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Selena's Men

Page 22

by Elle Boon

“I’m very sure, and I can even tell you when it happened.”

  Selena went on to describe in minute detail the moments she was sure it happened, the morning after she’d been back in their arms after they fought Cronus they’d made love again, one right after the other.

  By the time she’d finished, they were all naked, and Max had a hard-on to rival a light pole. He noticed Malcolm wasn’t in any better condition. He didn’t realize he still held Selena’s hand until she gave it a little shake.

  “Damn we’re good,” Malcolm said.

  Max didn’t even bother to slap his brother this time. Malcolm was spot on. They were more than good. They were great.

  “Yes. We’re more than great.” Selena repeated his thoughts. She tugged them toward the four-poster bed and proceeded to show them all how great they were, using her hands and her body to take them all to heights they’d only been to with her.

  Thank You

  Thank you for reading Selena’s Men! I hope you loved it!

  * * *

  Did you enjoy meeting Selena and her guys? I absolutely loved Max and Malcolm and their total alpha ways. I especially loved introducing Zeus and how he took care of his loved ones. I also loved the crazy that was my trios and their dynamics and how Selena wasn’t a “too stupid to live” heroine. Sometimes, finding a balance between a kickass heroine, and totally alpha heroes can be hard, but I think I did it with Selena, Max and Malcolm. Of course, when you mix the God Zeus who just happens to be her father into the mix…well, you know there’s bound to be some crazy.

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  I’d love for you to meet Tamara and her guys! She’s definitely in need of a happily ever after…as are Rafe and Vin. The two totally awesome Ravens of War have looked for their One for thousands of years. They’re gonna rock her world, and much more in Two For Tamara.

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  You can also join my Facebook group, Boon’s Bombshells, to discuss all things Elle Boon books and see what’s going on or coming up in my book world.

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  Want to stay up to date on upcoming releases in all my series, not just the Ravens of War? Be sure to join my VIP newsletter here. I promise your inbox will be filled with the hottest dominating Alphas and exclusive content.

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  Now, turn the page to read an excerpt from Two For Tamara…

  Two For Tamara

  Ravens of War, Book 2

  Rafe Blackstone stared at Tamara Mejia as she stood next to her best friend Selena. Since the first moment he laid eyes on her several months ago, he’d wanted her unlike any other women, but she’d run from him.

  A deep inhale from his best friend, Vin Thorn, pulled his attention from the alluring woman. They both stood at over seven feet tall with copper-colored skin. Standing next to their two best friends, Max and Malcolm King, as they married their Fated, Selena Ramos, Rafe tugged on his collar. Both men had fallen fast and hard for a woman whom they thought was a normal human, but as fate had once again played with them, she was the lost goddess of none other than the god Zeus.

  He barely stifled a chuckle as he watched Zeus point his fingers at his own eyes, and then turned them toward first Max, and then Malcolm. He was glad he wasn’t marrying a goddess, but especially not the lost goddess of Zeus and his wife Hera. Rafe shuddered just thinking about all the ways Zeus would punish him had he been in the King brothers’ shoes. Rafe liked having his balls attached to him, thank you very much.

  Zeus’s eerie silver orbs pinned Rafe in his spot. It took all his hard-won discipline not to flinch away from the scrutiny, knowing the god could see inside his mind. Zeus had never paid much attention to any of the Ravens, unless they were fighting his father Cronus and his beasts for him, and that had been thousands of years ago. Now Rafe wished he would go back to tormenting Max and Malcolm. Maybe he should think about all the things the other two men were probably going to do to his baby girl that night?

  “You shouldn’t think anything of that nature. You don’t want to get me mad. I promised my baby girl I wouldn’t hurt her husbands. You, on the other hand, I didn’t promise anything about,” Zeus warned.

  Rafe stumbled back on the soft sand at the booming voice in his head. Vin’s arm around his shoulders was the only thing that kept him from falling flat on his ass. Looking across the aisle, he saw Zeus staring at the threesome as the priest began the wedding.

  “I’ve always paid attention to you boys.”

