Rehumanize Your Business
Page 23
looking into lens during, 129
marketing using professional, 11, 12, 22, 62, 133, 136, 171
mobile phones for, 62, 99–100, 102–104, 129, 133, 135–136, 138, 139, 141–143, 180
outlines for, 122–123, 129
overcoming barriers to, 130–131
personal and natural setting for, 155–157
practice with, 128
prerecorded videos (see Prerecorded evergreen videos)
process for, 126–128, 158
pro method of, 105–106, 108
relationship building through (see Relationship building)
screen recording, 107–108
smiling while, 130
social media tools for, 12, 111–112
starting points for, 126–127
talking to one person during, 129, 157
time spent, 6, 9
tips for successful, 77, 128–130
trigger points for, 78–96, 127, 162
unscripted words for, 121–126, 129–130
value provided in, 124, 125, 176
video cameras and equipment for, 40, 77, 128–129, 132–144, 176, 180
vulnerability in, 120–121, 177
web apps for, 106
webcams for, 100, 129, 133, 134, 139, 141, 180
wider angle of, 40, 129, 141
Referrals, word of mouth, 52–54, 76
Regulatory compliance, 95–96, 109
Rehumanization: current and future status of, 175–185
dehumanization vs., 29
improving, 145–185
personal videos for (see Personal videos)
reasons and motivations for, 1–56
recording and sending techniques and equipment for, 97–144
timing and opportunities for, 57–96
Relationship building: checking in for maintaining, 89
connection development and, 120–121, 157, 177–179, 181
future effective and satisfying, 176–179, 181
gratitude and appreciation for, 68
health effects of, 178
importance of, 32–34
marketing through video vs., 11, 12, 133, 136
personal videos for, 11–13, 34, 61, 67, 73–74, 76, 77, 89, 120–121, 133, 157, 176–179, 181
psychological proximity and, 5, 9, 13, 177
soft edge focus on, 178–179
Reply rate: follow-ups to low, 169–170
increasing, 155–158
sales vs. support, 68–70, 76
Results, improving. See Outcome improvements
Richards, Ronnell, 110
Roosevelt, Teddy, 41
Ryan, Shane, 79
Sales: anecdotal evidence of videos accelerating, 59–77
cold prospecting for, 79–80, 108, 158–162
nurturing leads for, 80–81
personal video benefits for, 47, 59–77, 79–81, 108, 158–162
screen recordings for, 107–108
Samson Meteor microphones, 139
Sasser, W. Earl, 90
Saunders, Clifton, 74–75
Schlesinger, Leonard, 90
Schramm, George, 159
Screen recording, 107–108
Screenshot method, for sending videos, 99–101, 108
Scripts, avoiding, 121–126, 129–130
Sending videos: delivery after, 105, 112–114
demographic considerations and, 180–181
email for, 68, 99–107, 112–113
face to face contact by, 115
file size constraints, 103
firewalls hampering, 113
follow-ups after, 163–174
integrated access to, 106
mass sends, 102, 112–113, 149, 165, 168–170
mobile method of, 102–105
options for, 99–115
pro method of, 105–106, 108
regulatory compliance for, 109
of screen recordings, 107–108
screenshot method of, 99–102, 108
social media for, 106, 110–112
text messaging for, 108–109, 112
time of day best for, 69, 151
trigger points for, 78–96, 127, 162
viewing experience after, 114–115
web apps for, 106
Service, video benefits for, 47, 49–50
Shields, Ryan, 13
Signs of personal video needs. See Needs assessment
Sincerity, 148
Siri, 25, 29
Slack, 25, 105
Smart phones. See Mobile phones
Smiles, 41–42, 130
Smith, Daniel, 59–61, 91
SMS. See Text messaging
Snapchat, 12, 181
Social media: cold prospecting through, 161
delivery of videos in, 112
as email alternatives, 25
holidays and special occasions videos with, 85
personalized details gathered from, 79, 92
recording videos in, 12, 111–112
self-image and appearance in, 181
sending videos with, 106, 110–112
tracking videos in, 109
video cameras and equipment for videos with, 134
Soft edge, focus on, 178–179
Soto, Joe, 85
Sound: in recordings, 118, 143
transcription apps to view without, 167
Special occasions, 84–85, 110
Starting points, 126–127
Steinberg, Donovan, 71
Stites, James, 68–70, 159
Stories of personal video use. See Anecdotal evidence entries
Successful video use: anecdotal evidence of, 15–20, 59–77
concepts underlying, 9–10
effective communication and, 22
outcome improvements for, 147–162
recording tips for, 77, 128–130
survey results on, 15–20, 68–70, 177
trigger points for, 78–96, 127, 162
Survey results, 15–20, 68–70, 177. See also Anecdotal evidence entries
Targeted messaging, 149, 151, 161
Teachers, video benefits for, 47, 59–61
Telephone calls. See also Mobile phones cold calling, 158–161
as email alternative, 26
fraudulent or spam, 26
personal videos paired with, 74, 93, 158, 167
