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The Perfect Submissive

Page 1

by Tricia Owens

  The Perfect Submissive


  Tricia Owens

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2012 Tricia Owens

  Read other titles by Tricia Owens at a

  Chapter One

  Matthew's knees trembled and his head rolled against the grease spattered wall. He resented the helplessness that shook his body as he reached his climax. It was the one time he allowed himself to let down his guard when he was with another man, the only time he was willing to be vulnerable, but he still hated it.

  He savored the sparks shooting through him for as long as he dared but inevitably the vulnerability became too much to bear. I'm not the one on my knees. I'm not the one on my knees, he thought like a mantra. It helped to look down at the head still nursing at his groin. It belonged to his coworker, Theo. Someone who deserved to be down there, not like Matthew.

  "Lick it clean," he said as he combed his fingers through curly black hair and pressed against the other man's skull to hold him in place. "I don't want to be sticky the rest of the night."

  As Theo obediently cleaned Matthew's cock of cum and saliva, Matthew peered through the window of the swinging kitchen door to make sure the diner was operating fine without them.

  The place was still mostly empty at eleven-thirty on a Tuesday night. A pair of pizza delivery boys was on their way out the door and the security guard from the Blue Flamingo was on his feet and fishing out cash for his tab. Matthew watched him, glad the intimidating man was on his way out.

  When Theo began mouthing Matthew's scrotum in search of more juice, Matthew pushed him away and tucked his dick back inside his pants. Outside on the floor of the restaurant, the security guard walked out the door, leaving the diner empty again. Perfect.

  "Thanks," Matthew said, stretching out his neck. "Did you cum too?" he asked as an afterthought.

  Theo giggled and pointed at the stain on the front of his work pants. Fortunately both young men wore aprons over their pants so the stain wouldn't be visible to anyone else. Matthew didn't relish the thought of running the diner alone while the other man went home to change.

  Matthew had just begun work at The Lonely Diner and could already tell -- after only a week -- that this was going to be one his least favorite jobs since moving to the island last summer.

  "I always get off when I've got a big dick in my mouth, girlfriend." Theo winked at him, the crush of his mascara-thick lashes waving like a black fan. "No complaints here."

  Inwardly cringing at the pet name, Matthew nodded and adjusted his apron over his lap.

  "Great. Well, let's get back on the floor before the cook wonders where we went."

  "Pele's out back having a smoke."


  "I know, I know. You don't want to get fired already. Give me a sec to wipe out my pants."

  Matthew pushed through the swinging door, glad to be out of the small enclosure with the other man. Theo was cute enough but he was basically an effeminate Goth. He wore eye makeup and lip gloss. While Matthew liked to fuck submissive men, he preferred the men he fucked to be men.

  He grabbed a tray and cleaned off the two abandoned tables, rolling his eyes at the pitiful tips that had been left for him and Theo. When it was only the two of them working they pooled their tips, and if this was the way the night was heading they were both going home very broke.

  "I'm taking an extra twenty tonight," he announced when Theo stepped out of the backroom while re-tying his apron.

  The Goth gaped comically. "What? I thought we were splitting evenly?"

  Matthew carried the tray to the back counter and set it down for Theo to unload while he returned to the tables with a damp rag. "I need cash," he said as he wiped down the tables. "I'll be fair about it. I'll fuck you later to make us even."

  "A fuck from you is worth twenty bucks?"

  Matthew smirked and sauntered back to the twelve-foot long counter where stainless steel stools were lined up before the ordering window. He dropped his butt onto a stool and looked deeply into Theo's eyes, his smile widening as the other man flushed.

  "A fuck from me is priceless, but I'm cutting you a deal because you're my friend."

  "Some friend," Theo muttered as Matthew tossed the rag into the dish bin in the corner.

  "You're telling me you'd rather have the twenty?"

  Theo gave him a dirty look and fished out his makeup bag. He pretended to ignore Matthew while he touched up his lip gloss. "I might need a fuck," he said casually.

