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The Thing About Us: A MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 31

by Jennifer Domenico

  “I can see why Ben was drawn to you. The same way I’m drawn to you.”

  He smiles. “Just talk to them before you make any major decisions.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Chapter 50 Ben

  My ringing phone startles me awake. I grab it, concerned when I see Ryan’s name.

  “Hey, Ryan.”

  “Hi. I need to talk to you.”

  “I’m here. What’s going on? Is something wrong with Georgie?”

  “I’m taking a huge risk here, Ben, but you’re my friend so I feel like I should tell you.”


  Luc sits up, gazing at me with a concerned expression.

  “I think you and Luc should come up here and talk to Georgie. She thinks she’s out.”

  “Out?” I rub my forehead. “What does that mean?”

  “She thinks you and Luc have fallen in love with each other so much there isn’t room for her anymore. She’s thinking of breaking up with you guys so she can get out of your way.”

  “Fuck. Are you serious?”

  “Yeah. She spilled it at dinner after a bottle of wine. I told her she needs to talk to you both and be honest with you, but I’m not sure she will. She’s broken up over it, trying to convince herself she’s not in love with you both.”


  “What’s wrong?” Luc whispers.

  “I’ll tell you in a sec. Thanks for calling, Ryan. I can’t believe this.”

  “I told her I would keep it between us, but I just couldn’t. I know she means a lot to you, and I assume she’s wrong and that you both love her and want to keep her with you?”

  “Absolutely. We’ve felt her pulling away but had no idea it was at this level.”

  “Yeah. She even talked about trying to move here.”

  “Fuck. We were planning to come up for a romantic weekend with her. Should we come sooner?”

  “As soon as possible.”

  “Okay.” I nod. “We’ll make plans. Thanks again, man. I owe you.”

  “No you don’t. It’s what friends do.”

  I hang up and look at Luc. “Georgie told Ryan she thinks we don’t want her anymore.”


  “She thinks we love each other too much and there’s no room for her. Sound familiar?”

  “Jesus. How did this happen? Did we miss something?”

  Ben takes my hand. “It’s exactly what I was talking about the other day. She’s been pulling away and we’ve been moving closer in to each other. Sex with her is amazing, but sex between us is spiritual. She feels that shit.”

  “But I love her. I know you love her too.”

  I nod. “I do. We need to fight for her. We need to follow through with our plan to show her how much we want her and love her.”

  Luc squeezes my hands in his. “That’s what you want, right? The three of us. Nothing’s changed?”

  “Not for me. I think our life is perfect. Don’t you?”

  “Perfect. We just need to convince Georgie.”

  “Let’s go book our tickets to San Francisco.”

  Chapter 51 Georgie

  Lying in my bed at the hotel room, I stare at the ceiling knowing the time is coming where I have to confront the reality of my situation. This is going to suck more than anything I’ve done in life to date, but I love them, and if you love someone you want the best for them. And the best for Luc and Ben is for me to leave.

  I roll over when I hear a knock on the door. When I peek through the peephole, my mouth drops open. I open the door in shock.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Luc enters first, pulling me into his arms, while Ben steps close, rubbing my back.

  “We came to surprise you,” Ben says, softly. “And to talk.”


  Luc releases me, closing the door behind him. “We feel you moving away. What’s going on, Georgie?”

  Shit. I’m not prepared for this, but it has to be done. I look away, not giving them a chance to melt me with their beautiful eyes or pouty mouths or sensual words. I sit in the chair waiting for them to join me on the small sofa in my room. They look nervous, curious, worried. All things they should be.

  I take a deep breath. “I’m just going to get to the point. You know I love you both so much. More than I’ve ever loved in my life, but—”

  “No,” Luc says. “No, Georgie. Don’t.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. “I want you both to move out.” I avoid their eyes. “I’m going to rent an apartment in San Francisco for a while.”

  “Why?” Luc’s voice kills me. “What did we do wrong?”

