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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 52

by Robin M Helm

  “Tonight I will. I think I will be able to control myself in a crowded, busy hospital while I am wearing this ridiculous gown. This is not exactly the most romantic moment of our lives. Besides, I am sick,” he frowned slightly, pouting a little. “I need a little more attention than I normally do. However, if you do not wish to…” Xander managed to look disappointed. He hung his head, but looked up at her face through his lashes, judging the effect of his words.

  You are doing this for her – not for you, thought Gabriel, surprised.

  Yes, she needs the reassurance that I am well, answered Xander.

  Well, do not get too healthy. Watch yourself, admonished Michael.

  You know that I would never disrespect or compromise Elizabeth in any way, thought Xander, a little sharply.

  Elizabeth immediately lowered the guardrail and hopped up beside him. She leaned into him happily and kissed his cheek. Her trust in him was implicit.

  “Thank you for letting me do this. Do you have enough room?” she asked.

  “Do not worry so, Elizabeth. Being in a small space with you is certainly not a hardship,” he answered, kissing her forehead. “We should eat so that we can rid ourselves of this bed table. This is like a sleepover. I have never been to one, so you will have to tell me what we should do.”

  “Oh!” she giggled. “I don’t have any nail polish with me, but we could do each other’s hair and watch chick flicks. I suppose talking about boys is out. I know! We can play games, like Truth or Dare and Hangman. I saw some paper in the drawer over there.”

  “How about just watching the movies and going to sleep early? I do want a promise from you before I go to sleep, though,” Xander said, with just the hint of a smile.

  “Really? What do I have to promise? Not to steal your virtue?” she asked.

  “I am more concerned about waking up with red nails and a new hairstyle,” he replied in jest.

  Elizabeth laughed at him. “I am making no promises of the sort. Besides, what if I fall asleep first? What are you promising?”

  “I promise not to tease you or take pictures with my phone if you snore or drool in your sleep,” Xander said, very seriously.

  “Well, since I don’t do either of those things, I have nothing to worry about,” she huffed.

  “I would love you even if you did,” he whispered, immediately redeeming himself in the lady’s eyes.


  The next morning, Xander awakened before Elizabeth and lay still, careful not to rouse her. She had turned toward him in the night and slept with her shoulder under his arm and her arm thrown across his torso. Her head was on his chest, and her hair streamed over his forearm. He had embraced her in his sleep and held her close. It was as natural as breathing in and out.

  For the first time in many months, he was “seeing” her dreams and was very pleased that he was featured prominently in them. Her dream ended, and her eyelids fluttered open slowly. Her eyes widened as she saw his face close to hers, smiling in contentment. Xander leaned over to kiss her.

  “Did you sleep well?” she asked.

  “Very well,” he answered. “I hope to wake up like this every day in the not-so-distant future.”

  She smiled and kissed his nose. “If my dad finds out, you’ll have to marry me, you know, even though nothing happened,” she teased.

  “I would not mind being a Boaz to your Ruth,” Xander replied seriously. “I would happily be your kinsman redeemer. ‘And now my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you whatever you ask, for all my people in the city know that you are a woman of excellence,’” he said, quoting Ruth 3:11.

  Elizabeth smiled, and then changed the subject abruptly. “Did the nurse wake you up, checking on you in the night?”

  “She came in three or four times, but she did not disturb me.”

  “She saw me?” Elizabeth asked, a little alarmed.

  “She did, but she was unconcerned. My injuries are minor compared to most of the people here. You were not hindering my recovery.” He smiled widely at her. “In fact, I think you may have speeded the process. I feel very well this morning.”

  She sat up and stretched. “You are altogether too satisfied with yourself, Mr. Xander. Were you watching my dreams?”

  “I saw one just before you awoke. It was lovely.” He pulled her down for another kiss.

  “Fortunately, I don’t remember it. I’m sure that I would be embarrassed judging by the look on your face. I’m guessing that you played a starring role in it.”

