. “Throat hurts.”

  “Have some more water. There’s juice in the fridge, but I don’t want to leave you just yet.”

  “My throat hurts. No more water.”

  “The water will help.”

  Hunter sighed, but Kyle insisted. When Hunter had drank half the bottle, he let his lover lie back. Then he snuggled right in, covers pulled back up to their necks.

  “Love you.” Hunter’s eyes closed, breath evening out.

  Kyle stroked his lover’s hair back from his forehead, kissed one damp cheek. “I love you, too.”

  Hunter nodded, mostly asleep. “Good.”


  He cuddled in and kept gently rubbing Hunter’s temples with one hand and chest with the other. “Sleep, lover.”

  “Yes…” He watched Hunter drift away.

  He held Hunter for a while then went to unpack Hunter’s stuff and put the soup in the fridge. Looked like he was going to have a quiet evening as his lover healed. Of course, about the time he got settled, Hunter started coughing, muttering low. He went immediately to Hunter’s side, stroking his lover’s forehead.

  “Shh. Shh. It’s okay, baby. You’re home.”

  “Kyle.” Hunter’s eyes blinked open, rolling a little. “My head hurts.”

  “I know. You’re all congested.” He hated it when Hunter was sick like this, hurting, and he couldn’t do anything about it.

  “Uh-huh. Orange juice?”

  “You got it. Be right back.”

  He grabbed the whole box of juice and a glass, before hurrying back to Hunter’s side. By the time he got back, Hunter had thrown all the covers off and had taken off his sweats.

  “Hunter! What are you doing?” He put the juice and glass down on the nightstand and grabbed Hunter’s sweats.

  “It’s hot.”

  “You’ve got a fever. You need to stay covered.”

  “It’s hot, lover.” Hunter was panting now, flushed.

  “No, love. You’ve got a fever.”

  Hunter looked at him, blinking slow. “No?”

  “No, it’s not hot. Just you.” He smiled. “My hot man.” He kissed Hunter’s forehead. “Oh, man, you’re really burning up. Come on, back into the shower.”

  “‘Kay. Didn’t we just get out?”

  “Yeah, but you weren’t burning up then. Come on.” He didn’t want Hunter boiling his brain.

  “‘Kay…” Hunter followed him, fingers twined with his.

  His lover’s hand was on fire—and not in the fun, spanky way, either. He left the lights off, turned the water on lukewarm. He drew Hunter back into the water, standing there to help support his lover, keep him upright.

  “Mmm.” Hunter leaned. “Sorry, Kyle.”

  He patted his lover’s back. “What for?”

  “Being sick. Wanted to come home and love on you.”

  “I know, baby. It’s okay. You just get better, okay?”

  Hunter snorted. “Just have a cold.”

  “Yeah, and it’s nasty. I’ll feel better when you do, huh?”

  “Mmmhmm.” Hunter was cooling off.

  That let Kyle breathe a little easier. It was just a cold, and he was worrywarting.

  “You feel good.” Hunter’s hand rested on his hip.

  “Yeah?” He smiled and shifted so they were leaning more fully together.

  “Yes. Like home.”

  “Oh, babe.” He pressed a gentle kiss to Hunter’s cheek. “Love you so much.”

  Hunter nodded. “I know.”

  “Feeling better, love?” He slid his hand along Hunter’s chest, trying to gauge his lover’s temperature.

  “Nice in here.” Hunter was cooling off even more now, and would be cold in no time.

  “Yeah. Yeah, come on. Let’s get you out and dry and back in bed.”

  “We just got in.”

  “Yeah, but you’re cooling down quickly. You know what a fever’s like, and I don’t want you to start shivering.”

  “Man, this sick thing is hard work.”

  “It is, so you should get better quickly so you can relax!”

  Hunter’s laugh turned into a harsh, wet-sounding cough.

  “Come on.” He got Hunter out of the shower and dried off quickly—the last thing he wanted was for Hunter to catch a chill now that his fever was down. Hunter looked better, though—more awake, aware, smiling at him.

  “Pretty man.” Hunter’s hands slid over his body.

  Kyle chuckled, moving into each touch. “As long as you keep thinking so, I’m happy.”

  “Always.” Hunter’s cheek rested on his shoulder, eyelashes making the dark circles look darker.

  “Come on, right to bed, love.”

  “Stay and talk with me a bit?”

  “Of course!”

  He got Hunter settled and tucked in, then slid in next to his lover. “So, aside from the cold from hell, how was your trip?”

  “Busy. Boring. I surfed a lot.”

  Kyle laughed. “Yeah? Did you visit those URLs I gave you for the cruises?”

  “I did. I think they look great. Did you want Mexico or the Bahamas?”

  “I’m easy, love. Beaches and you, that’s all that matters, you know?”

  “Yeah. Yeah. You, me, booze, surf, sun.”

  “Exactly.” Kyle smiled and kissed the corner of Hunter’s cheek. “You just give me the dates and I’ll get it set up.” />
  “It’s a deal.” Hunter sighed softly. “I’ve been surfing a lot—odd porn and stuff.”

  “Odd porn? You been looking at tentacle sex?”

  “Tentacles aren’t sexy, Kyle.”

  “You said ‘odd,’ not sexy. Tentacles are odd.” He’d seen plenty of it while surfing himself, and he could say with some certainty that tentacle sex was odd.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Hunter snorted, settled into the mattress.

  Kyle giggled and snuggled into his lover. “So what kind of odd porn did you find?”

  “It was a chat room with other guys.” Hunter yawned, leaned closer.

  “Why would that be odd?” He stroked Hunter’s amazing abs. His lover was so vanilla.

  “Well, because I sorta talked to a guy, which felt weird, mostly.”

  Now, that did surprise him. “Yeah? I didn’t think you were the type to go for chat porn.”

  “I didn’t, either. It was different than I’d thought it would be, really.”

  “Yeah?” Kyle thought about his own experiences. He didn’t remember what he’d expected when he’d first started. He just knew how it was. “What did you think it was going to be like?”

  “It felt a lot like cheating, I guess. The guy I chatted with doesn’t tell his partner. Hell, he might be straight for all I know, but I told him I was going to tell you.”

  Kyle blinked. He chatted online—hell, he topped people online—and he’d never considered it cheating. Should he have? He knew Hunter wouldn’t understand why he did it, needed it, and he didn’t ever want Hunter to feel inadequate or like he wasn’t enough. Or was that just an excuse to justify it? “You think chatting online is cheating?”

  “I don’t know. I guess not. I mean, it was just odd, having something like that that I didn’t tell you about.” Hunter shrugged, coughed a little. “You know my position on secrets, man. They fill up my brain, and I have precious little of that to spare.”

  He laughed softly, hand rubbing Hunter’s chest. “I guess this is where I confess that I chat online, too.”

  “Yeah? Hence the moment of ‘chatting online is cheating’ panic, huh?”

  His cheeks heated a little, and he chuckled wryly. “Yeah.” He met Hunter’s eyes. “I never thought of it as cheating, though, babe. Seriously. If I did, I wouldn’t have done it.”


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