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Page 11

by Lynn Hagen

  And then the man slowed. He brushed his hand through Edward’s hair as he smiled. “I can’t believe you’re here, in my arms, after searching for you for thousands of years.”

  Edward felt dizzy when he thought of just how old Phoenyx was and that he would live just as long. He couldn’t even wrap his mind around it. He pressed his hand to Phoenyx’s jaw, his heart hurting at the idea of this brave warrior being alone for so long, searching for someone who wouldn’t be born for thousands of years.

  But they were together now. Against all odds they’d found one another. No thanks to Anton. As much as Edward hated Lyle, he was secretly thankful because if the fairy hadn’t been such a prick, Edward and Phoenyx would’ve never met.

  Edward clenched his ass, making his grip tighter, trying his best to bring Phoenyx just as much pleasure.

  “Fuck!” Phoenyx rolled his eyes, placing Edward on his back on the wet bench. The demon slammed into him, his hands squeezing Edward’s ankles tight as he spread Edward’s legs wide.

  Edward closed his eyes and clawed at the tiles as he was fucked into oblivion. He wanted to forget the mess he was in. He wanted the world to fade away, leaving just him and Phoenyx behind.

  He cried out when Phoenyx nailed his prostate over and over again. Edward struggled to breathe as he writhed under his mate. His orgasm burst free, sending Edward into the stars as his body convulsed.

  Phoenyx thrust harder and deeper. He stilled and then moved even faster as his cock throbbed inside Edward.

  They both were a sweaty mess. Phoenyx pulled out of Edward’s ass, kissed him on the lips, and then pulled him up. Edward’s legs were wobbly as his mate guided him under the sprays of water.

  “How is the water still hot?” Edward tilted his head back when Phoenyx started scrubbing his hair.

  “Perk of living in this building. The water never turns cold unless you manually cut the hot water off.”

  When Edward stood under the five showerheads, washing all the soap away, he turned and looked up at his mate. The man who had stolen his heart, who had saved his life so many times already—from Anton, Lyle, the thing that had burned his house down, the burns on his arms, Bullzilla, and he’d even helped Edward escape his own mind.

  How could he not love someone who was always there for him, always rescuing him, even from his own lonely existence?

  “I love you.” Edward felt himself blush but refused to look away. “I just wanted you to know that.”

  Phoenyx smiled as he turned them so he was now under the water. The wetness made his hair darker, almost brownish, as he cupped Edward’s face and kissed him so tenderly that Edward’s heart sang.

  “I love you, too, Golden Eyes.”

  Edward’s grin was so wide that his cheeks hurt. Now all they had to do was slay a fairy, a soul-sucking demon, and the silent partner and their life together just might be perfect.

  Chapter Twelve

  Phoenyx slid his arms around Edward as his mate stood at the stove cooking breakfast. He loved how domestic this felt, how much he enjoyed having the male in his kitchen. How the two had woken this morning, as if they’d done it a thousand times already.

  “Smells good.” Phoenyx was too tall to rest his chin on Edward’s shoulder, so he rested it on top of his mate’s head. “What’re you making?”

  “Right now I’m cooking spinach.” Edward stirred the green things that didn’t look too appealing but smelled delicious. “Then I’m going to put them into a quiche. Trust me. You’ll like it, unless you have a thing against eggs.”

  “Not if you’re cooking them.” Phoenyx wasn’t big on eggs, but he wasn’t going to break Edward’s heart and refuse to eat whatever his mate cooked.

  He pulled away when a knock sounded on the front door. He wasn’t sure who the fuck it was this early in the morning, but he knew it couldn’t be danger. No one could get into their apartment building. There wasn’t an entrance door, and no one could flash, pop, shimmer, or use the shadows to enter.

  So it was either a demon warrior or a mate.

  Uncaring that all he had on were boxers, Phoenyx yanked the door open and found Deandre on the other side. He tilted his head upward and sniffed. “I can smell whatever that is from my apartment.”

  Phoenyx crossed his arms. “And?”

  Deandre was ruining Phoenyx’s first morning with his mate. He hadn’t wanted any interruptions, but he should’ve known better. In this building there were always interruptions.

  “Why not go pester Panahasi or one of the other men?”

