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The Perfect Submissive

Page 7

by Tricia Owens

  "Let me tell you what you did last night," Sebastian continued as he began to walk a slow circumference of the room. Matthew, unsettled, moved nearer to the center of the room, giving him room to circle. Convenient, though Sebastian had a feeling Matthew's subconscious wanted him to be surrounded and stalked. Sebastian was happy to oblige.

  "Last night, you went home and questioned who you are, whether you're a man or not, whether you're mentally deranged. You didn't sleep at all, partly because your mind was running a million miles a minute, replaying everything we'd done. Partly because you were so hard you wanted to die but something kept you from touching yourself. That something made you want to cry because that something was my command for you to leave your cock alone. And you wanted to obey me." He paused directly behind the other man, leaned close and murmured. "Am I close?"

  Matthew bent his head, staring at the floor. "I hate you," he whispered.

  Sebastian trailed the end of the crop up the outside of Matthew's thigh. "Part of you does." He dragged the crop up Matthew's hip and back so it could ride the pert curve of his ass.

  "Part of you doesn't think you can live without me. Fortunately you won't have to."

  He stepped away and walked to the door. He opened it and stepped through. "Come with me, baby sub. You interrupted my work day. That means you need to be punished."

  He expected resistance. He hadn't formally punished Matthew for anything yet, even if the brunette categorized some of the things they'd done as such. He watched from behind his mask as Matthew remained unmoving, his wavering expression revealing his struggle with the order.

  "There are two escapes through this door," Sebastian said quietly. "One will take you to the front entrance. That escape is permanent. My relationship with you will be severed completely, and I'll wish you well. The other escape is different. You experienced some of it last night. You will find it again if you follow me now. I will hurt you only as much as you need to be hurt, but make no mistake: I will hurt you. I will make you flinch. I will make you cry. I will break the shell surrounding you and bruise the tender skin beneath. But I will also be the only one who touches that virgin skin, who understands how precious it is to you. It's precious to me, too. It is my duty as your Dom to take care of it."

  It wasn't a speech he had to make often. Coaxing was rarely his job and usually he didn't have the time for it. But he didn't mind this. This was a challenge and it had been a long time since Sebastian had experienced anything remotely challenging. At least, not pleasantly challenging. There was a handful of experiences he'd had as a Dom that he wouldn't mind forgetting.

  He turned on his heel. "Make your choice. See me in room seventeen or this is farewell forever." He walked out.

  Room seventeen was different from the mirrored twelve: the floor and all four walls were padded. There was also a padded horse in the center and benches of varying heights and shapes placed around the room. At first glance, it could have been mistaken as an obstacle course by the vanilla-minded. Sebastian wasn't vanilla. From a series of hooks on the wall he took down two sets of fur-lined manacles. With them in hand, he walked to the horse and draped them over the padded leather. He waited.

  Nearly four minutes passed before Matthew paused hesitantly in the doorway. Sebastian hid his pleased smile. He hadn't realized until he saw Matthew's shy glance toward him how disappointed he would have been had the brunette chosen to leave rather than stay.

  "Remove your pants," Sebastian said, "and crawl to me. It's nothing you haven't done before, and last night you did it very well."

  A blush and then a scowl. "Just--Just one last time," Matthew muttered, as if permitting himself one last beer before hopping on the wagon. Sebastian marveled at how stubborn he could be. He also had to acknowledge how much it endeared Matthew to him. He was so cute when he was confused.

  Sebastian watched eagerly as Matthew popped the button on his jeans before slowly lowering the zip. The moment when a submissive pushed beyond his comfort zone and obeyed Sebastian was one of his favorites. It was a step towards connection, towards the kind of deep intimacy that 'standard' sex didn't provide.

  The blush on Matthew's face crept down his throat and upper chest as he pushed the jeans down. He wasn't wearing any underwear.

  Rather than mock him for it, Sebastian said, "Thank you for coming here prepared. I like a sub who takes the initiative."

