by Diamond
I can remember, during the impeachment process, I was watching the trial play out on national TV. I noticed how the media was trying to sway the public. They kept the coverage of the trial on TV all day. It didn’t matter to us because people were able to see just how biased the Democrats were being towards President Trump. People actually started questioning the integrity of our Congress. It was all a game to them. They couldn’t have cared less about wasting millions of our tax dollars. Hell, they had just wasted over thirty-five million of our tax dollars on their Russia witch hunt. If the media was supposed to hold Congress accountable, why didn’t they do their job? It looked like everyone had been bought and paid for. The Left, along with the left-wing media and the Democrats, were all in on another scam, better known as the Witch Hunt 2.0.
I seriously needed a break from it all. I was sitting in my den, watching the news, when my heart started palpitating very fast. I didn’t know what was going on, but I did know that oftentimes heart palpitations can be caused by stress. I was stressed-out and numb at the way our U.S. Congress was deliberately trying to hoodwink the American people.
Right. It was disturbing. It made me wonder how many more people they had tried to railroad. It seemed like they were playing a familiar scheme and beam game. They knew all of the little corrupt tricks, and the sad part was that they didn’t try to hide it. They didn’t care if you knew that they were underhanded, and they didn’t care who it hurt.
When the palpitations started getting worse, I ended up in the emergency room and then in the hospital for two days, all because of stress. My heart was fine, but my stress levels were through the roof. I knew if I was feeling this way, others were also feeling the same anxiety. It was time for me to pull back and get still, and that’s exactly what I did.
Finally, President Trump was acquitted. Looking at the antics and biased tactics used by the Democrats, we will never vote Democrat, nor will I ever trust the media again. No one should ever want to vote for a party whose members are okay with exerting their will instead of following our constitutional laws.
Over sixty million people voted for President Trump. If the Democrats were okay with taking away his constitutional rights, they wouldn’t have a problem taking away the average American’s rights.
Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump because they knew he would stand up for America and Americans. We knew who we were voting for before we voted him into office. We wanted a disrupter, a job creator, and a negotiator.
President Trump has given us all permission to start standing up for ourselves and push back on these false narratives and sources that continue to bamboozle us. Who the hell does the Left think we are? We are not chumps; we are American citizens. We may have taken these shenanigans for decades, but we are not taking them anymore!
Chapter 17 The Invisible Enemy
After the Ukraine hoax, used by the Democrats to impeach President Trump, then came the coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China. First Russia, then Ukraine, then China.
Unbelievable. Our president was winning for America and breaking all kinds of records. Then out of nowhere, America was fighting an invisible war. The Wuhan virus shut the country down.
President Trump began calling it the Chinese virus because it originated in China. The Democrats and some in the media began calling the president a racist for stating the obvious. Well, was it racist when Democrats and the mainstream media called their hoax the “Russia” collusion?
It has been widely reported that in January 2020, the United States intelligence community began briefing President Trump on the respiratory disease now known as COVID-19. According to the health experts and their projections, 1.6 to 2.2 million people were going to die. The economy was thriving when President Trump was told, Sir, we’re going to have to close it up until we get rid of this hidden enemy—this terrible scourge.
President Trump created a task force of scientists and medical professionals to deal with the situation. Americans were told that we had to listen to the scientists. Nothing about this felt right to many Americans. We later found out the projections were flawed.
Despite having the best economy in history, the lowest unemployment, and record-breaking stock market gains, the United States of America came to a screeching halt in a matter of days. The stock market went from hitting an all-time high, 29,551.42, on February 12, 2020, to hitting as low as 18,917.46 on March 18, 2020; Americans lost their jobs; and unemployment claims soared to over three million during the week of March 26, 2020.
The left-wing media seemed excited by the losses. It was like they were celebrating the collapse of America’s economy. Anything to hurt President Trump. The way the Democrats politicized each development to manipulate the pain was mind-boggling. Not only were they manipulating the pain, but they were manipulating the public with fear and panic. Yes, there was a virus, but the way the media was politicizing and sensationalizing it was over the top. They only focused on the number of deaths, not the number of recoveries. Seeing what they were doing, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. Something wasn’t right. I couldn’t put my finger on it, so I kept watching, looking, and listening.
It felt like we were looking at a movie where we were all forced to participate in a Deep State experiment. It was one thing to ask us to work together by staying home, but it was another thing for governors to implement limits and stipulations as to how we, as U.S. citizens, could spend our money. This was a clear sign of undercover socialism mixed with a globalist-takeover mentality silently being pushed down Americans’ throats.
This whole thing wasn’t making sense to me. Something just wasn’t sitting well in my spirit, and I had a lot of questions.