  Matthew smirked again and plucked a menu from its holder on the counter. "If it weren't for you, Theo, I'd have quit this job last week. Even working at the marina is better than this."

  "This job does have its perks, you know."

  Matthew scanned his eyes over the laminated single-sided menu and sighed. "It does?

  Please don't tell me it's free food because I will never, ever eat the 'Hunk of Manmeat'."

  Theo laughed and put away his bag. He began picking the black nail polish off his fingernails, creating a pile of flakes on the brushed metal counter. "Best meatloaf sandwich on the island, girlfriend. Don't knock the meat just cuz you're afraid of it."

  Matthew jammed the menu back into the spiral holder behind the napkin dispenser and sighed again as he spun around on his seat to survey the small diner.

  It was shaped long and narrow like a shoebox, with mirrors along both sides to make the room seem larger, but all they achieved was a funhouse effect when customers were reflected a hundred times back at themselves. The tables were topped with old Formica but were not too badly chipped. The booths were upholstered in a toffee colored vinyl and were rip-free, although booths three and seven had lumpy seats. There were only two single tables along the front window beneath the painted lettering. Solo diners usually chose the counter where Matthew currently sat.

  A jukebox that played CDs was near the glass front doors, for some reason playing a string of old Madonna songs. Probably a prank by the pizza delivery guys, Matthew decided. He glanced at a mirror at Theo's reflection, seeing the man lip synching to the music. Or maybe it was Theo's fault. Either way, Matthew didn't want to be stuck listening to it all night.

  "So what's the perk?" he asked, just for the sake of conversation. Since starting work at the Lonely Diner he'd become fuck buddies with Theo since the two of them were invariably left in charge of the restaurant during the late night swing shift. Though Theo was far too flamboyant for Matthew to date he made for an entertaining co-worker -- and mouth -- to use.

  "The perk is that we occasionally get visitors from the Raven."

  Matthew looked through the diner's window at the BDSM club across the street. Or rather, he looked at the discreet black door lit by a single bulb which led into the club. Only a small, tasteful metal plaque reading 'Raven' indicated the door led to someplace interesting.

  "That's hardly a perk," he declared, crossing his arms over his chest, unimpressed. He couldn't help glancing at his reflection in the mirror on the other side of the room, admiring the young, attractive brunette he saw. Two years ago he'd begun working out and though he didn't have the body type to gain serious muscle, he thought he looked pretty good.

  "I've seen the guys who go in there for that BDSM stuff and they're as gross as the munchers back in the States," he said, breaking off his admiration of himself. "They're always creepy, fat and ugly."

  "True, if I were talking about their customers." Theo bent down and blew his nail polish flakes over the counter, stirring up a mini black blizzard. "But I'm talking about the staff."

  Matthew was still bored. "You mean the Doms?"

  "And the submissives," Theo
said. He threw the back of his wrist to his forehead and pretended to swoon. "All those sweet, abused young things. They come here for a cup of coffee and to lick their wounds. Poor boys deserve some pie after being spanked for six hours and forced to lick other men's boots."

  Matthew laughed at his friend's description, but he was also growing hard. "Do they really come over here? You've seen them?"

  "I've been working the swing shift here for three years, girlfriend. If they've come over here I've waited on them at least once."

  Matthew tapped his fingers against the counter, his eyes drifting to the Raven's door.

  "Any of the subs catch your eye?"

  "Mine? Hardly. Not interested in someone fawning all over me," Theo said with a roll of the eyes. "But there are a few I think you'd bone up over. All weak and wimpy." He stuck a finger in his mouth and pretended to gag. "They're totally into their roles. Sometimes they can't even order for themselves. They ask me what I think they should get. Half the time I end up making their choices for them. It's pretty fucked up, if you ask me."

  "Good thing no one's asking you then, because I think that's hot as hell." Matthew imagined a cute little sub who did everything he was asked and didn't question anything. A hot, squirmy little body he could fuck at will and who would blow him when he was too lazy to put in the effort. Who wouldn't love that sort of power? That sort of control?

