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Meet Me In Monaco: A Steamy Standalone Instalove Romance

Page 11

by Flora Ferrari

  Everything is happening so fast. I waited so impatiently for this moment, and now that it’s here, I want to hold onto it a little longer. It means everything to me. This is the happiest day of my life, and I feel like I won’t even recognize half of it when I watch the videos back. Maybe everyone feels that way. There are so many heady emotions swirling around inside of me that I can’t grasp onto a single thought for long.

  The priest begins to take us through our vows, making me clear my throat and speak up. I have to pay attention now. If I don’t, it’s going to live in infamy in the videos – which means I will never live it down.

  As I finish speaking and Liliana takes her turn, I realize that this is the last moment in which she isn’t my wife. The last moment in either of our lives in which we are not irrevocably joined together. Right now, she is Liliana. Just a young woman here on vacation from the US, a tourist. In just a few moments, when he finally finishes speaking, she will be Mrs. Manella, a resident of Monaco. She is transforming right in front of my eyes. I can’t tear them away.

  “Do you, Nico Manella,” the priest begins. “Take Liliana Broughton to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

  This, I can’t ignore. I snap my attention on again, and I look at her without a single moment of doubt as I answer. “I do.”

  “And do you, Liliana Broughton, take Nico Manella to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  Her eyes are overflowing with all of the unspoken things – the love that she can’t express in any way but the way she looks at me – as she answers. “I do.”

  “Then, by the power vested in me by God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

  I don’t need to be told twice.



  “I can’t believe we’re here,” I say, looking out over the windows to Monaco below. The sea glistens in the falling sun, bringing an end to the happiest day of my life.

  “We were here last night,” Nico jokes, walking up behind me and putting his arms to either side of my body as he leans against the glass.

  “You know what I mean,” I say, playfully hitting him lightly on the arm. “Here. Together. Mr. and Mrs. Manella.”

  “I know.” He leans his head to the side and plants a kiss on my neck, nuzzling against me. “It seems like it barely took us any time at all, and yet also a thousand years. I thought we would never get everyone to go home.”

  I laugh lightly. “Do you think they were offended when we told them we were leaving our own reception early?”

  “No,” he says, grinning against my neck. I feel the muscles of his face move. “I think they knew exactly where we were going.”

  “Back home,” I reply, deliberately not getting his point.

  “No,” he says. “To bed.”

  His voice is low and husky, and he continues grazing along my neck, sending shivers through me. I turn towards him more, letting his arms encircle me and pull me close against him.

  I took off the wedding dress before we left the reception, changing instead into a looser white dress that allows me more room to move. It’s designed in the same way as my gown, by the same designer, so that they would match – but it allowed me to enjoy hours at the reception without being restrained by a corset or being swamped in so many layers of fabric. The gorgeous gown was just right for the ceremony – but this more simple dress is perfect for dancing, eating, and being undressed.

  As if he catches my thoughts, Nico’s hands go to the zipper hidden on the left side of the dress and he deftly pulls it down, leaving the fabric gaping away from me. I put my hands on his shoulders and push him away then, making him pause and give me a puzzled look. I'm sure he didn't expect me to prevent him from undressing me on our wedding night, but that's because he doesn't know what I have in mind.

  I point towards the bed, and even though I don't say a thing, Nico seems to understand me. He moves of his own accord, going to sit down on the edge of the bed so that he can watch me. I'm glad because my heart is in my mouth both because of my nerves, generated by the fact that this is, after all, our wedding night, but also because I’m so in love with him that I don't even know if I can express it properly.

  When he’s properly seated, I reach down and lift the dress slowly up over my head, discarding it onto the floor. I see his eyes widen as he takes me in. It was not just a couple of dresses that went on the bill to the tailor. I also have custom made lingerie, all in the exact same shade of ivory white, complemented by lace detailing. I've never had a garment that felt so luxurious, let alone underwear. And by the way that Nico is looking at me, my efforts are very much been appreciated.

  I utter a quiet voice command, and somewhere from the hidden speakers around the room, gentle music starts to play. A sensual sound, which I picked out specifically because of the way it would give an atmosphere to the room. With that playing behind me, I feel like it’s easier to begin to sway, losing my self-consciousness under the cover of the music.

  I turn around once, giving him a full view of everything. Then, still rolling my hips, I reach down to unclasp the very first thing, the garter belt attached to my stockings. The clips on either side come away one by one, and then I reach down and slowly draw the stocking over my leg, letting it drop to the floor when I hear a sound.

  I look up when I realize that the sound I heard is Nico whimpering in the back of his throat. It makes me grin wickedly, realizing that he’s just as affected by all this as I wanted him to be.

  I unclip both sides of the other stocking very slowly, moving slightly closer to him all the while. Then I lift up my foot, pointing it towards him daintily. He takes the hint, grasping onto the delicate fabric in one hand as the other cups the back of my ankle. He pulls it smoothly down over my leg and away, leaving me one layer down.

