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Taming Keys: Charon MC Book 12

Page 6

by Wren, Khloe

  “Too easy.”

  I agreed with Scout’s whispered words. “Right.”

  We went back and stacking the bags of fertilizer we’d soaked in kerosene onto the hand truck, we quietly slipped back into the Hammers’ yard. Their prospect was still completely focused on fucking his whore, so we kept moving, quietly setting up the bags between a couple of bikes and the outside wall of the garage. Ideally, I would have liked to have the bomb inside the shop but opening the doors would have made too much noise, so this would have to do. At the very least, they’d lose a few bikes and a wall. At best, they’d lose their whole compound.

  We didn’t waste time getting it all set up, before leaving a trail of kerosene to the side entrance we’d come through. Scout took the hand truck back down to the truck. I waited for him to have it started and heading toward me before I lit up that trail. A whoosh of flame took off toward the bomb, but I didn’t hang around to watch. Scout had driven up with my door already open, so I dove in as he rolled past and he took off before I had the door shut. We wanted to be as far away as possible before it all went boom.

  We were only a street away when we heard it. The ground shook and I grinned so hard my cheeks hurt.

  “That’s what I’m talking about!”

  Scout was grinning as broadly as I was. “Have to say, it feels good to take out even part of that club. Feel for that prospect though.”

  “Yeah, I hope he really enjoyed that fuck. I’d say it was his last.”

  We both shook our heads. That bastard wouldn’t have lasted five minutes as a prospect with the Charons.

  “Fucking Hammers have gotten way too comfortable with their control over this town. Didn’t even shut and lock their gates while all their members were in church. They should be fucking grateful we didn’t decide to rig the whole damn place to blow.”

  I nodded in agreement before grabbing my cell from the dash and putting the call through to Paul.

  “It’s done. None of that club with be caring about Donna for the rest of the night. Get her moving. We’ll shadow her until she’s safely in your house.”

  “Will do. Thanks, Keys.”

  “Any time. I’ll always be there to make sure Donna’s safe.”

  Hanging up, I looked out the windshield to see that Scout had pulled up a block down from Donna’s place. Two driveways ahead of us, another of the club cages was parked, with another two of our brothers in it. They’d stay here all night and follow Liz out in the morning to make sure she got out of town safely.


  Liz hung up her cell and turned to me. “It’s safe, you’re good to go.”

  I had no idea what Liz had cooked up with my dad to make sure I could get out of Galveston safely. She’d refused to tell me and honestly, so long as it meant we both got out of this town in one piece, I didn’t care. I rushed over to her and wrapped my arms around her, giving her a tight hug.

  “Thank you. So much. You’ve saved my life today.”

  I pulled back and looked into her eyes to see her blinking back tears.

  “You go on home, and I’ll see you tomorrow with all your stuff. Your folks are waiting for you. Make the most of this chance. I have no clue how long it’ll hold for.”

  I winced as I wondered how much she’d needed to share with my dad to get him on board. As I gathered up the few things I was taking with me, I asked her about it so I’d have some idea about what I’d walk into when I got home.

  “What did you tell them, exactly?”

  “As little as I could. I didn’t tell them Sledge’s name or even mention the Hammers. Although, I’m pretty sure he figured out the club connection all on his own. I sure as hell didn’t tell the man what his daughter had been suffering through! That’s your story to tell, honey.”

  I blew out a breath. “Don’t know I’ll ever be able to tell anyone everything, Liz.”

  She pulled me in for another hug. “Give yourself time. Once you feel up to it, go see a counselor to help you get back to normal. And get to a doctor for some tests. Life will move on, and you can’t let him steal your future from you.”

  I nodded, purposely ignoring her final sentences, not wanting to think about what that bastard could have given me or what my future would now hold.

  “Okay, well, all that’s left to do is to drive out of here! See you tomorrow.”

