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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 34

by Robin M Helm

  Elizabeth was stunned into silence by the brilliance of his smile. She stared at him, forgetting herself for the moment. If I ever really meet an angel, he will look and act like Xander.

  Michael and Gabriel shook their heads at each other, smiling widely.

  Further conversation was delayed by the appearance of a waiter who carried a tray bearing their food. Elizabeth was sufficiently distracted by the arrival of their meal that she did not return to the previous subject.

  His timing was impeccable. I will leave him a large tip, Xander thought. Then his mind turned to the fortunate path the conversation had taken. One day I will have to tell her that I really am an angel. What will she think of me then?

  Chapter 7

  “And these signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues, they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it shall not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

  Mark 16:17-18

  Xander, flanked by Gabriel and Michael, stood waiting patiently for Elizabeth to gather her belongings after their last class ended that afternoon. He had already slipped into his coat and shouldered both of their book bags when Gregory approached her, his two guards following closely behind him. Xander clenched his jaw so tightly that the muscles hardened, giving his face a chiseled appearance. He flared his nostrils once as he breathed deeply, willing himself to relax. His face became calmer, but his eyes were blue ice as he glared at Gregory.

  Easy, Xander, thought Michael, though he watched Gregory with narrowed eyes himself.

  Gregory glanced at him, his amusement at Xander’s discomfort evident in his smirk, as he sauntered confidently to Elizabeth’s side.

  “Would you like to have dinner tonight? We’ll go anywhere you choose. Out of the country is doable, if that’s what you want, El.” Gregory took her coat from the back of her seat and held it for her.

  “I seem to remember telling you that I would never again ride in a car that you were driving, Gregory,” she said with determination as she accepted his help with her coat. She lifted her hair as he slid her coat under it, and then she faced him, Xander and the two guardians at her back.

  “That’s why I arranged for a driver today, El. Where would you like to go? New York? London? Paris? The family jet is waiting.” Elizabeth took a step back from him when he began to button her coat for her, and his hands dropped to his sides.

  He is touching her, and she does not like it, Xander thought angrily.

  Elizabeth can handle this. We should stay out of it, responded Michael, though his hand hovered over his sword’s hilt as he and Gabriel widened their stances.

  “I left my passport at home; besides, I think my father would probably have a heart attack if I called him and told him I was having dinner in Paris. You might want to check with me first before you make any more elaborate plans for us.” She looked down as she buttoned her coat.

  Gregory smiled at Xander with malice, but his voice remained smooth and melodic.

  “You don’t need a passport when you travel with me, El.”

  “Really? So you know people in high places?” She looked up at him speculatively.

  That is an understatement, hissed Xander’s mind.

  “And in low ones, too, for that matter,” Gregory said with a laugh.

  No, that is an understatement, corrected Gabriel calmly.

  She laughed lightly. “Somehow, I never doubted that. However, I already have plans for this evening.” Elizabeth turned her head and flashed a smile at Xander.

  His heart thudded. I will be happy to play this game, though I did not know we were still going this afternoon since Charlotte is sick. “Yes, Gregory. Elizabeth and I made plans several days ago to shop and have dinner together today.”

  “Xander, you seem to be monopolizing all of El’s time lately.” He frowned at Xander, and then turned a smiling face to Elizabeth. “Should I make an appointment a week in advance?” he teased.

  “The choice has always been up to the lady, Gregory,” Xander replied, not quite managing to smile.

  “This lady says we need to hurry, Xander. I would like to see Charlotte before it gets too late tonight. ‘Bye, Gregory. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Elizabeth started toward the door, and Xander began to walk down the aisle to join her.

  Gregory leaned across the desk and gripped Xander’s arm. “This shall not continue. I will have her,” Gregory muttered harshly, his voice too low for Elizabeth to hear his words.

  Instantly, both Gabriel and Michael drew their swords; Crevan and Duglas immediately responded in kind. Gabriel spoke aloud in an authoritative voice so that Gregory and his guards could hear him. You are touching my charge as well as threatening him. That is grounds for a fight. I am ready if you are.

  Michael added, My brothers and I will fight together. The battle is evenly matched – three to three. He looked directly at Gregory with a scowl. This time, no one will be able to put you back together. You will be in so many pieces that there will be no doubt of your death.

  Xander stopped, dead still, looking at Gregory’s hand on his arm with obvious distaste. His voice was quiet and menacing; each word was clipped and distinct. “Remove your arm, or I shall be forced to move it for you. While I would take great satisfaction in removing it completely from your body, that action would draw attention which neither of us wants at this time.”

  Gregory looked at Michael and Gabriel standing on either side of Xander, glaring at him with swords drawn, and he slowly drew back his hand. “We will continue this later,” he said tersely.

  “I shall look forward to it. Anytime. Anywhere. Just name the time and place. I will be there.” Xander held the halfling’s eyes with his as he straightened to his full height and jerked the sleeve of his coat down at his wrist to straighten the wrinkles left there by Gregory.

  Michael and Gabriel slowly sheathed their swords, watching without blinking as Gregory’s guards stood down and put away their weapons.