personal videos vs., 5
relationship building with, 33
robocalls, 26
Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (US), 109
Telford, Lynne, 67
Text messaging: delivery of videos in, 112
as email alternative, 26
recording videos in, 12
sending videos with, 108–109, 112
tracking videos in, 109
Thank yous: internal communication of, 91
personal video benefits for, 63, 64, 66–68, 76, 92, 94–95
prerecorded evergreen videos for, 71, 79, 110
as trigger points for video use, 94–95
Thorne, Michael, 62–64
Thumbnail images: personalized message in, 9, 49, 105, 153
sending videos with, 101, 103–105, 109, 110
video plays increased with strong, 153–154
Time: of day, best for sending videos, 69, 151
email overcrafting taking excessive, 28
to follow-ups, 164, 165, 167
latent demand at later, 172–173
length of videos, 9, 21, 74, 83, 91, 111–112, 153
reading email at convenient, 26
recording videos, 6, 9
to resolution of customer needs, 71
saving, with personal videos, 74–75
trigger points for video use, 78–96, 127, 162
video conferencing at scheduled, 26
viewing videos at convenient, 5–6, 27, 55, 82
Tools, digital, disintermediation by, 51–52
Tracking analytics: bad news receipt confirm
ed by, 87
follow-ups based on, 164, 173, 174
future of, 176, 182–183
outcome improvements using, 149–150
sending videos methods with/without, 103–105, 109, 110
survey results on, 16
time of viewing confirmed with, 26, 82
viewing method effects on, 115
Trainers, video benefits for, 47
Transcription apps, 167
Treece, Becky, 67
Trigger points for video use: bad news or apologies as, 86–89
checking in as, 89
cold prospecting and first introductions as, 79–80, 162
emotional expression as, 96
exceptions to, 78, 95–96
“great to meet you” messages as, 81–82
holidays and special occasions as, 84–85
internal communication as, 90–92
invitations as, 92–93
nurturing leads as, 80–81
overview of, 78, 127
project or process updates as, 82–84
thank you as, 94–95
Trolling, 29
Twitter, 26, 112
Underperformance factors: clarity lack as, 148–149
differentiation lack as, 150
sincerity lack as, 148
targeting lack as, 149
tracking absence as, 149–150
Updates, project. See Project or process updates
Value, recordings providing, 124, 125, 176
Vaynerchuk, Gary, 33
Video cameras and equipment: angle of, 40, 77, 128–129, 133, 141
authenticity conveyed with, 133
camcorders as, 136–137, 143
Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras as, 137, 143
frame rates of, 135
future of, 176, 180
guide to, 132–144
high definition and resolution of, 134, 135
Internet connections with, 141, 142
lighting with, 133, 134, 137, 141, 144
marketing through video caliber, 133, 136
microphones in, 133, 137–143
mirrorless cameras as, 136–138, 143
mobile phones with, 133, 135–136, 138, 139, 141–143, 180
mobile setup for, 141–143
office setup for, 141
prices for, 137–139
prior barriers to use of, 132
pro setup for, 143–144
right tool for the job, 144
tips for selection of, 133–140
tips for set-up of, 140–144
webcams as, 133–135, 139, 141, 180
Video conferencing or chat, 26, 134
VideoLAN, 100
Videos, personal. See Personal videos
Viewing videos: convenient timing of, 5–6, 27, 55, 82
engagement during, 154–155
experience of, 114–115
follow-ups to lack of, 166–169
increasing, for outcome improvements, 153–154
multiple times, 171–172
tracking of (see Tracking analytics)
Vimeo, 100, 110
VLC, 100
Voice, in recordings, 118
Vulnerability, 120–121, 177
Wagner, Jeff, 93
Waldinger, Robert, 33
Waldow, D. J., 152
Warmth, smiles conveying, 41–42, 130
Web apps: disintermediation by, 51–52
recording videos with, 106
sending videos with, 106
Webcams: microphones of, 139
recording videos with, 100, 129, 133–135, 139, 141, 180
as video cameras and equipment, 133–135, 139, 141, 180
Whitelisting information, 113–114
Wiener, Morton, 21
Williams, Kyle, 124
Wilson, H. James, 52
Windows Camera, 100
Word of mouth referrals, 52–54, 76
Words, unscripted, 121–126, 129–130
Written communication: apologies inadequately conveyed in, 86–89
brain function and evolution of, 34–36
cold prospecting language choice, 159–161
difference of video vs., 6–11
email as (see Email)
hand-written notes as, 65–66
pairing with video, 154, 159–160, 167
preferential use of, 78, 95
thank yous in, 65, 68
transcription apps for, 167
Yahoo, 114
YouTube: hosting videos with, 100–102, 110, 115
internal communication through, 92
recording videos in, 12
video cameras and equipment for, 133
Zeigarnik Effect, 154
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