  The next thing to go is the garter belt itself. I slide it down over my hips and then to the ground, copying a move I saw in a few online videos I’ve been watching this week to try to practice. After all, Nico spent so much time and money on preparing the perfect wedding ceremony for us. The least I could do was come up with one simple surprise that would make his night.

  Now I’m dressed only in a bra and panties, both of them in ivory silk with the lace fanning out around them. I continue swaying to the music, slowly slipping the straps of my bra down, first over one shoulder and then the other. Now it’s only supported by the band at the back. I make sure to make eye contact with him as I reach behind myself and unclasp it, using my other hand to keep the fabric in place.

  It comes loose quickly until the only thing keeping it in place now is my hand in front of me. I slowly let go, allowing it to drop the remaining distance over my arms and to the floor, leaving my breasts exposed in front of him. That's when I do an experimental shimmy, letting my full chest bounce in place as his eyes widen.

  Nico reaches down to his crotch and makes a quick adjustment, and I smile encouragingly at him. There's no need for him to miss out on all the fun of stripping. I shimmy a little closer to him again, putting my hands to each of his knees as I lean forward. He doesn't lean back, instead allowing his face to rest exactly at the level of my chest as I lean over him, reaching for his waistband.

  I unzip and unbutton his pants, then reach in to find his already hard rod and pull it out. It springs to attention in front of me, and I take one of his hands and clasp it firmly around himself. Now he knows he is permitted to touch himself as he watches me, and as I step back, I’m gratified to notice that he does so.

  All that is left to remove are my panties, but this last item must go with some real ceremony. I sway in time with the music from side to side, loosening the waistband around my hips. I pull it slightly down one side and slightly down the other, but never far enough to reveal anything. Then I turn and slide it down just until my ass cheeks are visible, bouncing them just the same way that I did my breasts for his amusement. I hear him groan lightly, and I can only giggle as I bend down to t
ouch my toes, straightening by trailing a hand all the way up my leg.

  When I turn again, leaving my ass exposed but the rest still covered, I see that his face has softened and hardened in different places. He looks like a hungry wolf, ready to devour me. I can't say that I have any objections. I take the time to run a hand over myself, starting at my cheek and then cascading over my breasts before resting back at the waistband of my panties, making sure that he’s paying full attention.

  At this point, I don't think he would notice if a bomb went off outside the window.

  Finally, thinking it’s time to put him out of his misery, I slip the panties down my legs, letting them hit the floor. When I walk towards him slowly, prancing like I’m a model on a catwalk, his hands reach out greedily towards me. I don't stop him from grasping hold of my ass, pulling me flush against him as he kneads my skin, groaning into me.

  I drop my hands around his neck, pulling him up towards me for a kiss. The first private kiss shared with my husband. I still can barely believe that it's true, and the very thought of it sends a shudder through me. When he reaches between my legs, he finds that I’m already dripping wet. Looking down, I notice the same is true of him, a bead of liquid already forming at the tip of his rod.

  I tease his jacket off his shoulders, rubbing my thigh up against his hard length as I do so. He growls an inhuman noise, tearing the jacket off the rest of the way and then throwing it to one side even though I know it is worth tens of thousands of dollars. His shirt quickly follows suit, the tie already discarded by the time we walked through the front door. Then he clasps me hard and pulls me close for one second before pushing me away just for as long as it takes to lift his own hips and shove his trousers and underwear to the floor.

  Now that we're both naked, things are a little more even. I sway over him, as he beckons me closer, and for a moment I’m about to go back exactly to where I was before. But then I think better of it, and reach down to push his knees closer together. He does what my fingers command, even though he keeps looking at me with this wide-eyed expression on his face, obviously surprised that I’m taking charge.

  And why not take charge? Over these past few weeks, Nico has shown me so much about my body, about what it can do and how it feels. But I’ve not only been centered on my own pleasure. I have also been a diligent student of his own, and I know what he likes. I know how to make him throw his head back and shout my name.

  I climb over him, until our hips are flush again, his two legs inside mine. That gives me the perfect position to set both of my knees to the edge of the bed and climb up, hovering over him for a second before I take his cock in my hands and rub him up and down. He moans and closes his eyes, which I take as the perfect opportunity for a sneak attack. I lower myself then. He glides into me so easily, both of us already so excited and slick, and I hear a whoosh as all of the breath leaves his body.

  When he opens his eyes again, I’m right at the same level as him, looking directly into his eyes. I'm seated flush on his lap, holding him all the way inside of me, so deep and so close that it’s not possible to get any better. For a long moment, we hover like that, right on the edge, simply staring into one another's eyes. The connection I feel there is more intense than any pleasure I've ever felt from my body. It only increases the ecstasy I feel when finally, I start to move, sliding up and down him while he sits back and enjoys it.

  I lead us in a slow and sensual dance together, my body moving against his in time with the music that I chose. Up and down, I take his full length over and over again, and each time I sit, it only feels more intense. I feel my own breath coming heavy in my throat, my heart hammering at my collarbone. Nico kisses me and nuzzles me, all over my body, my lips, my neck, my breasts and nipples, my hips.

