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The Perfect Submissive

Page 2

by Tricia Owens

  "I know. I know all about that." And I'll take care of you while you're here, don't worry about it.

  Sebastian's smile faltered. "You know all about that?"

  Matthew wanted to kick himself. He could tell Sebastian was beginning to feel self- conscious. And why wouldn't he? The poor guy was a submissive for other men to order around and use sexually. Who would want that spread around town?

  "It's alright," Matthew hurried to add in a lowered voice. "I'm a nice guy. I won't say anything about it or -- or make you feel uncomfortable. You must get that enough as it is."

  Sebastian's smile faded completely, so Matthew rushed on, "Would you like a recommendation? I've tried everything on the menu. I have a pretty good idea of what you'd like."

  A pale eyebrow lifted upwards. "You do? Well, that's a relief." Sebastian jammed his menu back into the holder and folded his hands atop the table. A tentative smile was back on his face. "Tell me what I should have, Matthew."

  Matthew nearly groaned. He could feel his cock beginning to fatten. This was unfolding just like he always dreamed it would. Here was a beautiful sub, letting Matthew make the decisions. It was so perfect it was nearly too good to be true.

  "You'll like the Sunrise Crepes," he told Sebastian, feeling emboldened by the opportunity to finally flex his dominant muscles. "Don't even ask what's in them. You have to trust me."

  The corners of Sebastian's lips twitched and his pupils dilated. "I trust you, Matthew."

  Oh, god.

  "Good. I'll be right back with your coffee. Sit tight."

  If it didn't look so gay, Matthew would have skipped back to the counter in his joy. Not even Theo's troubled expression could dampen his excitement as he wrote out the order and stuck it in the ticket wheel for Pele to pick up.

  "He's perfect," Matthew repeated, gazing across the room at Sebastian, who was running his hands through his curls as if he could straighten them out. He was so adorable. "I told him he wanted coffee and the Sunrise Crepes and he agreed. Next thing you know I'll be telling him to crawl on his hands and knees through my apartment."

  "Matthew, I think you'd better be careful," Theo started to warn.

  "I don't care if he's some Dom's property," Matthew interrupted, using his fingers for quotation marks. "That's all for work. If he's here on his own that means he's single and he's fair game." He gave Theo a scornful look. "Some friend you are, man. I finally meet a guy I want and all you do is try to kill my buzz."

  Theo's face scrunched up. "You know what? Screw you. Good luck with Goldilocks. You're right: you two were made for each other." With a huff, he flounced away and disappeared through the kitchen door.

  Matthew shook his head. Was Theo jealous? Matthew thought he'd made it pretty clear that they were only fuck buddies, so why all the drama?

  Thankful that he'd kept Theo at arm's length, Matthew grabbed the coffee pot and made his way back to the diner's sole customer.

  "Quick service," Sebastian commented, smiling. "I like that."

  Butterflies in Matthew's stomach made his fingers tremble as he turned over the coffee cup that had been set on every table. He poured the coffee carefully, conscious of Sebastian's pale blue eyes on his face.

  "You don't come here very often," Matthew said after he'd filled the cup. "Why not? I'd give you top notch service every time."

  "Now that I know this, I probably will," Sebastian replied. He took a sip of the hot coffee, his eyes steady on Matthew's. "But that means you'll have to come visit me at the Raven. It's only fair."

  Grateful for the apron which concealed his erection, Matthew shrugged. "You must be kept pretty busy over there. I mean, you must be very popular... the way you look."

  Pale lashes swept over Sebastian's eyes as he lowered his gaze to the table top. "And how do I look?"

  The shyness nearly drove Matthew to jump the other man right there in the booth. "You look like a lot of men would want you." Feeling brave, he added, "If I saw you there, I'd fight them all off and demand you spend all your time with me." He laughed, but his eyes were intent on Sebastian's lowered face. "I probably wouldn't be good for business, but I'd be good for you. I'd give you what they couldn't."

  "A lot of strong-willed men come into the Raven, convinced they know what I want."

  Sebastian took another sip and glanced up at Matthew. "What makes you different from them?"

  "Because it takes more than power and force to please a sub and treat him the way he needs to be treated," Matthew answered, his heart thudding in his chest. "I've been searching for someone like you for years, but no one ever met my standards. You're perfect for me. I'd take care of you because I appreciate what you are."