  Elizabeth had stopped at the door, waiting for Xander, and she noticed the tension between the two men. She saw Gregory grab Xander’s arm, and watched them as they exchanged heated words. My goodness. They look as if they are going to fight. Why are they so angry? Forcing a cheerfulness into her voice that she did not feel, she called, “Xander, are you coming? I’m getting older by the minute here.”

  Glancing at Elizabeth, Xander saw the concern in her eyes, and his anger melted away. She is leaving with me – because she wants to be with me instead of Gregory. His thought put a genuine smile on his face, and she relaxed in response. He strode to her side and put a protective arm around her shoulders.

  Michael and Gabriel followed the couple, backing out of the room and blocking Xander and Elizabeth from the demons’ view, never taking their stares from the faces of Gregory and his henchmen until their charges were well beyond the door.

  “Are you ready to go, Elizabeth?” His voice was kind and gentle as he steered her from the room.

  That’s the voice I love, she thought.

  His heart jumped in response to the last word she thought. Then I will be careful to use that voice when I am with you, my Elizabeth.

  “Yes, please. I’ll text Mom about our plans when we get to your car, but let’s just go now.” She took a quick look over her shoulder at Gregory. He smiled and waved, so she smiled, albeit uncertainly, in return.

  As they left the building and headed toward the parking lot, Elizabeth lifted her face to his. “What was that all about?”

  “Nothing, really,” Xander answered, noncommittally.

  “It didn’t look like nothing.” Don’t hide things from me.

  Always be honest with her. Michael was right behind Xander.

  She is not a child, and she resents being treated as one, added Gabriel.

  Xander had heard her thought as well. “Gregory is jealous of the time you are spending with me. He thought I wou
ld stop pursuing you if he threatened me. He was wrong.”


  “Oh? What does that mean?” Xander looked down at her dark hair shining in the late afternoon sunlight. He knew that he had no right to be so possessive of her – yet.

  “I’ve never taken Gregory seriously. He flirts with anything female.”

  “He is serious about you, but not in the same way that I am.” His statement was calm and deliberate, and he knew that it would provoke a question on her part.

  It was her turn to query. She stopped and looked up at him. “What does that mean?”

  He stopped beside her, took a deep breath, and dropped his arm from around her shoulders, facing her to take her hands in his. I will always be honest with you. His eyes were serious as he looked into hers. “My intentions are entirely honorable. I hope to date you, court you, and eventually marry you.”

  She held his gaze a moment longer, and then began to walk again, leaving one of her hands in one of his. She looked out in front of them at nothing in particular.

  “So Gregory’s intentions are not honorable, according to you.” Her tone held a little resentment.

  He sighed deeply. “Elizabeth, I am being entirely truthful with you. I know that he is your friend, and I know that you have known him longer than you have known me. However, I have known his father very well for many years, and I have known Gregory longer and more intimately than you have. He asked you if you had ever met my family. Have you ever met his? Let me ask you something more important. Has he ever made you uncomfortable?” Xander knew the answer to his question, because he had been privy to her thoughts on those occasions.

  “Xander, I don’t like all this male posturing, and I don’t like being made to choose between you. Why can’t I be friends with both of you?” This is ridiculous!

  Careful, Xander, cautioned Michael.

  “You can, Elizabeth. I am not asking you to choose. And you do not have to answer my question if you would prefer not to do so, but I would like to hear your answer if you do not mind giving it.”

  They had arrived at his car, so Xander opened her door, put their book bags in the back seat, and held the door for her. She got in and buckled her seatbelt, obviously pondering his request as he walked around to the driver’s side and got in.

  Because she had not yet told him where she wished to go, he buckled his seat belt and waited before he started the car. She took her cell phone out of her coat pocket and sent a text message to her mother, telling her that she was with Xander as they had planned previously. When she was finished, she put her phone away and turned her head to look at him.

  “Frankly, yes, Gregory has made me uncomfortable several times in different ways, but I am not yet ready to give up my friendship with him. I have always felt safe with you, but I want to get to know you better before we take our relationship any further.”

  “Please define ‘further.’ I do not wish to overstep my boundaries with you or pressure you in any way. I want you to tell me if I am ever making you at all uneasy. I would never force you to do anything that you do not want to do.” He saw her hesitation. “For instance, I just put my arm around your shoulder, and after that I held your hand. Was that all right with you?”

  How does he do that? My objections to the speed this relationship is picking up as it moves along always melt away when I am with him. She spread out her hands on her thighs and looked down at them, taking a deep breath.

  She chuckled quietly. “I can hardly object when I have initiated the physical contact several times myself. In fact, I believe that I touched your hair and put my hand on your arm before you put your arm around me.” Elizabeth tilted her head while it was still inclined and turned her face partially toward him, looking at him mischievously from the corners of her twinkling eyes.

  He laughed aloud; he could not help himself. “You are wholly adorable, Elizabeth. I will try my best not to push you, but you must tell me if I do anything you do not like.”

