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True as an Arrow

Page 8

by Sean Michael

  Hunter moaned, swayed a little, and Kyle encouraged his lover to get on the bed with him. He got Hunter lying down on his back. “That’s so hot, babe.” He ran his fingers across Hunter’s belly.

  Hunter hummed, abs jerking, which moved the clamps. That had his lover’s eyes going wide.

  Kyle’s cock jerked, too, and he moved to straddle his lover. “Oh, babe. God.” He reached for the nipple clamps.

  “Don’t. Don’t touch them.”

  “Hush.” He flicked the right one gently. Hunter’s hands landed on his hips. Then Kyle flicked the other one, giving Hunter a little grin. “So hot.”

  “I don’t think you should touch them.”

  “I disagree.” He flicked them both at the same time and ground his ass on Hunter’s hard flesh.

  Hunter’s eyes rolled. “Fuck. Kyle. Ride me.”

  “Pushy, pushy man.”

  Hunter looked debauched, hungry, perfect.

  He reached over to grab the lube, pushing the tube into his lover’s hand. “Get me ready.”

  Hunter reached for it, then stopped. “Jesus, I can feel those.”

  “That’s the point, babe. They’re gonna affect everything you do.” He rolled his hips, reminding Hunter what they were going to do.

  “Fuck. You…” Hunter groaned, fingers squeezing the lube, the slick gushing over Hunter’s fingers.

  “Yes. As soon as you get me ready.” Kyle loved how Hunter was so turned on, so out of his mind he could barely talk.

  Hunter growled, but the man’s touch against his hole was perfectly gentle. He shifted slightly, giving Hunter more room to push those thick fingers into him.

  “Kyle.” Hunter groaned, fingers curling, knowing just how to touch him.

  He made a soft noise of pleasure, his hips starting to cant already, riding Hunter’s fingers.

  “Need. Oh, fuck. Kyle. I want you now.”

  “Not ready yet.” He rose up, undulating. “Give me another finger.”

  Hunter sobbed and twisted under him, but pushed another finger inside him. Groaning, he rode Hunter’s fingers, shifting so they brushed against his gland. Fuck! It was so good.

  “So fucking fine.”

  “You are,” Kyle agreed as he stilled. “Okay. Take them out. Your cock now.”

  Hunter nodded, breathing open-mouthed.

  Once Hunter had pulled away his fingers, Kyle grabbed the thick cock and lined it up with his hole, sitting slowly on it. Hunter wrapped his strong hands around Kyle’s waist, but Kyle was pleased Hunter didn’t pull him down.

  “Good man.” Resting his hands on Hunter’s chest, he didn’t stop until he was all the way down, that full cock spreading him wide.

  His Hunter wasn’t long, but that cock was thick, fat, filling him. He shifted, then leaned forward and flicked one of the nipple clamps. Hunter clamped his hands on Kyle and slammed up with his hips.

  It made Kyle groan. “None of that,” he managed.

  “Kyle. Kyle, I need.” Hunter’s hips kept moving.

  “And you’ll get. If you’re good.” He squeezed slowly around Hunter’s need.

  “Kyle!” Hunter’s head slammed back, throat working.

  Laughing roughly, Kyle began to move again. Up and down, he slowly fucked himself. God, Hunter felt amazing inside him. He braced one hand on the wide chest—with the fingers of the other, he flicked the right nipple clamp, making it vibrate.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Gonna turn you over and take you.”

  No. No, Kyle didn’t think so. “What you’re going to do is lie there and take it, or I’m going to turn you over and spank you.”

  “I…” Hunter’s heavy cock swelled. “I’d like to see you try.”

  Kyle laughed. “Then disobey me, Arrow. And you will.” He moved a little faster, rising and falling on that hard, hard cock. Hunter’s hands encouraged him, begged him to move faster. “Holding only,” Kyle reminded his lover. “I’m running this show.”

  “Only because you already came. Otherwise you’d need me, too.”

  “Oh, babe. I need you. Can’t you see how hard I am? But I’m going to make you take it slowly, make you take it at my pace.”

  “Kiss me.” Hunter arched for him, so needy it made his chest hurt.

  “You are so pushy.” Kyle couldn’t resist, though, leaning down to bring their mouths together.

