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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 29

by Robin M Helm

  Luke 15:20-24

  The following week sped by in a blur. Xander missed Elizabeth terribly, and he did not like spending time away from her, but there were several things he needed to accomplish before the spring semester started at Converse. He had already taken all of his tests at Liberty and qualified for his bachelor’s degree in theology. He was in the process of testing for his master’s degree so that he would have the necessary qualifications to join Elizabeth in ministry if all went as he hoped it would. He also had finished nearly all of his bachelor’s work for a music degree at Converse. Based on his testing scores and several auditions proving his proficiency in various areas, the chair of the music department had given him credit for many of the courses he had not taken. Xander had spent much of the week flying between the two schools taking tests and getting his spring course work scheduled. The results of his efforts were that he, like Elizabeth, would be able to finish his bachelor’s degree at Converse and both of his master’s degrees in three more semesters. He would be in classes with her at Converse and would finish most of his classes for Liberty online. If they chose to do so, he and Elizabeth would be able to begin their doctoral work at the same time. She would be nineteen and he would be twenty-two, according to his paperwork. Her birthday was the sixth of July, and his was the seventh. We can celebrate together this coming summer, he thought happily.

  One obvious advantage to being in her classes was that Gregory would no longer be with Elizabeth without Xander’s being present in human form. No more special lunches with Gregory having food brought in from her favorite restaurants, he thought with great satisfaction. I know what she likes even better than he does, and I will be there all the time.

  Xander was looking forward to starting classes and having an excuse to spend time with Elizabeth in human form each day. Gregory will not be pleased. I wonder how he will react to competition for Elizabeth’s attention.

  Xander had called Elizabeth several times during the week mainly to hear her voice. He wanted her to become accustomed to him – to feel comfortable with him. He chatted with her about Converse and Liberty, places to eat and things to do in Spartanburg, and whatever she had done that day. They also discussed what music they could play and sing together after church on Sunday.

  He had managed to see her in angelic form for a short while every day as well, though Michael and Gabriel insisted that he return to his own home in Spartanburg to sleep each night. The people in his townhouse community and in the surrounding neighborhood had grown used to seeing the imposing, handsome man regularly. Xander had made a concerted effort to be friendly and non-threatening. It was his aim to blend in as much as was possible, and he had achieved his goal admirably.

  Xander also had been learning to cope with all the small trials of being human. The first morning he woke up from sleeping in Toronto, he had been surprised to find a growth of beard and an unpleasant scent about his person. He had showered, using the hotel’s amenities, soaps, and shampoos, feeling the sensation of the water running over his body. He played with the knobs, amazed at the difference in the way his skin reacted to hot or cold water. Humans do this all the time, but do they ever stop to think about it? Do they appreciate the ways their bodies adjust to differences in temperature and water pressure? I could stay in here all day!

  You could, but we must go at some point, Xander, thought Gabriel. You are turning into a prune. Look at yourself.

  Xander turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping himself in a luxurious towel. He then realized that he needed to buy deodorant, a razor, and other items. Xander had assumed angelic form, and he and Gabriel had flown quickly back to Spartanburg to shop for toiletries as well as clothes and a few furnishings for his apartment, beginning with a bed, since he had to sleep there each night. Finding a suitable bed had proved to be a trial because of his size. They had spent several hours looking in furniture stores before they decided to have it custom-made, along with the bedding.

  The internet was proving to be extremely useful for ordering what he needed without spending hours shopping, and he needed to be able to take his online classes, so he bought a laptop and Blackberry. He was not planning to spend a great deal of time in his townhouse, so he did not worry about having it completely furnished. However, it was possible that Elizabeth might see his living arrangements at some point, and everything needed to look as normal as possible. If I am going to live as a human, I might as well enter into it wholeheartedly, he thought. It is a small price to pay in exchange for loving Elizabeth freely, and being able to try to win her love in return. Then an idea occurred to him. I wonder if she would help me select the things I need. He decided not to buy anything else he did not have to have to live as a human. That way, he would have a ready excuse to ask for her assistance and spend more time with her.


