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Selena's Men

Page 21

by Elle Boon

  He chuckled, a low, deep sound that had her toes curling in her combat boots.

  “You think I’m handsome?”

  “Stay out of my thoughts,” Jaklyn snapped, and slapped a hand over her mouth.

  “My name is Grayson. You need to learn to shield your thoughts.” He made it sound like an accusation.

  She bristled at his tone. Link and Abe moved to stand behind her, and she was shocked to see the man in front of her flare his nostrils, inhaling their scents.

  “You are not mated to these two fools, are you?” He didn’t give her time to answer. “No, you’re not, thankfully. I would hate to have to kill them.”

  “What the heck are you talking about?” Jaklyn asked, truly confused.

  He closed his eyes, shielding his thoughts from her probing gaze. “I need to go. I have spoken with Malcolm King, and he would like you to stay here. There are safeguards in place to help protect you until we can get back.”

  “I—we don’t need protection,” Jaklyn countered.

  “Yes you do. Now don’t argue with me.” Grayson tapped her nose.

  Blinking, Jaklyn tried to dispel the aura of power the man wielded like a sword. She was spellbound as he moved without warning, capturing her lips in a full-bodied kiss. He anchored her body to his with his steel band like arms, hugging her close. She went up on tiptoes, giving him better access.

  He released her just as quick and took a step back, and then another until he blended into the shadows. She knew he dematerialized the same way the goddess had done earlier.

  “Wow I think he just claimed you, Jaky,” Link said.

  “Shut up you two,” Jaklyn yelled.

  “No shit, Sherlock.” Abe punched his cousin in the arm.

  “Let’s get out of here, before he returns.”

  Jaklyn was cut off mid-thought when she heard Grayson inside her head, as clear as if he stood in front of her. “Baby, if you so much as try to leave I will know, and I will not be happy. Now be a good girl and get some sleep. There are several rooms to choose from, just make sure it is not in the same one as the idiots you call friends.”

  “Hey, my friends are not…” She slapped her hand over her mouth again. “Ow. Damn it, that fucking hurt.” She licked the inside of her mouth, getting the familiar taste of copper, letting her know she split her lip open.

  When an unseen tongue swiped inside her mouth, soothing the little hurt, she jerked and before she knew it, the sting completely disappeared.

  “You taste divine, Jaklyn,” Grayson rumbled.

  Jaklyn looked around, checking to see if he’d returned. Link and Abe stared at her as if she’d grown two heads, and maybe she had. “I think I’m losing my ever-lovin’ mind,” she mumbled.

  “I think we should chill here for a while. Ya know, catch our bearings and regroup,” Link said, looking more like the soldier he was instead of the laid back man he presented to the world.

  She would trust her life to these two men and the others who made up their group. “Where is everybody else? Did they not get transported here like us?”

  “I’m going to do some recon. You two check your phones and text the others.” Abe barked out the orders. Jaklyn and Link quickly complied.


  Six weeks later…

  * * *

  “I am not wearing that…that, oh whatever the hell you call it. And you can’t make me,” Zeus said defiantly.

  “Now all you need to do is stomp your foot and throw yourself to the ground to complete your temper tantrum,” Hera joked.

  Selena covered her mouth to stifle the giggle that threatened to bubble up. It was a losing battle, and one she gave up when her father looked at her with puppy-dog eyes and his lower lip puckered out.

  “Oh my gawd, you big baby, it’s not that bad.” Selena laughed out loud, she couldn’t help it. Her dad looked so adorable. Of course she’d keep that little bit to herself.

  “Yes. Yes it is. Look at me. I look like an idiot, and that job is saved for your two idiots, not me,” Zeus said. He pointed at the door where Max and Malcolm were getting ready.

  “But, daddy, you know how much I want this. I always dreamed of having my father walk me down the aisle.”

  “You play dirty, little girl. That isn’t fair. Not fair at all.” The love that shone in her dad’s eyes made his words sound like terms of endearment. After so many years of wondering who she was, where she came from, she now had the answers. Of course she wasn’t fooling herself. She knew there was still a lot to learn about her newfound family, but it was something to look forward to.

