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The Perfect Submissive

Page 6

by Tricia Owens

  It ran through his head that this was what another guy was supposed to be doing for him.

  Thinking about a mysterious other sub didn't excite him, though. It was a distraction. He only wanted to think about the carpet fibers beneath his knees and palms, the sway of his hips as he crawled. He wondered whether Sebastian could see his hole and balls in the mirror behind him.

  His cock thumped against his belly, hard enough to cut glass.

  He stopped before Sebastian's feet. They were delicate-looking and high arched, the nails nicely trimmed. He must get pedicures. Or maybe customers at the Raven paid for the honor of taking care of his feet for him.

  "Kiss my feet and acknowledge that it's the most you deserve to touch of me until you're a more experienced sub."

  Matthew groaned beneath his breath. He wanted more than Sebastian's feet, perfect as they were. He wanted that lean body beneath his or better yet, behind him. Maybe he could show Sebastian that.

  He lowered his chest to the floor and pressed a chaste kiss to the top of Sebastian's right foot. The moment his lips touched the skin, he felt a line within himself being crossed. There was no turning back from this. But he didn't want to. He rubbed his cheek urgently against one foot and then the other. He kissed the arches and flicked his tongue beneath, making Sebastian twitch.

  He crouched lower and placed his lips around the tip of a big toe. He touched the tip with his tongue. It felt like kissing the tip of a cock. He needed more.

  He spread his knees so he could get lower and there he crouched as he sucked Sebastian's big toe between his lips and fellated it. He was wet and sloppy with it, turning himself on and hoping he was doing the same to Sebastian. Matthew humped the air as he sucked, wishing for friction. He slurped on the toe for several minutes, pretending it was Sebastian's cock and then moved on to the next toe and the next, laving each with saliva, dipping his tongue in between to caress the webbing. When he'd sucked and loved each toe of that foot he moved to the other foot and began worshiping it the same way.

  "You're a greedy sub, aren't you?" Sebastian asked mildly. He lifted the foot Matthew had finished and placed its sole on Matthew's back between his shoulder blades. "Something tells me you're going to need something to suck on all the time to keep that oral fixation satisfied."

  Matthew moaned his agreement, begging for a chance at Sebastian's cock.

  For several minutes the room was filled with the sounds of Matthew's foot worship and the deep moans he couldn't bring himself to stop. He didn't feel like himself. He didn't even feel like a man. He felt like a creature or a tool, something to bring Sebastian pleasure. Something that demanded nothing in return.

  "That's enough," Sebastian said at last.

  Matthew rubbed his cheek against Sebastian's calf, not wanting it to end but Sebastian said more sharply, "Enough."

  Head down, Matthew stared at the carpet, becoming aware of his own body now that he was no longer focused on Sebastian's. He couldn't believe how hard he was. His balls were drawn up tight, ready to spill their payload. The memory of Sebastian's foot on his back lingered on his skin. He panted like he'd been running.

  He listened to Sebastian shift on the bed and then a finger curled beneath Matthew's chin and tilted his face up. Above, Sebastian's head was framed by the ceiling light as he smiled down at Matthew.

  "So different from what happened between us at the diner, hmm? So much better, don't you agree?"

  Matthew swallowed thickly, remembering the rough blowjob in the alley. He ached for it, but he recognized the differences. That had been a message: stop fighting yourself. This was a lesson that would lead to rewards. "Yes," he whispered.

  "Would you like me to fuck you now?"

  A full body shudder wracked Matthew. "Yes," he croaked. His fingers clawed the carpet.


  Sebastian laughed softly. "Good. Crawl back to your clothes and get dressed. We're done tonight."

  Matthew gaped up at him. "What? But, don't you want me to--"

  Sebastian's smile fell away. "You heard what I said, didn't you?"

  Matthew cringed at the other man's disappointment. He felt like a failure. "I'm sorry. I did hear you. Master."

  "Then obey me."

  "Yes, Master."

  Head down, he turned around and crawled back to the doorway. He hated pulling on his clothes again. It was like being kicked off the team or rejected from a party. It didn't help that he was still hard and his jeans crushed his dick uncomfortably. When he was fully dressed he stood there awkwardly and looked back at Sebastian.