  Finally, he can take the slow pace no more. He lets out a groan, an animal noise without words, and grabs hold of my hips firmly. Even the sensation of his hands cupping the very place where my legs meet my hips, his thumbs sunk deep into the creases, is maddening. I hold onto his shoulders for dear life as he readjusts his position, holding me still in the air while he thrusts up into me over and over, faster and harder. Then he flips me over, laying me down on the bed while he stands over me, using the advantage of his height to bend over me and thrust so deep inside it's a wonder he can even fit.

  I feel something building inside of me, as I always do under his ministrations. I try to keep my eyes on his, even though the pleasure makes me throw my head back and close my eyes by instinct. Each time I open them again and look at him, and I feel everything else drift away. I stop caring about what my face looks like, whether I’m making some kind of embarrassing expression. I stop caring about whether my body is right because I already know that to him, it is. I stop caring about the world outside, which for me no longer exists at this moment.

  Everything disappears but the contact between us. Our eyes, our hips, our hands entwined together on the bed. He buried deep inside me. The brush of his hardness over every bundle of nerves inside me. Everything is gone but that, even my mind, and I’m lost, so lost, until light explodes inside of me and floods all of my senses. I moan and gasp and know only that I’m saying his name over and over again, love pouring out of me along with the ecstasy.

  When I come back to myself again, we’re lying side by side on the bed, both panting for breath and slick with sweat. I turn and look at him and laugh because I’m so happy that there is nothing else to do.

  “Well,” he says. “How about that? Was your wedding night everything you expected?”

  I laugh again, tracing a finger over the contours of his chest. “It has started out far better. But I don’t think it’s over yet. There is still plenty of time for it to surprise me.”

  “Is that so?” he asks, teasing, his grin wide. His hand slips down my side, and the next thing I know he’s pulling me against him, curving himself around me. I end up with my legs in the air, my ass resting against the front of his legs, supported in such a way that I can’t lower my feet to the bed. “Well, just in case. You ought to preserve whatever you can inside of you, while we recover. Who knows? We might get pregnant tonight.”

  My hand flutters to my belly in surprise at the thought, and I can’t help but grin widely. “Do you think so?”

  “After such strenuous activity, I think my little guys are swimming very strongly,” he says seriously, making me laugh yet again.

  “Well, I suppose we have to be sure, though,” I tell him. “We ought to keep giving them lots of opportunities to get in the water.”

  “You mean, we should practice very often?”

  “Very often,” I tell him thoughtfully. “Well, I suppose we can make a start on it during our honeymoon. That’s what it’s for, right?”

  “I heard a rumor to that effect,” he agrees, tracing a hand over the side of my face. “Although, it seems silly to me. Leaving Monaco to go somewhere else on vacation. It’s already one of the most beautiful spots in the world.”

  “True, but it doesn’t have a beautiful natural beach like the island will,” I said. “Remind me – which of your business partners was it who offered us to stay there? I couldn’t keep them straight at the reception, and I didn’t know who to thank.”

  “It was Jean-Paul,” Nico says. “The old one, with the grey hair and the scar on his right cheek. And don’t worry, I made sure to thank him on both of our parts.”

  I sigh contentedly, wriggling against him a little. “I can’t wait to go out there. Everything is ready for tomorrow?”

  “Henri is taking care of it.” Nico kisses my shoulder, the only part of me his mouth can easily reach at this angle. “He’s going to take care of everything until I’m back to take over.”

  “He’s really going to run the whole of Monaco single-handedly?” I tease.

  “It’s only a quarter of Monaco, at the very most,” Nico says, flashing me a teasing smile in return. “You know, I think you may have held yourself up for long enough now.�

  “Oh, really? Well, then, should I put my legs down…?”

  “No,” Nico says, shifting himself just slightly until I feel something poking into my thigh. “I was thinking this position is already very convenient for something else…”

  And I laugh – but only until he thrusts insides me and takes my voice away. There is still the rest of the wedding night to enjoy, after all.




  I walk in through the door of my home and look around, straining my ears. At first, I think that something must be wrong because I don’t immediately hear the sound of anyone running towards me.

  And then the sound of a playful yip followed by claws scratching on hardwood comes down the hall, and I grin to myself. Just behind the paws, another set of footsteps slaps heavily against the wood, without any of the same coordination.

  “Dada!” Nicola exclaims, opening and closing her fists as she toddles towards me. Before I have the chance to greet her in return, our dog, Louie, slams right into me, almost toppling me over.

  “Stupid dog,” I laugh, giving him a scratch behind the ears as the beagle pants and yaps happily at me. As Nicola reaches me, I lean down to pick her up, pretending to nibble her ear to make her laugh with joy. “Where’s Mommy?”

  Nicola makes a gibberish noise which ends with “Mama”, and looks back down in the direction she came from. I figure this means that Mommy is in the kitchen – which I probably could have guessed, given that the sounds and smells of cooking are noticeable even from here.

  I carry Nicola through the house until we reach the kitchen, with Louie trailing close at our heels. He occasionally runs ahead, excited, then stops and waits; then he gets impatient and runs back to trot beside me as if he’s trying to tell me to go faster.


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