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Page 10

by Lynn Hagen

  They had to rescue themselves. Somehow.

  Phoenyx slid his arms around Edward. “Close your eyes and concentrate. Think about Jake’s. Think about my apartment. Think of anything real, sweetheart.”

  With a pounding heart, Edward nodded and did as Phoenyx instructed, trusting his mate to keep him safe, trusting Phoenyx knew what he was talking about.

  Praying they escaped Lyle’s enchantment.

  * * * *

  Phoenyx cracked an eye open and found they were standing in an empty room. The view from the windows told him he was back in Serenity City, that they’d broken the mind fuck. He wasn’t sure how they’d done it, but he wasn’t relieved.

  “We need to get out of here and get back to my apartment building.” Phoenyx released Edward, but his mate still had his eyes smashed shut.

  “Edward?” He shook his mate, but Edward wouldn’t respond. He opened his eyes, and Phoenyx gasped. There was a milky-white glaze over them. “Edward!”

  His mate took a step back, his lips moving, but no words came out. He glared around, a look of pure panic on his face. His mate was still trapped in his own mind, and Phoenyx wasn’t sure how to reach him.

  He took Edward’s hand and guided him toward the door, only to realize they were in the hallway of his apartment building.

  “Phoenyx?” Hondo stood there with his beefy arms crossed, looking quizzically at him. “Your brain still scrambled?”

  “No, but my mate’s is.”

  Edward suddenly began to struggle, swinging his fist at Phoenyx as he tried to yank his hand free. When he tried to restrain Edward, his mate went nuts.

  “Put him back in the room and let him go,” Hondo said. “You don’t want him hurting himself.”

  Phoenyx yanked Edward back into the room and let him go. Edward was heaving, backing away, jerking his head from side to side. It broke Phoenyx’s damn heart to see his mate so afraid.

  “Panahasi thinks that fairy has help,” Hondo said from behind him. “He says the guy isn’t powerful enough to do this on his own.”

  “Does he have any idea who’s helping Lyle?”

  Hondo shook his head, his gaze fixated on Edward, who was wandering around the room, ducking down and holding his hands in front of him, as if he were hiding behind a tree.

  When Phoenyx got his hands on that fairy, he was snapping his fucking neck.

  * * * *

  Panahasi snapped his arm out lightning fast, grabbing the fairy before Lyle could escape the house where they’d found him. He curled his fingers around the fairy’s throat, squeezing it tight. “Who is helping you?”

  He was sick and tired of the unseelie. The corrupt ones. There were some who fought against their way of life, who only wanted to live in peace, but those individuals were few and far between.

  And Lyle wasn’t one of them.

  Deandre and Donnchadh stood by the back door, arms crossed, glaring at Lyle as if they dared him to try and run.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Lyle slapped at Panahasi’s hand. “Let me go!”

  “What I’m going to do is drop you in the underworld if you don’t start talking.” Lyle had some powerful magic in him. Panahasi hadn’t been able to penetrate his mind, to get the answers he was looking for. Whoever was helping the fairy had done a damn good job at concealing his identity, blocking himself from Lyle’s memories.

  For a moment he wondered if it was Surkath. The bastard had nearly succeeded in getting free once Panahasi had gone through the vortex. But why would such a powerful being have dealings with a lowly dark fairy? What was in it for Surkath?

  Was Surkath even involved?

  “Enough playing around.” Panahasi pressed the heel of his hand against Lyle’s forehead, letting small tendrils of pain transfer from his hand into Lyle’s body.

  The fairy arched his back and screamed. Panahasi was never in favor of using such harsh tactics, but the fairy had fucked with one of his warriors, had ensnared his mind, and the mind of his mate, so Panahasi wasn’t playing around.

  If Lyle could to that to one of his warriors, then that meant the others weren’t safe. And Panahasi took the safety of his men seriously. He looked at them as his children, and he was very protective of them. It was his job to neutralize any and all threats against them.

  “Stop!” Lyle shook in Panahasi’s grasp, gasping for breath as Panahasi pulled his hand away, giving the prick some reprieve.

  “Who’s helping you?” Panahasi asked again. “Tell me or the pain will be more intense.”