  Selena turned and picked up her small bouquet, admiring the way her two rings shone, even without any light. When her men had gotten down on bended knee the morning after their joining with a platinum band ringed in diamonds in the palm of their hands, Selena had fallen a little more in love with them. They’d spoke in unison, like they did with many things, and asked her to share the rest of eternity with them, and it was all she could do not to scream yes, yes, yes she’d marry them.

  Now, her life would be perfect if her best friend, Tamara, wasn’t attempting to stay as far away from her as possible. She’d threatened bodily injury if Tamara weren’t here today to be her maid of honor.

  A commotion in the hall had her looking up in time to see Tamara rush past a stunned Rafe, before she slammed the large door in his face. The shock on the Raven’s face was priceless in Selena’s estimation.

  Breath sounding labored, Tamara smirked at the bellow they heard from the other side of the door. Selena rushed over and wrapped her in an embrace she knew the other woman couldn’t break. Now that all her loved ones were here, she was ready to get married.

  “Thank you for coming, Tam. I was beginning to get worried.”

  “Oh yeah, right! Like I could not come, when you sent that big-ass oaf to get me.” Tamara snarled.

  “Did Rafe hurt you? If he did, I’ll cut off his balls and feed them to him one at a time.” Selena stepped back with her hands still holding Tamara’s arms, to look up into her best friend’s eyes. The only thing she could decipher in her gaze was longing. Opening her mouth, she wasn’t sure what to ask, or how to explain all that had occurred since she’d last seen Tamara.

  “Gods, but I love my bloodthirsty woman,” Max interrupted, as he strolled into the room.

  “Look here, now, it’s my manly bits she’s threatening. Be happy if it was yours, not mine.” Rafe growled, coming into the room with a glare in Tamara’s direction.

  “Hey. Why doesn’t he have shoes on? How come I have to wear shoes if he doesn’t?” Zeus and Hera joined the others, filling Selena’s room. The once quiet room was filling up with more and more people, making Selena happier than she thought possible.

  “Why are you wearing shoes to a beach wedding anyway?” Malcolm asked, coming in behind Max. Both men had on similar outfits of loose white slacks with a silk button-down, top left untucked, with a beautiful corsage made up of purple and pink flowers, bedazzled with crystals, pinned to it. She was one lucky girl.

  “I thought you said you wanted a church wedding.” Zeus looked to his wife. “You said she wanted me to walk her down the aisle.” He stabbed Selena with an accusing look.

  “I did, Dad, but there just wasn’t enough time to get it all arranged.” The look of horror and disgust on her father’s face threatened to double her over in laughter. You’d think she asked him to walk on hot coals while chewing broken glass.

  “That’s because she’s done nothing but travel to all her clubs and check in on them. Spending days at each one, and then coming back to her club in Kansas City and doing the same there,” Max said, folding his arms across his chest with a disapproving look at her.

  Selena stared back, waiting for him to squirm. Malcolm, bless him, walked in and draped his arm across her shoulders, adding his glare to Max and then Zeus. She reached up, rubbing his chest over his heart, melting as he covered her hand with his larger one.

>   “Okay, I give,” Malcolm said in a stage whisper. “What the hell are we glaring at?”

  It was too much. The giggles she’d tried so hard to suppress finally erupted, and once she started to laugh it was impossible to stop.

  “I think she works too much.”

  “She wants me to wear a monkey suit.”

  Zeus and Max spoke at the same time, completely ignoring Selena.

  “Stop it, both of you,” Hera admonished. “You can take off the tie and jacket and the shoes.” She pointed at Zeus, and then turned to stare at Max. “You leave my baby alone. She never travels without one of you with her, and I know she shares her feelings with you, even if you are not with her.” She finished with a regal hand pointing in Max’s direction.

