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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 51

by Robin M Helm

  Xander looked from one to the other, trying to think through the mental fog.

  “Are you feeling any better, brother?” asked Michael. Gabriel came through the curtain and joined them, moving to stand beside Michael, the worry clearly marked on his face.

  Xander looked at the new face, and he remembered the conversation between the two men. “Gabriel?”

  “Yes, brother. I am sorry that you were hurt.” Gabriel took Xander’s hand.

  Xander’s mind had slowly begun to clear, and he thought of Michael’s words. “It was not your fault, Gabriel. I cannot remember what happened, but I know that you could not have prevented it.”

  “I wish that I had been there for you, my brother. I feel responsible. Father told me to look after you.”

  Elizabeth looked at him compassionately. “No, Gabriel. A child ran in front of Xander. It wasn’t anyone’s fault; it was an accident. Besides, Xander is a grown man now. You can’t be with him every minute. I’m sure your father will understand that.”

  “Elizabeth is right, Gabriel,” said Michael kindly. “Our Father will understand.”

  Are you truly all right, Xander? Are you yourself again, or do we need to send Elizabeth away? asked Gabriel.

  What do you mean? Xander replied.

  You briefly changed into angelic form when you were injured. She saw but thought it was her eyes playing tricks on her. Can you hold your form now? Gabriel looked unblinking into Xander’s eyes.

  Xander’s eyes widened at the information, but his facial expression remained neutral. I am not as confused as I was at first. I think I will be fine now. Do not send her away. She would be upset at that.

  You mean you would be upset. Michael smiled.

  Xander looked up at Elizabeth. Yes, I would. “Thank you for staying with me. I hope it was not too terrible for you. I do not like being a burden.”

  She bent over and kissed his lips quickly. “You could never be a burden, and just try to get rid of me. I will not leave you until you are well again.”

  His smile was so beautiful, despite the darkening bruise on his forehead, that she held her breath and closed her eyes. He still has the power to stun me into silence. Father, thank you for sparing him today. Help him to be whole again quickly. He loves You so much, Lord, and He wants to serve You this week. Heal him, please. Thank You for giving him to me. He completes me.

  She opened her eyes to see Xander looking at her, smiling.

  She looked at him, a question in her eyes. You heard me?

  Yes, my love. Thank you.

  She kissed him again on the cheek, softly. When she straightened up, she looked full into the smiling eyes of Michael and Gabriel.

  Turning her eyes back to Xander, she teased, “So you call them Michael and Gabriel now instead of ‘Mike’ and ‘Gabe’? Are you copying me?”

  “I heard them tell you that they prefer the more formal versions of their names, and I decided to humor them. Occasionally, I do what they want me to do,” he answered.

  Gabriel and I should stay with Elizabeth when you are taken for further examination, Xander. It will seem odd if either of us disappears, and we also need to meet Charlotte. I have heard from the warriors assigned to her that she and Jonathan are in the waiting area. I will send those two warriors with you if you and Gabriel agree. They will be in contact with me at all times. If I am required, I can be with you in seconds, thought Michael.

  The plan is sound, answered Xander.

  Agreed, added Gabriel, though he did not like it.

  Two huge warriors walked through the curtain as an orderly came in to take Xander for his tests, and Elizabeth, Michael, and Gabriel went to the waiting area. Jonathan and Charlotte were there and came to meet them.

  Charlotte’s eyes were round as she took in all seven feet of Michael’s fiercely masculine beauty, and then turned to absorb the peaceful, angelic face of Gabriel.

  Elizabeth chuckled lightly. “Charlotte, these are Xander’s brothers, Michael and Gabriel. They were already in Denver on business and were able to be here quickly when they got my messages. Michael and Gabriel, this is my best girlfriend, Charlotte Lucas.”

  She extended her hand for a handshake, but Gabriel took it and bowed over it formally. Straightening, he smiled at her and said, “I am very pleased to meet you, Charlotte. I truly appreciate the friendship you have with my brother and Elizabeth.” She caught her breath audibly.