  "And what am I?"

  "The perfect submissive," Matthew said without hesitation. "You need a man like me, Sebastian. I can top you and give you everything you want from the experience."

  "Like what?" Sebastian asked softly, his blue eyes luminous.

  Matthew's entire body trembled. He feared he would cum in his pants. "You probably like a man who pulls your hair. I would do that. I want to. And I'd restrain you, as often as I could -- with my hands, with rope or leather, whatever. You probably enjoy being humiliated a little bit, so I'd call you names and spank you over my lap with my bare hand." Matthew licked his lips. His whole body was flushed with heat. "I'd fuck you, Sebastian, and make you cum without either of us touching your cock."

  He watched, wide-eyed, as Sebastian pushed his coffee cup to the middle of the table. "Is there a place we can go?"

  Matthew nearly fainted. "I -- yeah, yeah, there's a place. The restroom--"

  Sebastian slid smoothly out of the booth, rising to his feet bare inches from Matthew. He looked up at Matthew and smiled. "Take me there. I want to know more about being this perfect submissive of yours."

  This was a dream, a wonderful, glorious dream, Matthew thought as he led Sebastian down a short hall to the customer restrooms. He kept glancing back to make sure the other man wasn't playing a trick on him and had darted back out the front door. But no, Sebastian was the first to duck into the restroom as Matthew held the door open for him. He let himself inside and locked the door behind him.

  It was a small restroom with only one urinal and stall. The mirror above the pedestal sink was cracked in the upper right corner.

  Sebastian still looked beautiful in it as he leaned against the sink, his slim body on full display for Matthew.

  "What does your perfect submissive do for you?" Sebastian asked, biting his bottom lip as if he were nervous. "Does he drop to his knees and blow you in public restrooms?"

  Matthew groaned and sank back against a tiled wall. "Yeah. Yeah, he does."

  He was sure his eyes were bulging out of his head as Sebastian moved forward and dropped fluidly to his knees before him. Matthew spread his legs as he looked down at the pale curls.

  "Take this off." Sebastian tugged at his work apron.

  "Oh, yeah." Matthew yanked the offending garment off over his head, feeling instantly naked even though he was fully dressed. It was because his hard-on was now blatantly obvious and Sebastian's mouth was only inches from it.

  "You want me to take you out, don't you?" Sebastian murmured, his hands rising to rest on the front of Matthew's thighs.

  "Oh, god, yes."

  Without a word, Sebastian unfastened Matthew's belt and opened his pants, sliding the zipper down carefully over the mounded boxer shorts beneath. Matthew gasped as Sebastian took hold of his pants and boxers and smoothly pulled both down to his knees.

  "It's alright if I look at all of you, isn't it?" Sebastian asked.

  "Whatever you want," Matthew blurted breathlessly.

  Sebastian smiled. "You'll probably want to put your hands on my head as I blow you. You know -- so you can feel like you're fucking my face."

  "Oh, hell..."

  Matthew stifled a groan as Sebastian leaned forward and slid his mouth over his erect cock. Matthew's hands shot immediately to those
flaxen curls as Sebastian sucked him from root to tip, up and down, with pauses at the tip to slurp at his leaking slit. Matthew couldn't bring himself to push down on the man's head the way he did when Theo blew him. Sebastian felt fantastic and it seemed almost rude to disturb his rhythm or manhandle him. So Matthew carded his fingers gently through the soft curls as he rolled his own head against the tiled wall and enjoyed the wet sucking.

  He wasn't sure how his fortune had turned around so quickly and so completely, but he wasn't questioning it. It was only fair, he thought, dazed. He'd had trouble with men all of his life. No one had lived up to his standards. He didn't think he was being picky; there was nothing wrong with knowing exactly what he wanted.

  Because look what it had netted him. He opened his eyes and gazed at the blond beauty laving his balls with a pretty pink tongue. Matthew knew he'd been right to hold out. This was what he'd been searching for all his life.

  "You're beautiful," he breathed as his fingers dipped to massage the other man's perfect little ears. Matthew groaned as Sebastian deep throated him in response. "Fuck, you're too good at that."