  I rushed the words out, not wanting to prolong the goodbye any longer, or the journey back home. I stepped out of the door and froze for a moment as the sounds of sirens filled the night. Lots of sirens. What the hell had happened? I glanced around the street but couldn’t see any movement, so figured it wasn’t anything too close to here. I rushed to my car, got in and locked the doors before starting the engine. In the ten days since Sledge had first attacked me, my anxiety was through the roof. Even more so since yesterday morning when he bailed me up in broad daylight in public.

  Not only had I been sleeping like shit, I’d not been able to eat much either and had dropped enough weight for it to be noticeable already. With a deep, calming breath, I backed out of the driveway and headed toward the highway that would take me home.

  If I could just get to Bridgewater, I’d be safe. The Charons would never allow an Iron Hammer to enter the town to snatch me. Even if Keys and I were no more. Emotion clogged my throat as I thought of him. I missed him so much but doubted he’d ever forgive me for the way I’d broken things off. A shiver ran down my spine as I wondered if I’d have to deal with his anger when I got back home. Bridgewater was small enough, it wouldn’t take long for him to hear about my return. Would he come looking for a confrontation over the way I’d ended things?

  I hoped not. But I’d take it on the chin if he did. It was nothing more than what I deserved.

  By the time I made it to the highway out of town, my knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly. I hadn’t even seen a Harley since I’d left the house, which seemed too good to be true, but I wasn’t going to question it. Even with no bikes around, it wasn’t until I passed the Welcome to Bridgewater sign that I’d been able to take a deep breath and loosen my grip on the wheel. I hadn’t stopped at all since leaving my and Liz’s place, not until I pulled into my parents’ driveway.

  An old, beat-up truck rolled past as I got out of my car, and I spun around to see who it was. My heart rate ticked up when I thought I caught sight of Keys in the cab, but that couldn’t be right. Keys hated being in a vehicle, or cage, as he called them. With a shake of my head, I told myself I was seeing things in the darkness that weren’t there. Then I turned back to the house and rushed up to the front door. It swung open before I got there, both my parents looking worried. Even before I could greet them, Mom pulled me in to wrap me in her arms. Instantly I sagged against her, content to just soak in her warmth and love.

  “Oh, baby girl. It’s so good to have you back home. I don’t know what’s been going on, and I’m not going to push you to tell me. But I wanted to let you know that you can talk to me about anything. I’ll always be here, no judgement. Your father and I love you very much, and we’re so glad you’ve come home to us. We’ll keep you safe from whatever sent you running.”

  Dad ran a palm over my hair and down my back, just like he used to when I was a little girl, and I burst into tears. I’d thought I’d run out of them, but being surrounded by the safety of my parents and their love allowed me to relax enough that all the pent up emotions I’d been holding inside wanted out.

  “Oh, honey, let it all out. You’re safe now. Come and sit on the couch with me. Dad will go make us all a nice hot chocolate.”

  I let her guide me to sit beside her and when she wrapped her arms around me, I leaned into her, burying my face against her shoulder, and continued to sob. I cried for everything Sledge had forced on me these past ten days. For forcing me to hurt Keys, the man who owned my heart. For the way he’d chipped away at my soul until I was an empty shell. And for the way he used and hurt my body, making me want to ba
the in acid each time he was done with me.

  I shed tears for it all.

  Then I cried in relief that it was over.

  I was home now, safely out of his reach. I’d feel better tomorrow once I knew Liz was out of Galveston too. I prayed Sledge didn’t work out I’d left for good and go after her in vengeance. Liz had assured me she had her gun loaded and ready, and wouldn’t hesitate to use it if he came anywhere near her. But I knew that wouldn’t stop him if he really wanted to hurt her. I also knew if Sledge did take Liz, I’d go back in a heartbeat to save her from him.

  And that just made a fresh flood of tears flow.

  Chapter Eight

  Friday 24 December 1993


  Bent over my work bench in my parents’ shed, I glanced at the door when it creaked open. Seeing it was Scout, I went back to soldering as he came over to me.

  “Hey, brother, haven’t seen you around in a while.”

  “Prez send you for proof of life?”

