Rehumanize Your Business
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9. “MarketWatch: GoPro Inc.” MarketWatch. Accessed October 1, 2018.
10. Curran, Thomas, and Hill, Andrew P. “Perfectionism Is Increasing over Time: A Meta-Analysis of Birth Cohort Differences from 1989 to 2016.” Psychological Bulletin (November 2017).
11. Fromm, Jeff and Read, Angie. Marketing to Gen Z: The Rules for Reaching This Vast—and Very Different—Generation of Influencers (New York: AMACOM, 2018): 29, 73.
Alexa, 25
Alger, Andy, 5, 6, 9, 13
Anderson, Mark and Laura, 84–85
Anecdotal evidence, by name: David Blackston, 76–77
Todd Bland, 65
Care and Share Food Bank, 66–68
Paul Case, 71, 73
Brad DeVries, 65
Danny Doerksen, 73–74
Justen Martin, 75
Jesse Peters, 64
Daniel Pink, 61–62
Clifton Saunders, 74–75
Dan Smith, 59–61
Donovan Steinberg, 71
James Stites, 68–70
Michael Thorne, 62–64
Anecdotal evidence, by topic: child-related considerations, 63–64
leadership benefits, 65–66
name use, 63–64, 74
prerecorded evergreen videos, 71, 76
quantifying success, 15–20
quantity and length of videos, 73–74
recording tips, 77
relationship building, 61, 73–74, 76, 77
sales acceleration and customer experience improvement, 59–77
sales vs. support replies, 68–70, 76
teacher benefits, 59–61
thank you expression, 63, 64, 66–68, 76
word of mouth referrals, 76
Angelou, Maya, 66
Anonymity: email, 29, 31
personal video eliminating, 76
Answers, unscripted, 121–126, 129–130
Apologies, communicating, 86–89
Appearance in recordings, 118–121, 180
Apple Mail, 114
Apple's Clips, 167
Appreciation, 65–68. See also thank yous
Approachability, 12, 14–15, 126
Authenticity, 120–123, 133, 177, 181
Automation: automated email, 25
disintermediation by, 51–52
prerecorded videos as (see Prerecorded evergreen videos)
robocalls, 26
thank yous inserted with, 68
Bad news, relaying, 87–88
Blackston, David, 76–77
Bland, Todd, 65, 91
Blue Snowball microphones, 139
Blue Yeti microphones, 139
Boome, Ken, 171, 172
Brain function: communication evolution and, 34–36, 38
dual theory of the mind, 42
mental shortcuts and patterns, 42–45
name recognition and, 63–64
Brice, Shannon, 67
Brodsky, Andrew, 28, 177, 182
Brown, Brené, 120
Burg, Bob, 33
Calls to action, 124, 154–155, 158
Camcorders, 136–137, 143
Cameras. See Video cameras and equipment
Canned videos. See Prerecorded evergreen videos
CAN-SPAM (US), 109
Care and Share Food Bank, 66–68
Carnegie, Dale, 63
Case, Paul, 71, 73
CASL (Canada), 109
Cell phones. See Mobile phones
Chapin, Nancy, 87–88
Checking in, 89
Cialdini, Robert, 44, 155, 158
Clarity of messages, 148–149
Clients and community: communication with (see Communication)
customer experience improvement for, 49–50, 59–77
personal videos for (see Personal videos)
relationship building with (see Relationship building)
roles and types of, 10, 46–56
word of mouth referrals from, 52–54, 76
Cold prospecting: screen recordings for, 108
tips for using video for, 158–162
as trigger point for video use, 79–80, 162
Communication: brain function and, 34–36, 38, 42–45, 63–64
internal, 90–92, 108, 180
nonverbal, 21–22, 34, 36–45, 107–108, 129, 130
personal videos for (see Personal videos)
written (see Written communication)
Community members. See Clients and community
Connection development, 120–121, 157, 177–179, 181. See also Relationship building
Content Marketing Institute, 133
Conversation, unscripted, 121–126, 129–130
Conversica, 25
Cortana, 25
Cuddy, Amy, 40
Cyberbullying, 29
Daugherty, Paul R., 52
Delivery: of information, unscripted, 121–126, 129–130
of videos, 105, 112–114
DeVries, Brad, 65, 91
Differentiation, 150
Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras, 137, 143
Disintermediation risk reduction, 51–52
DJI Osmo, 141
Doerksen, Danny, 73–74
Doornbos, Justin, 15
Dual theory of the mind, 42
Edison Mail, 114
Email: alternatives to, 25–27
automated, 25
communication via, 23–31
contact information in, 74, 151
dehumanization with, 29
delivery of, 105, 112–114
difference of written vs. video, 6–11
emojis in, 30, 161
“From” name and address, 151
as indispensable tool, 27–28
limitations of communication in, 28