  Hunter’s tongue pushed between his lips, fucking them. He grabbed hold of that tongue, sucking on it. He could feel Hunter bucking and driving, pushing inside him. He flicked the other nipple clamp, his ass bearing down hard around Hunter’s cock.

  Hunter’s cry sounded sweet.

  “Love you, babe.”

  “Love. Kyle.”

  Fuck. He rose up again, hands on Hunter’s where they were wrapped around his waist, and rode hard and fast. “You can come,” he whispered.

  Hunter roared, hips punching up into him, driving harder and harder before heat filled him.

  “Yes! Hunter!” Kyle rose and fell a few more times before he came like a rocket.

  Hunter wrapped his fingers around Kyle’s shoulders, pulled him down into a kiss. “Love you.”

  “Me, too. So much.”

  He rested against his lover’s muscles, on that great chest. He was going to have to take the clamps off, going to have to actually feed Hunter more than a few bites, but this was good. Very good.

  He pressed a kiss to his lover’s chest and smiled. They were going to have so much fun.

  Chapter Ten

  Hunter’s nipples ached. Not terribly, but…enough. His shirt bothered them. His jacket pressed his shirt against them. It was maddening.

  He flipped his phone open, dialed Kyle.

  “Mmm… You’ve reached Kyle’s pleasure emporium, how may we direct your call, bottom-boy?” Kyle’s soft laughter followed the words.

  “I am going to beat your butt when I get home tonight, you turkey.” Hunter groaned, his cheeks heating.

  “No, no, you have that backward, babe. I beat your butt.”

  He shook his head, steadfastly ignoring the throb that gave him. “I’m going crazy.”

  “The word you’re looking for is kinky, not crazy.”

  “No, my nipples… Everything I do, I feel them.”

  “Ah. I bet it’s making you hard.”

  “I’m at the office!”

  “What? Is there a force field there that keeps you from getting hard?”

  “Argh!” He chuckled because the other option was maddening.

  “You need to get off, babe? You want Sir T to come out and play telephone tag with you and your cock?”

  “I’m at work…” And he was going out of his mind.

  “Hey, you’re the one who called me.” Butter wouldn’t melt in Kyle’s mouth.

  “Uh-huh. I called to threaten to beat you, remember.” Hunter couldn’t help the smile.

  “Yes, but you forgot that that’s not your job, but mine.” Kyle sounded like he was trying not to laugh again. “Beat you till you come from the sheer naughtiness of it.”

  “Hush.” Hunter stretched, groaned a little as his nipples tingled. “You make me fucking crazy.”

  “That’s a good thing.”

  He found himself nodding. “I might have to take off a couple hours early…”

  “I’ll be home by two-thirty.”

  “Cool.” He could be home around then.

  “I could spank your ass—make you forget all about your nipples.”

  “I…I… Kyle, stop it.” There was no way. None. Zero. “Gotta go. See you this afternoon?”

  His lover chuckled. “I’ll be here. Ready and waiting.”

  “Bye, love.”

  Hunter hung up the phone and settled at his desk, head in hands. Lord.

  Lord, he was in deep.

  * * * *

  It was almost three before Kyle made it home. He thought the delay was worth it, though, as he’d detoured to Play Safe on his way and picked up a little something special for t
he afternoon.

  He let himself in and called out, “Hey, babe, I’m home!”

  He didn’t get an answer, but he heard the shower running, heard Hunter’s tuneless, random singing.

  Smiling, he bounced his way into the bedroom and began some quick preparations. He made sure the lube was on the nightstand, took out the paddle he’d bought at Play Safe, and laid it next to the slick. He turned the bed down and practiced sitting on the edge, trying to figure out where exactly to place his ass to give him the best lap space for Hunter to lean over. Not impressed, he tried the chair by the window and found it worked much better, so he dragged it over to sit next to the bed. He stripped, then practiced sitting a few more times.

  The water turned off, and the singing went down in volume. He kind of wished he had leather pants to wear—to set the tone, so to speak. Maybe it was time to do some honest-to-goodness shopping of his own. Make a day of it and outfit himself as Sir T from head to toe, including accoutrements.

  Hunter walked into the room, naked, beautiful, half-hard, nipples a sweet, dark red.