  Even though Zeus wasn’t looking at him, Rafe was aware the god could hear everything he thought. Which sucked fucking dick.

  “Of course you did, sir. I apologize for my slight to you.” Had Rafe not been at two of his closest friends’ wedding, he’d have dematerialized.

  Zeus sighed. “You are such a poor liar, Rafe Blackstone. But since this is a happy occasion, I will let it pass. I…”

  Rafe wasn’t sure what Zeus was planning to say, he was just glad they were interrupted by the priest announcing Max and Malcolm could kiss their bride. The puzzled look on Zeus’s face made Vin bust out in a fit of deep chuckles, earning him a look from the eerie, silver gaze of Zeus. Good, maybe he was getting the mind-fuck from the god, too.

  Max, being the gentleman he was, gave Selena a sweet kiss. Malcolm, on the other hand, wasn’t so suave. A loud grunt came from Malcolm, and then he was rubbing the back of his head with a look of retribution toward his brother Max. Max, ever the diplomat, reached for their wife and placed her between them.

  It was his turn to finally get to walk back down the aisle with Tamara. She had to be one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, and that was saying something. For the first couple thousand years, he’d spent his life surrounded by goddesses who were perfection personified. But something about Selena’s best friend called to him on a deeper level.

  She linked her arm with his, her musky perfume hit his nose like an aphrodisiac, and he felt his dick swell in his trousers like an untried boy. Vin’s eyebrows rose as he looked Rafe up and down, the corners of his lips twitching. Had he not been holding Tamara, Rafe would’ve flipped him the bird.

  He felt Tamara stiffen. In her high heels she was close to six feet tall. That still made her a good foot shorter than him and Vin. Rafe shook his head. Why he kept thinking of Tamara with him and Vin was a mystery. Not that he and his closest friend hadn’t been known to share women in the past.

  “You can let me go now,” Tamara whispered.

  Rafe looked down into eyes like melted chocolate. He always was a lover of anything chocolate. “But you feel good in my arms, omorfia.” They entered the area that had been set up as the reception area. With the fairy lights, as Selena had called them, Tamara’s dark hair shined a blue-black that he itched to see laying on his pillow.

  “What the hell did you call me?” Tamara jerked her arm out of his.

  He was surprised at her strength and agility, something he’d be sure and remember in the future. “It means ‘beauty’ in Greek.” He raised his hand to touch the shiny tresses.

  Tamara smacked his hand away. “Listen, you keep your hands to yourself, and I’ll keep my hands to myself. Deal?” She placed her hands on her hips.

  The confident stance probably scared most men away, but Rafe wasn’t most men. He was an ancient warrior, one of the elite Ravens of War, and a tiny little human wasn’t going to deter him. Especially not one he wanted more than his next breath. He’d just have to figure out what made Tamara Mejia tick. He raised his hands in the universal “I surrender” pose and gave his most charming grin. “I’m sorry, omorfia mou. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “Excuse me, Tamara. Selena has asked me to come get you.” Vin Thorn rubbed his hands together.

  “You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” Rafe watched the sway of Tamara’s ass in the tight dress as she walked through the throng of people to where Selena stood with Max and Malcolm King.

  A small pang of envy hit Rafe at the picture the three of them made standing together. The two leaders of th
e Ravens had found their Fated, completing the bond that made them all whole. It was what all the Ravens had hoped to find when they’d been sent to Earth so many years ago. Rafe had almost stopped believing it was possible. He still didn’t think he’d find his one, not with the darkness in his soul. But the twin brothers deserved their happiness with Selena.

  Vin bumped his shoulder. “We will find our Fated, too, brother.” He nodded toward the happy threesome.

  Rafe couldn’t take his eyes off the tall, dark-haired woman standing next to the petite goddess. Even though he didn’t deserve her, he wanted her on every level a man could want a woman. She stared back at him, her full red lips smirked, like she knew what he was thinking, daring him to make a move. Vin’s hand on his bicep kept him in place.

  “Dude, if you make a move on her here, Zeus will have your nuts in a cup and I can guarantee you won’t get them back.” Vin tilted his head to indicate the man beside Max and Malcolm.