mass, 102, 112–113, 149, 165, 168–170
opening of, increasing, 150–152
outcome improvements for videos in, 147–162
pairing text with video in, 154, 159–161, 167
problem of overcrafting, 28–30
recording tools in, 68, 105–106
repairing, 31
reply rate to, 68–70, 76, 155–158, 169–170
return on investment with, 27, 174
sending videos in, 68, 99–107, 112–113
spam, 24, 112
subject line of, 151, 152, 166, 169
unopened, follow-ups to, 164–166
video cameras and equipment for videos with, 134
viewing videos in, 114–115
volume and management of, 23–25, 27
Emma, 101
Emojis or emoticons, 30, 161
Emotions: dual theory of the mind on, 42
empathy for others', 124–126
facial expressions showing, 36–38
fear as barrier to recording, 117
personal videos conveying, 9, 60, 92, 96
smiles expressing warmth of, 41–42, 130
written communication challenge of expressing, 28–29
Empathy, communicating, 124–126
Employees: internal communication with, 90–92, 108, 180
leadership of, 65–66, 91
next steps in video use for, 184–185
Empowerment, 36
Engagement in videos, 154–155
Equipment. See Video cameras and equipment
Evergreen videos. See Prerecorded evergreen videos
Eye contact, 38–39, 107, 129
Facebook: as email alternative, 26
recording videos in, 12, 111
self-image and appearance in, 181
sending videos with, 110–112
Facial expressions, 36–38, 107–108. See also Smiles
Falls, Jason, 152
Familiarity, 14–15
Ferris, Susan, 21
File size constraints, 1
Firewalls, 113
Follow-ups: to latent demand, 172–173
long-term, 173–174
to multiple views, 171–174
overview of, 163–164, 174
tracking analytics informing, 164, 173, 174
to unopened emails, 164–166
to unplayed videos, 166–169
to unreplied emails, 169–170
FORD technique (family, occupation, recreation, and dreams), 93
Foxworth, Charlie, 13
Fromm, Jeff, 181
Future of personal videos: comfort level improvements in, 181
demographic considerations for, 180–181
next steps in, 183–185
overview of, 175–176, 185
relationship building in, 176–179, 181
soft edge focus and, 178–179
state of movement, 179–181
technological change and, 176, 179
tracking analytics development in, 176, 182–183
GDPR (EU), 109
GIF images, 101, 105
Gmail: delivery of videos in, 105, 112, 113
number of users, 27
recording videos in, 68, 106
sending videos from, 68, 101, 105, 106
tracking videos in, 16, 104, 105
viewing videos in, 114–115
Godin, Seth, 178
Google Assistant, 25
Google Chrome Extension, 16, 105
Grant and Glueck Study, 32, 178
Gratitude, 67–68, 94. See also Thank yous
Grynberg, Ruby, 82–84
Hand gestures, 39–40
Heskett, James, 90
Holidays, 84–85
Houston, Trevor, 93
Hyperbolic statistics, ignoring, 20–22
Hyperlapse app, 141
Imperfections, recordings with, 121–123, 133
Informality of videos, 12
Instagram, 12, 26, 112, 181
Internal communication, 90–92, 108, 180
Introductions: first, 9, 79–80
“great to meet you” videos after, 81–82
sending videos in social media for, 112
as trigger points for video use, 79–81
Invitations, 92–93
Karlgaard, Rich, 178
Kahneman, Daniel, 42, 43
Keenan, 44
Khan, Javed, 89
Latent demand, 172–173
Leadership, 65–66, 91
Leads, nurturing, 80–81
Length of videos, 9, 21, 74, 83, 91, 111–112, 153
Levinas, Emmanuel, 39
Lighting, 130, 133, 134, 137, 138, 141, 144
LinkedIn: as email alternative, 26
personalized details gathered from, 79
recording videos in, 12, 112
sending videos with, 105, 110–112
MacIvor, Connor, 15
MailChimp, 101, 102
Mann, John David, 33
Marche, Stephen, 30, 31, 45
Marketing through video, 11, 13, 22, 62, 133, 136, 171
Martin, Justen, 75
Maxwell, John, 41
Mehrabian, Albert, 21–22
Microphones, 133, 137–143
Minervini, Mike, 86–87
Mirrorless cameras, 136–138, 143
Mobile phones: fraudulent or spam calls to, 26
microphones for, 138, 139, 142
recording videos using, 62, 99–100, 102–103, 129, 133, 135–136, 138–139, 141–143, 179
sending videos with, 102–105
text messaging from, 12, 26, 108–109, 112
tracking and analytics of, 105, 106
video cameras and equipment in, 133, 136, 138–139, 141–143, 180
Montgomery, Brad, 171
Motivations for video communication: approachability and familiarity as, 12, 14–15
convenient timing as, 5–6