  Sebastian hummed, creating a buzzing sensation that nearly buckled Matthew's knees. He gasped for breath as Sebastian began stroking the insides of his thighs and fondling his balls.

  Slender fingers stroked across his perineum and he shuddered and widened his legs as much as he could.

  As Sebastian paused to wet a couple of fingers, Matthew pictured the rest of their lives spread out before them. Matthew would allow Sebastian to continue working at the Raven because one of them would need a steady job. Matthew would try to find an easier job with a flexible schedule that would allow him to visit Sebastian regularly and verify that the blond wasn't being used overly harshly by his clients. And then at night they would have amazing sex until dawn.

  A touch to his hole pulled his thoughts out of fantasy land. He opened his eyes just as the finger slid up into his clenching entrance.

  He gasped and started to twist away, but Sebastian took his cock down his throat again and began to swallow, a sensation that felt like someone was squeezing the head of Matthew's dick. He moaned helplessly and relaxed as the finger slid deeper into his ass.

  He'd never had anything up there but it didn't feel as bad as he had expected it to, nor did it hurt. Sebastian pushed a second finger into him and Matthew's cock jerked violently within the other man's mouth.

  "Oh, fuck," Matthew choked out. "I don't -- don't do that."

  Sebastian crooked his fingers and rubbed him from the inside. Lights abruptly exploded behind Matthew's eyelids.


  He humped back against the fingers, drowning in sensations as Sebastian continued to slide his mouth up and down the full length of his cock while fingering his ass. Matthew didn't want to enjoy the ass play but this was too incredible to resist. He heard himself whimpering and wanted to smack himself. But he couldn't stop the sounds. When Sebastian began coordinating the motion of his mouth with the motion of his fingers inside Matthew, plunging them into his ass while sweeping his mouth over Matthew's cock, Matthew nearly went blind.

  "God, Sebast --ian... oh, god..."

  The suction on his cock broke off as Sebastian panted out, "Lift your leg."

  Dazedly, Matthew did so automatically and felt Sebastian's curls brush the underside of his raised thigh. Suddenly Matthew found himself spun around and pressed face-first against the wall of the restroom, the other man's fingers still firmly embedded in his ass. He heard the slick rustle of leather and in the next moment Sebastian was molded against his back, the hot poker of his cock searing Matthew's left butt cheek.

  An alarm bell began ringing faintly in the back of Matthew's head. "What -- what are you doing?"

  "Giving you what you want."

  "What? This isn't what I--"

  He croaked in surprise when Sebastian grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his head back. "This is what you want," the shorter man murmured against his ear. "You described it perfectly to me, Matthew."

  Matthew shivered as that helpless feeling, the feeling he tried to avoid at all costs, began to swell low in his belly. "No," he panted. "No, I only top."

  "Never could find the perfect sub, could you, Matthew? No one has lived up to your expectations."

  "Stop," Matthew gasped, his panic growing as his cock pushed against the cold tiles, harder than it had ever been before.

  "You know why you never found the man of your dreams?" Sebastian continued.

  "Because only you know what the perfect sub possesses. Only you know -- because you're the perfect sub."

  Matthew's eyes widened. "No!"

  A tongue curled around his ear. "You're my perfect sub, Matthew. Thank you for presenting yourself to me. I really do get tired of chasing down my subs." spank!

  "Ow!" Matthew yelled. spank!

  "Stop!" spank!

  "Please!" Matthew choked out, shoving his hands behind himself to try to block the next blow against his ass.

  "Put your hands on the wall by your head," Sebastian whispered into his ear.

  Hyperventilating with confusion, Matthew placed his hands on the wall and felt tears well in his eyes as Sebastian continued spanking him while holding two fingers inside him. spank! spank! spank!

  "Thank me, little sub."

  "Th-thank you," Matthew sniffed. His face felt like it was a million degrees and he was drenched in sweat. A twitch of Sebastian's fingers up his ass reminded him that his cock was rigid against the tiles. That only increased his humiliation. Why was he hard for this? "I'm s- sorry for calling you a submissive," he whispered, hoping the contrition would grant him release.

  "I'm sorry."

