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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 30

by Robin M Helm

  Lynne graciously invited Anne and Caroline to join them for lunch with Chance and Janna, and they happily accepted. When the last of the church members had gone home, the Bennets, the Bingleys, and Xander left under the escort of the most powerful group of guardians ever assembled to go to the Bennets’ home.

  The surprises for the day had not yet ended, however. Over dessert, Janna shared the joyous news that she and Chance would have an addition to their family in late summer. David, Lynne, and Anne were thrilled to know that they were going to be grandparents as Elizabeth and Caroline laughed at the thought of being aunts. Xander looked at Roark, Niall, Hector, Alexis, Michael, Gabriel, Ros, and Erramund. They welcomed Duarte, the newest guardian, to their group. He would protect Chance and Janna’s child; thus, he was already helping Alexis guard Janna.


  Gregory was extremely displeased, but too cunning to destroy those who might prove to be useful to him. He summoned Ryu, Tala, Donovan, and Akuji to a meeting in the strip mall.

  They bowed on their knees before the Dark Prince as he stood, arms folded across his chest, sneering at them.

  “Do you realize that you have completely lost your influence over the human girl? What have you been doing for the past two years?” he asked coldly.

  Ryu spoke without lifting his head. “We thought that she had served her purpose, my liege. She broke the relationship between Elizabeth Bennet and the boy.”

  “You thought? When I need for you to think, I will tell you to do so. It is never acceptable to give up control of a believer. They are always useful. The Bennet family is actually stronger now than it was before I gave all of you your positions of leadership.” He continued to speak, contemplatively, “There is something very strange going on with Xander now. He is taking human form far too often.”

  “Both Michael and Gabriel are regularly seen with Elizabeth and Xander, Prince Gregory,” said Ryu.

  “I suppose you are useful as spies if nothing else,” replied Gregory. “Go from my sight before I change my mind and destroy you. You must develop a relationship with someone else close to Elizabeth. I will expect a progress report very soon. And, Ryu, I want a constant watch placed on Xander. I want to know everywhere he goes and everything he does.”

  The four demons flew as quickly as they could through the walls, leaving Gregory to plot his next move alone.

  So Xander is often with my father’s old friends, and in human form. What is going on there? Whatever he is planning, I will discover it. He will not defeat me. I will have Elizabeth. I will gloat in her humiliation as well as his, and I will do it before heaven’s most honored. I will succeed where my father has failed. She is mine for the taking. His eyes glittered with excitement. Gregory loved a challenge. It made the game so much more interesting.

  Chapter 4

  “O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.”

  Psalm 34:3

  Though Xander had been mostly silent during Sunday lunch with the Bennets and the Bingleys, he had enjoyed himself immensely. The conversation had flowed around him and enveloped him. He was comfortable. They were not strangers to him; after all, he had been part of the Bennet family for more than eighteen years, since the moment of Elizabeth’s conception.

  It is rather strange that I know them so well, and they know me hardly at all, he had thought.

  Following the meal, Elizabeth and Janna helped Lynne clear the table. With that task completed, Elizabeth turned to her mother with a smile. “Mom, you and Janna go visit with our guests. I’ll load the dishwasher and be with you in a few minutes.”

  “Thank you, El,” Lynne said, kissing her younger daughter on the cheek. “Come, Janna. I think we’ll need to fuss over you a little more, now that you’re carrying my grandchild.”

  Janna laughed. “Are you sure, El? I don’t mind helping you.”

  Xander had paused in the doorway to the den, listening to the women talk. “I will help Elizabeth,” he offered, surprising the Bennet ladies. As they started to protest, he held up his hand to stop them. “It is the least I can do, Mrs. Bennet. The meal was superb, and I so appreciate being invited. As I am too large to be decorative, it would be good for me to be useful. Do you not agree?”

  He had taken off his coat and hung it on the back of his chair before lunch. His tailored shirt fit his athletic build to perfection as he stood straight and tall, looking toward Lynne for her acquiescence.