  “I am happy to meet you, too, Gabriel. Nice to meet you, Michael,” she added, reaching for his hand. He shook her hand and smiled widely, adding to her mental disorder.

  “I am always happy to meet any of the friends of my family,” he said in his rich, deep voice.

  Jonathan cleared his throat, drawing the men’s attention to himself. “It’s good to see you again, Michael and Gabriel, though I’m sorry it’s under these circumstances. What happened?”

  Elizabeth again related the story of the accident – how they had rented bicycles for the afternoon to ride the trail, and the child had run in front of Xander, causing him to skid in a tree.

  Jonathan put his hand on Elizabeth’s arm and looked from her face to Michael’s. “What can I do to help?”

  Michael thought a moment. “We will wait here until the doctor tells us if our brother must stay the night or not. We want to know his prognosis. Could you call the bicycle rental store and tell them what happened? Then we would know what they want us to do about the bikes.” Jonathan nodded.

  “Do you have their number, Elizabeth?” asked Jonathan.

  “Yes, I do.” She fished the card from her pocket and handed it to him. As he took his cell phone from his pocket, he walked to the ER entrance to make the call.

  In a few minutes, Jonathan returned to the group. “Someone had already called them. The store name and number is on their bicycles. I suppose they have had other incidents in the past. At any rate, they said they would go pick up the bikes themselves. If there is any difficulty, they have my number and will call me.”

  “Jonathan, would you mind taking Xander back to the hotel when he is released? We will meet you there. Our vehicle cannot accommodate all three of us.”

  Jonathan laughed. “I can well believe that, and I’ll be happy to do as you ask.”

  Gabriel added, “If you could take Elizabeth as well, that would be helpful.”

  Charlotte replied, “We rented a car for the next two days, so I’m sure it won’t be a problem.”

  “Excellent,” said Michael.

  “By the way,” said Charlotte, looking from Michael to Gabriel with a gleam of good humor in her eyes. “Do either of you gentlemen play the piano?”

  Elizabeth just smiled and shook her head.

  Chapter 19

  “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I also have been fully known. But now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

  I Corinthians 13:14

  Lucifer swore and slammed his fist into the coffee table of Gregory’s living room, reducing the sturdy decorative piece to splinters. “He actually tells her over and over that he is an angel, and she is too stupid to understand!”

  “I have always thought that human intelligence was highly overrated, particularly in women,” agreed Gregory, sighing in disgust, sitting heavily and crossing his legs.

  Dark Spirit hissed. You both miss the point entirely.

  Lucifer frowned and glared at him with flaming eyes. “How so? What have we missed?”

  Xander did indeed tell her that he was an angel while he was confused and injured, but did he continue to tell her once he had his wits about him? The gargantuan serpent laid his head on the arm of the sofa and fixed his cold stare on the Dark Lord.

  Gregory thought a moment, and then an evil smile slowly played around his lips. “No, he did not. When she finally does find out, she will feel even more betrayed.”

  “It was the perfect oppo
rtunity to tell her, and yet he held his peace.” Lucifer rubbed his palms together in fiendish glee. “This is too good.”

  Exactly. The thought slithered through their minds.


  The doctor had come to the waiting room after viewing Xander’s test results and talked to Elizabeth, Charlotte, Jonathan, Michael, and Gabriel. Xander had been diagnosed with a severe concussion and had been required to stay in the hospital overnight. To no one’s surprise, Elizabeth had refused to leave him and had stated emphatically that she would sleep on a recliner in his room. She had already called her parents and apprised them of Xander’s injury, and that she would be staying with him in the hospital.

  Charlotte and Jonathan had left as a frustrated Xander was being admitted, and Michael, Gabriel, and Elizabeth had gone to Xander’s room with him. Michael had summoned two warriors to guard the couple for a few minutes so that he and Gabriel could leave after promising to keep in touch with Xander by telephone. The archangels had left the room, ducked into a men’s restroom, and changed into angelic form before returning to Xander’s room. Michael had dismissed the warriors, and he and Gabriel had taken up their positions as guardians once more.