  “I admit that I was in it, but there was nothing about it that should make you uncomfortable, love.” He stroked her hair.

  “I think I’d better get up and get ready. They will be here with breakfast soon. I ordered for both of us last night. Oatmeal. Yummy!” She grimaced as she climbed out of the bed, grabbed her overnight bag, and headed for the bathroom.

  He watched her close the bathroom door, contemplating what she had said earlier. “It would be no sacrifice to marry you, Elizabeth. I only hope that you will still want me after you know everything,” he whispered.

  Michael and Gabriel stood at the corners of the room, as silent and inscrutable as sphinxes.


  Xander recovered rapidly and acted true to form by insisting on taking part in the Monday night rally. Gabriel plastered himself to Xander’s side, concerned that his charge was taking on too much without giving himself time to heal properly. Xander still felt a little lightheaded from time to time, but he hid it well by moving more carefully and slowly than was usual for him. Within a few days’ time, he was fully recovered.

  The week turned out to be a stellar one; more than five thousand souls were added to the kingdom, and many more decisions about life changes were made. The spiritual fire that had blazed through Atlanta at the beginning of the summer was still burning across the country, purifying the body of Christ and building the church.

  Before anyone could believe it, the final weeks in San Diego and the Dallas-Fort Worth area were over. Fifty thousand known salvations were recorded, and many more were made privately or as a direct result of the ministry of SoulFire in those areas. A true revival was sweeping the nation, reawakening dead churches and electrifying others. Jonathan was already planning weekend fall retreats in Charlotte and Jacksonville, as well as an international tour for the summer of 2009, and Elizabeth and Xander had agreed to continue in ministry with him as a part of the SoulFire team. Mark Goodman had also signed on as the publicist for SoulFire, though he planned to continue accepting freelance work as a reporter.

  As they were traveling home from the Dallas-Fort Worth rallies with Michael and Gabriel flying overhead, Lynne called Elizabeth with the news that Jane was in labor, and that she and Chance were at the hospital in Spartanburg. Because they were only a few hours away, Xander and Elizabeth decided to drive straight to the hospital, hoping to get there before the baby was born. Elizabeth called Charlotte, who was riding with Jonathan, to tell her of their change in plans.

  They arrived just in time to join the rest of the family in welcoming eight pound Matthew Chance Bingley. David and Lynne, as well as Chance’s family, had already seen Jane and Matthew, so after hugging her parents fiercely, Elizabeth, accompanied by Xander, went to meet her nephew. His guardian, Duarte, stood by Hector and Alexis, and they all saluted Xander, Michael, and Gabriel as they entered Jane’s room.

  Xander looked at the happy little family and wondered if a son was in his future. He had decided that he would tell Elizabeth everything in the coming week, and if she accepted his confession and forgave him, he would propose to her. He had already planned everything out, and he knew the perfect place to take her. In a few days, he would be freed of his secret, and he would know his fate. The guardian warrior bowed his head and prayed, placing the entire situation in his Father’s hands.

  Chapter 20

  “Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth, each one of you, with his neighbor, for we are members of one anothe
r. Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity.”

  Ephesians 4:25-27

  Xander knew that Elizabeth would need several days to visit with her family and her new nephew, as well as to rest from the frantic pace of the past two months. With that in mind, he had asked her if they could spend the following Saturday together, and she agreed happily.

  He spent the entire week arranging the perfect setting in which to reveal his true self to her and ask her to marry him. Though he made time to see Elizabeth every day, the majority of his time was spent with Gabriel in the majestic Blue Ridge Mountains, building a beautiful swinging rope foot bridge across a narrow gorge with a stream running through it. He and Gabriel had constructed the bridge on land owned by a wealthy supporter of SoulFire Ministries, Howard Mills. He had offered the use of his mountain retreat at any time to the SoulFire team members, and Xander had contacted him privately to obtain his permission to build the structure. The site was on an ATV trail which connected to both the house and the main highway as well as running back through the woods in a maze; Mr. Mills’s children and grandchildren rode the trails regularly.