  Not ‘decorative’? He is easily the handsomest man I have ever seen, Lynne thought, amused.

  Niall sniffed. She has not known an extensive number of men, obviously.

  Michael chuckled at Niall’s joke.

  Xander looked down at the floor to hide his smile.“If you really want to help Elizabeth, I certainly will not stop you,” Lynne said lightly. I think he wants to be alone with Elizabeth. That’s what I think. Well, I won’t stand in his way.

  I have always liked her. Xander quickly lifted his head a little, turned his face away from Elizabeth, and winked at Niall.

  Niall snorted as he, Duarte, and Alexis followed their charges from the room while Gabriel and Michael remained with Xander and Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth looked up at him with a teasing smile. “And just how good are you at loading dishes, Xander? You know, I am perfectly capable of doing this all by myself, but I would enjoy talking with you while I work.” Xander leaned on the counter, watching her graceful movements as she emptied the food into the garbage disposal, rinsed the dishes, and placed them in the dishwasher in orderly rows. Her hair swung back and forth as she worked. He longed to reach out and touch it.

  Could it possibly feel as silky as it looks? I have embraced her in angelic form, but not as a human since she was a child. I must occupy myself before I do something foolish.

  That would be wise, thought Gabriel.

  “At least give me a wet cloth and let me wipe the table and counters,” Xander offered.

  “If you insist,” she said, handing him a dishcloth.

  The kitchen and dining room formed one large area, so Elizabeth was still visible to Xander as she worked. His stomach tightened every time she leaned over to put another item in the machine. Watching her move does something to me. He turned his back to her and finished wiping every surface available, making a concerted effort not to look at her. After he finished, he took the cloth back to her and stood behind her, waiting quietly for her to notice that he was there.

  Elizabeth was absently humming a worship song they had sung that morning in church, and she did not hear him approach her. She efficiently put the last plate into the washer, squirted the detergent into the compartment and closed it, and then shut the door and started the pre-wash cycle. She turned quickly with the intention of getting Xander to go with her to the music room and nearly bumped into him. Her hands came up in a reflex action and rested on his chest. They stood there for a moment without breathing. Unable to stop himself, he leaned towards her and lowered his face to hers. She closed her eyes, and Michael cleared his throat. Xander caught himself just in time. He straightened up, and they both started talking at once.

  Elizabeth’s eyes flew open wide. “Oh, excuse me! I didn’t see you there,” she exclaimed, blushing furiously. Did he almost kiss me?

  “Here is the dishcloth. I finished wiping the table and the counters, and now I await further instructions,” he said quickly, holding the cloth higher so that she could see it. Actually, yes, I did almost kiss you. Would you have liked that?

  Slow down, Xander, cautioned Gabriel.

  Listening from the living room, Niall added, According to my observations, Christian human males usually wait until at least the third date to kiss a girl. Do not rush her.

  Niall is the expert here, chuckled Michael.

  She realized that her hands were still on his chest, and he was holding out the cloth with a quizzical expression on his flawless face.

  I could stand here all day, Elizabeth. I will never pull away from
your touch. Do not expect me to step back from you.

  She dropped one hand by her side and took the cloth from his hand with the other. “Thank you,” she said as she put the cloth in the sink to her left. He smells wonderful. Get a grip on yourself, El.

  “My pleasure,” Xander replied with a lazy smile. She is not unaffected by my presence.

  Michael grinned. Very good, my friend.

  Do not become overconfident, cautioned Gabriel.

  There are at least two too many voices in my head right now, thought Xander a little impatiently. Guardians should rarely be seen and seldom heard.

  Blessed silence reigned in his mind.

  “Shall we go to the music room, Mr. Xander?” Elizabeth asked, her face turned up to his as a small smile played about her lips.

  Is that an invitation? If you keep looking up at me like that, you will certainly get what you are asking for.