  "Never question me," Sebastian said, which made Matthew feel like a lowly worm. "I'll forgive it this time. You're only a baby sub. Now go home. Maybe if you're lucky I'll stop by the diner one of these nights. Until then, don't touch yourself and don't let anyone else touch you. Your body is mine, understood?"

  Torn between horror and a masochistic thrill at being the subject of such possessiveness, Matthew nodded. "Yes, Master."

  "Go home."

  Uncertain whether he'd succeeded or failed, Matthew reluctantly made his way out of the house. He climbed into his car, his head buzzing, his body throbbing. He sat there for a while, maybe five minutes, until the lights went out in Sebastian's windows. Only then did he start up the engine to begin the lonely drive home.

  Chapter Four

  Sebastian heard the fluttering at the door and felt dread settle in the pit of his stomach. He ignored the sound for the time being. No point in jumping to conclusions. He went about his morning routine: steaming milk for a cappuccino, plugging in the juicer and slicing up oranges and mangos while three eggs came to room temperature on the counter. He made himself a simple egg white omelet with spinach and Fontina cheese and enjoyed it with his freshly squeezed juice and coffee while he gazed out the kitchen window at the flowers hanging there.

  The flowers rippled in the strong breeze, the petals threatening to fly off joyfully. It was a good day for surfing.

  Breakfast finished, he cleaned up the dishes and made his way to the door. The corner of a piece of paper jutted tauntingly through a gap between the door and the frame. He sighed when he saw it. He'd hoped it would be the glossy, colorful flyer from a pizza delivery service. No such luck.

  He pinched the small triangle between his thumb and forefinger and pulled the paper inside his home. Just in case, he peered through the peephole. His doorstep was bare. No unfamiliar cars were parked on the street. He turned the paper over and read the handwritten note on the other side.

  Happy birthday, Master. i am very disappointed that i wasn't permitted to provide you with a birthday gift or even invited to the party. We need to talk.

  Eternally yours Sebastian crumpled the note up in his fist. "The answer is no," he murmured.

  But he'd said no before and it hadn't mattered then either.


  Gerri gave him a look when he emerged from the employee corridor into the lounge. This lounge was separated from the clients' lounge and was meant to be a place for Dominants and submissives to relax and drop, if they chose, their personas while they waited for their next appointments. Sebastian never stopped being a Dom. It wasn't an act for him; it was who he was.

  But he still appreciated having a private area in which to dwell on a recent session with a client or plan his next one.

  Gerri had worked at the Raven nearly as long as he had so he knew her expressions well.

  The one the blonde wore now said, Don't be mad, but...

  "Just tell me," he said as she hesitantly approached him at the water cooler. The owner of the Raven refused to provide bottled water for the staff since recycling on the island was nearly nonexistent. Sebastian had no problem refilling his own water bottle every break.

  "Tough session with Mr. H?" she asked.

  He took a sip of water, studying her. "Tell me."

  "Right. Sorry." She gave him a rueful smile. "Someone barged in, demanding to see you without an appointment. He
refused to leave and was starting to make a scene so I threw him in room twelve until I could talk to you. I'm sorry if that was the wrong thing to do."

  "Why didn't you call security?"

  "It wasn't--" she shrugged, looking uncomfortable. Gerri had dealt with all sorts of clients from pushy to whiny. As the Raven's chief secretary she could be as ruthless as a cruel Domme, so for her to show uncertainty regarding the treatment of a client was unusual.

  Remembering the note he had received that morning, Sebastian set aside his bottle. "Is it --"

  "Oh, no. God, no." Gerri laughed. "I woulda had him out on his ass in a second."

  Sebastian relaxed. "So why not do the same with whoever this is?"

  "I think you should see who it is, first. He says he knows you but refused to give me his name."

  "Gerri, you've dealt with this kind of situation before." He consulted the clock on the wall. "I have a ten o'clock--"

  "Okay, look, this is kind of embarrassing, but..."She shrugged. "I felt sorry for him. I think if you took a look at him you'd understand." She flushed. "Maybe. Or maybe I'm losing my touch."