  “No one else is cooking,” Deandre said. “And I’m single. Come on, man. Have mercy on a starving brethren.”

  “You’re more than welcome to have breakfast with us,” Edward said from behind Phoenyx. “Though it won’t be ready for at least an hour, but I can make you some toast and coffee.”

  With a shit-eating grin, Deandre brushed past Phoenyx and entered. “That sounds fantastic. Thanks, Ed.”

  “Edward,” Phoenyx’s mate corrected. “Please never call me Ed or Eddie.”

  “Duly noted.” Deandre nodded as Phoenyx shoved the door closed and Edward wandered back to the kitchen.

  “Sorry, man. I came here for something else, but whatever he’s making really does smell good.”

  Phoenyx couldn’t stay pissed at Deandre. Just a week ago Phoenyx was a single male who would’ve loved to have been invited to breakfast at one of the warriors’ apartments.

  It felt amazing to finally have someone to not only fill his home but his heart, too. “What’s up?” He waved for Deandre to take a seat as Phoenyx dropped onto the couch.

  “Donny and I got the drop on Anton last night.”

  Phoenyx sat up straighter. “Tell me he’s in the underworld.”

  Too bad Phoenyx hadn’t been there. He would’ve choked the life out of the bastard before he’d been taken to a cell. In the underworld, you relieved your worst nightmare over and over again, nonstop. Phoenyx hoped Anton was mentally tortured for what he not only did to others but what he’d tried to do to Edward.

  Deandre looked toward the kitchen. They were both using hushed voices. Phoenyx didn’t want to ruin Edward’s morning by talking about Anton.

  “Tucked away,” Deandre said. “We still haven’t located Lyle or know who’s helping him. We’re working on it, though. I want to help your mate put this behind him so you two can really start living.”

  Phoenyx was touched. It had to be hard on Deandre, being single. Then again, Deandre loved the bachelor life, or so he’d said many times. It had its perks, but Phoenyx wouldn’t trade finding his mate for anything in the world.

  “Thanks. I guess that sentiment earns you breakfast.”

  “If that’s the case, I’ll be a sentimental fool for you.” Deandre grinned.

  “Don’t push your luck.” Phoenyx looked over his shoulder when Edward ran into the room, his phone clutched in his hand.

  Phoenyx and Deandre jumped to their feet at the look of worry on Edward’s face. “My grandma just texted me. She fell off a ladder, and she’s worried she broke her hip. You’ve got to take me to her, now!”

  “You stay here.” Phoenyx wasn’t taking Edward anywhere. He was safest in the apartment. “Deandre and I will check on her. She knows me, so she won’t be afraid.”

  “Do you think I’m going to sit on my damn thumb when my grandma is hurt?” Edward said with a snarl that impressed Phoenyx.

  “That’s exactly what you’re going to do.” He turned to Deandre. “Let me throw some clothes on and we can go.”

  After he’d dressed and returned to the living room, Phoenyx and Deandre headed toward the front closet. Damn it. It seemed Phoenyx wasn’t going to get his peaceful breakfast, after all. But he wanted to check on Estelle. Although he’d healed her pain, that didn’t mean her bones weren’t still fragile. Maybe. Fuck. Phoenyx didn’t know because he’d never healed an elderly human before.

  For all he knew, his healing tear might’ve already worn o

  He stepped forward and, at the last second, felt Edward grab his shirt. Phoenyx cursed, but it was too late to turn around. They were already in the human realm. He squinted at the bright sunlight, wishing he’d had time for his eyes to adjust.

  “What the fuck?” Phoenyx snapped at Edward. “I thought I told you to stay behind. Lyle is still on the loose, and for all you know, this could be a trap.”

  Edward stood there, still in his pajama pants and a T-shirt, glaring up at Phoenyx. “Then that’s why I should’ve come along. My grandma might be his prisoner, and I need to rescue her.”

  His mate’s stubbornness was going to be the death of Phoenyx.

  “I’ll go check things out while you two bite each other’s heads off,” Deandre said. “If she’s really hurt, I’ll holler for you. If it’s a trap, well, I guess I’ll still holler for you.”