  “I am not afraid of you, Miss Bennet. I am ready for my audition,” he said, his blue eyes holding hers in a clear challenge. She did not look away. Instead, a decided twinkle appeared in her eyes.

  “I’ll be the judge of that. I hope you’ve been practicing. You know you’ll never play really well unless you do.” She raised one eyebrow and pursed her lips in an effort to keep from smiling.

  “Lead the way, fair lady.”

  “Follow me.”

  “Anywhere.” He breathed the word so softly that she could not be sure she had heard him correctly.

  They walked through the den on their way to the music room.

  “We’re going to go over some music for next Sunday. I’ll close the door so that we don’t bother you,” Elizabeth said, looking from her father to her mother. “Janna, Chance, Mrs. Bingley, Caroline, we’ll be back out here soon. I hope you won’t leave before we can tell you goodbye.”

  “We’ll be here for a while,” answered Chance.

  Leave that door open, cracked Niall, looking sternly at Xander. Roark suppressed a smile.

  David nodded at Elizabeth, and she and Xander continued down the hall, followed by Michael and Gabriel.

  As if Michael and Gabriel would let me get away with anything, thought Xander, grumbling.

  Not a chance, little brother. Michael laughed.

  Xander rolled his eyes. Occasionally seen and rarely heard, please.

  Elizabeth opened the door and entered the music room, waiting for Xander to follow her.

  She gestured toward the instrument, and Xander went to the piano. Michael and Gabriel stood behind Xander, and Elizabeth took her place to his right. He moved the bench back several feet to accommodate his long legs and allow him room to lean into the keyboard. Then he began to play his own arrangement of Michael W. Smith’s Agnus Dei, a song based on the Latin phrase meaning “The Lamb of God.” After he had played once through the entire song, he began to sing in a rich baritone.

  Elizabeth was speechless. Listening to Xander interpret the music was a spiritual experience. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything so beautiful before. It’s as if Xander is singing of someone he knows personally. Where has he been all this time? How is it that I’ve never heard of him until now?

  His large hands easily spanned twelve notes, an octave and a half, yet he had such dexterity and delicacy that the piano wept under his masterful fingers. She could easily play runs of parallel thirds with her right hand, but he played them in both hands simultaneously. His hands moved so rapidly that octave runs were like glissandos. Xander did not play with a better technique or more skill than Elizabeth, but his advantages in strength, power, and hand span gave him more options.

  Xander finally lifted his hands from the keys, bowed his head for a moment, and then looked up at Elizabeth. She had tears in her eyes, and he was moved by her emotion. It was a moment of perfect communion between their hearts and Jehovah’s. The Spirit in him gave witness to the Spirit in her.“You were praying that song,” she stated simply.

  He exhaled slowly. “Yes. You understand.”

  “It was an offering.”

  “All of my music is an offering to Him,” Xander stated.

  “Do you play classical music?” she asked.

  “I play all types of music, but nothing moves me like using my gift in praise to the Almighty. He has been so good to me. He has forgiven me, He has accepted me, and He has changed me. When I stood at the foot of His cross, I did not know that He was suffering that for me, but since He redeemed me, it has all become clear. He died for me. He loves me. When no one else loved me, He did.”

  Hearing her mind, Xander knew that Elizabeth thought he was speaking figuratively. It was beyond her comprehension to think that he spoke literally of being at the foot of Jesus’ cross.

  “Xander, do you remember the man who came to meet me after the concert last weekend, Jonathan Edwards?”

  “Of course. I have not forgotten any of the time we have spent together.” Xander smiled.

  Tread lightly, Xander. She will begin to wonder what you mean when you speak in riddles, thought Michael.

  “Jonathan asked me to join with him in ministry. He wants me to play and sing at his evangelistic rallies. I’ve been considering his proposal very carefully, and I have spent much time in prayer about it. I would travel only on weekends while I’m still in school, and I have prior commitments for concerts that I won’t cancel, but I would like to see how God can use me. Would you consider joining with us? You and I could do the music together, and Jonathan could preach.”