  Xander was up early Sunday morning, going through his human routine of showering, shaving, dressing, and eating. He dressed with great care, choosing gray dress pants, a white shirt opened at the neck, a long, black double-breasted coat with rounded lapels, and black dress boots.

  He was too large to buy his clothes off the rack, but he had found that his platinum credit card opened doors for having his wardrobe tailor-made quickly by exclusive designers and delivered overnight. His first visit to a tailor had been a less than pleasant experience. He had been measured, enduring with embarrassment their constant exclamations over his size. As the assistants had tried to make his suit fit properly, they had stuck him with the pins several times. Pain was a new and undesirable experience. His taste in nearly everything tended to be conservative, but the perfect fit of each garment spoke of its quality. Xander had observed that well-dressed people commanded respect, so he submitted himself to the humiliation and endured the discomfort. He allowed himself to be touched, though it was vaguely unsettling, because he was willing to use any advantage that he could in order to gain Elizabeth’s good opinion. He had never before used his appearance to attract attention, but he knew that Elizabeth noticed Gregory’s good looks and stylish clothes. Xander would make certain that he compared favorably to Gregory in both categories.

  Getting his driver’s license had been a priority, and he was now the proud owner of a South Carolina license and a stratus gray metallic BMW Z4 coupe with black interior. Driving is one of the best parts of being human so far, but how do people deal with the boring, endless minutiae of day-to-day living? Filling out paperwork, paying taxes, getting a tag, and buying automobile insurance seemed unnecessarily troublesome to Xander. Living as an angel is so much simpler. Dealing with mundane matters is exhausting. He drew the line at cleaning and hired a cleaning service to come to his apartment twice a week. As for cooking, he kept simple food around, such as cereal and milk. Usually, he ate out and was discovering his preferences for certain restaurants and dishes.

  After he checked his appearance one last time in a full-length mirror, he splashed on a little Acqua Di Gio, and grabbed his car keys. Are you finally through preening? asked Gabriel with a smile.

  You may think this is vanity, but being attractive is an important part of wooing a woman. Read her mind when she sees me, and then tell me whether or not I have wasted my time. Xander spoke with confidence.

  Why have you disguised your natural scent? Gabriel was curious.

  I have not ‘disguised’ my scent. I have chosen a signature scent that Elizabeth will associate with me. Whenever she smells this fragrance, she will think of me, just as I think of her when I breathe in ‘Heavenly’ by Victoria’s Secret. Furthermore, she likes it. I wore it on the plane the first time we met. As much as I am enjoying this inquisition, we must leave now. Driving is much slower than flying, and I do not want to be late. It is rude. Xander locked the door behind him and went to his car. He got in, carefully backed out, and started the half hour drive to Tabernacle Church. Gabriel flew overhead. It is odd to be guarded, Xander thought.

  It is odd to guard you, laughed

  Xander arrived in plenty of time for Elizabeth’s Sunday school class. She was standing with her back to him, talking to Charlotte Lucas when he walked into the room. Charlotte stopped in mid-sentence and stared up at him, open-mouthed. Where are these beautiful men coming from? First Gregory, and now this fine specimen of male magnificence. Is some Hollywood film company secretly shooting a movie here? This must be the mystery man Elizabeth met on the flight to Toronto. Dark wavy hair. Check. Unbelievably light blue eyes with long dark lashes. Check. Makes Michelangelo’s David seem wimpy in comparison. Check. Perfect nose and full lips with a killer jaw line. And check. Xander had been around Charlotte so often that he had nearly forgotten she had never met him. Listening to her mentally listing his physical attributes was a little embarrassing, and he fought not to blush.

  Noticing Charlotte’s expression, Elizabeth turned her head to follow her friend’s gaze. Her eyes widened as she took in all six feet nine inches of him. Every time I see him, he seems to grow even more stunning. How is it possible to have absolutely no physical flaws?

  Xander smiled at her. Still think I was wasting my time, Gabriel? “Hello, Elizabeth. It is wonderful to see you again. Would you introduce me to your friend?”

