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True as an Arrow

Page 7

by Sean Michael

  “This is crazy.” He eased himself onto on the bed, staying on his knees. Wait. Was this right?

  “No, it’s not. On the floor, Arrow. So you can suck my cock.”

  “Well, I wasn’t sure.”

  “I know.” Kyle held himself straight, looked…more confident, maybe? Whatever it was, it was hot.

  Hunter slipped down to the floor, towel under his knees. He was unexpectedly nervous—not scared at all, but unnerved.

  Kyle’s fingers slid through his hair, the touch gentle, soothing. “That’s perfect, Arrow. Now I want you to suck me.” That Kyle was turned on by this, too, was very evident in the way his cock reached up for his belly.

  “I’m happy to do that.” He loved Kyle’s cock, loved the heat and flavor of his lover.

  “Good man.” Kyle’s fingers stayed in his hair, not tugging or holding, just touching.

  “Love you.” He opened up, took Kyle in deep.

  Kyle’s answer was a sound instead of words—not really a moan, more like the words got caught in his throat. Hunter let himself just enjoy it for a minute—the thrust and roll was normal, familiar. Good.

  “That’s it. Yeah. Fuck, this is just like I imagined when I told you to do it in the chat room.” Kyle’s voice was deep, husky.

  He blinked up, moaned, pulled harder on Kyle.

  “Hot. God, you’re hot.” Kyle started rocking, cock pushing into his mouth, sliding out again.

  Hunter was. He was burning up, and Kyle was fucking his mouth. The fingers in his hair curled as Kyle’s hips moved faster. The hot flesh filled his mouth again and again. Hunter started swallowing on each thrust in, Kyle’s cock spreading his lips.

  “Fuck! Fuck!” Kyle moved faster, cock slamming into his mouth now.

  He wrapped his hands around Kyle’s thighs, encouraging more of those thrusts. He got them—Kyle—going wild. Kyle dropped both hands to his head, holding him in place. He trusted Kyle implicitly, so he could relax, lean into those hands.

  “Soon. Oh, God. Arrow. Hunter.”

  He groaned, tightening his lips around the base of Kyle’s cock and sucking hard. Crying out, Kyle slammed into his mouth and came. Heat poured down his throat. Not losing a drop, he pulled and moaned, letting Kyle fill him up.

  “God. That was good. Such a good mouth, babe.” Kyle’s fingers traced his lips, which were still around that beautiful cock. “You look good on your knees. I think I might keep you there for a while.”

  Hunter couldn’t fight his moan or the way his length jerked.

  “I’m gonna make you do so many things, make you feel so many things.”

  Hunter started sucking again, caught by Kyle’s words.

  “Oh, yeah. Yeah, you love it. Who knew my Hunter was such a beautiful bottom?” Kyle’s voice was so husky.

  His eyes met Kyle’s, and the heat and lust in them surprised him.

  Kyle licked his lips. “You gonna come like that for me? On your knees in front of me?”

  He enclosed his fingers around his cock, jacking himself quick and hard, even as he kept on sucking.

  “That’s right. You come for me just like that, with my cock down your throat.” Kyle started rocking again, pushing deep.

  Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. His hips were rocking, his cock leaking over his fingers.

  “Look at you. Lips swollen, eyes begging for it. You want it, don’t you? You can have it. If I say so.”

  Hunter was going to just keel over and die.

  Kyle’s eyes glittered down at him. “Maybe I’ll let you come. Maybe I’ll say you can. You want me to say that you can, Hunter?”

  He didn’t think that mattered, really. His orgasm was on the way, like a runaway freight train.

  Kyle licked his lips then bit the bottom one. “Okay. Okay, you can come for me. Show me how much you love getting fucked by my cock.”

  He rolled his eyes and slipped his palm over the tip of his cock, pushing hard. It was enough to make him jerk, to make him shoot over his fingers. The cock in his mouth jerked, dribbled as Kyle whimpered and came again.

  Hunter sank back on his heels, breathing hard, panting, and Kyle’s cock slid from his mouth. The fingers in his hair loosened, began to stroke his head. “Yes. Oh, yes.”

  He leaned into the touch, heart pounding. “Damn.”

  Kyle laughed softly, cheeks flushed, eyes happy. “Yeah. Big Damn.”