  “Something like that. But I would have come anyway. Whatcha doing?”

  Setting the soldering iron on its rest, I sat back, stretching out my back for a moment before I responded.

  “Just making up a few things to help keep everyone safe.”

  Scout’s gaze ran over my cluttered work bench with a raised eyebrow.

  “You gonna low-jack us all or something?”

  I gave him a nod. “Something like that. I won’t fail again.”

  That had him jerking his head before he growled at me.

  “You listen to me and you listen good, Keys. What happened to Ace was not your fault. Nor was what happened with Donna. Life happens and shits on the best of us. You did all you could for them both. I’m not going to let you destroy yourself with misplaced guilt, brother.”

  Anger tore through me and I stood fast enough my stool crashed to the floor.

  “How is it not my fucking fault? I left Ace in that bar to go take a piss. I could have easily tapped another of the crew to watch his back while I was gone, but instead I just went on my way. In the end, it cost him his fucking life! And Donna is completely on me. The only reason the Iron Hammers were even focused on her was because I was a dumbass and rushed down to see her while she was in their territory! It’s. All. My. Fault.”

  He reached out and gripped his palms around my shoulders.

  “Keys, I’m not gonna touch the Ace situation as I wasn’t there and don’t know what went on, but with Donna? She’s a beautiful woman, and smart. She’s a nurse, for fuck’s sake. What MC doesn’t want medical people in their club? The only way someone would have seen you go to her that night is if they were already watching her. Whoever the fucker was who went after her just used you as an excuse.”

  His words had bile rising in my throat. Why hadn’t I considered that? Scout made valid points. Donna was damn good looking with sweet curves any man would want to wrap his hands around. The thought of her being forced into the Iron Hammers world if I hadn’t already claimed her had my gut churning.

  “You trying to tell me I saved her?”

  He squeezed my shoulders again before dropping his hands away. “Yeah, brother. Whoever came for her, would have anyhow. I’d bet my bike she was already on their radar.”

  “You don’t think they’ll come up here after her, do you?”

  He gave me a dark grin. “I’d like to see them try.”

  I shook my head with a chuckle. He was right. If a Hammer was stupid enough to enter Bridgewater, it’d be the last mistake he ever made.

  “That’s why I need to do this. I have to know where everyone is, know that they’re safe.”

  Scout folded his arms over his chest.

  “It’s not possible. You can’t watch everyone all the time, especially when you head back out.”

  I stretch my neck out. “Been thinking about that. Thinking maybe it’s time I got out.”

  Scout nodded solemnly. “The club will be glad to have you around more often. I’ll certainly sleep better knowing you’re not off getting your ass shot at. You speak to Donna about this decision yet?”

  Pain exploded in my chest, causing me to skip a breath.

  “Haven’t seen her.”

  He nodded again. “Thought so. I’d heard she was hiding out at her folks’ place. Looks like you’re both avoiding everyone.”

  I reached down to right my stool so I could get back to work. “Your point?”

  “Keys, brother, it’s Christmas Eve. Go to her. Go claim your woman. Tell her about leaving the USMC. Fuck, go get a damn ring and propose to the girl. You’re both hurting and it’s not necessary.”

  Before I could respond, he turned and left, leaving me with nothing but my own thoughts for company as I finished off the tracker I was working on.

  By the time I had it finished, I’d convinced myself to go to see Donna. I needed to go over there to slip this tracker into her car anyway. If I went inside and saw her, I might get a chance to put one in her handbag too.

  If I could convince her to give me another chance while I was there, well, that’d be a nice bonus.


  I’d left the house a total of two times in the last four days. One was to help unload all my shit from Liz’s moving truck, and the other had been yesterday. Mom had forced me to go to the doctor. I hadn’t confessed all that had been done to me, but she was no fool. She’d figured out I’d been raped, hurt. The doctor had taken so much blood I was surprised I had any left. So many tests. Including a pregnancy test. Goose bumps rose on my arms and I rubbed my palms up and down them to get rid of them. With it being Christmas tomorrow, I’d have to wait even longer for the results. The pregnancy test had come back negative, but the doctor had warned me that this early on, I couldn’t be sure I was in the clear on that. He’d strongly suggested I buy a test from a pharmacy next week to make sure. I didn’t want to think about it. To even entertain the idea of carrying that bastard’s baby.