  Charlotte and Jonathan returned some time later with toiletries and fresh clothing both for Xander and Elizabeth, as well as Chinese take-out for their dinner. He brightened considerably at the sight of clean clothes and the aroma of the cartons of one of his favorite foods.

  Jonathan put their overnight bags by Elizabeth’s recliner as Charlotte deposited the food on Xander’s tray table with a smile. He went to the other side of Xander’s bed; Charlotte remained beside Elizabeth across from him. She said, “I hope you can eat some of this, Xander. I know the hospital food is atrocious, and I’ve heard that you can be a bit picky about what you eat. El said your stomach was a little …unsettled in the ambulance. Do you feel well enough to eat bourbon chicken? We also bought some wonton soup in case you want something lighter.”

  “Charlotte, I knew there was a reason I adored you beyond your amazing good sense, beauty, and discernment. I am starving, and I know that Elizabeth must be hungry as well. We have not eaten anything since breakfast.”

  Elizabeth’s stomach growled in response, and they all laughed.

  “Xander knows he has to ‘Feed me! Feed me! Feed me! Feed me, Seymour! Feed me all night long,’” she sang.

  “Have you been doing your Audrey II impression for him?” Charlotte said, grinning at her friend’s antics.

  Michael, Gabriel, and Edward smiled, and Lexus wore an amused expression, but the warriors’ faces remained somber.

  “Seriously, Char, it was wonderful of you and Jonathan to go to the hotel and get clothes and other things for us. Thanks so much.” Elizabeth hugged her friend. “And thanks for the Chinese. I owe you.”

  “Yes, you do. I’ll just put it on your tab,” replied Charlotte airily.

  “Charlotte, are you ready to go? We should probably let them eat while the food’s still hot,” Jonathan said as he checked his watch.

  Elizabeth noticed his movement and returned her attention to Charlotte. “You look wonderful, Char. What are you guys doing for dinner? We could share the take-out.”

  “Not me,” said Xander, shaking his head. “I am not sharing any of my food.”

  “No worries, big guy. Jon and I have dinner reservations.”

  Jon? thought Xander.

  Yes, answered Edward. It is her special name for him.

  Is he serious about her? Xander’s thoughts had a protective edge.

  Yes, his admiration for her grows daily. Tonight he plans to ask her to be his girlfriend, replied Lexus.

  And, since she has already figured that out, of course, she intends to accept him, added Edward.

  Excellent, thought Michael.

  They will be a strong team together for the Master. Gabriel’s thoughts were content.

  Jonathan smiled at the sound of his “pet” name coming from her lips in front of the others. “Xander, would you like for us to pray with you before we leave?”

  Xander reached for Jonathan’s hand to his left and Elizabeth’s to his right. She took Charlotte’s hand, and Charlotte reached across the bed for Jonathan, forming a circle. Their guardians stepped up behind them, placing their hands on the shoulders of their charges.

  They bowed their heads, and Jonathan began to pray. “Dear Father, thank you for preserving our brother-in-Christ, Xander. We pray that You will continue to heal him so that he can continue in Your work. Give him a good night’s rest and hold him in Your hands. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  Only Xander and Elizabeth continued to hold hands. Charlotte walked to the other side of the bed to stand beside Jonathan.

  “Thanks for the clothes, Jonathan,” Xander said gratefully, looking at his friend.

  Jonathan raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. “What? You don’t like the hospital gown? It’s air conditioned in the back.”

  “I like it as much as you would, I suppose,” answered Xander ruefully. “It is not large enough, and the nurse said that I must wear it until I leave tomorrow morning. The thing does not even reach my knees. It is embarrassing.”

  Jonathan laughed at his friend. “We’ll be back to get you around ten. The nurse said that you would probably be discharged by then. You can rest all day at the hotel tomorrow, and then see if you feel well enough to sing Monday night.”