  He chuckled, shook his head. “I need to clean up again.”

  “When I say you can,” murmured Kyle. “Right now, I want you on the bed.”

  “The bed?” Hunter was a little dazed.

  “That’s right. I expect cuddles from you, Arrow. Good cuddles.”

  He nodded and laughed, wiping himself up with the towel before standing up and pulling Kyle into the sheets.

  His lover snuggled into his arms, nuzzling and pressing close. “God, you’re such a stud, Hunter. That was so hot.”

  He took a soft kiss. “You blow my mind, lover.”

  “Yeah? You really liked it? You’re not just trying to make me happy, right?”

  “Well, making you happy was part of the point, Kyle. Making you really happy.”

  “You did. God, you’re so hot like that, doing what I tell you. But it needs to be hot for you, too.”

  He had to stop blushing so much. “It was hot.”

  Kyle laughed softly and hugged him tight. “Good. God, I love you, Hunter. More every day.”

  “Good.” He hummed a little, dozy now.

  Kyle’s head rested on his shoulder, the hand on his belly patting gently. “Yeah, it is.”

  Chapter Nine

  Kyle had never had a reason to complain about sex with Hunter before. He’d never felt neglected or unsexy. It wasn’t like he’d been desperate to have a kinky element added in and the chatting he’d done online while Hunter was out of town had always taken care of the itch just fine.

  Now, though. Wow. Topping Hunter blew his mind. Having Hunter kneeling in front of him and sucking him off had been so fucking hot, it made Kyle hard as nails just to think about it, even now, several days later.

  That night, he’d snuck online and bought a pair of nipple clamps. Today they’d come in the mail. Kyle was nearly beside himself, waiting for Hunter to come home from work.

  He worried for a moment that maybe this was going too far, maybe Hunter wouldn’t like it. Then he shook his head. If Hunter didn’t like it, he’d say so, and they’d try something else. His lover had had the guts to tell him about going to the chat room—the least Kyle could do was be up front about the things he wanted to try.

  He opened the box and stroked the little clamps before closing it again and wrapping it up, leaving it on the kitchen table next to Hunter’s plate.

  “Hey, lover. I’m home. I brought you those cheesecake brownies from Del’s.”

  “Oh, I love those.” Kyle practically bounced over to the front door, throwing his arms around Hunter’s neck and hugging his lover close.

  “Mmm. Hey.” Hunter kissed him, the connection lazy and slow, deep enough that it started a slow-burning fire.

  This was theirs—it always had been. The fire was quicker to catch now, though. “How was your day?” Kyle asked when their lips finally parted. He was slightly out of breath, his words husky.

  “Cool. I got the approval for that vacation time.”

  “Oh, that’s fantastic!” He was looking forward to their holiday more than ever. “I’ll confirm the bookings later tonight. Supper’s ready.” He took the box of sweets from Hunter and headed for the kitchen, where their stew bubbled gently in a big pot on the stove.

  “Ooh. Stew.” Hunter grabbed two beers and the salad from the fridge. “How was your day?”

  “Good. I got a great tip from Mr. Ralston—and I do mean great. It’s going to pay for our vacation.” He dished the stew up into their bowls, making sure Hunter got four dumplings.

  “Oh, yeah? You want bread?”

  “There should already be a loaf out o
n the table. From Nate’s, around the corner.”

  “Oh, yum. Did you pick up those cranberry muffins for breakfast?”

  “Of course.” He bumped their hips together and put their bowls down at their places before sitting.

  Hunter looked at the box. “A present?”

  Kyle smiled and nodded, tried hard not to bounce again. “You can open it now or after supper.”

  “Yeah? What’s it for?” Hunter looked so tickled.

  “Merry Kink Day.”

  “Merry…” Hunter plopped down on his chair, loosened his tie. “I love it. Can I open it now, then?”

  “Sure. If you do, I might make you wear it during supper, though.”

  “It’s little for a shirt, Kyle.”

  “That’s because it’s not a shirt, though you’ll need to take yours off.”

  “At the dinner table? That’s scandalous from my oh-so-proper lover!”

  “Well, maybe I’m not so proper, huh?”

  “Maybe.” Hunter grabbed a chunk of bread.