  Matthew opened his mouth to say something - most likely some defensive remark about laundry day or something - but wisely shut it. He kicked the jeans off and quickly dropped to all fours. Not quickly enough however, for Sebastian had gotten a good look at his raging erection.

  Despite Sebastian's teasing, Matthew didn't have a little boy's cock at all. It was a nice length and just wide enough, and Sebastian looked forward to tormenting it and using it for his own pleasure later.

  Sebastian wasn't letting this very handsome submissive run away.

  "Come here."

  After a deep, self-questioning sigh, Matthew began to crawl across the mats covering the floor. His movements were stiff, awkward, but that didn't detract from the pleasing image he presented. His shoulders and arms were nicely muscled and his waist was narrow. His ass was of particular interest to Sebastian. It was tight but plump, and Sebastian's cock reminded him how good it had felt to plunge inside of it.

  "You may kiss my boot," Sebastian told him, extending one foot.

  Matthew didn't move. "Why are you covered?" Head down, he stared at the white toe.

  "Can't you take off the mask, at least? I feel like I'm dealing with a giant blow-up doll."

  Sebastian smacked him across the shoulders with the crop. Matthew flinched, a hiss escaping his clenched teeth, but he didn't try to move away.

  "I'm covered because you don't deserve to look upon or touch any part of me. You haven't earned that right today."

  "But last night--"

  "I said today. Each day is a new day of challenges for you, baby sub." He raised the toe of his boot to Matthew's face. "Kiss it. Give me a reason to permit you to lick other parts of me."

  Trembling, Matthew leaned forward and lightly pressed his lips to the shiny white surface.

  "You can do better than that," Sebastian whispered. He trailed the end of the crop down the other man's spine, smiling as muscle and skin rippled in reaction. He teased the top of Matthew's crease. "Use your tongue."

  Matthew closed his eyes. When he moved forward again he did so with his lips parted as if to say, 'oh'. Sebastian held his breath as Matthew's pink tongue pushed out from between his lips and pressed wetly to the toe of his boot. His lips sealed around the open-mouthed kiss and quite suddenly Sebastian's pants were uncomfortably tight in the crotch. He slowly lowered the heel of his boot to the floor and Matthew followed it down, not breaking the kiss. The movement lowered his shoulders and raised the tight curvature of his ass into the air. It was one of Sebastian's favorite sights.

  As Sebastian admired him, Matthew interrupted his boot worship to murmur, "If I do a good job, will you take off the mask?"

  Sebastian didn't reply. He was too busy mapping the muscles in Matthew's back with the end of his crop. He was looking forward to turning Matthew over and smacking his little nipples until they swelled and turned pink.

  "I want to see your face," Matthew continued doggedly as he drew back slightly so Sebastian could watch him swirl his tongue around the toe of the boot. "You're beautiful. I want to see you."

  "You're supposed to say I'm handsome," Sebastian chided him.

  "I can't. You're like an angel. Handsome is too... too boring. Too normal." Matthew tilted his head back so he could make eye contact. "You're neither of those things."

  "Master," Sebastian whispered, his mouth dry for some reason.

  "Master," Matthew said after a slight hesitation. He dropped his eyes and returned to kissing Sebastian's boot as if the act provided refuge from having to speak his submission. His bashfulness made Sebastian's cock throb.

>   He heard himself say, "If you want to see my face, you have to earn the right." He tucked the end of the crop beneath Matthew's chin. Matthew resisted slightly, unhappy with the crop, but eventually he tilted his face up. It brought his chin precisely where Sebastian wanted it. "Lick me," Sebastian told him. "Show me how well a submissive like you worships his Dom's cock."

  Again, the not-quite suppressed flinch at the words, but Matthew's gaze shifted immediately to the bulge beneath the white bodysuit. Sebastian was very aroused. Sometimes, with certain clients, it took a while. But that had never been the case with Matthew. The honesty of his resistance coupled with his burning desire to submit even if he didn't realize that desire, were potent aphrodisiacs for Sebastian. He didn't encounter it often in the Raven since the men who sought him already knew what they wanted. But he could tell that when Matthew finally reached that point, it would be an intensely erotic experience for both of them.