  “Nothing, Luc. Nothing at all. You just…” I blink back tears. “You can’t see it yet probably, but I can. You both have gone to a place in your relationship with each other that doesn’t leave room me. If you think about it, you know it’s true.”

  “It’s not true, Georgie,” Ben says. “We’ve spent a lot of time talking about it. We love you.”

  I nod. “I know you do. That’s why this is even harder. You love me, but it’s not the intense passionate love you have for each other. You don’t need me anymore.”

  “Need you?” Luc asks, his voice strained with emotion. “What do you mean?”

  “I believe the two of you needed me to bring you together. You needed me to help it make sense in the beginning. You needed me to make it okay to love each other.” I finally look up, feeling my heart break when I meet his tragic eyes. “But we’re past that now. You don’t need that anymore. You found your way to love.”

  Ben stares at the floor while Luc’s eyes fill with tears.

  “We made a commitment, Georgie. We said…” Luc wipes his eyes. “I don’t understand. When you left it was fine. Everything was fine.”

  “But it wasn’t.” Ben glances up and meets my eyes. “I’ve known for some time. I saw it coming, but I tried to block it out. I wanted to. Trust me, this is not easy for me. It’s just right.”

  We sit in silence for several minutes as all of us let our tears fall. Finally, Luc speaks.

  “Listen to me, Georgie.” I’m shocked by the stern tone of his voice. “Do you really think that either of us are just going to let you go? Do you?”

  “Romantically, yes.” I don’t try to stop my tears. “I hope once the pain of all this wears off, that there’s still a place for me in friendship. I want to be in your lives and witness your love. I want to be at your wedding and make a speech about how you renewed my faith in love and how you showed me that I’m not as broken as I thought, and I am capable of giving my heart to people. I want you both to know that I loved you with all the capacity I could.”

  Ben looks up. “Stop it. Okay, Georgie? This is ridiculous. Just so you know, we planned to come up on Friday and surprise you with a romantic weekend. The three of us.” My eyes widen. “You’re not witnessing our love. You’re part of it. I don’t where you got this idea, but you’re wrong, and if we’re not doing what we need to do to keep you happy, then just fucking talk to us. Don’t try to leave. We won’t let you.”

  “I hear you, but I don’t think I was ever supposed to be a permanent part of you. I was supposed to bring you together and I did that. And I’m so happy.” My voice breaks with tears. “And I’m so sad.”

  Luc and Ben exchange glances as we sit in silence. It feels like hours have passed before Luc’s voice cuts through.

  “A few months ago, we had a dream. The three of us. Two of us still have that dream. What do Ben and I need to do right now to get you to dream again?”

  I stare down at my ring finger, recalling the rush of emotion I felt the night we decided we would always be together. It was such an incredible feeling. I gaze up, meeting Ben and Luc’s tear stained eyes. “I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m just repeating old patterns or if I truly believe you don’t need me anymore.” I decide it’s best if I come clean. “I tried…” I exhale slowly. “I threw myself at Ryan.”

Luc’s eyes widen. “What?”

  “I did. I wanted to feel wanted. I didn’t want to be a third. I understood exactly how we made Ben feel before.”

  “Did you fuck him?” Luc asks.

  “No. He wouldn’t let me do that to myself or to you guys. He’s a good person. We talked and he told me to be 100% sure because I couldn’t do something like this based on fear. I was planning to take the week to think things over, but now you’re here.”

  “We knew you were pulling away,” Ben says softly. “We felt it. If we didn’t love you or want you or need you, we could’ve just let it happen, but we didn’t. We booked the first flight we could to see you. To remind you of what we have.” Ben moves so that he’s crouched in front of me. “You said it yourself, babe, together we’re magic. It takes all three of us to create it. You are so loved and desired.”

  “So loved,” Luc whispers, joining Ben in front of me. “We’re so sorry for making you feel otherwise. We’ll fix it. Just give us a chance to fix it.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  Ben glances at Luc. “I’m just going to say this because it needs to be said.” He averts his eyes for a moment while Luc and I watch him. “I really feel like you caused this yourself, Georgie.”