  A sound came out of Kyle from somewhere deep inside, and he swore, “Oh, fuck.”

  “Oh, hey, lover. You’re home. I didn’t hear you.”

  “I’m home. You look amazing. Kind of debauched.” It was hot.

  “I just needed to wash off.” Hunter went to the dresser, opened a drawer.

  “And what are you doing now?” Hello, naked lover—naked Master, sitting and waiting.

  “I was grabbing a pair of…” The towel dropped and Hunter looked at him. “Oh. Oh, hey. You’re really home.”

  Kyle chuckled and sat back. “I am.” He patted his thighs. “And I’m missing my drape-age.”

  “Drape-age?” Hunter’s eyes went wide, and his lover stepped back. “Huh?”

  “You. Draped over my lap.” He gave Hunter his best come-hither look.

  “Over your lap? Why?”

  Kyle raised an eyebrow. Hunter knew.

  “You’re supposed to do as you’re told, no questions.”

  “Says who?” Hunter’s cock filled, curved up toward his belly.

  “Says me.” He patted his lap again.

  “I…I can’t. I can’t do that.”


  “Kyle. Kyle, I don’t…” God, that uncertainty, that reluctance, that need.

  “Part of you does. Your cock knows exactly what it wants.”

  The cock in question was red now, fully hard. Swollen. Hunter blushed, hand actually dropping to cover his erection. Kyle was burning up with it.

  “Don’t do that. Don’t be ashamed. I’m not.”

  “Kyle, I can’t. You’re talking about spanking me. About me letting you.”

  “And it’s turning you on, big time.”

  Hunter shook his head, gulping in air.

  “Come and kneel next to me, babe.” That had to be an easier request, because Hunter came, settled next to him. “I know you want it. Your cock jumped up the second I mentioned it.” He reached out, encouraged Hunter’s head to rest on his knee. Kyle had never dreamed that this could be his.

  He stroked Hunter’s head, fingers running through the short hair. “I want to feel your ass under my hand, under the paddle.” He spoke softly, like he was sharing a secret.

  Hunter’s response was a whisper. “Why?”

  “Because you’ll be so hot like that. God, we’re both like rock hard already, just from talking about it.”

  “Have you ever done this before?”

  “Not for real, just online.” He was running on his instincts, and they were batting a thousand so far, if he did say so himself.

  “Is it creepy to be happy about that, you think?”

  “No, not creepy at all. We belong to each other, right?”

  “Yes.” That didn’t sound tentative at all.

  “Then don’t worry about anything but what we’re doing together. There’s no right or wrong, just what gets us off.” Kyle kept touching, soothing his lover. There was a pride filling him up—for Hunter, because of the trust, but also in himself. He was doing this, guiding this, helping Hunter relax. “The things we do here are ours, nobody else’s. So nobody else’s opinions matter at all.”

  “If I don’t like it, you’ll stop?”

  “You remember I made you choose a safeword, babe?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I do.” He could feel Hunter’s cheek heat against his thigh. “This is hard. Unnerving.”

  “I’m guessing that’s a part of the appeal.”

  “For you or for me?”

  “For both of us.”

  Hunter didn’t say anything for a long time, then Hunter dropped a single kiss on his thigh. “I love you.” There was a long pause. “Sir.”

  It made Kyle whimper softly. “I love you, too, babe.” When Hunter draped himself over Kyle’s lap, Kyle thought he might just orgasm right then. He took a few deep breaths, feeling the heat of Hunter’s flesh against the inside of his thigh. “So much,” he added.

  His hand rubbed over the muscled globes of Hunter’s ass, massaging, touching. “I’m going to start with my hand, and then I’m going to use the paddle a bit.” His voice was so husky. “You have no idea how hot you look like this.”

  “Not silly?”

  “Oh, God, no. Not at all. You’re making me so hard.” In fact, his cock was poking up against Hunter’s great abs.

  He curved his hand around one ass cheek, squeezing, and Hunter moaned.

  “Okay. I’m going to start now.”

  Hunter tensed against him, body stiff.

  “It’s going to be good, babe.”

  Kyle slapped Hunter’s ass experimentally. Hunter jerked but didn’t say a word. He hit again, a bit harder this time. He could feel the sting on his palm. Hunter’s skin gave under his touch, the pale ass showing a pink handprint for a second. He moaned and hit the other cheek next, just to watch his hand print show, then fade away again.