  "I'm more inclined to believe the latter," he said, but he smiled to show he was only teasing. "Alright, Gerri. Let's take a look at our mystery guest."


  "Well, this is unexpected," Sebastian said quietly as he gazed at the security monitor. On the color screen was a video feed from room twelve where Matthew was restlessly pacing. The brunette was shirtless and wore his jeans but no shoes or socks; as if he'd remembered Sebastian's command to be naked but hadn't been comfortable in this place to go all the way.

  He studied the way Matthew's bent head would occasionally lift so he could glance at the door. "How long did you say he's been here?"

  "About an hour, hour and a half. Hasn't done anything but pace as far as I can tell, which is part of the reason I let him be. At least he's not making a ruckus."

  "What's the other part of the reason?"

  She stared at the monitor intently. "When he first arrived he was really obnoxious. Lied and said he had an appointment with you but that someone must have messed up. Since I make all the appointments I wasn't buying it. So then he demanded to see a manager and when I countered with letting him see a member of security instead, he got, well, he got really emotional. I've seen needy subs before. You know me. This was... different."

  "I find it interesting that you say so," Sebastian murmured. "I trust your judgment."

  "Well, don't go trusting anything until you see him yourself. He's super cute and all, but -- er, you are going to see him, right? Or did I mess up here? I know you've been dealing with that thing..."

  "You did fine," Sebastian said softly, cutting her off. "Keep him there. I'll visit him after I've seen to my appointments."

  "You mean your ten o'clock?"

  He shrugged. "Maybe all of them."

  Gerri chuckled. "For someone so sweet-looking, you sure can be a meanie, Sebbie."

  "Call me that again and I'll tie you to a cross."


  Sebastian had lunch at the Lonely Diner with another Dom, Master Alexander. Alexander was as dark as Sebastian was fair, and was his physical opposite as well, towering well over six feet. Their methods weren't dissimilar, however. Alexander didn't muscle his submissives even though he could have and many would have enjoyed it; with his deep voice he could coax them to do anything for him.

  "He sat on the floor and polished all eight of my boots with his tongue," Alexander said as he reached for a greasy fry. "They're as shiny as obsidian. It's nuts."

  "You keep eight pairs of boots at the Raven?"

  "Of course not. But I knew he was coming in today so I cleared my closet. Next time I might have him meet me in the parking lot so he can detail my car. He loves doing that kind of stuff."

  "Sounds like the kind you want to keep around for daily cleaning." Sebastian hid a smile.

  "Like a live-in servant."

  Alexander eyed him. "I thought you weren't into twenty-four-seven."

  "I'm not, but I know you are. This one sounds like he has potential. He's been seeing you for how long?"

  "Two years. This October," Alexander mumbled. It amused Sebastian that his very dominant friend could turn shy about something like this.

  "The poor guy is probably broke by now."

  Alexander mumbled something else. Sebastian leaned forward. "What was that?"

  "I said I haven't been charging him for the past two months, alright?" The dark Dom glared at him. "Are you going to report me?"

  Sebastian idly stirred his iced tea. "And double my workload? Not a chance. You're still on the hook for your clients."

  Alexander grunted, his trim goatee creasing with a smile. "Yeah, I've heard you're quite the wanted Dom. Room twelve?"

  The server, a young redhead whose name Sebastian hadn't cared to learn, delivered their meals. Sebastian pulled the toothpicks from his club sandwiches.

  "Like you've never had a sub come in without an appointment."

  "Never said that. But I never left them to stew all day. When are you going to deal with him?"

  Sebastian smiled. "When I feel like it."

  "You wicked thing, you!"

  "His desperation has no effect on my schedule."

  "So he's been waiting for you for what, four hours?"

  Sebastian chewed slowly, deliberately, returning Alexander's challenging stare. The other man was a decade older than he but that didn't affect him in the slightest. He didn't respond until he'd finished chewing and swallowed.

  "He'll wait as long as he needs to wait."

  Alexander chuckled. "You're tough, Sebastian. I'm glad to see you didn't allow you- know-who to mess with you and how you do things."