  “You fucking demons always think you can throw your power around, that you can make anyone do what you want.” Lyle curled his lip. “You trap us in our own realm because you don’t like the way we live, and then you wonder why we act out.”

  Panahasi squeezed the hand around Lyle’s throat a little tighter. “You’re trapped because the unseelie acted out. This was your own damn fault. Your kind thinks it can cause chaos, can do what you want with no consequences. No checks and balances.” Panahasi shook his head. “Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. The unseelie need to learn accountability.”

  “Accountable to who, you?” Lyle gave a hysterical laugh. “The humans? We should be ruling over them instead of hiding who we really are. They’re cannon fodder, and I enjoy torturing the weak ones. It’s no less than they deserve for making us hide in the shadows.”

  Weak ones like Edward. Lyle had taken advantage of a desperate man just because he loathed humans. The fairy was a megalomaniac who deserved to be locked in his own realm where he couldn’t do any harm.

  If Panahasi didn’t feel that all life was sacred, he’d wipe out the unseelie. But not every dark fairy was evil, and he refused to slam down justice on those who didn’t deserve his wrath.

  And wiping out an entire race would put The Keeper’s panties in a bunch. He was very sensitive to the extinction of a race just because they were assholes.

  “Save your rhetoric for someone else. Tell me who’s helping you.”

  Lyle pressed his lips together, so Panahasi slapped his hand against the fairy’s forehead again. This time he shot a bolt of pain into Lyle, making the guy jerk so badly that Panahasi nearly lost his grip.

  “Don’t fry his brain,” Deandre said. “We need parts of it to tell us who’s really behind this.”

  Panahasi snarled and pulled his hand away. It took Lyle longer to recover this time. He was sweating, and his purple hair was matted to his head and face. His eyes were dazed, and he was limp in Panahasi’s grasp.

  Lyle whispered something that Panahasi hadn’t heard. He pulled the fairy closer. “What?”

  Lyle panted and hissed then licked his lips. “Fuck. You.”

  Panahasi lifted his arm, ready to electrocute the bastard, but Deandre and Donnchadh grabbed it and held it back.

  “Don’t do it,” Donnchadh warned. “You’ll regret turning him into a drooling idiot.”

  “What he said.” Deandre eased his hold on Panahasi. “Think about what we need before you kill the guy’s brain cells.”

  It wasn’t often Panahasi lost control, and he hated the fact that Lyle had taken him there. He shoved Lyle away from him, shrugged off Donnchadh’s hold, and walked across the kitchen, centering himself.

  Panahasi clenched his jaw and scrubbed a hand over his head. When his phone rang, he jerked it from his pocket and snarled a greeting.

  “Bad time?” Hondo asked.

  “What?” Panahasi snapped.

  “Just wanted to let you know that Phoenyx is back among us, but his mate is still trapped in his own mind.”

  Because Phoenyx was a demon warrior who had a better chance of fighting the ensnarement. Edward would have a harder time since he was human.

  From the floor Lyle barked out a laugh. “Phoenyx was just a causality in this, an unfortunate participant. Edward is the one I want to torture, though fucking with a demon warrior was a bonus.”

  Panahasi crossed the room and kicked Lyle i
n the gut. A rush of air whooshed out of Lyle before he curled into a ball, holding his stomach. “Shut the fuck up.”

  “I assume you’re not talking to me,” Hondo said. “Though, if you are, that’s cool. I’m shutting up.”

  “Not you.” Panahasi sighed. “Keep an eye on Edward. Make sure he doesn’t hurt himself. I’ll get this matter cleaned up even if I have to kill the little winged prick.”

  “Um. Okay. Someone clearly needs a hug. Hanging up now.”

  That made the side of Panahasi’s mouth twitch with a smile, but then he looked down at Lyle and snarled.

  Lyle laughed again, looked up at Panahasi, and gave a one-finger salute before he shimmered out, disappearing from the kitchen.

  The rotten son of a bitch had just gotten away.

  Panahasi spun and stormed toward the back door. “Find that fucking fairy. I’m going to see if I can help Edward escape Lyle’s trap.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Pull yourself together. This isn’t real.” Edward stayed hunkered down behind the tree, digging his fingernails into the bark. One minute he’d been hugging Phoenyx, and the next, he was all alone.