  The only thing Phoenyx could focus on was Lyle ensnaring them again. They were vulnerable outside the apartment building, and now Phoenyx was on high alert.

  His head snapped around when he heard something crash inside the house. He looked down at Edward. “Stay right here.”

  Phoenyx took off inside, but the house seemed deathly quiet. “Deandre?”

  An ominous feeling washed over Phoenyx. What had made that crashing noise? Because he didn’t see a thing out of place. Phoenyx ventured farther inside, checking the other rooms. No one was there. Not even Estelle.

  There was a knocked-over ladder in the kitchen, but Edward’s grandmother was nowhere in the house. Phoenyx cursed and raced toward the front door. He shouldn’t have left Edward outside.

  Before he could make it outside, that bull-like creature manifested right in front of him, wielding a humungous axe.

  Phoenyx shouted and rolled out of the way as Edward burst through the front door. His mate looked wide-eyed at the creature. “Are we back in our heads?”

  Had Phoenyx walked into an ensnarement when he’d entered the house? Had the same thing happened when Edward had come in? Was that why the house was empty?

  “I don’t know.” Phoenyx grabbed an end table and held it up. The axe sliced through it like hot butter, making Phoenyx toss the pieces aside as he spun out of the way.

  “You’re not real, Bullzilla!” Edward shouted. “Go away!”

  The last time Phoenyx had imagined the creature on the ground and bloody. That wasn’t working this time. Bullzilla kept coming at him, swinging that axe and destroying the furniture.

  Its tail swished heavily, knocking things over as it snorted through its large nostrils. From the corner of his eye, Phoenyx saw a shadow lingering in the hallway.


  The fucking bastard had a smile on his face. This wasn’t in Phoenyx’s head. Lyle had brought that creature to the real world. “He’s real,” Phoenyx shouted at Edward. “We’re not ensnared.”

  Edward picked up one of the fireplace pokers and charged forward. Phoenyx was having a fucking heart attack as he watched his mate shove the poke into the creature’s back.

  It swung around, changed course, and went after Edward, who had paled and squeaked, racing for the door.

  Phoenyx jumped on its back, curling an arm around its throat in a chokehold. Bullzilla swung sideways and sent Phoenyx flying across the room. He hit the wall, then the floor, but jumped to his feet just as the creature reached Edward.

  His mate ducked and rolled, scrambling away as Phoenyx reached it and attacked, but any move he made seemed ineffectual, as if the creature was immune to death.

  He needed help, or they both would die. He’d never been up against anyone or anything that couldn’t be defeated. Hard to take down, sure. But not unaffected by anything thrown its way.

  Phoenyx threw his head back. “Panahasi!” He followed that up with, “Deandre! Donny! Hondo!”

  He wanted the entire demon warrior clan there to help him with Bullzilla and Lyle. Whoever the partner was, he’d gifted Lyle with some powerful mojo, and pride be damned, Phoenyx had to keep Edward from getting hurt.

  Edward ran toward the hallway, and Phoenyx gave chase. He didn’t want his mate running into the dark fairy. A flash of light nearly blinded Phoenyx.

  And then the demon leader was behind Lyle, an arm curled around his neck, holding him in place. Phoenyx grabbed a broken piece of the end table and drove it into Lyle’s gut.

  Edward shouted something behind Phoenyx, but he hadn’t heard what he’d said. All that mattered to Phoenyx was eliminating the threat.

  Deandre, Donny, and Hondo appeared, going after the large bull-like creature. Phoenyx took a step back and watched as the light faded from Lyle’s eyes.

  “You should’ve never gone after my mate,” Phoenyx snarled. “I hope you rot in hell.”

  Without a word Panahasi threw his hand out and opened a vortex. He dropped through it, taking Lyle’s body with him. As soon as the vortex closed, the room became silent.

  Phoenyx turned and saw the three warriors looking around. The creature was gone. “What the hell happened to you?” he asked Deandre.

  “I walked into the house and I was back in the demon realm,” Deandre said. “Before I had a chance to figure out what was going on, I heard you calling me.”

  “Is it finally over?” Edward looked around. “Is Lyle finally taken care of?”

  Phoenyx pulled his mate into his arms, hugging him tightly. “It’s finally over.”

