Book Read Free

Oddity Specialist: World Of The Occult

Page 11

by James Courneya


  “Can you talk to me more about oddities?”

  “Of course!”

  With relatively small pieces of information coming at the boy, at a fast pace, he ends up retaining almost nothing of what’s said, on account of his lacking brain function. Instead, he simply looks directly at the girl, as she continuously explains new things. “This is quite the pleasant atmosphere. For some reason, even though I can’t seem to remember what she is saying, I can remember her exact expressions.”

  Soon enough, it becomes night. “She’s given a lot of. How about this and how about that.”

  “I could read something to you.”


  Putting on a performance, she reads from a book with a bit more action and adventure in it. At least a morsel more, than story about a boy simply trying to stay awake. “Hm?”

  Activities continue to rapid fire past.





  “Truth or dare.”






  Hour by hour passes, until it becomes six A.M. The two are sitting at the desk.

  “I still have a list a hundred long, of things to do.”

  “Can’t we just sit here peacefully, for a while.”

  “But what if you get tired.”

  “Then I’ll say so. Right now, I’m actually feeling like I’ve caught a second wind.”

  “Hmm, okay.”

  Neri rests her head on her crossed arms.

  “You’ve almost beat the dream eater at this rate.”



  “We have almost beat it. I didn’t do it by myself.”

  “You’re the one staying awake though. Right now, I’m simply just a side character.”

  He glances at the girl, who is looking off in another direction.

  “It doesn’t feel that way to me.”

  “Hmm, it does to me.”

  She gets quiet. “Is she lost in thought again?”

  After a few minutes, Quinn looks back over. “Is she perhaps…”

  Peeking from a few different angles, he tries to see the face down girl. “Hm. She must have fallen asleep.”

  Quinn let’s out a sigh. “I’ll let her sleep. She’s already done more than enough. Besides, I’m feeling pretty awake right now…”





  A moment later, Quinn wakes up from a loud gasp. Panicked, he looks towards Neri. “Why does she have a worried expression?!”

  Quinn then slowly turns his attention towards what’s happening, right next to him. “w-Why?”

  Lucifer with an angered, confused look, is holding the dream eater back. Grasping the creature’s neck. “It looks like they are struggling against each other, somehow.”

  Lucifer straining himself, begins pushing the oddity back. Forcing it to fly away, retreating. Lucifer turns to the boy, giving him a side eye.

  “Thank you…”


  Quinn turns to Neri. “She seems calm.”

  “Ah, my bad. It seems I dozed off for a second.”

  “Your bad? This is my fault! If I hadn’t fallen asleep first…”

  Quinn is taken aback. “Neri seems to be genuinely upset.”

  “Hey kid, tell me about the dream you just had.”


  “You heard me.”

  “My dream.”

  Quinn is focused in, on the fact that Neri can hear half this conversation.

  “I think I remember, um… Someone, standing… I don’t really.”

  “Tsk. It ate more of your dream then. Well, not that I couldn’t tell.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “It seems healthier again. Clearly, it regained some of its energy.”

  “Wait does that mean-”

  “Yes, it would take longer to starve.”


  “Listen, it’s time to give up. You gave it a shot and failed. Go get the rest of that dream energy sucked away and go on with your life.”


  “What’s going on?”

  Neri gives a determined look.

  “…The dream eater, ate some of my dream. It will take longer to starve now.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Huh? What do you-”

  “So, the mission is the same as it was before. Keep you awake until it starves.”

  “Yeah, but it…”

  Quinn thinks to himself for a moment. “Can I just keep staying awake?”

  “Yeah, maybe I can stay awake.”

  “That’s almost the spirit.”

  Neri stands up.

  “This time, I’ll make sure you stay awake the whole time, that’s a promise!”

  Lucifer and Quinn look at the girl.


  “Fine, do whatever you two want.”

  Lucifer leaves. When he does, it prompts Quinn to think. “Why did he stop the dream eater? There has to be a reason for it.”

  “Hey, Neri.”

  “Yes, Quinn?”

  “Remember when you offered to hit me earlier?”

  “Indeed, I do.”

  “I’ll take you up on that offer now.”

  Quinn blinks.

  “Give me a moment to-”

  He feels a sharp pain in his cheek, where the girls fist connected. “Ahhhh!”

  “I see you’ve already done it. Good, didn’t even really feel it.”

  “Want me to hit you again, harder?”

  “…Not necessary.”

  “If you say so. Just know, I’m willing to randomly throw out punches on a moment’s notice.”

  “That is both reassuring and terrifying.”



  “It’s a lot better than reafying.”

  “That is, true. Though, I feel it can still be workshopped a bit. Maybe, two different words would work better.”

  “I’ll get right on that then.”

  “While you do that.”

  Quinn gets up.