  Xander’s face lit up with his excitement. “You would have me with you? To serve God is my heart’s desire.” His expression became serious as he continued, “I must be honest with you, however.”

  “I value honesty very highly. What is it that you want to say?”

  He moved to the left side of the bench and patted the right side, asking her to sit with him. She sat down and looked up at him with trusting eyes.

  “Elizabeth, I want you to know my intentions toward you before I agree to join with you in ministry.” His blue eyes were intense as they held hers.

  She caught her breath.

  He took her left hand and held it with both of his. “I already have strong feelings for you. I will wait until you get to know me, but you should know from the outset that I am hoping for a relationship with you. To be with you is another desire of my heart.”

  She laughed a little nervously. “That’s certainly direct – and honest. If you’re willing to give me time and take this slowly, I think that working together in ministry might show us both if a relationship between us could work.”

  He smiled his most charming smile. “Then I would consider it a great privilege to be your partner in ministry. First things first, however. What music are we going to do next Sunday for the worship service?”

  Elizabeth thought a moment. “I hope you’ll consent to play and sing Agnus Dei just as you did a few minutes ago. There is nothing I could add to improve it.”

  “Will you at least sing it with me?”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  He spent a few moments explaining his ideas for a duet, and she consented, agreeing that his arrangement would make the vocal component even better than his solo.

  He reluctantly released her hand. When he began to play again, she stood beside him to sing, her high soprano lifting the opening “Alleluia” two octaves above where he had sung it. As she continued to sing, the door opened to reveal David and Lynne smiling at them. Xander stopped playing as he and Elizabeth looked at her parents.

  David spoke. “We can hear a little of what you are singing and playing, and I feel as if I’m attending a worship service in heaven before the throne. Do you mind if we leave the door opened so we can hear?”

  “Dad, you know how we musicians feel about anyone listening to us practice. It’s not polished yet. We haven’t worked out all the kinks. Anyway, we’re going to do it next Sunday morning in church.” Elizabeth made a little grimace.

  “It sounds f
ine to me already, El. I won’t mind hearing it twice. Please?” Lynne asked, ruffling her hair.

  Xander spoke up. “I do not mind as long as Elizabeth agrees. Could we indulge them this once?” he asked Elizabeth, smiling at her.

  “Okay. I’m outnumbered it seems. But you know you’re going to hear all of our mistakes,” she said with a small frown.

  Xander began the instrumental portion again, and Elizabeth began singing alone at the point in the music indicated by Xander. He joined her on “Worthy is the lamb,” their voices blending perfectly, swelling throughout the song. They were unaware that the eyes of everyone listening, human and angel alike, had closed, shutting out everything except the music. The guardians knew that no demon could breach that barrier of worship and praise.

  Xander and Elizabeth sat quietly as if in prayer for a few moments after they finished.

  David looked at them side-by-side, their dark heads bowed together, and thought, They belong together. It’s as if they were made for each other. Aloud he said, “Thank you for allowing us to share that. I’m really looking forward to hearing it again next Sunday. If it was that wonderful ‘unpolished,’ I can’t wait to hear it after you have actually worked on it.”

  Everyone laughed at his joke. After a round of farewells, Anne and Caroline took Janna and Chance home with them to spend the remainder of the afternoon. Anne especially wanted to tell Donald that he was going to be a grandfather.

  The Bennets invited Xander to spend the afternoon with them so that he would be in town for evening services at Tabernacle. He and Elizabeth spent the time together in the music room, arranging music and playing duets.

  Across the street, up in the cover of the pine trees, sat two demons, motionless and quiet. They had watched as Xander and Elizabeth had entered her home followed by Michael and Gabriel, and they had listened to the two of them playing the piano and singing together. As soon as the family left for evening services at Tabernacle, they took flight into the gathering darkness.


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