  Alone in his own mind.

  “You just have to concentrate,” he told himself, as if he didn’t know that already. But talking to himself was keeping him from falling apart. Edward knew he could do this. Not only did he have to get back to Phoenyx but his grandma, too.

  Those were the two most important people in his life. The ones who mattered the most. Phoenyx had come to mean everything to him, and Edward hadn’t even told his mate that he loved him.

  Edward stood, squaring his shoulders, and closed his eyes. If Phoenyx had gotten out, so could he. It was just a matter of willpower, of overcoming the spell.

  “I’m in Phoenyx’s apartment,” he whispered until it became his mantra.

  After what felt like forever, Edward cracked his eyes opened and groaned. He still saw luscious trees and more trees. Why wasn’t this working?

  Edward whipped his head around when he heard twigs snapping. He eased back behind the tree, waiting with bated breath to see who or what was close by.

  Phoenyx, I really need you right now. Please help me get out of this.

  Nothing. Then again, Edward hadn’t expected a reply. It just made him feel better trying to communicate with his mate. To hold on to their connection in some sort of way while his heart thundered.

  Clearly he wasn’t that brave when he was alone, especially when he was trapped in his own freaking mind. It hadn’t been an exciting place to begin with, but Lyle had interfered, and now all Edward wanted was to get the hell out of there.

  He scanned the area but didn’t see anything. No threat. No Bullzilla. Not a damn thing.


  What the hell? Was that Phoenyx’s voice he’d just heard? Edward stepped around the tree, still cautious, and looked around. A faded image of his mate appeared in front of him, like a hologram that Edward would see right through.

  Like the first time he’d laid eyes on Phoenyx. His mate had been doing the same thing then.

  “Phoenyx?” Edward reached out, but his hand went through Phoenyx. “How do I get out of here?”

  Then an arm appeared that didn’t belong to Phoenyx. Edward was yanked forward. He yelped as he blinked, realizing that he could fully see his mate.

  And Panahasi.

  “I was only able to retrieve you because Phoenyx already had a loose hold on you,” Panahasi explained. “How do you feel?”

  “How do I feel?” Edward damn near shouted the question. “I was mind fucked. We had some Bullzilla trying to kill Phoenyx, and then…never mind. It doesn’t matter. I just want off this insane ride.”

  The fear still clung to him, and he couldn’t shake it. He felt as if he had crazy all over him and desperately needed a shower.

  Phoenyx hugged him tightly, and Edward slid his arms around his mate, thankful to be back in the real world. Never again would he make a deal with anyone. He’d learned his lesson. Now all Edward had to do was pay Lyle back and never have to deal with the lunatic again.

  * * * *

  Edward groaned in the hot shower as the water pelted his skin. He didn’t think anything could feel this wonderful after what he’d just gone through.

  It had been terrifying but, honestly, not too bad. Not when he’d realized none of it was real. It had still been scary, and he was thankful that spell had been broken.

  And oh my god, Phoenyx’s shower was to die for. It was huge, with five showerheads and a bench inside the stall. In fact, everything in his apartment seemed to be customized to accommodate his height.

  When the shower door opened, Edward looked over his shoulder. Phoenyx was naked and, god, so damn gorgeous. All that red hair only made him appear ten times sexier.

  Edward pressed his hands into Phoenyx’s chest and shoved him into the wall. “Please tell me it’s not like this all the time. I don’t think I can handle the excitement.”

  He didn’t bother giving Phoenyx a chance to answer. Edward hooked his hand around his mate’s nape and lowered Phoenyx down to him, devouring his mouth.

  Phoenyx moved to the left, the two still kissing, and sat on the bench, pulling Edward onto his lap. “I can’t promise a quiet existence, but no, it’s not like this all the time. At least not for you.”

  Because Phoenyx was a demon warrior, sworn to protect Serenity City, which meant he’d have his fair share of problems.

  And Edward would have his fair share of worrying about his mate whenever he was out doing his thing.

  On the bright side—or the dark side, depending on how you looked at it—he had Drake and Casey to hang out with whenever Phoenyx wasn’t around. Edward was ready to explore the city, and who better than the wolf shifters as his guides?