  It already was.

  His gloved fingers made a crackling sound as he flexed them before tangling them in Matthew's thick, dark hair. Steady, unrelenting pressure pulled the other man's face between his legs and Sebastian found himself holding his breath as Matthew's lips grazed the cool patent leather covering his cock.

  A zipper began just above the root of his cock and continued down between his legs and up the seam of his ass. It met with the zipper coming down from the nape of his neck. Matthew eyed the zipper pull that dangled in front of him. He licked his lips.

  "You know what to do," Sebastian urged. "You're on your knees right now because you're tired of trying to convince other men to do your bidding. You're tired of pretending.

  You're tired of struggling. You're on your knees because you've finally accepted that your role isn't to command. It is to obey. To serve. To bring me more pleasure than you yourself could bear to take." He combed his fingers through Matthew's hair. "Not many men can please me. I'd like to see you try."

  It was mostly true. His job as a Dom at the Raven wasn't to fulfill his own needs and desires but to help his clients fulfill theirs. It was undeniably satisfying to do his job well, but he couldn't say truthfully that he found sexual satisfaction with every client. Not by a longshot.

  And for the briefest of moments sadness swept through Sebastian. Longing. What would it be like to experience the rapture that his clients did? To look at someone with the adoration that they typically aimed upon him after he sent them soaring through subspace? When would that moment come for him? Or would it ever? Sometimes he felt as untouchable as his leather outfit suggested. That the world could look, admire, and lust after him, but no one would ever succeed in touching him. Not the real him.

  He shook it off. This wasn't the place or time for self-pity or fantasies. He had a duty to Matthew.

  "Those other guys are idiots if they couldn't please you," Matthew growled.

  "They're better submissives than you are. They don't fight me. They give me what I want."

  Matthew glared up at him. "I can give you what you want!"

  "You're talking about giving me what you want to give me." Sebastian shook his head.

  "This is about giving me what I want from you, and realizing how special you are to be allowed that chance."

  "Head games," Matthew muttered but he raised his hands to Sebastian's hips and clung to them like a drowning man would a buoy. Sebastian considered telling him to keep his hands clasped behind his back in the classic pose but decided against it. He wanted all of Matthew's back and buttocks bared to him.

  "If you're waiting for my permission you have it," Sebastian told him with a faint smirk as Matthew continued to stare at the mound of his covered erection.

  "Am I supposed to--"

  "No. You have to earn the right to pull down the zipper."

  "You won't even feel it this way."

  "Then make sure I do."

  Fingers dug into his hips. Sebastian allowed it for the time being. He dragged the head of his crop gently down Matthew's throat and across the back of his shoulders, leaving tense, quivering skin in its wake. "Come on, baby sub. I know you can do it."

  The crop was midway down Matthew's back when he began hesitantly licking Sebastian's cloth-covered cock. Sebastian didn't feel it, just as Matthew had warned - especially with such delicate licking-- but that wasn't the point. "Is that the best you can do for your Master?" he taunted.

  He received another glare and, more interestingly, a soft growl. Sebastian braced himself with one hand on Matthew's head as the other man jerked him forward by the hips and pressed his tongue firmly against the outlined shape of Sebastian's cock. That he felt, and Sebastian had to master his breathing so he wouldn't gasp as Matthew mouthed and licked the slick bodysuit, pressing in all the right places over his trapped cock and balls.

  Within minutes Sebastian felt as though he were the one under restraint as his cock swelled painfully beneath the leather, aching to burst free and slide between Matthew's swollen lips. To counter the mild torture, he brought the end of his crop across Matthew's shoulders with a loud smack!