  I pull my head back slightly. “What do you mean?”

  “For weeks we’ve been looking at apartments, but you won’t choose one. Even the one that was perfect for us on Olympic Boulevard.” I frown. “For weeks, we’ve been asking to set a commitment ceremony date, but you won’t give one. We’ve asked you to plan details and what kind of furniture to buy for our new place, but we get nothing from you. We’ve made dinner for you that you won’t eat with us. We’ve drawn bathes that you won’t take with us. We’ve rented movies and gone shopping and tried so hard to build our life, but you won’t join us. What more can we do to prove to you how we feel if you won’t let us in?”

  I wipe tears from my cheeks as his words hit me. “Oh my god. You’re right.”

  “Then you run off to San Fran believing we don’t need you, when all we’ve ever tried to do is show you that we do. You threw yourself at Ryan to give us a reason to be mad, but you underestimate us. You didn’t count on how much we love and understand you. We came here to fight for you, and we’re not leaving until you admit what we already know.”


  “You, me, Luc, we belong together. This is forever.”

  Without another word, I slide off the chair and into Ben’s arms, crying into his shoulder. I feel Luc wrap his arms around me, and the three of us huddle together until I can calm myself down.

  After a few minutes, I gaze up at my beautiful boys. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I convinced myself leaving was what I should do.”

  “Do you love us still?” Luc asks.

  I nod. “Completely.”

  “So you don’t want to leave us?” Ben asks.

  “I never did. Can you forgive me for being so stupid?”

  “You weren’t being stupid,” Luc says, brushing tears off my cheeks. “You were scared, but we’ve got you. We love you and we won’t let you fail at this.”

  “I love you both so much.”

  Luc smiles. “Thank god. We wouldn’t know what to do without you.”

  After several minutes of hugging and kissing, Ben grins. “Can we eat? I’m starving.”

  I laugh. “Me too.” I look down at our entwined hands. “What should we do the rest of the week now that you’re here?”

  Luc rubs my thigh. “I can think of a few things, and we still have our weekend to look forward to. Ben and I can work locally for a couple of days.” He grins. “If we can stay with you.”

  I play punch his arm. “I won’t let you leave.”


  “Let’s order room service, and then…” I grin. “It’s not a bath, but the shower is big enough for three.”

  Ben smiles. “Yeah? Then what should we do?”

  “I think the two of you should remind me what a lucky woman I am.”

  Luc kisses me softly. “We’re all lucky, love.”

  Chapter 52 Luc

  After a steamy shower soaked in sexual tension, the three of us sit cross-legged in bed eating the meals we ordered from room service. It’s been well over a week since the three of us have made love together, and I can barely sit here and focus on my meal.

  “Why are you looking at me like that, English?” Georgie asks.

  “I was just thinking about how beautiful you are, and how long it’s been since I touched you.”

  Ben chuckles. “Funny, I was thinking the same thing.”

  She smiles, sliding a fry in her mouth. “Nothing stopping you, boys.”

  I take her plate and move it to the nightstand whilst Ben does the same with our plates. Just seconds later, I’m on top of her, kissing her hard, as Ben moves in to share her mouth with me. Ben and I exchange glances, and I think he’s on the same page. The more time we spend together, the more we don’t need words.

  I run my hand down her neck. “It’s just about you tonight, darling. Ben and I are here to worship your beautiful body.”

  She searches my eyes. “You’re not making love to each other?”

  “Nope. Not tonight.”

  Ben grins, slowly lifting her t-shirt and dragging his tongue across her belly. “Just you tonight, gorgeous. Filled with two big dicks until you can’t take it anymore.”

  She laughs softly. “I can always take it.”

  “A skill we love about you, darling,” I say, kissing her neck. “How do you want it?”

  “Hmm.” She drags her fingers through my hair. “Whatever you like. I’ve missed you both so much. I didn’t even realize it until tonight.”