  “Tell me, Golden Eyes, what were you planning to do to me when you shoved me against the wall?” Phoenyx nibbled his way down Edward’s jaw as the water cascaded down his back.

  Edward tilted his head and groaned. “I’m not sure. I just knew I had to touch you.”

  Phoenyx was messing with Edward’s senses. His body was reacting, but all logical thought fled. He didn’t want to talk. Edward just wanted to feel. He wanted to lose himself in this magnificent shower with this amazing man.

  “What else did you need, sweetheart?” Phoenyx kisses were igniting, his hands splayed across Edward’s back, his strength under the palms of Edward’s hands.

  “To feel you inside me.”

  Phoenyx reached for the shelf above his head and grabbed the tube of lube.

  “Whatever you want, sweetheart,” Phoenyx said with a husky pitch to his tone. “Get ready to ride me.”

  “Lean forward.”

  Edward did as Phoenyx demanded. He pressed his hands into his mate’s chest, shoved his nose into Phoenyx’s neck, and then spread his legs wide. His body jerked when wet fingers probed at his hole. He was eager to feel Phoenyx buried deep inside him.

  Phoenyx pressed a kiss to the side of Edward’s head. “I’m never letting you leave my side. Ever. This is the farthest I want you away from me.”

  Edward knew that was impossible, but he also knew how Phoenyx felt. Their connection had grown deeper, their bond stronger, and until Lyle was caught, nowhere was one hundred percent safe for either of them.

  Panahasi had told them about interrogating the fairy and how Lyle had gotten away. Since Edward knew nothing about the dark fae, he hadn’t a clue that Lyle shouldn’t have been able to do half the things he had done.

  He had a partner? A more powerful partner? That thought terrified Edward, which was why he completely agreed that staying with Phoenyx was the right thing to do.

  Add the facts that his house had burnt down and he was homeless.

  When Phoenyx’s fingers breached him, Edward hissed, all other thoughts forgotten. Phoenyx’s fingers weren’t small, and they stretched him wide as they drove inside of him.

  His jaw fell open as hi
s eyes rolled to the back of his head. If Phoenyx’s fingers felt this mind blowing, Edward wasn’t sure he’d survive the man’s dick.

  Of course they’d already had sex, but damn, those fingers felt amazing, and Edward was ready for more.

  “Okay, okay.” Edward panted heavily, almost forgetting what he was about to say. “I’m ready. I swear I’m ready.” He pushed himself up until he could look into those jade-green beauties. “Fuck me.”

  Phoenyx chuckled. “Impatient.”

  Reaching behind him, Edward knocked his mate’s hand away. “I need your dick inside of me.”

  Once his cock was slathered with lube, Phoenyx gripped the base and nodded. “Ride me, Golden Eyes.”

  That hadn’t been the first time a lover had told Edward to ride him, but it had been the first time the words had sounded so damn erotic. It was unbelievably hot the way Phoenyx stared at him as Edward eased down on the man’s erection. What was even hotter was the look in his eyes, a look that said he was deeply in love with Edward.

  When the head of Phoenyx’s dick popped past the ring of muscles, Edward’s eyes fluttered closed. He inhaled a deep breath and shivered. Phoenyx’s hand rested on Edward’s hip.

  “Move, sweetheart,” Phoenyx said, and it sounded as if he was speaking between clenched teeth. “You’re killing me.”

  The sudden need to please his mate overtook Edward. He lowered himself until he was fully seated on Phoenyx’s cock.

  “Fuck, so tight,” Phoenyx said with a moan. “Move, babe. I need you to move.”

  Placing his hands on Phoenyx’s broad chest, Edward began to bounce. The sensation shot Edward’s brain into orbit. He felt as if he was losing his mind and they’d just started. Phoenyx was staring intently at him, and Edward felt as if he was the man’s entire world. Phoenyx caressed Edward everywhere, and it felt like a fire burned under his skin wherever his mate touched him.

  He whimpered when Phoenyx took over, pistoning his hips upward as Edward thrust downward. Edward was lost in those green eyes as Phoenyx pounded into him at a ferocious pace.


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