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The Thing About Us: A MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 30

by Jennifer Domenico

  I take another drink of wine. “Why don’t you tell me about you first.”

  “Okay. I’m thirty-one and an Aquarius. I do believe in astrology and today my zodiac said I would have my eyes opened to unexpected opportunities, so I’m waiting to see what that is. Maybe dinner with you, but that was somewhat expected.”

  I smile, understanding quickly what Ben saw in him. “What else, Ryan?”

  “I love playing poker but I’m terrible at it. I always show my hand. I love San Francisco, but I’m growing restless.”


  “I think I need a little more sunshine and warmth in my life.”

  “There’s an office in LA and San Diego.”

  “Yeah, I know. LA would be cool, since I have a few friends there.” He sips his wine. “Assuming Luc is cool with me now.”

  “He is. That was all just a misunderstanding.”

  “Yeah.” He breaks off a piece of bread and chews it. “What else? I have a degree in business but took a year off after college to travel Europe and pretend I was an artist.”

  “An artist?”

  “Yep. I tried my hand at painting. I love it, but again, totally shit at it.”

  “Do you still paint?”

  “All the time. I find it relaxing. Who cares if I’m not very good at it?” He grins. “Do you have hobbies?”

  “No. I work so much. I have to for the promotion I want. My life will get even busier once it’s official. I find it hard just to have time for regular things much less hobbies.”

  “How do you find time to entertain those two gorgeous boys of yours?”

  I search his eyes for a moment, wondering how much I tell him. I’ve known him for twenty minutes, but god, do I need someone to talk to.

  “What’s wrong, Georgie?”

  I tap my fingers on the table, opening my mouth to speak, but pausing when the server delivers our meals. I pour myself another glass of wine, filling it far more than I should.

  “Do you want to talk about something?” he asks.

  “I do.” I fight back tears. “But I shouldn’t involve you.”

  Ryan reaches across the table and rubs my hand. “If you need a friend, I can be one. Is it about Ben and Luc?”

  I nod, slamming back my entire glass of wine in one gulp. “You’re Ben’s friend.”

  “It’s okay. I can be your friend too.”

  Gently, I pull my hand away and focus on my meal. “Sorry, Ryan, you don’t need my shit dumped on you. Let’s just eat dinner.”

  Ryan stands and moves to the chair next to me. “Hey.” I shift my gaze to him. “Talk to me.”

  I search his eyes. “I don’t think I can do it anymore.”

  “Do what?”

  I glance down for a moment before meeting his concerned gaze. “Stay with Ben and Luc.”

  Chapter 48 Ben

  “Bath is ready.” I lean on the frame of the doorway to the bedroom, watching Luc and all his masculine beauty sitting naked on the edge of the bed, looking at his phone. Sometimes I truly cannot believe this man is mine. After so much longing, he’s mine.

  He glances up, putting his phone on the nightstand. “Wonderful. Nothing like a hot bath on a cold night.”

  “With a hot man.”

  “Times two.” He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek. “Have I told you today that you’re the sexiest man in LA?”

  I laugh softly. “Not yet.”

  “Ah, well, it’s been rectified.”

  We slide into the tub together, partaking in a ritual we share two or three times a week. We can never get Georgie to join us, but Luc and I have come to love bath time. We can just be quiet, or we can make out, or we can get dirty. Whatever we want.

  I grin, using my foot to push suds in Luc’s direction. “Have I told you how lucky I am because of you?”

  Luc smiles. “Not today, love.”

  I lean forward so that I’m between his legs, then I reach down stroking is cock. “I’ll show you.”

  We kiss as our bodies press together and the water sloshes over the sides. Kissing Luc is such an experience. It’s otherworldly, erasing any stress or unhappiness in my life as soon as his lips touch mine. When his hand grips the back of my neck, holding my mouth to his, it’s the most secure I’ve ever felt in my life. I pull away just enough to brush my lips over his and meet his eyes.

  “You own me, Luc. You and Georgie fucking own me. Everything of mine is yours.”