  No luck. "I'll think about accepting your apology later. For now, I think it's time we cleared up some of these misconceptions you have in your head." Sebastian withdrew his fingers from Matthew. "We'll start by showing you how much you like to be fucked."

  "No," Matthew pleaded, "I only top."

  He trembled as Sebastian licked a stripe up his damp cheek, tasting his tears. "Never say no to me. You always say yes to your Master."

  Matthew listened to the dreaded rustle of a condom opening. An elbow to the gut, a stomp on the insole and he would be free. Logically, he knew he didn't have to be here submitting to this treatment.

  But for reasons he refused to look at too closely he couldn't bring himself to move. He let out a deep moan as Sebastian worked his cock into him. His body seemed to accept Sebastian's cock as if it were greedy for a taste of it. It took only a handful of small thrusts for Sebastian to fully sink into Matthew up to the balls. The feeling of the other man's scrotum pressed against the underside of his ass was nearly too much for Matthew's overwhelmed brain to accept.

  "This can't be happening," he gasped. Sebastian's cock throbbed deep in his ass. He could actually feel the man's heartbeat. The intimacy of that, the knowledge that a part of Sebastian was physically inside him pushed Matthew toward his limit.

  "Tell me you like this," Sebastian whispered, his free hand lightly caressing Matthew's quivering flanks. "It's what you've always dreamed it would be, isn't it?" He kissed Matthew on the cheek, shushing him when he released another whimper. "Don't fight it, Matthew. We both know you want this. Fortunately for you, I want it too."

  Sebastian slowly withdrew until only the fat head of his cock was stretching Matthew wide, and he just as slowly pushed back inside. A hard, brutal fuck would have been easier to grit his teeth and bear. But this -- this was claiming, this was owning. This was forcing Matthew to feel every inch of Sebastian's cock as it fucked him... and enjoy it. There was no denying the thick fullness that left Matthew gasping for breath. No way to gloss over the bolt of ecstasy that shot through his belly every time Sebastian's cock grazed his prostate.

  "Tell me you like this," Sebastian whispered again, his voice huskier, as if he were holding himself in check. "Come on, my little sub. Tell me."

  Sebastian's use of th
e possessive broke Matthew's last wall of resistance. He sagged against the wall, his will to fight bleeding from his body. "I love it," he moaned, the constriction in his chest breaking loose. "I love it." Tears of relief rolled down his cheeks. "Please, Sebastian -- don't stop. I need it. God, fuck me, I need it."

  More tears slid down his cheek as Sebastian kissed him on the corner of his mouth.

  "Shhh, don't worry. I'll give you everything you need. Your Dom will take care of you."

  Gone were the slow, deliberate strokes -- replaced with hard, teeth rattling thrusts that tore cries of surprised pleasure from Matthew's lips. His fingers scrabbled at the wall, seeking support as Sebastian slammed him again and again. His cock was crushed to the wall but to his shock the pain made the pleasure even better. He found himself wishing, wildly, that Sebastian would pull on his hair.

  Sebastian fucked him deeply and thoroughly. With a broken gasp, Matthew came all over the tile wall. He whimpered as Sebastian's erratic final thrusts drove his sensitive cock against the now-slick surface.

  He panted for breath as he listened to Sebastian groaning softly behind him. The blond abruptly pulled himself free and yanked off the condom. Matthew shuddered as he felt heat rain over his ass and thighs as Sebastian jerked off on him.

  In the ensuing silence that followed, Matthew waited for the remorse and self-hatred to crash down on him. Before they could, Sebastian took him by the shoulders and turned him around.

  The shorter blond was breath-taking, his curls damp and clinging to his forehead, his cheeks flushed red. Matthew looked down quickly and felt his mouth salivate as he gazed at the semi-soft cock that had owned him.

  "You gave me a lot of pleasure for a baby sub. I'm impressed," Sebastian told him quietly. He smiled and stroked Matthew's wet cheek. "Pack my food to go for me. Don't forget to add some pepper packets. I don't have any at home."

  Matthew nodded dumbly, wanting to cling to Sebastian and beg him to explain what had just happened and what it meant. But when the other man turned to the sink to fix up his clothing and splash water on his face, Matthew understood his clinginess would be frowned upon so he quickly cleaned himself up too. The last thing he wanted to do was annoy or disappoint Sebastian.


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