  There is little chance of that, I’m afraid, she thought, a little dreamily. His eyelashes have their own zip code. Richard is the only boy I have ever kissed. What would it be like to kiss this man?

  Would you like to find out?

  Xander, do not make her first kiss with you take place in the parking lot of the college, admonished Gabriel, hovering above the car.

  This is not how you would have her remember such an important moment, added Michael, rather sternly.

  It will be your very first kiss, too. It should be memorable, Gabriel concluded.

  Again, two too many voices in my head, even if you are right on this occasion, grumbled Xander. And thank you both for reminding me that I have never kissed anyone in my entire existence. Let me remind you – neither have you.

  There was blessed silence in his mind.

  “My, my. You’re so quiet. What are you thinking?” He looked at her to find her amused eyes watching him intently.

  He blushed and looked out the windshield. Too awkward for a conversation. “At this moment, I am thinking that we should be going. Exactly where do you want to go? I am eagerly awaiting your instructions.”

  “How about WestGate Mall? I’d like to get some jeans and a couple of new tops, and I really like Sarku Japan in their food court. If you don’t like Japanese, there are plenty of other choices.”

  Xander wrinkled his nose the tiniest bit for a second.

  “Is there somewhere else you would rather go, Xander?” she asked.

  He hesitated, and then spoke diffidently, turning his head to look at her seriously. “I do not usually eat at mall food courts, but we will go wherever you wish.”

  She smiled in amusement, pursing her lips. “Is there something wrong with food courts?”

  He bit his lip, thinking for a moment. “Not really. They are just so – public. There are so many people there. I prefer to dine in more private settings. However, I am open to new experiences.”

  Elizabeth laughed lightly. “You are such a snob! I understand the tailor-made clothes and the expensive car. Nothing off the rack would fit you, and your knees would be beside your ears in a Honda. But you don’t like food courts? No mingling with the unwashed masses?”

  “You misunderstand me, Elizabeth. I do not look down on people, except in the sense that I am taller than most of them.” He broke eye contact and looked out the windshield, unconsciously displaying his perfect profile. It was not lost on her.

  “Then what is it about food courts that bothers you? Is the food not up to your standards?” She tilted her head and kept her eyes on his face, smiling playfully. Some sculptor really should capture that marvelous silhouette before he ages.

  Xander made himself look into her eyes. “That is not what makes me uncomfortable. I eat take-out quite often.”

  “At home. Alone.”

  “Yes.” Now she will think I am a freak of some sort. He listened to her sorting though the information in her thoughts.

  “You are shy?” She sounded incredulous. The thought of such an imposing man being shy was slightly ludicrous.

  “Not exactly. I am not afraid of anyone. But, Elizabeth – people stare at me, and that makes me uncomfortable.”

  “Excuse me, Xander, but duh! Of course you get more than your share of attention. You are unusually tall, very well dressed, and extremely handsome. It is natural for people to look at you, especially women. Most men would relish the attention.” He is adorable. There is that little frown between his eyes again.

  Elizabeth could not help herself. She reached over and gently smoothed the wrinkle between his brows with her finger.

  He closed his eyes, leaned back on the headrest, and felt all the tension leave his body as she touched him. We may never leave this parking lot if you keep doing that.

  She spoke softly. “You are not like most men, are you?” She lowered her hand slowly, tracing his strong jawline before she brought her hand back to her lap.

  He did not move from the headrest
, but turned his head to capture her eyes. His voice was low and musical. “No, I am not. But I will always strive to be what you need. I will adjust to being stared at. Perhaps you can distract me so that I do not notice them?” His lazy smile jolted her senses.

  That’s the way Richard sometimes looked at me – just before he kissed me. We are in a public parking lot in broad daylight.

  She spoke quickly, “I’ll do my best. So, are we on for the mall and the food court? I promise to protect you if any women try to pick you up. No one will mess with this.” She bent her arm to make a muscle and pointed to it, and he laughed with her.

  “Certainly not. I am safe with you by my side to fight the hordes. Besides, no one will look at me when you are there. Your beauty will draw every eye. By the way, have we been on three dates yet?” he asked innocently.

  What an odd question. Why is he asking that? she wondered.

  “I’m not sure you’d call the times we’ve been together ‘dates,’ but I really haven’t been counting. Why do you ask? Is there something special about the number three?” Her expression was contemplative.

  He chuckled. “Three is special, but I think I prefer the number two.”

  She shook her head. “So mysterious.”

  Her CD was playing when he started the car.

  “You have wonderful taste in music,” she teased as they backed out and headed toward the mall.

  “My standards are high, and I always try to surround myself with the best of everything,” he returned airily.

  “Well, thank you,” Elizabeth replied saucily.


  Xander and Elizabeth had finished shopping and were sitting in the food court, nearly through eating their Teriyaki Chicken, when Elizabeth’s cell phone sounded.

  “It’s a text from Mom,” she said, retrieving the message.

  “Oh, no!” Elizabeth exclaimed, looking worried.

  Xander, as well as Gabriel and Michael, had heard her read the message in her mind, but he asked, “What is wrong?”


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