  Point taken, thought Gabriel as Michael smiled at his expression.

  I am proud of you, Xander. You are making the angels look good, observed Michael.

  Edward looked first at Gabriel, and then back at Michael. He was amazed to be in the room with the three most powerful holy angels, and Xander was in human form. What is happening here? he asked himself privately. He looked around the room and saw the same puzzled expression he wore mirrored on the faces of the other guardians.

  “Charlotte Lucas, this is Xander Darcy. I’m so glad you came, Xander. Char, Xander will be attending Converse with us next week, majoring in music. He is a pianist and a vocalist.”

  I really should have taken piano lessons. I’ve heard that it’s never too late to learn, thought Charlotte. Aloud, she said, “That’s great, Xander. I suppose you’re another musical genius, like Elizabeth and Gregory.”

  “Elizabeth is one of a kind. I am fortunate to be able to study with her.”

  No mention of Gregory, thought Elizabeth. It should be interesting when they meet for the first time.

  You have already missed that, but it should prove to be entertaining when we meet again. In fact, I think I can promise you many ‘interesting’ moments in your future when I am there – and I always will be there. Xander smiled as he looked at her.

  Elizabeth looked at him speculatively. And he really didn’t comment on Char’s statement concerning his musical abilities. He must be a great dancer with all that practice side-stepping. I am SO looking forward to hearing him play and sing this afternoon.

  Charlotte cleared her throat. There are other people here, guys.

  You are staring at her, Xander, said Michael.

  Xander blinked, breaking their gaze.

  “I think it’s time for me to start the class now,” stated Elizabeth, directing Xander to a chair beside hers.

  “I’ll keep you company, Xander,” said Charlotte, sitting on the other side of him. He even smells heavenly.

  “Thank you, Charlotte,” he replied with a smile.

  Good thing being around Gregory has given me a measure of comfort with this level of beauty. This man would make Angelina Jolie lose her power of speech. Brad who? thought Charlotte.

  Who is Brad Who? asked Gabriel.

  Brad Pitt. A film star, Gabriel. Really, have you never been to a movie? answered Xander.

  Actually, no. I have not. Archangels do not go to movies.

  Elizabeth started her class by asking for prayer requests. After members of the class had shared several concerns, Joshua Lucas led the group in prayer. Elizabeth then opened her Bible and began to teach the lesson from Hebrews chapter eleven, the hall of fame of faith, which named people throughout Biblical times who had exhibited great faith in Jehovah. Xander had been the guardian for many of the great heroes named, and he cautiously contributed to the discussion Elizabeth led.

  Following Sunday school, Xander walked with Elizabeth to the sanctuary for worship service. As they entered the auditorium, both of them were amazed to see Caroline Bingley and her mother sitting with Janna and Chance Bingley. Elizabeth took the empty seat to Janna’s left, and Xander sat beside her. Chance was on Janna’s right, with his mother, Anne, to his right and Caroline beside her. Elizabeth leaned over Janna and Chance to extend her hand, first to Anne and then to Caroline. Anne smiled at her shyly and took her hand, but Caroline looked at the floor, remembering how she had hurt Elizabeth. Elizabeth tapped her arm. When Caroline looked up, Elizabeth smiled at her and reached for her hand again. The older girl tentatively put her hand in Elizabeth’s and held it for a moment.

  Ros stood in the aisle beside her with an expression of joy that Xander had never before seen on his face. Anne’s guardian, Erramun, as well as another protector, stood by his side.

  Michael and Gabriel joined Roark, Niall, Alexis, Hector, and the other guardians around the perimeter of the room. The expressions of astonishment worn by the protectors who had not yet seen the archangels that morning were nearly comical. That they were dressed as guardians, though Michael still wore his armor, was not lost on the assembled light beings, and they certainly noticed Xander in human form beside Elizabeth. Angels had been curious about humans since the beginning of the human race, but a duality was an unknown entity. The guardians’ interest was boundless, though they kept their countenances under firm control once the initial shock had subsided. The faces of the two powerful angels remained solemn as they listened to David’s sermon.