  There, standing with his wife and several other gods and goddesses, was Zeus himself, and sure enough he was doing that thing with his fingers, only this time he pointed at Rafe.


  “Yeah, looks like he’s claiming Tamara as one of his own.” Vin chuckled.

  “How long do we gotta stay here?” Rafe unbuttoned his shirt and freed it from the dress slacks. The white wifebeater underneath kept him presentable, but he wanted out of the constrictive button-down shirt and pants.

  “Since you’re the official best man you need to make a toast, and then there’s the dancing. I’d say another hour or so.”

  “Oh, you’ve got to be joking?” Rafe ran his hand over his bald head.

  Vin rolled his eyes, mimicking the movement of Rafe. All the other Ravens had hair of different shades and lengths except Rafe and Vin. On more than one occasion, Rafe had been accosted and asked for his autograph. Even after he swore he wasn’t the actor, named of all things, the Rock, they never believed him. Sometimes it was easier to just ignore them, others he would have to get mean. The real Dwayne Johnson’s PR team hated it when Rafe had to get mean, but luckily for him Rafe and he were hardly ever in the same country at the same time, which made his explanations more believable. Add in the fact Rafe never allowed any of their photographs to come out, and there was never any proof. It was good to have the ability to erase modern-day technology with nothing more than a thought.

  The sound of a microphone being turned on brought all their attention to the front of the crowd. Rafe wanted to get the hell out of Dodge.

  He was never so glad to see the leaders of the Ravens decide to cut the reception short and whisk their bride away. If it were him, he’d have skipped the whole damn thing and gone straight for the honeymoon in the first place.

  Vin’s heart was beating a triple staccato in his chest. From the moment he’d brought the priest in and announced that they were there, he was ready to get on his knees and pledge his life to the woman named Tamara. The only thing standing in his way was his best friend Rafe and how he’d acted around her. It didn’t take a rocket scientist, although Vin was one, to see his friend had fallen and fallen hard for the Spanish beauty.

  He knew a little about her from his connection with the twins, Max and Malcolm, but he needed to learn more. Her snapping brown eyes made him think of dark nights, and the secrets she had that he wanted to know. She was the daughter of a Cajun mama and a Spanish father, although she had never met her father from what Selena said. Vin figured she got some of her fiery temper from him. Some things were inherited and some were learned. He’d bet his last dollar she was one hell of a firecracker, and he couldn’t wait to find out. Rafe be damned, he’d have to learn to share.

  His lips kicked up in a smile. Rafe was lots of things, but stingy wasn’t one of them.

  It was his chore to get the priest back to his parish and wipe his memory of the ceremony, which totally sucked, or as his friend Rafe was known to say, sucked balls. But he’d promised, and Vin always kept his promises.

  Once he got the man back to his church, he was heading out to find Rafe, and they needed to decide how they were going to woo Tamara. Maybe he should stop off and buy a flame thrower, because the woman was all ice queen when it came to him and Rafe.

  She was a puzzle. Most women weren’t repulsed by him or Rafe, just the opposite, in fact. Sure, they were both larger than your average men, and although Rafe was bulkier, they could pass for brothers. Throughout his long life he’d had several relationships that were somewhat lasting, and even knowing there was a time stamp or an end date on them, he always treated women with respect.

  He shook hands with Max and Malcolm and laughed good-naturedly when they tried to announce they were leaving, but Zeus shook his head. He gave Selena what could only be called puppy-dog eyes, and both Max and Malcolm groaned. Vin bided his time and prepared to wait to speak with Tamara. His time finally came when she tried to slip out the back.

  “Your friend will be safe with them.” He tilted his head toward the dancing couple.

  “I know.” Tamara smoothed her hands down her hips.

  Vin turned to look at her fully. “Why are you so nervous? Do you not like weddings? Maybe being surrounded by so many of us makes you uncomfortable.” He made it sound like a question, but they both knew it was the truth. He wasn’t sure how much she knew about her best friend, or how much would be wiped from her memory, but it would be hard to not realize she wasn’t at a normal shindig.