  “I need to go have a conversation.”

  “On your own, is that a good idea?”

  “…I’m never alone.”

  “Because you have friendship in your heart?”

  “n-No, the fact I share my body with something else.”

  “I know, just trying to lighten the mood. You seemed a bit serious, when you said that.”

  Quinn face softens.


  Walking outside, he takes notice of fact it’s gotten brighter outside.

  “So, can we talk, or are we going to play a game first.”

  “What ever could you mean?”

  Lucifer is looking towards the sunrise.

  “You know, I ask to talk, you don’t come out, then I threaten to jump out a window and you come out with a quip of some sort.”

  “Sir, you paint me as some sort person who doesn’t care for his host.”

  “Do you?”



  “You want to know how much longer until the dream eater is dealt with?”

  “Sure, but later.”

  Lucifer gives a side eye to the boy.

  “You used up some of that energy, you had been building up. More than that, you did so when your life wasn’t in danger.”

  “Life isn’t the correct word.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Why did you do it?”

  “Could you not believe, I simply did it to help out?”

  “No. If you did, just say that directly and I’ll have to believe you.”


  “See? There’s something that has been bothering me for a bi

  “That is?”

  “Coincidences and inconsistencies. Generally, you just act tactless and reanimated.”


  “It’s my term for how you act. Very animated and over the top, all while looking like your dead inside.”


  “That is except, once in a while you do something more unexpected. I want to know why?”

  “Please that certainly doesn’t narrow it down-”

  “Why did I meet you right outside here?”


  Lucifer looks down his nose at the boy.

  “Ho? Hoo? Why ask that?”

  “It seems like, it could be an important question, right? I mean for an important, or at least self-important oddity, such as yourself to be here, there must be a reason. Moreover, you ended up getting seriously hurt. Why?”

  “Why I got hurt, simple, I was attacked when my guard was lowered.”

  “Why here?”

  “Isn’t it nice here this time of year?”

  “Not particularly.”

  “You know I can just leave this conversation at any time.”

  “Then do that. It won’t get you anywhere.”

  “Boy, why should I tell you a thing about me?”

  “Because I saved your existence.”


  Lucifer holds eye contact. He lifts his hand, placing it across his mouth.

  “Not good enough.”

  “Then what is?”


  “Which I don’t have, of course.”

  “Respect is earned, not given.”

  “Then, I think I know why you helped.”

  “Ho, do tell?”

  “It stemmed from respect, right?”


  “Hit it on the head. But since you already said you don’t respect me; it has to be someone else.”

  “Are we done here?”

  “Sure, just tell me how much longer I need to stay awake?”

  “Why should I?”

  “I know you’re being obstinate, because I didn’t listen to you; but don’t you think we have already come far enough, that you might as well be helpful at this point?”

  Lucifer looks up into the air.

  “Twenty-five to thirty hours.”

  With that, he vanishes. “That much longer. I already feel like I haven’t slept in five days and if I fall asleep even for a second, its game over.”

  “Fine, it’s just staying awake.”

  The boy heads back inside, quietly. “I feel like the answer to my question for him, lies with her, doesn’t it? But why is it, that he would have a soft spot, for a random human girl?”

  The final stretch begins, the two do everything in their power to keep Quinn awake. After a certain point, Quinn stops feeling tired.

  “This is strange.”

  “Nah, this was bound to happen eventually.”

  Quinn gives the girl a questioning look.

  “Your brain has started having micro sleeps.”


  “Parts of your brain are shutting off for periods of time, allowing them to rest.”

  “That sounds, not good.”

  “Well it certainly isn’t the healthiest thing, but it probably isn’t dangerous at all.”

  Hours continue to pass by and for all of them, Neri is optimistically staying at Quinn’s side. Not allowing anything to pass unnoticed. “I don’t like this feeling of being examined.”

  All while not sleeping or even seeming tired at all. “If this thing was attached to her, she would have beat it without even really noticing.”

  Eventually, night comes and goes, with it, Lucifer comes out.

  “It’s on the verge.”

  The immeasurably exhausted child looks up at Lucifer.


  “What’s good?”

  Neri, with bags under her eyes, gives a simple smile.

  “He says the dream eater is almost beat.”

  Neri begins to sparkle.

  “Then let’s finish this thing off!”

  “…Yeah… Let’s.”

  As he says this, the dream eater emerges. Looking emaciated; it slowly floats down towards Quinn. When it grasps it’s shaking, malshapen hand out, it vanishes.


  Quinn lays his head down and gives a thumbs up.

  “We did it!”



  The boy drifts of. Finishing his fragmented dream, he wakes up. Groggily, he lifts his head off of the pillow, it was on. He looks around, getting his bearings. When he does, he sees Neri, head down asleep on the desk, herself.

  “Heh. We did it.”