  Ben moves up to her mouth, kissing her softly. “You’ll never miss us again.”

  Georgie cups his face. “I love you, Ben. So much.”

  “I know.”

  She reaches for my hand as I lean down to nuzzle her neck. “I love you too, Luc. I never thought I was capable of feeling so much.”

  “We insisted you love us,” I say. “We won’t let you go.”

  “Thank god.”

  “I know what I want to do first.” I scoot down until I’m between her delectable legs, swirling my tongue over her clit. Ben quickly joins me, and we take turns licking the sweetest pussy to ever exist. As we bring her to her first orgasm, I roll over onto my back, pulling her on top of me.

  Effortlessly, I slide my dick inside her from behind, exhaling slowly as the feeling overcomes me. I’m in awe how different sex feels with her versus Ben. Everything about her is soft, sensual, and sinking into her feels like diving into the softest bed linens. Ben is all hard edges and pure man. Between the two of them, I have everything a man like me could ever need.

  I watch as Ben climbs between my legs, adding his cock to share the space with me. Georgie exhales as her body relaxes into mine, allowing her body to fully accept us both. We move in the perfect rhythm we’ve practiced a hundred times since we met, my hands meeting Ben’s to knead her glorious tits. Her legs are wrapped around Ben’s waist, giving him the perfect angle. I love this moment, when our bodies are tangled into one and we can bring Georgie such incredible pleasure.

  A few minutes later, her back arches and she cries out, whispering our names as she climaxes again. It remains one of the more beautiful things I’ve ever seen. I’m in love with the two most amazing people on the planet, and I’ve never been happier.


  In the morning, after a wild night of randy lovemaking, I rise from bed and walk into the small kitchenette to start the coffee machine. After it brews, I fill three cups with coffee and carry them into the bedroom, setting them on the nightstand.

  I kiss Ben’s forehead first, smiling as he opens his eyes. “Morning, love.”

  He stretches. “Morning.”

  I climb over him and kiss Georgie’s cheek. “Wake up, gorgeous.”

  Her eyes flutter and
then she graces us with her beautiful smile. “It wasn’t a dream. You’re both really here.”

  “We’re both here, darling.” I sip my coffee. “When can you come home so we can house hunt?”

  “Home.” She smiles, sipping her coffee. “It’s funny. When I got here the other night, I thought I wanted to be alone, but waking up with you reminded me…” She pauses, shifting her beautiful eyes between us. “It reminded me that home is wherever you boys are. I feel so stupid thinking I could go on without you. I’m so happy right now.”

  “Good. Now when are you coming home to LA?”


  “What about our romantic weekend plans?” Ben asks.

  She smiles. “I’d rather come home.”

  “Perfect. I’ll call the realtor.”

  “Can we see if the place on Olympic Boulevard is still available?” Ben asks.

  “It is,” I say. “I check it all the time.”

  Georgie gazes down at her hands for a moment. “Let’s put an offer on it.”

  My eyes widen. “Don’t you want to see it again?”

  She shakes her head. “No. I loved it. I was just too scared to commit.”

  “But you’re not now?”

  “No, Luc, I’m not now. I feel excited thinking about it.”

  Ben takes her hand and kisses the back of it. “I can’t wait. It’s going to be perfect.”

  She nods, smiling. “We’re perfect.”

  I start to climb out of bed, but Georgie’s hand on my arm stops me. “What is it, love?”

  She pulls my hand into hers and reaches for Ben’s hand. “Thank you for coming. Thank you for loving me no matter what.” She exhales slowly. “Will you both still marry me?”

  I smile, glancing at Ben. “Ben? Will we marry our dream woman?”

  “Fuck yeah.”

  “You heard the man.”

  The three of us laugh before leaning in for a shared kiss.

  One year later: Ben

  Standing in the back, I straighten my tie for the tenth time, turning when I hear the slight knock on the door. Ryan opens it and smiles.


  I nod. “I am. Have you seen Luc?”


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