  “I will be. I am only a little lightheaded. The doctor said that I may have some dizziness and memory loss, but otherwise I will be fine.” Xander was firm.

  Elizabeth looked at him sternly. “We will see how you’re doing after tomorrow, Xander. There is no need to risk your falling off the stage and further injuring yourself.”

  Michael chuckled. She will not let you overexert yourself. I am glad.

  Having her with me all night will keep me awake and raise my heart rate, teased Xander.

  Shall I put a suggestion into her mind that she should go back to the hotel? asked Michael innocently.

  Only if you want to be on the losing end of a training session. I beat you in the throne room, and I can do it again, ‘big’ brother, answered Xander.

  Jonathan and Charlotte said their goodbyes and left hand-in-hand for their evening out, followed by Lexus, Edward, and the two warriors. Elizabeth went into the bathroom and changed into sweatpants, socks, and a T shirt; she then busied herself with setting out their food and drinks on his bed table.

  Well, that cleared the room considerably, thought Michael.

  Yes, though it is still a little crowded for my taste, replied Xander, smiling.

  Get used to it, answered Gabriel tersely. I am here for the duration, and you will not be rid of me as long as you draw breath.

  At least stand on the other side of the room. I am in no danger of attack from Elizabeth. Even in my weakened state, I believe that I could fight her off, Xander joked.

  Do not make light of it. I find no humor in my failure, and I assure you that it will not happen again. Gabriel’s words were spoken quietly but with absolute conviction.

  I am human, Gabriel. Humans have accidents and get hurt. Elizabeth was attacked and suffered a concussion while I guarded her. Sometimes things are beyond our control. I do not blame you for what happened, so please stop blaming yourself. If you do not stop worrying so, you will go prematurely gray, Xander thought.

  Thank you for trying to make me feel better. It almost worked. Gabriel replied.

  Michael thought, Come, brother, and he and Gabriel moved to stand against the wall of the small room.

  “Are you ready to eat, Mr. Strong and Silent?” asked Elizabeth. “I could feed you, you know.”

  “Did Jonathan pack my pajama bottoms or sweats?” he asked, eyeing her comfortable clothes with envy.

  She looked in his bag and pulled out his black pajama bottoms. “These?”

  “Yes. Wonderful! I will continue to wear the gown, but I am going to wear those under it.”
She handed him the pants and turned her back.

  “Is this good enough, or do you want me to leave the room?” she asked shyly, singing “Amazing Grace” in her mind to block her thoughts from him.

  Xander grinned, recognizing her ploy. “I am finished, though I enjoyed your rendition of ‘Amazing Grace.’ You could sing the second verse.”

  Elizabeth blushed and changed the subject. “Are you ready to eat now?”

  “Can you raise the back of the bed so that I am sitting up? I would not want to spill food on my lovely gown.” His eyes twinkled as he looked at her.

  She was still for a long moment, caught in his gaze. I know you can hear this, but I don’t care. When I thought that you might leave me, I could not bear it. I knew I loved you, but I did not know how much until today.

  Xander answered her with a quote from the book of Ruth. ‘For where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus may the Lord do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me.’

  Unable to speak, she leaned over and kissed him. Then she stood back up, pushed the bed control buttons until he was sitting up satisfactorily, and opened the cartons of Chinese food. She situated the table over his lap and handed him his chopsticks and a napkin. Xander pulled her down with his free hand for another kiss, and then he began to eat. Elizabeth picked up her container and stood beside him, holding it carefully, trying not to drop any food.

  “There is a problem,” Xander said, tilting his head to look at her.

  “Really?” she asked, concerned, putting her container on the table. “What do you need? Do you have enough napkins? Do you want something else to drink?”

  “None of those things are the problem. I do not need anything,” he said calmly.

  She drew her brows together, confused.

  “You are much too far away.” He moved over as much as he could and patted the small area beside him.

  “You will actually let me sit on the bed with you?” Elizabeth asked, shocked. “You never let me get that close.”


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