If you don’t know by now, I’m a strategic thinker; I think outside of the box. I’ve never lived through or recalled experiencing anything where my freedoms and civil liberties felt violated beyond my control. When something doesn’t feel right, keep your eye on the ball because a distraction and a deflection is merely used to divert your attention to focus on presumptions instead of true realities.
We began to watch it from both angles and pay attention to the opposite of what we were being told. Something wasn’t adding up, and something wasn’t making sense.
On March 24, 2020, during a coronavirus townhall, President Trump stated that he would love to have the country opened by Easter. Seemed reasonable to me. Easter was a little over two weeks away, on April 12, 2020.
All of a sudden, the media began criticizing the president for being optimistic about opening the country back up. Immediately things took a turn for the worse. The number of deaths skyrocketed within a matter of five days.
We started asking questions like, How did one person die from the Wuhan virus within thirty-nine days after the first case was reported in the U.S.A., on January 21, 2020, but more than a thousand people died within a two-week time period after testing began? What accelerated the deaths within two weeks? And why wasn’t the number of people recovering from this virus being reported?
Right, Silk. It seemed like the media’s goal was only to keep the negative news in front of the viewers. Please note that when you are in panic and fear mode, it’s easier to be controlled.
Here’s another question: Did people die with the virus or from the virus? Meaning, did people die from another cause but happened to have the virus, or were they dying because they contracted COVID-19? Where were the statistics, and why weren’t those statistics being shown to the American people?
So we were paying close attention. On April 7, 2020, while listening to the Coronavirus Task Force briefing, we heard Dr. Birx make a revealing statement. She said, “If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.”
This statement answered my questions. My gut intuition was confirmed: There’s a difference between dying with COVID-19 and dying from COVID-19. This Deep State experiment was about more than COVID-19. I asked myself, is this a virus with an agenda?
p; Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin seemed to be working for people who had the virus. Both medicines may have been used for different purposes, but it seemed that when they were combined, the combination was successful for treating the virus. People began thanking President Trump for making everyone aware of the medicine and its possibilities.
People also thanked President Trump for the S.204 Right to Try Act, which he had signed into law on May 30, 2018. Right to Try opened a new pathway for terminally ill patients who had exhausted government-approved options so they would be able to get into clinical trials to access experimental treatments.
For some, this was their only hope. Some people were able to bounce back after several days of the combination of medicines, but some Democrat governors restricted the medicines from being used in their states. This seemed inhumane to me.
Yeah. If there’s something that can possibly save someone’s life, why not allow them the right to try instead of letting them die? To me, it didn’t make sense to wait two years for a vaccine when a combination of already available medicines was working.
By the way, COVID-19 is said to mutate. How the hell are you going to create a vaccine if the virus keeps changing?
So why was there such a big push for a vaccine when it wasn’t even a cure? What was so wrong with allowing my immune system to defend my body naturally?
That’s right, Diamond. What happened to “Our bodies, our choice”?
Then we have Governor Cuomo of New York on TV begging for ventilators after the Trump administration had already started sending them. Day after day, Cuomo begged for thirty thousand ventilators, anticipating a huge wave of COVID-19 patients. From the way he sounded, you would have thought that patients were coming in droves. That was why they needed these ventilators right then and there.
After a few weeks of this begging, a video surfaced showing Governor Cuomo saying, “We have ventilators in the stockpile, and we haven’t sent them to the hospitals yet.” He said he was planning for an apex.
Well, why didn’t he tell the public that he was stockpiling the ventilators? Why did he make it appear urgent that he have the thirty thousand ventilators or people were going to die? When we saw his actions, we had even more questions. Was the governor claiming to need ventilators in order to make the crisis seem more severe?
I began to observe how a lot of elderly people were having the worst reaction to this plague and were in serious danger of dying from it. I had more questions: How were the elderly in nursing homes, especially in New York, all of a sudden catching this virus when they had not gone out in public, after the nursing homes had been forbidden to have visitors?
Y’all, later on I found out something horrible: According to Breitbart News, Governor Andrew Cuomo and his administration implemented a policy on March 25, 2020, that demanded nursing homes take in active COVID-19 patients. They had just banned family members from visiting the nursing homes a week and a half before, on March 13, 2020.
Not only that, on April 1, 2020, a state law was implemented granting hospitals and nursing homes some immunity from civil and criminal liability.
I wept for the vulnerable. I found myself missing meals, and my blood pressure was elevated, I was so hurt by what I saw, heard, and felt. Elderly people were dying, and nobody seemed to care.
Wow, why would anyone be OK with placing the sick with the vulnerable? Why?
The elderly and our veterans—another group that is often disrespected—know exactly what our freedom means. They can tell of America’s greatness. They can explain, from irrefutable experience, why capitalism is the only government for them—and they’ll crawl through glass to vote for it. If they were eliminated, who would even know our history or be able to testify about liberty and justice for all?