  Matthew startled against him, fingers clawing the backs of Sebastian's thighs. Sebastian's smile, if Matthew could have seen it, would have put dread into his heart. Sebastian brought the crop down again, criss-crossing the first pale pink welt he had left behind. Matthew grunted but managed to control his grip on Sebastian's hips. When the crop fell again across the top of his ass, he gasped loudly against the wet, slick white material covering Sebastian's cock. Sebastian half-expected him to stop and brace himself, but Matthew suddenly groaned and widened his jaw so he could mouth as much of the smooth white mound as his jaw would allow.

  Sebastian lost his control. He gasped when he felt the hint of teeth through the leather. He tightened his grip on Matthew's hair and thrust forward even as he whipped the other man across the ass in a series of stinging strikes.

  "F-Fuck," Matthew groaned as he feverishly slathered his tongue between Sebastian's thighs. His body writhed beneath the strikes of the crop but his mouth never left Sebastian's groin. If anything he sealed himself more tightly to the sleek white leather, as if he sought to lick his way through to reach Sebastian's bare flesh.

  Sebastian threw back his head on a groan. He widened his stance and crushed Matthew's face more tightly to his groin. He couldn't help thrusting, wanting to fuck the other man's face as deeply and as hard as he could. He abandoned his initial plan to manacle Matthew over the padded horse and whip him.

  He wanted to stuff him.

  "You love cock," he panted.


  "You love the feel of a man's flesh filling your mouth and pushing down your tongue so you can't speak, so you can't say no, you can only take." thrust "And take." thrust "And take."

  Matthew humped the air. "Jesus--"

  "You're on your knees providing pleasure for one man. Your Master. Me."

  Matthew groaned, either in misery or lust, Sebastian couldn't tell. He tugged hard on Matthew's hair. "Pull down the zipper. Use your teeth."

  There was clear desperation in Matthew's eyes when he looked up at Sebastian. He was caught up in the moment, losing all control, and it was just what Sebastian wanted. He yanked on Matthew's hair forcefully, showing him who was boss, and Matthew's lashes obligingly swept down in a show of bashful submission. His teeth closed carefully around the zipper pull.

  Matthew had sucked cock before but this was different. This was doing it willingly, as a submissive.

  Despite Matthew's excitement, the zip slid down slowly, tooth by tooth, revealing Sebastian's smooth groin as if it were a sealed treasure. Matthew struggled a bit when the zipper was stretched over the full mound of Sebastian's cock but once the head broke through, the zipper slid down easily, all the way down to beneath his balls. His strained ball sac popped out and lightly hit Matthew in the forehead.

  Sebastian wanted to give in to his urges and ram it home. He wanted to conquer the man on his knees before him. But he had been a Dom too long
to give in to his base needs. This wasn't about him. This was about helping Matthew find peace and happiness with his true nature.

  This was about turning him on with it.

  "I would enjoy it very much if you sucked me," he said, his voice slightly huskier than normal, pitched to reach between Matthew's legs and stroke his rigid, untouched cock.

  "I want to do that for you," Matthew admitted breathlessly.

  "That's good. You're a good sub." He gentled his hold on Matthew's hair and turned the clutch into a caress. "I've had a long day. Make it better for me."

  Matthew leaned forward and gently brushed the stalk of Sebastian's cock with his cheek.

  The action was reverent. Tender. "I will," he whispered. "I'll make it better."

  The unexpected solemnity of the promise made Sebastian's throat tighten up. He had never experienced an emotional connection with a client before, but this felt... like something.

  Maybe because Matthew wasn't really a client. Maybe because Sebastian had forced him to this point. Matthew had challenged Sebastian's status as a Dom and riled him up. He'd made this victory carry more weight than it usually did... Or maybe you're simply attracted to him.

  He didn't repel the possibility even though it was foreign in this place. At the Raven he was in work mode, but that didn't mean he was a robot. He studied the top of Matthew's head and imagined keeping him.

  Keeping him. Since when had he ever done that with a submissive?

  Shaking off the unusual fantasy, he smacked Matthew with the whip again. This time it pulled a desperate-sounding moan from the other man and more erratic humping of the air.


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