  The bridge was a short hike from the main house, yet it was secluded enough to be completely hidden from prying eyes. As he worked, Xander imagined himself telling her that he was an angel, rehearsing the words he would use, and finally flying from the bridge in solid angelic form. He hoped that she would be comfortable enough with him after the initial shock that she would allow him to carry her while he flew. Xander wanted her to embrace the idea of what he was so completely that she would allow him to assume either form around her without any concern of frightening her.

  The bridge itself was about thirty yards long and five feet wide with thick, latticed rope handrails. It was quite sturdy and safe, and the wood of the walkway itself was laid very closely so that there were no spaces in between the boards. Xander had arranged for all the building materials to be delivered to the retreat on Monday. The ATV trail was professionally graded, graveled, and wide enough for two four-wheelers side-by-side, so the deliveries had been made directly to the building site. Normally, the entrance to the main highway was blocked with a locked gate, but the gate had stood open all week to allow the delivery trucks access to the area. With no one around to see them, it had been a simple matter for the angels to fly the heavy rope and cut-to-order wood back and forth across the one hundred fifty foot drop.

  Xander had offered to dismantle the bridge during the following week if Mr. Mills wished it; however, the gentleman had seen the beautifully situated edifice on Friday after it was completed and had admired it so much that he had decided only to block access to it with locking metal gates. He wanted to use the bridge himself in the fall, as it would afford the best view of the colorful leaves throughout the valley.

  The day he had both anticipated and dreaded dawned with a glorious sunrise, clear and cloudless. Though Xander had slept very little, he nearly sprang from the bed, eager to be with Elizabeth in full honesty. She had accepted everything else about him so well that he had little doubt that she would assimilate this last revelation about him with her usual aplomb.

  Gabriel stood beside Xander as he read his morning devotions and prayed, asking his Father to guide his words and open Elizabeth’s heart.

  This is it, thought Xander as he dressed after his shower. He dressed for hiking – jeans, sneakers, a T shirt, and a shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Xander walked back to his bedroom and took a small box from his night table. He opened it and looked lovingly at the ring he had designed for her himself. It was as special and unique as his Elizabeth, and he badly wanted to see it on her finger. The band was platinum, made of three delicate vines woven together and sprinkled with small diamonds. Nestled in the tendrils was an oval, brilliant-cut, perfect one-carat diamond. Xander knew that Elizabeth would prefer a stone that was not ostentatious, and he had chosen what he thought she would like. He bought the highest quality, but it was not large enough to be showy. It is like her – precious and beautiful, rare, of great value, and with hidden depths. Xander wrapped the ring in tissue paper and put it in his shirt pocket, buttoning the pocket so that he would not lose it.

  Gabriel smiled beatifically, It is indeed an important day for you, my brother. All things are ready.

  Xander was blissful. Gabriel, I can hardly wait to tell her. There will be nothing standing between us any longer. I will not have to hide anything from her again.

  She will know about all of us after she hears what you have to say. She is intelligent, and she will realize that you are not the only angel she has met. Remember that it may take her some time to absorb so much information, Xander. Do not overwhelm her. Go slowly, if you are able. Gabriel’s voice was gentle.

  Knowing her mind will be helpful. I will be careful. Thank you, my brother. Xander felt the tinge of concern in Gabriel’s mind and knew that Gabriel wished only the best for him and Elizabeth. He was impatient to have the ordeal behind them, but he was not offended by Gabriel’s words of caution.

  As he drove to Elizabeth’s house, Xander ate a breakfast bar and played her first CD of piano music. How is it possible that she has known me only seven months? I have loved her for so many years. Dear Lord, please let this go right today. Please help her to understand.