  "Yeah, you would like that," Theo said. "You're as bad as they are, just in a different way."

  Matthew sat straighter, glaring at the other man. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'm not submissive! I've never been fucked in my life and that's never going to change."

  "Whoa! Calm down there, girlfriend." Theo threw up his hands and fanned himself as if he were overcome by Matthew's passion. "All that testosterone nearly knocked me unconscious. Rein it in, big boy. You're top dog around here. There's no question of that."

  "Yeah, alright." Annoyed by Theo's attitude, Matthew stood up and began to pace the room. He watched multiple reflections of himself stalk through the diner like a brooding army.

  "When's the last time one of the submissives ate over here?"

  "What's today? Tuesday? Hmm... I'd say it's been just over a week. A couple of them were here with one of the Doms the night before you started working here." Theo snickered. "I think they were intimidated by the news that a big alpha got a job here. Your manliness drove them off."

  Matthew snorted, but he hoped that wasn't the case no matter how outlandish it sounded.

  "Why can't you just go to one of the clubs or bars and pick up a twink there?"

  Matthew didn't want to admit that he'd already tried. Numerous times. He'd been disappointed with his choices. Every cute boy he'd approached who seemed to radiate sub vibes had turned out to be too aggressive or playful for his tastes. Most were pushy or didn't take his claim to be a Dom very seriously. He didn't want someone who challenged him. He wanted someone meek. Unfortunately, meek men didn't go to clubs -- they stayed at home.

  "I'm looking for the perfect sub," Matthew replied, ending his pacing at the front window of the diner, "and he's not at a club or a bar." He stared longingly at the Raven's door. "I have a feeling he's in there, but he's going to have to come to me."


  Matthew was running late. He cursed as the back door of the Lonely Diner jammed on him. He kicked it a few times until the twisted metal trim on the bottom of the door gave way, allowing him to fling it open. The familiar smell of cooking meat and frying potatoes rushed up his nostrils as he ran inside.

  "You late," Pele the cook muttered around his cigarette as he flipped a pair of pancakes.

  "Do it again and you fired."

  "Yeah, yeah," Matthew muttered, tossing his backpack into the employee locker and grabbing an apron which he yanked over his head. He clocked in and pushed through the swinging door onto the floor.

  Theo, serving a pair of tourists in a booth, glanced back and rolled his eyes at Matthew.

  The bell over the front door tinkled. Matthew looked over in time to catch a glimpse of pale blond hair and a pert ass exiting through the door.

  "Sorry, man," Matthew apologized as Theo returned behind the counter. Matthew began emptying a tub of dirty dishes that had been left there while Theo serviced the customers.

  "Stupid tram was running late."

  "You've been duly punished." Theo jerked his head toward the door where the blond had just left. "You missed one of the guys from the Raven." He smirked at Matthew's crestfallen expression. "Early bird gets the worm, girlfriend. Better start showing up on time."


  Wednesday night between dinner and last call meant the Lonely Diner was a very lonely place indeed.

  Matthew shuffled a deck of cards that he'd begun bringing with him to alleviate the boredom. Beside him Theo was industriously refilling the salt and pepper shakers.

  The diner was empty and KT Tunstall was playing on the jukebox. Matthew predicted that he and Theo would walk with about forty dollars a piece tonight. What a waste of time.

  "I'm thinking about getting another job," he announced.

  "Back at the marina?" Theo asked as he screwed the lid on a freshly filled pepper shaker.

  "No, something less dirty. Maybe a barback in a club or something." Matthew hadn't really thought about it that much, to be honest. He'd been in a bit of a funk ever since three days ago when he'd missed his first encounter with an employee of the Raven. He'd hoped and expected to see another Raven worker come in, but Theo's service must have sucked because no else had crossed the street to eat at the diner since then.