  Anton was in the underworld, Lyle was dead, and Phoenyx felt as if he could finally breathe. He’d leave it up to Panahasi to find out who the secret partner had been. As far as Phoenyx was concerned, he and Edward could finally start living their lives.

  “Did I miss the party?”

  Phoenyx looked over his shoulder to find Maverick Brac and Estelle standing in the doorway.

  Edward squealed, yanked away from Phoenyx, and ran to his grandmother. He hugged her then pulled away. “What happened?”

  Estelle looked around. “I could ask the same thing. What on earth happened to my living room?”

  Edward glanced at Phoenyx before he looked back at his grandmother. “It’s a very long story.”

  “I was on the ladder trying to change the kitchen lightbulb when I lost my footing,” Estelle explained. “I thought I broke my hip, so I crawled to the table to get my phone and text you. The next thing I knew this handsome young man showed up and helped me.”

  Phoenyx arched a brow. “Just showed up, huh?”

  “A little birdie tweeted in my ear about what was going on.” Maverick looked at Edward. “You should’ve come to me instead of trusting an unseelie.”

  “How was I supposed to know that?” Edward asked.

  “I’m the mayor, and what happens in this town is my business.” He gazed at the room. “I’m glad we went for a walk, Estelle. I don’t think you would’ve approved of the remodeling.”

  “What were you two doing?” Edward gawked at them. “Did you say walking? But…but I thought you hurt yourself.”

  Phoenyx leaned down and whispered into Edward’s ear. “Time difference, remember? What’s five minutes in the demon realm can be hours in this realm.”

  “Just bruised myself a bit.” Estelle patted Edward’s cheek. “Stop worrying so much about me. You have your own life to live, and with a handsome man, no less.”

  Gah. Phoenyx felt himself blushing. “Thanks, ma’am.”

  “Anyway, Maverick and I took a nice tour of the nursing home in town. I’ve decided that I don’t want to live alone anymore. There are plenty of other seniors there, and there are plenty of activities to keep me from getting bored. They even have a lovely garden!”

  “But…” Edward bit his lower lip and looked away. Phoenyx knew exactly what his mate was thinking. That he couldn’t afford for his grandmother to stay there.

  Little did he know that Phoenyx had already worked that out with Maverick. Technically he’d talked to Panahasi about it when they’d been in his penthouse, and clearly Panahasi had mentioned it t
o Maverick, who’d gotten the ball rolling.

  Phoenyx crossed the room and pulled Edward aside, whispering, “The cost will be taken care of.” He held up a hand when his mate looked to argue. “It’s not a loan, and you will accept my help. Estelle deserves to be happy, and it seems that nursing home is just right for her.”

  Tears sprang to Edward’s eyes. He threw his arms around Phoenyx and hugged him. “I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

  “This seems like a perfect start.” Phoenyx hugged him back. “You in my arms.”

  And he meant that. Now that the threat was behind them, Phoenyx was going to show Edward just how enchanting Serenity City truly was. He wanted his mate to love it just as much as Phoenyx did.

  It was now their home, and Phoenyx loved the fact that he had a mate to share it with.

  Edward pulled back as his eyes widened. “My quiche!”

  * * * *

  “You brought me a wounded dog. How thoughtful of you.”

  Panahasi curled his lip. Sometimes he really hated dealing with The Keeper. “It’s an unseelie who has dark magic protecting him. He needs to be locked away for his crimes.”

  Panahasi hadn’t had the heart to tell Phoenyx and Edward that Lyle hadn’t died. He’d gotten the fairy out of there before anyone knew the truth. Whoever or whatever was feeding Lyle’s magic had kept him alive, even with a deep gut wound.

  “You’ll pay for this,” Lyle said between clenched teeth, squirming to get out of Panahasi’s grasp.

  The Keeper tsked. “Sorry, but you can’t escape the underworld. Even the power that flows through you can’t help you here.” He drew closer to Lyle. “I’m the fucking master down here, and you’ll be trapped for all eternity.”

  Lyle screamed seconds before The Keeper snapped his fingers and the fairy disappeared.

  “You really need to stop by more often and visit,” The Keeper said. “Bring your mates. I’m sure Trey would love spending time with them.”


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