  A gentle tap on my bedroom door had me facing that way from where I sat curled up in my armchair. I’d been staring outside, watching the clouds float by, wishing I could do the same. Just float away.

  Mom popped her head around the door. “Honey? You have a visitor.”

  “I don’t want to see anyone, Mom.”

  She sighed and looked down for a moment before she looked back into my eyes.

  “Tough love time, my sweet girl. You cannot stay locked up here in your room for the rest of your life. I won’t let that bastard who hurt you steal your future away from you.”

  My heart ached at her words, so similar to what Liz had said and spoken in her no-nonsense tone that normally had me jumping to do whatever she’d just told me. Before I could say another word, she vanished behind my door and I could hear her speaking low, too quietly for me to hear what she was saying. Then my door swung all the way open and Keys was there, his big, gorgeous body filling the doorway and making me tear up at the sight. He wore blue jeans and a white t-shirt under his club cut. His hair was still super short, in the high and tight Marine tradition, but it looked wet, like maybe he’d showered before coming to see me. He was clean, while I was dirty. Sledge had made me so I’d always be dirty. Spoiled. Keys deserved better than the broken shell I was.

  “Baby, please. Don’t cry.”

  He nudged the door shut before he strode across the room toward me. I didn’t move, just blinked as more tears ran down my face. Why was he here? Had my folks called him in the hopes he could somehow fix me? Wasn’t he mad? I’d hurt him.

  He dropped to his knees in front of me and reached a hand out toward me. I didn’t mean to flinch, but that’s what happened when he tried to cup my face in his palm.

  “Fuck, sugar. You scared of me?”

  His voice was rough with pain, like the thought of me fearing him tore him in two. I shook my head.

  “Never, Ben.” I used his real name, pushing aside the biker side of him. “Why are you here? Did Mom call you in? Or did you c
ome to yell at me?”

  He drew back in shock. “Why would I yell at you? Donna, you’re my fucking world, babe. I’d walk through hell for you. And no one called me. I came on my own.”

  I looked into his chocolate-brown eyes, trying to see if he was telling me the truth.

  “I’m broken now. Dirty. You can’t want me. And I hurt you.”

  I shook my head. I wasn’t making sense, but I couldn’t seem to come up with anything that did, so I just shut up and watched the emotions flit over his face. Confusion, shock, anger… in the end he looked gutted. Like my words had been a blade that had sliced him deep.

  Before I could guess what he was going to do, he rose to his feet and gathered me up in his arms, then sat down in my chair with me on his lap. I tried to hold myself away from him, but his scent, leather and citrus, drew me in. It brought forward all the good memories we’d made together as his warmth melted the ice that had overtaken me these past weeks.

  Unable to help myself, I nuzzled my face in against his neck, inhaling against his skin. His arms were like steel bands around me as he clutched me to him.

  “Fuck, babe. You scared the hell outta me. I can’t lose you. Not ever. You’re it for me. My ride or die.” He rained kisses down the side of my face until I lifted up and gave him my mouth. The moment our lips met, something inside me eased. I shifted to wrap my arms around his neck as he swiped his tongue over my lips. I opened and allowed him to deepen the kiss. I got lost in him as he continued to kiss me breathless. When he pulled back, breaking the kiss, he moved his hands to cup my face in his palms.

  “Donna, I fucking love you, babe. More than life. I promise I’ll never leave you unprotected again. Not ever. I’m not going to re-enlist next month. I’m going to be here twenty-four seven, by your side. We’ll get a house sorted out and you’ll marry me, and we’ll have it all. I promise.”

  I pressed my fingers over his mouth to stop him talking. He was babbling and being so damn sweet.


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