  David preached from Luke 15:11-32, the parable of the prodigal son. He told of the young man who had left his father’s house and gone to a far country, taking his inheritance and wasting it in riotous living. When all of his money had been spent, his friends left him and he hit rock bottom. It was at that low point in the young man’s life that he began to think of his father’s love for him, and he decided to return home and beg to be a servant in his father’s house. However, the young man’s father did far more than forgive him. He took him back as a son and reinstated him to his position in their family. As David spoke the powerful words of restoration and forgiveness, Caroline began to weep under the weight of her conviction for her sins. Her life had radically changed in the past two years, and she thought of all the things that she had done with repugnance. Her many “friends” had deserted her, and, during those evenings Caroline was alone, she had been forced to take a good look at what she had become. Her school work had taken precedence in her new life of assuming responsibility for herself, and she was about to enter her final semester at the local junior college. She had started spending much of her free time with Chance and Janna, and they had begun to have Bible studies together once a week.

  As David continued to preach, the Holy Spirit began to speak to Caroline, and she could hardly wait for the invitation. She wanted to make peace with God. Anne Bingley, who had recently joined her children and Janna for the Bible studies, put her arm around her daughter and held her, tears streaming down her cheeks. When David stepped out of the pulpit to the floor in front of the congregation and asked if anyone wanted to come forward for prayer, counseling, or salvation, both Caroline and Anne, followed by Ros and Erramund, left their seats and went to talk with him. The congregation sang a hymn, “Just as I Am,” as David talked with mother and daughter. Anne had been coming to the church regularly for six months for marriage counseling, and David had led her to salvation a few weeks prior in his office. He bowed his head to pray with them, and then looked toward the congregation with a broad smile, turning the two women toward the assembled believers.

  “Upon her profession of faith in Christ and her request to be baptized, I present Anne Bingley for membership in Tabernacle Church. All in favor, say ‘Amen.’” David barely had time to spea
k the words before a loud chorus of “Amen!” sounded. The angels rejoiced as Erramund took his place by his charge.

  David continued, “Many of you know Caroline Bingley. She attended Tabernacle for several years when she was a teenager; Caroline made a profession of faith when she was a child, but she never joined the church. She comes forward today to rededicate her life to Christ and present herself as a candidate for baptism and church membership. If you agree to accept Caroline into our fellowship, say ‘Amen.’”

  The shouts of “Amen!” filled the building and resounded to heaven as Jehovah-Go’el smiled down upon another sheep returned to the fold. The prodigal had come home, and He was pleased.

  “After the closing prayer, Caroline and Anne will remain here at the front. Please come by and welcome them into our church body.” Janna and Chance left their seats to stand with their family members and introduce them to the people in the church who lined up to shake their hands.

  Jim and Delores Williams struggled with their feelings, as did Joshua Lucas; however, they joined the line and shook hands with Caroline and her mother. Help me, Lord. Please help me to forgive her. My son is in danger today because of what she did. I need to let it go, Father. I want to give my burden to You, prayed Delores, valiantly trying to hold back her tears.

  Elizabeth and Xander were the last people in line. As Elizabeth reached for Caroline to hug her, Caroline broke down in fresh tears. She whispered to Elizabeth, “Can you ever forgive me for what I did to you and Richard? I am so sorry, El. I want to make a fresh start.”

  “Caro, you know that I forgive you, and I’m certain that Richard has already forgiven you, too. He’s in Afghanistan now, but I have his address. We’re still good friends, and we stay in touch. You can write to him and tell him that you have joined the church and are being baptized. He will be so happy. God has truly exchanged beauty for ashes in your life.” Elizabeth hugged her again. Releasing her, Elizabeth looked up at Xander. “Caro, this is my good friend, Xander Darcy. Xander, Caro’s brother Chance is married to my sister Janna.” Xander and Caroline shook hands. Caroline had, of course, already noticed the tall, beautiful man who was with Elizabeth. She was reformed, but she was neither blind nor dead. However, to her credit, she harbored no jealousy toward Elizabeth.


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