  “Okay, people. I have kidnapped the priest, and hogtied the guests, so let’s roll.” Vin grinned, rubbing his hands together as he walked through the open doorway. Vin stopped and stared at Tamara.

  Selena widened her eyes. “Please tell me he’s joking, right?” she wheezed out between fits of laughter.

  Max strolled over to her and grabbed her hands. “He’s kidding, sweetheart. Now you go and put on your dress. I don’t like all these yahoos seeing you in a robe.”

  Her father coughed something that sounded suspiciously like “look who’s talking” to her but covered it with a flick of his wrist. Within the blink of an eye he had stripped down to slacks and a shirt. Would she ever get used to the fact she was the daughter of a god?

  “Damn, but that feels much better.” Zeus grabbed his wife’s hand, leading Hera out of the room, but not before Hera winked at Selena over her shoulder.

  “Are you scared your darling girl is going to make you put that back on, you big baby?” Malcolm called out. “Ouch. What was that for?” He glared at the laughing pair walking out of the room, rubbing the back of his head.

  “That’s for sassing me, boy.” The laugh that accompanied the comment reverberated throughout the room.

  “Hey, I didn’t do it this time.” Max raised his hands in surrender.

  “No, but you thought about it,” Selena groused.

  “I think about lots of things, baby.” A blush stole over Selena at the pictures Max projected into her head.

  The man was just too much for her equilibrium. With a growl Selena dematerialized into her own suite and gazed at the gorgeous gown laid out on the bed. The beautiful tiara her mother had given her sat inside a velvet box, beckoning to be worn. Hearing that all the goddesses received something similar when they joined with their Fated, she finally felt accepted. Not that her siblings didn’t make her feel welcome. But they all treated her like spun glass, like they were afraid she’d break or something. Just because she was close to a foot shorter than her brothers and sisters didn’t mean she was weak.

  “Of course it doesn’t mean you are weak, sister mine.” Asteria, Selena’s sister, materialized beside her.

  Since she was found all of Zeus and Hera’s children, had made it a habit to literally pop in whenever they felt like it. Selena loved all her siblings, but she felt a real connection to the goddess of the stars. Asteria appeared closer in looks to Selena, standing at about five inches taller. Her hair was more golden blonde instead of white blonde like Selena’s, and she had crystal `blue eyes with a just a hint of silver.

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve shielded my thoughts.” It was hard to remember other beings existed, let alone that she was one too.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, goddess of the moon. We do not think you are weak or fragile. We are just grateful to have you back.” Asteria sniffed.

  “I love you, sister mine.” And she really loved the formal way they all spoke.

  “As I love you, Selena. Now, let’s get you ready.” Asteria clapped her hands while a beautiful grin graced her face.

  “Gods, but she’s beautiful.” Max marveled as their bride started down the rose petal aisle that led her to them on the arm of her parents.

  “Yes, and she’s all ours, bro.” Malcolm agreed.

  They could see the effort it took Zeus to place his feet in the sand, but Max could tell it cost him dearly to let the grainy ground touch his bare feet. He saw his future father-in-law lean down and whisper something to Selena. She giggled and shook her head.

  “I bet he just offered to take her out of here,” Max said.

  “She obviously didn’t take him up on it. Damn, look at that scowl on his face. You’d think this was a shotgun wedding or something the way he’s glaring at us.” Max stared at Selena, barely hearing what Malcolm was saying.

  “What do you mean? Nobody has a shotgun,” Malcolm fairly shouted. “Ouch, damn it.” He touched the back of his head where Max smacked him.

  At the outburst, Selena stumbled in her approach, pinning Max with a look that promised retribution. He shrugged his shoulders until her mouth tilted up at the corner. Damn but he really did love his bloodthirsty woman.

  “Who gives this woman to these, um, men?” the priest asked.

  “Who the hell do you think, boy? Ow! What was that for?” Zeus rubbed the back of his head.

  “I learned that from Max. Now answer the man,” Hera whispered.

  “Her mother and I do,” Zeus answered, if a bit reluctantly.