  Hunter panted, breathing hard.

  “Sexy. Hot. God, Hunter.” Kyle hit a few more times. Hunter’s skin started to heat up, to get pink. He could feel Hunter against him, leaking. “You should see, Hunter.”

  “No. No pictures.”

  “No, I didn’t mean that. Just I wish you could see how amazing you are. You feel it, though, don’t you?”

  Hunter nodded. “It burns.”

  He reached over for the little leather paddle. “I bought you this today.” Hunter groaned for him, the sound vibrating against his thighs. “You’ll have to tell me which one you like better.” He smacked once more with his hand, then hit Hunter lightly with the paddle.

  “I… I don’t…”

  God, that was hot.

  He hit Hunter a few more times with the paddle. The smell of leather was arousing, especially with the way it mixed with Hunter’s own scent. Hunter began to move, shifting on his lap, riding him. He found a rhythm, hitting Hunter over and over again with the paddle. Hunter started moaning and bucking, his ass turning rosy red.

  “You gonna come for me, Hunter? Come from me doing this?”

  “I don’t… I don’t think…”

  “I don’t believe thinking’s required for coming.” Kyle laughed, happy deep inside.

  “Don’t laugh at me.”

  “I’m just happy, babe. You make me so damn happy.”

  “Okay. Okay.” Hunter nodded, leaning harder against his thighs.

  “I’m going back to my hand.” He liked the paddle. He liked feeling Hunter’s skin under his palm better.

  “Good. Good, please. I can’t… I don’t know what to fucking do.”

  “You don’t have to do anything, Hunter. I want you to come, but that’s it. That’s all.”

  He struck again, the flesh hotter this time, burning against his palm. It made him groan, and he could feel his own cock leaking as it rubbed against Hunter’s abs. Hunter gasped, scooted forward against his thighs. That had him groaning again, and he smacked Hunter’s ass a few
more times.

  When he stopped, he let his hand rest in the crease of that sweet, burning ass, fingers teasing the hole. Hunter was so hot here, and when Kyle dipped the tip of one finger in, it was so tight and soft, like silk. Hunter moaned, hips bucking and taking him deeper.

  “Let me get the lube.” He stretched and got the lube from the nightstand, popping it open as he grabbed it.

  “Are we staying here?”

  “For now.” He wasn’t sure he was finished with the spanking just yet. Besides… “I like having you over my lap like this.” He loved the way Hunter blushed for him, bucked. “Yeah, so sexy, baby.”

  He slicked his fingers up and slipped two into Hunter’s hole.

  “Mmm.” That deep sound proved how Hunter was with him, focused.

  He pushed his fingers deeper, searching for Hunter’s sweet spot. When he found it, Hunter cried out for him, almost rolling off his lap.

  “Good, huh?” Hunter didn’t bottom all that much, and this would be a treat for both of them.

  Hunter moaned softly, nodded. “Been. Been a while.”

  “We’ll move to the bed once you’re ready.” He kept working Hunter with his fingers, pushing his fingers deep again and again.

  “Ready for what?” Hunter’s body was moving, rippling.

  “For me to make love to you.”

  Hunter nodded, hands sliding over his legs.

  “I love your hands.” They were big and warm and knew just how to touch him. Kyle pegged Hunter’s gland a few more times.

  “Getting lightheaded, Kyle.”

  “Up and onto the bed, then. On your back, so I can watch your face as I make love to you.”

  Hunter pushed up, stumbling back, cock thick and hard and bobbing. Reaching out, Kyle held onto his lover’s hips to steady him. “Careful, babe.”


  Hunter’s ass was hot to his touch and Kyle rubbed it, moaning happily. “No apologies.”

  “No?” Hunter’s cock was rock hard, leaking.

  “No, you’re doing your best. You’re rocking my world.” He stood and started backing Hunter up toward the bed.

  “I want to.”

  “You do. Am I rocking yours?” ‘Cause it wasn’t just about him—it was about both of them.

  Hunter met his eyes. “I’m in a little over my head. I feel like my skin doesn’t fit.” The husky voice lowered to a whisper. “Like I did when we…when you and I…chatted.”


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