Now I can only go off of my feelings. Not to downplay the virus and the number of people who were affected by it, but I truly believed that a lot of the Deep State snakes were upset because they no longer had power and because President Trump wasn’t afraid to poke the bear and disturb the status quo.
There was a lot of speculation that the virus had been man-made in a lab and bats had been injected with it. There was also speculation that the virus had occurred naturally. Well, according to the patent laws, you cannot patent anything that occurs naturally—and several strands of the coronavirus were already patented.
My thoughts were, if China created this mess, then China should have stopped it at the source. They should not be able to benefit and make millions off of the collapse of America’s stock market and economy. If they are responsible, then they should foot the bill, not the American taxpayers. If China concealed this and didn’t reveal it, they should be held accountable.
On April 8, 2020, the CDC reported that African Americans were disproportionately affected by the coronavirus because obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes are more prevalent in African Americans. Well, we had real problems with that theory. Obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes are all national issues, not African American issues.
Later on, we had the privilege of interviewing Jerome Adams, the United States surgeon general. His thoughts were that because of close living and shared housing, many minority groups were being disproportionately affected.
But I still had a few nagging questions: Why does it feel like every time something breaks out in this country, black people are the ones disproportionately affected? Why does it feel like black people are always the ones who are more adversely affected than everyone else in a crisis? Black people are human beings, just like every other race of people.
But we were persecuted for asking these questions. We were smeared and slandered by the media for daring to even have an open conversation about a matter that disproportionately affects black people. Y’all know this only caused me to ask more questions. What was the real intent, and why was it okay for liberal blacks and liberal whites to talk about the coronavirus but not Diamond and Silk? Is this a form of systemic racism?
That’s right, Silk. They don’t cut your tongue out of your mouth to keep you quiet; they cut your tongue out of your mouth to keep you from telling the truth.
Right. I began thinking about this, and the thought that just kept coming to me was, if they think they are about to make black people the guinea pigs for their vaccine experiments, they have another think coming. This reminded us of the Tuskegee experiment all over again!
I felt like the black community would be used like we were part of a science experiment to test their supposed cures. I picked up the phone and called Diamond to tell her what I was feeling…
And, y’all, I was having the same thoughts. All of this was going on at the same time that the World Health Organization (WHO) was supposedly developing a vaccination. This did not comfort us at all. It seemed the WHO was pushing handwashing, social distancing, and a vaccine—that’s it.
They never mentioned practical health steps like eating right to boost your immune system, vitamins, sunshine and fresh air, and God forbid the use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin—drugs that were reported to help people who already had the virus. The only answer for them was to wash your hands and stay away from others until we can develop a vaccine.
Well, when the WHO was looked into, it was discovered that they were not upfront and upright concerning the virus and that they seemed to be protecting the decisions China was making. China wanted their own responsibility for the virus deflected and even went so far as to blame American soldiers for bringing coronavirus to their shores!
That wasn’t happening on President Trump’s watch.
No, it wasn’t. He set them straight on that.
The WHO seemed only too willing to parrot what China said. Then, it came out that America invests about ten times more money annually in the WHO than China does. On top of that, it was reported that they knew about the virus and its catastrophic effects earlier than the information was released.
It didn’t help them when the WHO chief made
the statement, “We will have many body bags in front of us if we don’t behave.” Sounded to us like a threat. We began asking questions: Why did the WHO threaten the President of the United States with more body bags? Did they know something we didn’t know? Were they the orchestrating this whole pandemic? On April 14, 2020, President Trump halted U.S. funding to the World Health Organization, and we couldn’t have been happier with that decision.
The Wuhan virus pandemic opened a lot of people’s eyes. We all realized just how many products were being made in China. We even found out that China was making 97 percent of all of our antibiotics, along with 80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients used to make our medicines.
So they fail to warn us of a virus, but we’re supposed to rely on them to handle our medicines honestly and fairly? That’s a hell no! It was obviously time to bring our manufacturers back home to America. It was time for Americans to start making our own products instead of depending on a foreign country and its cheap labor. You’ve heard the old saying: you get what you pay for!
You got that right. You also get who you vote for.
There was something very sinister going on, and I’m not referring to the virus. I’m referring to the Democrat anti-Trump governors who were doing more harm to their states than the virus. It felt like some Democrat leaders fell right into a tyrannical strategy. All of a sudden, a communist and socialist agenda was in play, and it was as if we the people shouldn’t think it was unusual.
As many states began opening back up, a lot of Democrat-run states were extending their lockdowns. Not only did this flatten the curve, it also flattened small businesses; it flattened people’s livelihoods and savings and retirement accounts. People lost their jobs and couldn’t provide for their families, and the number of deaths from suicide climbed as the quarantine continued.