  His eyes soften. “Everything?”

  I nod. “All of it. My body, my thoughts, my heart. I wish I could put into words…” I smile. “When the three of us are together, I feel so incredible. So loved. When it’s just you and me, I feel so…understood, maybe. It’s hard to describe, but the best I can say is it fixes everything.”

  “Except nothing is broken with you, Ben. Not one thing. I meant what I said the night of the holiday party. You took me to a new level and a love I didn’t think was possible. You are perfect for me. In every way.”

  I smile. “Yeah, it’s awesome. Our time alone is good. I think it’s important, but...”

  “I know. We need her with us.”

  “We do.”

  Luc grins. “But in the meantime, come here.”

  I lean in so our lips can meet again. After kissing heatedly for a few minutes, Luc grips my cock. He’s learned over the months exactly how to get me to the edge. He lies on top of me, his dick grinding into mine as he fists me fast and firm. I lean my head back against the cool porcelain, allowing the pleasure to take hold. Luc kisses my neck, sucking on my chin, then moving to my mouth, kissing me hard as he expertly works my cock.

  “I make you feel so good, right, baby?”

  “Fucking perfect, English.”

  “We have it all. We can do anything.” The intensity in his eyes is startling as he holds my gaze. “Tell me you need to come, Ben. Beg me.”

  I cup his face, leaning in to kiss him hard. “Please let me come. I need it so bad. Please, Luc.” He grins as he bites my bottom lip, bringing me to orgasm. “Ahhh fuck yes.”

  Luc slides away, a satisfied smile on his lips. “Watching you come is fucking amazing.”

  “Watching you bring me there is a fucking dream.”

  He kisses me again. “Let’s get out.”


  Lying in bed with our hands entwined, I realize something that I’m not sure if I should voice. More and more, Luc and I have been on our own. We eat dinner alone most nights. We watch movies, talk about work, all without Georgie. She’s working late, she says, or she needs to go to bed early, or the tub is too crowded for three.

  I exhale slowly. “Do you think Georgie is pulling away?”

  Luc turns his head to face me. “I think she’s just different than us, mate. She has her career and she’s learning how to live with people in her space.”

  “True.” I chew my lip for a second. “But I feel like she doesn’t want us anymore.”

  Luc’s eyes fill with sadness. “I think the same thing, if I’m honest. I wonder if we overwhelm her. We’re here all the time.”

  “Maybe we should give her some space and stay at my place or yours for a bit.”

  Luc nods. “You may be right. We just sort of moved in here, didn’t we?”

  “We did. It’s a nice place and it made sense since she had so much more stuff than us.”



  “If she can’t handle this, can she handle marriage? It only gets worse when we buy a place and combine all of our things and start building a life.”

  I nod. “Maybe we just need to take it a little slower for her. She’s never been in a committed relationship.”

  “Yes, you’re right. What should we do?”

  “Should we plan a really romantic weekend in San Francisco to show her how much she means to us? We had a great time in Napa when we did that.”

  “I like that. We’ll go up Friday night and surprise her
. She loves surprises.”


  Luc rolls over and kisses me softly, letting his lips linger on mine. “And you? Not overwhelmed or going too fast?”

  I cup his cheek. “I think in some ways I waited my entire life to love you.” I smile. “So no, not too fast and not overwhelmed.”

  “And life with Georgie? No hesitation?”

  “None. I think I need to spend more time with her too. You and I together can be intense. Maybe she even feels left out.” Luc nods. “You?”

  “I love her deeply. The two of you give me so much. I love our time alone, but it’s not complete without her.”

  “I agree.”

  Luc’s eyes search mine, full of words he doesn’t speak. This happens a lot lately. I know he’s processing this love we share with Georgie. He pulls me close so that I can lie my head on his chest.

  “I love you, Ben.”

  A smile pulls at my lips. “I love you too, Luc.”