  “Changed your mind about opening it?” Kyle didn’t know if that made him glad or sad. It was probably for the best. He had a hunch he wasn’t going to be able to eat once Hunter had the shirt off and the nipple clamps on.

  “I have the feeling it’ll be more fun to wait. And it’s stew. I love your stew.”

  “I should have made you fish.” He gave Hunter a wink and grabbed a piece of bread to dip with.

  “Ew. Slimy things.” Hunter was unreasonable when it came to fish.

  “One of these days you’re going to try a fish you like.”

  “You keep saying that. It keeps not being true.”

  God, Hunter was adorable.

  “I think you didn’t even try the last one. Maybe I’ll feed it to you with my mouth. You’d be more enthusiastic then.”

  “Slimy fish mouth…” Hunter groaned.

  Kyle just giggled. He reached out and stroked Hunter’s thigh. Those muscles were hard, tight, proving how aroused Hunter was. God, he wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to eat at all, even without Hunter opening the box.

  “The stew is good.” Hunter wasn’t eating very fast.

  “You sure?” He slid his foot up along Hunter’s calf.

  “Uh. Uh-huh.”

  God, Hunter was sexy like this. “Eat your stew, Hunter. We’ll play after.”

  “You… You’re enough to make a guy crazy.”

  “I’m hoping that’s a good thing.”

  “Shit, lover. You’re the best thing.”

  He beamed at Hunter and ate a dumpling. “You’re pretty fucking awesome yourself.”

  “So, what is this amazing tip you got from work?”

  “You aren’t going to believe it. Four thousand dollars. Four. Thousand.” He shook his head, still not quite sure he believed it himself.

  Sure, it was a pittance to the client, seeing as the man had had Kyle spend nearly three hundred thousand dollars on just the right jewels for his mistress and another two hundred thousand on a boat for his wife, but still. “That’s on top of my commission.”

  “Fucking A, beautiful!” Hunter stood up, grabbed him up for a hard kiss. “Congrats!”

  Kyle laughed breathlessly into Hunter’s kiss. “Thanks. Like I said, it’ll pay for our cruise.”

  “That rocks, Kyle. I’m so proud.” It made him a little giddy, how Hunter meant it.

  He beamed at his lover, wrapped his arms around Hunter’s neck, and stole another kiss.

  “Mmm. Your stew’s getting cold.” That fact didn’t stop Hunter from giving him another kiss.

  “I’m more concerned about your present going unopened.” Unused.

  “Mmm. I was eating.”

  “Are you still hungry?” If Hunter was, he’d make himself be patient.

  “I ate.” Hunter took his lips again, cock hard against his belly.

  Moaning, he opened wide, letting Hunter in. They stumbled until his back hit the wall, Hunter hungry for him, tongue-fucking his lips. He grabbed hold of Hunter’s shoulders, clinging as he lifted one leg to wrap it as high around Hunter’s leg as he could manage.

  “Want.” Hunter lifted him up, hips moving, driving him against the wall.

  “Yes!” That strength was so amazing, had him so turned on.

  “Smell you.” Hunter’s mouth searched his face, one hand trying to get to his skin.

  “I showered!” He laughed breathlessly, letting go of one shoulder so he could pull open his buttons.

  “I know.” Hunter’s lips found the curve of his neck.

  God, Hunter turned him on so very much.

  Kyle pulled his shirt out of his trousers. Hunter was still in work clothes—and the rasp of the suit pants on him, the shirt on his belly, made Kyle nuts. He bucked and rubbed, head back to offer Hunter everything.

  “Love you.” Hunter pulled him in tighter, gave him more to rub against.

  “Yes. Oh, love you. Love you.” He got his zipper undone, just his underwear between his cock and Hunter’s shirt.

  Jesus, it hadn’t been like this in a while—not this immediate and absolutely necessary.

  “Off,” he whimpered. “Please.” Kyle couldn’t figure out how to get rid of his underwear as he bucked desperately.

  “Off. Hold on to my shoulders.” He did, and Hunter shoved his underwear down, his cock bouncing and slapping his belly on the rebound. Thank God for a strong, strong lover.

  “God, I love you.”

  Hunter grunted. “Good. You’re fucking hot.”

  “For you.” God, only for Hunter. No one else had ever made him want like this.