difference to client relations as, 6–11
effective communication as, 22
ignoring hyperbolic statistics on, 20–22
psychological proximity as, 5, 9, 13
recording time efficiency as, 6, 9
relationship building as, 11–13
survey and anecdotal results quantifying, 15–20
Mucha, Ken, 155–157
Names: personal videos addressing by, 63–64, 74, 161
sender contact information including, 74, 151
Needs assessment: for customer experience improvement, 49–50
for disintermediation risk reduction, 51–52
for face-to-face meeting opportunities, 48–49
for opportunity enhancement face-to face, 54–55
overview of, 46, 55–56
for teaching, training, sales, or service, 47
for word of mouth benefits, 52–54
Nonverbal communication: eye contact as, 38–39, 107, 129
facial expressions as, 36–38, 107–108 (see also Smiles)
hand gestures as, 39–40
hyperbolic statistics on, 20–21
mental patterns changed with, 42–45
posture as, 40
relationship building and, 34
smiles as, 41–42, 130
Osmo Mobile, 141
Outcome improvements: clear messages for, 148–149
for cold prospecting, 158–162
compliance encouragement for, 157
differentiation for, 150
engagement in videos for, 154–155
increased email opens for, 150–152
increased reply rate for, 155–158
increased video plays for, 153–154
overview of, 147
sincere messages for, 148
systematizing approach for, 158
targeted messages for, 149, 151, 161
tracking analytics for, 149–150
underperformance factors, 147–150
Outlines for recordings, 122–123, 129
Outlook: delivery of videos in, 105, 113
recording videos in, 106
sending videos from, 101, 105, 106
tracking videos in, 104, 105
viewing videos in, 114
Performance, improving. See Outcome improvements
Personal videos: anecdotal evidence about, 15–20, 59–77
difference made by, 6–11
empowerment with, 36
follow-ups to, 163–174
future of, 175–185
ignoring hyperbolic statistics on, 20–22
motivations for using, 3–22
needs assessment for, 46–56
nonverbal communication in, 21–22, 34, 36–45, 107–108, 129, 130
outcome improvements for, 147–162
psychological proximity with, 5, 9, 13, 177
recording of (see Recording videos)
regulatory compliance of, 95–96, 109
relationship building with (see Relationship building)
roles of clients using and receiving, 10, 46–56 (see also Clients and community)
sending of (see Sending videos)
successful use of (see Successful video use)
survey results on, 15–20, 68–70, 177
thumbnail images of (see Thumbnail images)
timing of (see Time)
tracking (see Tracking analytics)
trigger points for use of, 78–96, 127, 162
viewing of (see Viewing videos)
Peters, Jesse, 64
Pink, Daniel, 47, 61–62, 179
Pizana, Eric, 67
Plato, 29, 42, 43
Playing videos. See Viewing videos
Poore, Stacy, 67
Posture, 40
Practice, recording, 128
Prerecorded evergreen videos: cold prospecting and first introductions with, 79–80, 161, 162
; customer experience improvement with, 49, 71
holiday and special occasion messages with, 85
integrated access to, 106
internal communication with, 92
invitations with, 92–93
nurturing leads with, 80
relationship building with, 76
scripts for, 124
sending, 102, 106, 112–113, 149
targeted recipients of, 149
thank you expression with, 71, 79, 110
Project or process updates: customer experience improvement with, 49
relationship building with, 76
screen recordings for, 108
as trigger points for video use, 82–84
Pro method, for sending videos, 105–106, 108
Prospecting. See Cold prospecting
QuickTime, 100
Read, Angela, 181
Recording videos: appearance and sound in, 118–121, 143, 181
approachability communicated in, 126
authenticity and imperfections in, 120–123, 133, 177, 181
barriers to, 117–118
calls to action in, 124, 154–155, 158
camera angle for, 40, 77, 128–129, 133, 141
comfort level with, improving, 116–131, 181
connection developed in, 120–121, 157
demographic considerations and, 180–181
email tools for, 68, 105
empathy expression in, 124, 125
eye contact during, 129
future of, 176, 179–181
informality of, 12
integrated access to, 106
Internet connections for live, 141, 142
iterative process of, 127–128
length of, 9, 21, 74, 83, 91, 111–112, 153
lighting for, 130, 133, 134, 137, 141, 144