  Chapter 49 Georgie

  “Whoa,” Ryan says. “Did something happen?” I drink another glass of wine. “Let me order more wine.” Ryan waves for the server and orders another bottle, while I fight back tears. “Okay. What happened?”

  “You saw them together. You witnessed the intensity of emotion that flows between them.” He nods. “They’re not in love with me, Ryan. They’re in love with each other.” I shake my head. “But they can’t see it. We’re playing house in my townhome, pretending to live this domestic life of bliss, but more and more, I see them…”

  “See them what, Georgie?”

  “They make love all the time without me. They do things together. I’m in the way now. I’m just,” I shrug. “I don’t know. I’m like an ornament.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true.”

  “Remember how Ben thought he was the third wheel?”


  “He’s not. He’s the center of the universe. Luc’s universe and Luc is his. I’m the third wheel.” I drink more wine. “They didn’t mean to, but they fell in love deeper than either could have expected. They belong with each other.”

  Ryan studies my face for a moment. “What are you thinking?”

  “Honestly? Getting an apartment here and trying to rebuild the life I had. I liked it the way it was. I thought I loved them, Ryan. I did.”

  “But? You don’t?”

  “I do, but not the way they love. They are perfect humans.” I wipe a tear, annoyed with my inability to control my feelings. I’m barely eating. “I just want to run away, but I’m pretty sure this time it’s the right thing to do.”

  “This time?”

  “I’m not really into monogamy. I made an exception for Ben and Luc believing it could be different. They could fill the hole in me that made it impossible to commit. I usually sabotage things when they go well, but this time, I know it’s not me. At least I think it’s not me. If you could see them, you would know. They belong together and I belong…”

  Ryan takes my hand, squeezing it. “Where?”

  “Alone, I guess.”

  “No, Georgie.” He smiles. “No, not alone. I know for a fact that Ben loves you. He talks about you every time I call. I don’t talk to Luc as much, but they’re committed to you.”

  “Maybe I’m just destined to be alone.”

  His brow creases. I pour myself more wine and eat a few bites of food to soak up the alcohol. “I wish you weren’t gay, Ryan.” I speak, staring into my wine glass. “I wish you found me attractive and wanted to seduce me and take me to your bed and fuck me all night. I wish you could make me feel like I’m the center of your universe.” I gaze up. “That’s what I wish.”

  “I do find you attractive, but you’re in a relationship with my friend. It wouldn’t be right.”

  He’s close enough to kiss, so I lean in, but he moves back. “Sweetie, come on. You’re just hurting right now. You don’t want to fuck me.”

  “Yes, I do. You’re gorgeous. I know why Ben wanted you.”

  “The same reason you do, Georgie. To avoid the situation you’re in. I can’t let you do that to yourself. You’ll regret it tomorrow.”

  I shake my head. God, I’m a fool. “I should go to my room.”

  “I’ll come with you and we’ll talk. Would you like that?”

  I swallow hard. “I’d rather you hold me. Would you, Ryan? I won’t try to kiss you again or lead you to bed. I just need someone’s arms around me.” I grip his hand in mine. “Will you hold me?”

  He studies my face for a moment. “Sure, Georgie. I’ll hold you.”

  Up in my room, Ryan and I stand across from each other. My head is woozy from all the wine I drank, but Ryan looks like the distraction I need. He would have to be honest and trustworthy and nice. I pull my sweater over my head, revealing my bra. Ryan shakes his head and marches toward me, pulling me into his strong arms.

  “It’s okay to hurt, Georgie. It’s okay to be sad, but I know what you’re doing. You want them to be mad at you so they’ll let you go.”

  I push away from him. “No.”

  “Yes. I won’t let you use me to hurt Ben. I can’t. Why don’t you just tell them what you told me? Just be honest. They’ll understand if you need space.” He steps forward taking my hand. “But you don’t have to fuck someone else. You don’t have to hurt yourself anymore.”

  Overwhelmed with tears, I lean into his chest, sobbing and letting it all out. “I wanted to love them. I did. I wanted it to be perfect. And it is for them. I just don’t fit. Maybe I never did.”