  Vin tried to see through her eyes. He and Rafe were well over seven feet tall, but compared to Zeus and the others they were small. However, the gods and goddesses had taken on a more humanlike size, but even then they were larger than the tallest known men. They all had hair that flowed like living silk. Vin had always envied that about them and the other Ravens. He and Rafe were the only two who had never grown any hair. To this day nobody knew why. Vin and Rafe came to realize it set them apart, but not in a negative way.

  He spotted Rafe leaning against the wall of the pavilion. He seemed to watch everyone except Tamara and Vin. His cell phone was held up to his ear, a look of annoyance clear on his face. Vin turned to Tamara. She had her head tilted at an adorable angle to the right, her bottom lip tucked inside her mouth. He stifled the urge to bend and take the chewed on flesh into his own lips.

  “I’m not nervous or whatever. I’m happy for Lena and her men.” Tamara spoke so softly he had to lean closer to hear.

  She sighed heavily, and it occurred to him that she was maybe just a bit saddened about her friend’s wedding. “Hey, look at me.” Vin finally did what he’d wanted since the moment he’d seen Tamara. He used his index finger to raise her chin and forced her to meet his eyes. Ah, Vin saw through her façade. Her eyes were windows to her soul. Her look of annoyance was nothing but a smokescreen for how she was truly feeling, and that was a woman who worried she was being left behind. He sympathized with the gorgeous female. How many times had he watched people meet and fall in love? Way too many to count.

  “I know you are, and she’s happy. Be happy for her.”

  Tamara jerked away from him. “You don’t know me,” she snapped. Her back ramrod straight, she strode into the crowd of people.

  Why couldn’t he keep his mouth shut?

  “Because you’re an ass?” Rafe punched him in the arm.

  Vin grunted. Not from the punch, but because Rafe was right. He only wanted to reassure Tamara that her friend was going to be fine so she could focus on other things.

  Rafe snorted. “Yeah, you wanted her focused on you.”

  “And you don’t?”

  “I’m not going to deny that I’ve wanted that woman since I first laid eyes on her months ago, but she ran like a scared doe then, and she’s running now.”

  “What do we do then? I want her, you want her. Are we going to share her like Max and Malcolm?”

  Rafe laughed. “Man, do you hear yourself? That woman”—he pointed to the fine ass in question—“doesn’t want either
of us. We could go fuck each other before she’d fuck either of us.” Rafe held his hand up. “And as much as I think you look good naked, I am not fucking your hairy ass or vice versa.”

  One of the things Vin loved about Rafe was his intensity, but when his friend laughed with such unrestrained mirth, he realized why they were best friends.

  “My ass isn’t hairy, dickweed, and that’s not an invitation.” Not that Vin hadn’t slept with both men and women in his extremely long life, but fucking his friend wasn’t something he had ever fantasized about. They’d shared women between them, and those had been some of the best times of his life, but not once had he wanted to bend Rafe over.

  “Good to know.” Rafe laughed.

  “Get out of my head, fucker.” Vin shoved him.

  With one arm Rafe grabbed Vin in a headlock. “Make me, boy.”

  * * *

  Ravens of War

  * * *

  Tamara, being the daughter of a priestess, was used to all the strangeness that comes with all that. But the night she first saw Rafe, she also saw something that scared the holy living hell out of her. Even thinking about the vision had fear snaking down to her toes in her high heels.

  “Why are you shaking so, Tamara?” The smooth, accented voice had Tamara looking up at the woman she knew to be Selena’s long-lost sister, Asteria.

  Tamara pasted a fake smile on her face. “Hello, Asteria. It was a lovely ceremony wasn’t it?”

  “Ah, this is what you call an evasion tactic?” She nodded her head. “But yes, it was beautiful.”

  She immediately felt guilty. “I’m sorry. It’s been a long couple of weeks.”

  The sound of booming male voices interrupted their conversation, followed by what had to be the cutest thing Tamara had ever seen. Rafe had Vin’s head tucked under his one arm, while he was rubbing the knuckles of his other hand over the top. Although, she wouldn’t admit it to the two overgrown buffoons that she thought they were gorgeous.


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