  The door to her house opened as he parked the Escalade, and she stood in the doorway, smiling at him with Michael standing behind her. Xander had told her that they would be hiking, so she also had on jeans with a tank top, open shirt, and sneakers. Her mother had French-braided her dark hair, and it hung in a thick plait down her back.

  He quickly left the SUV, followed by Gabriel, and went to her, surprising her by drawing her to himself and kissing her soundly. She put her arms around his neck, enjoying his method of greeting her. When he broke the kiss, he held her face between his hands.

  Smiling mischievously, she asked, “Have you missed me?”

  “Yes, definitely.” His blue eyes were serious, and he stroked her cheeks with his thumbs.

  “You have seen me every day, Xander, but I understand what you mean. I’ve missed you, too. It was so different from this summer when I saw you all the time.”

  “I miss you all the time you are not with me.” He dropped his hands to hers and held them. Looking past her into the kitchen, he asked, “Where are your parents?”

  “They’ve already left for Spartanburg. Mom is helping Janna by cleaning her house and doing her laundry while Janna takes care of Matthew. Dad and Chance are going to get groceries and cook Dad’s famous potato soup. The Bingleys are joining them later. They said we could come for supper if we wanted to,” said Elizabeth.

  “We probably will not be back in time. It will take us several hours to drive each way. Have you eaten breakfast?” he asked.

  “Yes, I had cereal, so I’m good until lunch. You?” She tilted her head up at him.

  “I had a breakfast bar on the way over. If you are ready, we should leave now. It will take about three hours to get there.”

  Elizabeth sensed his excitement and anxiety, so she released his hands and went to the living room, returning with her purse and two bottles of water she had grabbed from the pantry. She threw one of the bottles to him, and they headed out the door, pausing for her to lock it after them.

  Michael and Gabriel flew overhead while Xander and Elizabeth chatted easily, catching up on everything they had missed during the past week. Elizabeth regaled Xander with all of little Matthew’s activities and the joys of being an aunt. She had spent most of the week at Janna’s, holding the baby at every opportunity and talking to her sister. Xander knew that he had been a frequent topic of conversation between the sisters, and that Elizabeth’s entire family approved of their relationship. Every time he had been there, he had been treated as one of the family.

  Within two hours they were driving the winding roads of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and the scenery
was beautiful. She knew that he had spent much of his time during the past week working on a project of some sort, and she wondered if his activities had anything to do with their plans for the day. He will tell me when he is ready and not before, she thought.

  He chuckled. “You are right, love. Some things should not be rushed, and many surprises are improved by the anticipation of them. I hope you will like what I have in mind for today.” Her hand rested in his on the console, and he squeezed it with gentle pressure.

  “But I want to know now!” she said, faking a pout.

  “We will be there very soon,” he replied, kissing her knuckles. I hope there will be a ring on that finger on the ride back.

  One thing at a time, brother, thought Michael. Like Gabriel, he knew that once Elizabeth was aware of Xander’s true nature, she would realize that his brothers were angels as well. It was unsettling.

  Xander saw the turn off to the left and slowed to make the turn onto the narrow road. He smiled as he saw Elizabeth lean forward, looking around curiously. They emerged through the trees to see the main lodge; it was rustic, fitting perfectly into its surroundings. A porch wrapped around the front and one side of the house.

  “Here we are,” said Xander, leaning over to kiss her quickly before he got out and opened her door.

  “It’s wonderful, Xander. Is this the surprise?” she asked, her brown eyes shining, envisioning a day of hiking in the mountains.

  “This is part of it. Come with me.” He reached for her hand and led her to the front door, unlocking it and drawing her inside. Michael and Gabriel walked behind them.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “I could eat something, especially if we’re going to be out hiking after this,” she answered.

  “We will probably be out for a few hours. I have lunch ready. You can just sit and let me serve you,” he replied, smiling.

  “I’ll be right back,” she said, walking down the hallway, opening doors until she found a bathroom. Michael followed her, and Gabriel remained with Xander.


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