  He leans back so he can see my face. “What?”

  “Maybe all along I was just the catalyst to bring them together.” Tears stream down my face. “Now what do I do?”

  “You need to really think this through.” He cups my face. “But please, Georgie, be honest with them. They deserve that.”

  I nod, wiping my face. “They do. Thanks for not letting me be an asshole.”

  Ryan laughs. “That’s my job. I guess this was my unexpected opportunity tonight.”

  “You just met me and I emotionally vomited all over you.”

  “Better than actual vomit.” He pinches my chin. “Do you want to be alone now?”

  “No. Can you still hold me? I can pretend we’re lovers and you can’t leave my side.”

  “We can do that.”


  In the morning, I wake to find Ryan sound asleep, his dress clothes completely rumpled, but his face the picture of calm. Me on the other hand? My head is pounding and I’m mortified I tried to seduce him. He doesn’t even like women. I rub my forehead, sitting on the edge of the bed. I start to move but feel his hand on my back. I twist to face him.


  Ryan smiles. “Hey.” He sits up. “How ya doing?”

  I shrug. “I feel like shit. For lots of reasons. I shouldn’t have pulled you into this mess with us. I definitely shouldn’t have tried to kiss you. I’m really sorry, Ryan.” I shake my head. “And embarrassed.”

  “You don’t need to be either. I’m happy I could be here with you and not some asshole who would take advantage of a gorgeous but hurting woman.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t take advantage either.” I take his hand in mind. “Could I ask you to keep this between us please? I need to deal with it obviously, but I don’t want complicate things by them knowing what happened here last night.”

  “There’s nothing to tell from my end. I had dinner with a new friend and talked through some things she’s dealing with. That’s it.”

  I smile. “Thank you.”

  “What’s your plan?”

  “I’m going to spend the week analyzing my feelings and really thinking things through. I don’t want to make a mistake with them. They deserve better than that.” Ryan nods. “But if I still feel the same way by Friday, I’m going to go home for the weekend and…” I exhale slowly. “And let them go.”

  He squeezes my hand. “That�
��s the right thing to do, but only if you’re 100% sure. They won’t let you go easily.”

  “I know. When you were with him…”


  “Did he talk about me? Or just Luc?”

  Ryan’s brow furrows. “He talked more about the situation. He was in a place where he just wanted to block it out.”

  I nod. “Making love to him was amazing, I bet. He’s so sensitive when he gives his body to someone.”

  “We didn’t make love, Georgie. We fooled around a little and we cuddled a lot, but we never had intercourse.”

  “Was that difficult?”

  “Very. Ben is delectable, but I need a connection before sex and it wasn’t there. He was too in love with other people.”


  He shakes his head. “People.”

  “But now you’re sure you’re gay? No more women?”

  “Honestly, I don’t fucking know. I was so sure after Ben.” He shrugs. “Can I tell you something?”

  I laugh softly. “After last night you have to ask?”

  He smiles. “True. I really want to fall in love, Georgie. I want to settle down and get married and build a home with someone. I don’t care what the gender of that person is, but I want to find them. You probably can’t understand that desire. You’re on the opposite side of it.”

  “Not true, Ryan. I think when the boys proposed, it felt so good to think about not searching anymore. Not starting over any more. It felt like I could move past my relationship issues. Now I’m just realizing, that wasn’t where I belong yet. I have to keep looking.”

  “Well, Georgie, I understand what drew Ben and Luc to pursue you the way they did. You’re ridiculously beautiful, but you’re sensual and funny and brave.”


  “You are. More than you know. You can handle this.”

  I smile. “Nothing about any of this is conventional is it?”

  “No.” He sits up, cupping my face. “But whatever happens next, you need time to heal and collect your thoughts and decide if you’re ready to try again. The next person you love deserves that.”

  “Oh, Ryan. You might be the nicest guy on the planet.”

  “I just try to be honest and live that way. I’m not perfect.”


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