  “Good boy. I will give you a special treat when we get home.”

  The chairs that had been set up on the beach were filled with Selena’s siblings and several other gods and goddesses. At Zeus’s roar, the whole group seemed to dissolve into raucous laughter, earning them a look that promised payback from the big man himself.

  “Ack. Truly, mother, couldn’t you have said that with your inside voice?” Asteria asked aloud, causing the laughter that had just died down, to start all over again.

  Malcolm smirked at the look on Selena’s father’s face after he got a whack in the back of the head. He had taken Selena’s right hand in both of his while Max held her left. They had all the Ravens of War on one side of the aisle, while Selena’s best friend Tamara stood up front holding both bouquets.

  Zeus finally took his seat in front with his wife, after issuing what Malcolm was sure a silent warning to the others to hush, if the glare he shot them was anything to go by.

  Humans weren’t invited to the momentous event out of necessity. One just never knew when Zeus would send a bolt of lightning into one of his kids. Or hell, even to a flying pigeon that looked like it might take a crap on his head might get zapped.

  Malcolm shut the mental door on thoughts of Zeus and concentrated on the words of the ceremony. The priest brought all their hands together and said a prayer. Malcolm said the right words at the right time, tightening the invisible bond between them, and then it was Selena’s turn as she repeated them, followed by Max. They all spoke with so much conviction no one could doubt the sincerity of their vows.

  Malcolm’s heart knocked his ribs so hard he worried the sound could be heard by everyone, even over the crashing waves. The look on Max’s face was one that he was sure mirrored what was written all over his own. They had finally found the one person who completed them, and they were scared shitless it would all disappear.

  “I’m not going anywhere without the two of you,” Selena murmured in her soft southern drawl through their shared link. It was getting harder to shield his thoughts, but Malcolm really didn’t want to.

  They didn’t plan a reception, thank the lord. Malcolm couldn’t wait to whisk Selena away to their little hideaway her father had given them as a wedding present.

  Finally, the longwinded man wrapped up the ceremony. He was escorted back to the airstrip, where hopefully Rafe or Vin would remember to wipe his memory and send him home with a large donation to his church.

  Vin hadn’t lied when he’d told Selena that he didn’t kidnap the man. Rafe did, but he’d promised to make it up to the priest. If Rafe made a promise, he kept it, even if it took him a human lifetime to do it.

  Malcolm waited for all the well-wishers to h
ug and kiss Selena and shake his and Max’s hands. He laughed at the sight of Zeus lifting his feet and wiggling his toes to rid them of sand.

  “All right, people.” Max raised a glass, clearing his voice to be heard over the noise of the crowd. The gods and goddesses may not be used to speaking out loud, but they were getting the hang of it.

  Malcolm was astonished to see everyone had flutes in their hands.

  “Thank you all for coming. Please find your way home.” Max threw back his head and swallowed the golden liquid in one swallow.

  Selena laughed, took a sip, then handed her glass to Max. He downed it and waggled his eyebrows at Malcolm. Taking the hint, he drank his champagne in a single gulp. “Party’s over,” Malcolm crowed.

  “Dude, did you see the look on Zeus’s face?” Malcolm asked.

  “Nope, I was too busy looking at our girl. I think Selena has something she needs to tell us.” Max stalked closer to where Selena stood.

  “Oh. Um…I love you guys.”

  “Nope, that’s not it. But we love you too. Try again, sweetheart,” Max teased, crowding her.

  “Will someone let me in on the big secret? I’m ready to get on with the bowchicabowwow,” Malcolm said.

  A man only had so much patience and his had been stretched thin. Like a predator stalking its prey Max prowled closer, invading her space, giving her no room to maneuver.

  “All right already…Geez, can’t a girl have a secret?”

  Max watched Selena take a deep breath and smile, showing a brilliant flash of teeth. “I’m pregnant.”

  “What?” Malcolm clutched his chest, making Max want to smack him.

  “Are you sure?” The air seemed to freeze in Max’s lungs while he waited for confirmation.


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