  Sebastian said nothing. He didn't feel like discussing the matter even though Alexander had been a helpful source of advice back when the 'problem' had hit its peak.

  "He hasn't bothered you since the Raven banned him, has he?"

  "No." Sebastian felt mildly bad for lying to Alexander but he didn't want the man's sympathy or offer of help. Fabian St. Jean was his problem and he'd deal with it. It should have been a private matter between Dom and sub from the beginning except that Fabian had dragged the employees of the Raven into it, much to Sebastian's dismay. He wasn't about to admit that his and the Raven's efforts had done little to deter Fabian.

  "That's good to hear. I know you had a tough time with it, Sebastian."

  He watched the servers fooling around near the soda machine. It looked like they were mixing up the flavors and daring the other to drink the resulting horrible concoctions. Sebastian wondered if Matthew similarly goofed off with the flamboyant server he worked with at night.

  He had a feeling the answer was no. Matthew was too hung up on projecting a cocky, macho image. Poor misguided Matthew.

  "I need to get back," Sebastian announced, pushing away his plate. "I think it's time I dealt with my unscheduled visitor before he becomes another Fabian."

  "Just don't give in out of guilt." Alexander tapped Sebastian's full plate. "Want me to have them wrap this up for you?"

  "No, thank you. I'll grab something here tonight."

  Matthew would, anyway. He needed practice taking care of his Dom's hunger.


  Sebastian thought he knew why Matthew had come to the Raven and he was surprised.

  He had expected the other man to reject what had happened between them and stay away for at least a week. That Matthew had come looking for him the very next day... that was unusual and boded well. Sebastian didn't pretend his curiosity about the other man hadn't raised another notch.

  After clearing another room with Gerri and ensuring it would be unused for the next hour, he opened the door on twelve and stepped inside. Matthew was no longer pacing; he had slid to the floor in the corner and sat with his back to the wall, knees drawn up. At Sebastian's entrance, he jumped to his feet, eyes rounded and mouth agape.

>   Sebastian smirked. It was his only visible reaction thanks to the white patent vinyl mask he wore over his upper face. He also wore a skintight white bodysuit, also patent, that tucked into his knee-high white boots and rose all the way to the bottom of his chin. Silver buckles gleamed along his limbs and at his throat. Two zippers, one starting at the nape of his neck and one beginning just beneath his belly button, broke up the smooth surface of the bodysuit. Even Sebastian's hands were gloved. He wanted Matthew to understand that he was the Master and he was untouchable until he allowed otherwise.

  "What took you so long?" Matthew blurted.

  Sebastian carried a white crop, mostly because it was fun to tap against the side of his boot. He was glad he'd brought it as he watched Matthew swallow and follow the motion of the leather implement. Interesting.

  "You weren't invited here," Sebastian said mildly.

  "I needed to talk to you."

  "You don't have an appointment."

  "Because I don't want a session with you, I just want to talk!"

  "Talking doesn't do you any favors. I think you're here because you need me, baby sub."

  The moniker caused Matthew to swallow again. Sebastian noted it. "You like it when I call you my sub."

  "Wrong. I'm not your sub. I-I came here to tell you that last night was really screwed up and I'm not letting you play any more head games with me. I came to say, well, to tell you this is it. I'm done."

  "I appreciate that your manners are so impeccable that you thought coming here and waiting five hours to see me was reasonable." Sebastian tapped the crop against his boot. "A phone call or simply avoiding me completely would have been easier. But not as polite, hmm?"

  Matthew flushed. He was very attractive, which Sebastian wasn't sure Matthew quite appreciated. Oh, he probably thought he was hot and could pick up twinks, but Sebastian didn't see him that way. Matthew's nose was too fine, his lashes too long, his brown eyes too large for him to be considered ruggedly masculine. His cheeks, high and usually flushed, were a good match for his luscious lips. There was a touch of defiance about him that called to Sebastian, as if Matthew lived a constant struggle between surrender and control and it was reflected in his passionate features. Especially now, with his cheeks mottled red and his lips pinched with frustration.


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