  Hunter took his mouth again, hands settling on his hips to move him faster. He let Hunter’s tongue invade, his cock rubbing hard against the shirt-covered belly. His lover’s body was rock-hard, burning up, good against him. Hunter’s kisses stole his breath, his sense, gave everything a desperate edge. His bottom lip was sucked into Hunter’s kiss, the strong fingers squeezing his ass.

  Kyle jerked and bucked, his orgasm catching him suddenly, and his cum sprayed up over Hunter’s shirt.

  “God…” Hunter groaned and lapped at his lips.

  He panted, happy and leaning against the wall, totally letting Hunter keep him from falling.

  “Good. Good dinner.”

  He giggled, arms looping around Hunter’s shoulders. “Made it especially for you.”

  “Mmmhmm.” Hunter rubbed against him a little, his cum slick on his belly.

  “You need to open your present.” He wanted to see Hunter in the clamps, wanted to make his lover feel as good as he did.

  “Now?” Hunter’s hips were still moving.

  “Uh-huh. It’ll make this even better.”

  “I…” Those pretty brown eyes looked at him—so aroused.

  “Just don’t drop me.” He tightened his legs around Hunter’s waist.

  “I wouldn’t. Ever.” Hunter pinched his ass. “You want to go to the bedroom?”

  He squeaked pushing into Hunter. “Yes.”

  “‘Kay.” Hunter let him grab the gift on his way by.

  “God, you’re such a stud, babe. Turns me the fuck on.”

  “Listen to you.” Hunter groaned, breathing harder as they headed down the hall.

  “It’s the truth.” He latched onto Hunter’s neck, working the skin. He could taste salt and musk and Hunter.

  “Oh. Oh, fuck.” Hunter stopped outside the bedroom, pushed him against the wall again, hips driving. “Can’t wait.”

  Yes. Yes, Hunter could.

  “Stop.” He put every ounce of command into the word. “Bedroom.”

  “Love…” Hunter groaned, eyes so fucking hot.

  “Come on. Now.” He gave Hunter a quick kiss and waited to be obeyed.

  “Pushy.” Hunter groaned, carrying him into the bedroom.

  That made him giggle happily. “I thought that was kind of the point.”

  “You can laugh. You aren’t suffering from blue bal

  “You won’t be suffering for long, babe. At least not from blue balls.” That made him giggle all the harder.

  Hunter chuckled, swatted his ass. “Laughing at my poor balls.” Hunter plopped him onto the bed unceremoniously, grinning at him.

  He stuck his tongue out and scrambled the rest of the way out of his clothes. “Strip and then open that box.”

  Hunter stripped down, let him see that amazing body. Man, those gym hours on the road paid off. Kyle wanted to touch so badly, but he was pretty sure if he started, he wouldn’t be able to stop, so he just admired from the bed and nodded at the box. “Go on. Aren’t you curious?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I am.” Hunter ripped the paper off, opened the box, and picked up the jewelry, the shiny clamps looking tiny in Hunter’s fingers.

  Kyle licked his lips and rose up onto his knees, his fingers sliding over the clamps. “You know what these are?”

  “Uh-huh. You sent me to the toy website.”

  “I did, didn’t I?” He took the clamps from Hunter’s fingers and opened one of them.

  Hunter nodded, that pretty cock bobbing, seeming to nod too. “There were…lots of things on there.”

  “You can make a request on what I buy next.”

  A clear drop built at the tip of Hunter’s erection, grew. Kyle put his finger on it and spread the drop across the head, making it shiny. Then he took the clamp and put it on Hunter’s right nipple. The clear-rubber coated teeth would bite, but not hurt badly—mostly sting, ache. When Hunter stepped back, fingers going to his chest, Kyle reached out to stop him. “Don’t touch!”

  “What?” Hunter stopped, stayed stock-still.

  “Leave it be. Playing with them will make them hurt more. Besides.” He gave Hunter his best evil grin. “That’s my job.”

  “It aches.” Hunter stepped closer again, ab muscles like rocks.

  “It looks hot. I’m putting the other one on.”

  “I don’t know ‘bout that.” Hunter didn’t move away, though.

  “I do.” And he was the one in charge.

  He took the other little clamp from Hunter’s fingers and attached it to the left nipple. “There.” He licked his lips, his cock coming right back to life at the sight of all those muscles and the little clamps.


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