  Having slept the entirety of Sunday, Quinn heads back to school. “Last week of school before summer break starts.”

  Quinn let’s out a sigh. “Summer break starts June twenty-sixth. It’ll have been six weeks, to the day.”

  The boy’s train of thought is interrupted, when an unexpected visitor is on the path. Neri gives a salute.

  “Any new oddities to report?”

  “None yet and hopefully none for quite a while.”

  “You’ll let me know when you do find one, right?”

  “…Yeah, I will.”


  Quinn stops walking.



  He scratches the back of his head, while glancing around.

  “Do you think, we could perhaps, work together from now on. You know, dealing with oddities.”

  Neri takes a moment.

  “Of course, at this point you couldn’t get rid of me, if you tried.”

  “…Thanks, I really appreciate.”

  Neri prances towards Quinn and slaps him on the back.

  “Come on no need for that. I’m finally getting a chance to work with oddities directly. This is basically, a dream come true.”

  The boy appears to take some solace from this. “It seems I have someone I can trust now.”

  Neri runs forward, turning back with a smile.

  Chapter 8: The Marionette

  Having stopped at (dragged to) an antique store, Quinn has started looking around the shop. This remodeled house, is full wall to wall with an assortment of items. Seemingly anything and everything brought along, was added to this collection. With some of these items, clearly having been here for a very long time. While walking down one of the isles, by the corner, Quinn stops. “It feels like a part of myself, just stopped moving.”

  The boy turns around, to see Lucifer standing behind him, looking down at an old marionette. It looks like an older man, with a large nose, dressed in fifteenth century aristocratic green garb. His round, flat hat, sporting a large red feather, with two smaller, white feathers on either side of it.

  “This marionette, it’s…”

  Later that same day, Quinn has taken a sizably longer walk. Having made it to his destination around ten o’clock, he walks up to the antique shop’s door and proceeds to wait. After a minute the door opens, seemingly by itself. “Huh?”

  In actuality, a certain invisible girl opened the door. Even though, from both my perspective and a certain someone else’s, that was obvious from the start.

  “Thanks for doing this Veilia.”

  “It’s no problem; but I wish you would tell me about these things sooner. I need time to mentally prepare myself… Actually, maybe that would just make me more anxious, about it?”

  “How about, I try and refrain from asking you to use your power, in general.”

  “No! That’s okay, I don’t mind really.”

  Quinn blinks twice. “Hm.”

  “Well, alright then. That should be all I need from you, for now. Are you alright, catching a bus home?”

  “Geez, I’m only like a year younger than you, no need to treat me like a kid.”

  “Then I won’t worry about it. Want bus fare?�

  “I have a pass.”

  “Okay, I’ll figure out some other way to repay you then.”



  “I’m going to keep you to that.”

  As she says that, Quinn thinks. “Ominous.”

  When she is about to leave and Quinn is entering the building, he stops, turning back to the girl.

  “By the way, just letting you know, you’re not invisible right now.”

  “Oh, alright, thanks!”

  “No problem.”

  The girl waves goodbye and the door shuts behind Quinn. When it does, he gives a surprised, potentially even slightly frightened look. “Why was it I could see, when she was and wasn’t invisible? I couldn’t before, has something changed, since then?”

  Quinn let’s out a sigh, before continuing towards his destination. “I’ll worry about that later. Right now, I have to focus on what needs to be done.”

  Arriving back at the marionette, Quinn stands firm, asking his question.

  “You’re alive, aren’t you?”

  He gets no response and stands there a few moments. “What do I do now?”

  The marionette’s head creaks up.

  “Why yes I am, young man.”

  Standing upon his stool, the green oddity takes a bow.

  “Very observant, you are the first to notice my existence is out of the ordinary.”

  The doll’s glassy, faded, greyed eyes stare up to Quinn’s own.

  “May I ask, how you knew?”

  “I have my own special circumstances.”

  “I see.”

  The face of the oddity seems to be able to move slightly, allowing it some range of emoting. “He has an odd, uncanny valley effect.”

  “If I may impose, would you mind if we had a chat?”

  The oddity thinks upon this question. With a reserved deminer, it speaks.

  “A talk would be good; it feels like it has been a long time, since I had one. I must say, it seems like we should address the tension first, no?”


  “The fear hanging between us, I can see it emanating off of you. Neither of us know anything about each other, after all. And these circumstances, as you put it, are outside the realm of normality.”

  “I see. It’s true that I don’t have a way to fully know the danger, of any given oddity. With that said, I can get a vague sense of it. It’s not that I think you are a danger to me and I want you to feel the same way about me. I suppose to do that, I should lay out my own ambitions. That is to say, the reason I’m here is to make sure to resolve whatever issue, may be related to you.”

  “An issue, related to me?”


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