  "Barbacking is a lot of grunt work," Theo told him. He poured salt into a shaker, accidentally spilling some over the edge and into the tray he'd used to carry all the bottles from the tables. "The bartenders treat you like you're their slave. It's the last job you'd want, girlfriend."

  "Will stop calling me that?" Matthew snapped. He tossed the cards beneath the counter onto the shelf where the industrial-sized containers of condiments sat. "And by the way: what kind of crappy service did you give the Raven guy that he doesn't come here anymore? It's been three days."

  Theo planted his hands on his narrow hips. His shiny, lip glossed lips were parted with outrage. "Don't rag out on me. Maybe I would have given him better service if I hadn't had to serve him and the entire restaurant by myself because my co-worker was late for work. Ever thought of that? And for your information I gave him great service and he was very happy. He slipped me an extra five on the side."

  "You didn't put that in our tip pool!"

  "Because it was a side tip and I deserved it and you didn't." Theo stuck his tongue out at him. The sight was so ridiculously childish that Matthew burst out laughing.

  Theo giggled, and then he began laughing too.

  "I'm sorry, man," Matthew said, catching his breath. "It's been a bad week for me and I'm taking it out on you. No harm no foul?"

  Theo looked him up and down before batting his lashes at Matthew. "I know one way you can make it up to me."

  "You want the 'Hunk of Manmeat' special?" Matthew asked with a grin.

  "Sounds like it'd hit the spot," Theo agreed coyly.

  The bell over the door rang. Matthew glanced at the door and sucked in his breath. A gorgeous specimen of a man walked into the Lonely Diner and headed straight for one of the booths.

  It was him. It was the blond from the Raven.

  "Oh, my god, let me take this," Matthew blurted, his eyes devouring the slender newcomer and his tight, round ass. The man appeared to be about Matthew's age, mid-twenties or younger, and maybe an inch or two shorter than him. He wore the same tight black leather pants Matthew had seen him wearing three days ago, and a light blue pullover sweater that was casual enough to make Matthew believe the guy had just gotten off of work at the club.

  He turned pleading eyes on Theo. "I want him."

  Theo bit his lip, looking uncertain as he glanced from the blond to Mat
thew and back again. "I don't know, girlfriend. Listen, this might not be a good--"

  "What, are you kidding me? He's perfect." Matthew quickly rounded the end of the counter before Theo could beat him to it. "He's mine. I'm not letting him get away this time."

  "But, Matthew, wait--"

  Matthew ignored him and approached the booth. He gazed at the mirrored walls, practically salivating over the gazillion reflections of blond gorgeousness. He'd have to put a mirror over his bed, he decided quickly. This was a view he wanted from every angle.

  "Hey, how's it going?" Matthew cursed himself as his voice came out shakier than he wanted.

  "Long night," the other man sighed. His voice was low, but not particularly deep. His blond hair was very pale and curled into ringlets that made Matthew ache to feel them wrapped around his fingers.

  He willed the other man to look up as he asked, "What can I get you to drink? Coffee?"

  "Coffee sounds good." The flaxen head of curls lifted and Matthew felt his heart stop beating. "Oh, you're new here," the man said in surprise.

  But I'll never quit now that I know you come here, Matthew thought dreamily. The man was more than gorgeous, he was beautiful. He had a pixie face that made Matthew's knees feel weak. The sweetest baby blue eyes he'd ever seen were ringed by pale lashes thicker than any girl's. The man's skin was pale but held a light flush, as if he were cooling down after physical exertion. A tiny nose, a wide mouth, and two pairs of dimples on either side of his smile were enough to send Matthew's heart into palpitations.

  This was his perfect sub. This was his perfect everything.

  "Y-yeah, I'm new," he stammered, horrified to feel heat creeping into his cheeks. "I'm Matthew. I started almost two weeks ago. I work nights now with Theo. Just the two of us. Eleven to seven if you get off around then."

  Shit, why was he babbling?!

  The other man's smile seemed friendly and interested. "Nice to meet you, Matthew. I'm Sebastian. I work across the street."


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