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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 64

by Robin M Helm

  “Wow!” Charlotte’s eyes were wide. I know that you’ve heard me think all kinds of things, but I’m cool with that. I usually say whatever I think anyway.

  Michael snorted. She is priceless.

  Edward grinned. I have enjoyed being her guardian. Her mind is lively and quick, and she is unusually honest.

  Xander laughed softly. “Charlotte, I know that to be true of you. That’s why I have never felt that I was violating your privacy by ‘hearing’ you.”

  Jonathan looked at her, uncertainty in his expression, and then he returned his attention to Xander. “How can we use your gift in our ministry?”

  “When it is needed, we can ‘converse’ silently, as Elizabeth and I have been doing for months. If there is anything that you need to know, I will ‘speak’ to you, and if you would like me to relay a message to Charlotte or Elizabeth, I will tell them for you. I think we should agree that I will usually communicate with all of you at once. Elizabeth and I will, of course, continue to ‘speak’ privately, but I would rather that anything concerning the ministry would be shared among all of us,” Xander said.

  Jonathan’s face showed his resolve. “I will not pretend that I am comfortable with the idea of your knowing my mind, Xander, but I know that it is a gift from God and something which you cannot help. You have always been trustworthy and steady in His work, and although you could have used your ability for your own gain, you have not. Though I don’t know right now how your gift will be useful, I have no doubt that it will be. God never wastes anything, and He doesn’t do things without a reason. I am eager to see how He uses this to further accomplish His will.”

  “Thank you, Jonathan. I had confidence that you would see His wisdom and realize that He has a purpose in this. Now, it is getting late, and we have much to do tomorrow. Will you lead us in prayer again before we go to our rooms, Jonathan?” Xander asked.

  “Of course.” They bowed their heads and Jonathan prayed, “Father, thank you for Xander, our brother in ministry. Thank you for his gifts and his willingness to use them for You. Please give us a good night’s rest and bless the rally tomorrow. Help us to harvest souls for Your kingdom. We are your servants. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

  The guardians and warriors followed as Jonathan left his room with Xander, Elizabeth, and Charlotte, walking his girlfriend to her door and kissing her goodnight before he returned to his own room.

  Xander and Elizabeth paused a moment outside her door.

  “How do you think it went?” she whispered.

  “It was a shock for him, but he will be comforted tonight, and by the morning, he will have accepted it completely,” answered Xander. He stepped closer to her, drew her into his embrace, and kissed her.

  “Everything will be fine by tomorrow, Elizabeth,” he said.

  She opened her door and turned to watch him leave. I love you.

  He looked back with a smile as he walked down the hall. I love you more. I win.

  You always win!

  I know, Xander chuckled. Sweet dreams, love. Only forty-two more days.

  Chapter 7

  “And the two shall become one flesh; consequently they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”

  Mark 10:8-9

  November 2008

  Lucifer sat regally on his throne, the air electric with excitement, as he, Gregory, and Dirk Horne met with the assembled demonic underprinces in the still dark early morning hours of Wednesday, November 12. While the underprinces of the global dominions knelt before their masters in the abandoned warehouse, their captains prostrated themselves on the floor behind them.

  The unholy trinity basked in the worship and awe of the second tier of rulers in the demonic underworld. Gregory sat to Lucifer’s right and Dirk Horne to his left, surveying with satisfaction some of the most powerful dark beings in all of the fallen ranks bowing before them in total subjection.

  On national television, Horne had declared Gregory to be the next U.S. Senator from Massachusetts an hour after the polls had closed on the previous evening and had returned to his penthouse apartment for a few hours of sleep before boarding a private jet to attend the meeting. Gregory had celebrated the rest of the night with his wife, their political cronies, and people who had worked tirelessly on his campaign. Though he had not yet been to bed, he showed no signs of fatigue. The adulation of his followers had been more than sufficient to keep him energized.

  Lucifer stood, resplendent in his black robes, lifted his chin, and spoke slowly and deliberately with hauteur, “Behold your king, your prince, and your prophet.”

  A rumbling began from the back of the building and grew in intensity until the rafters shook with shouts and cheers of the hundreds of howling fiends. They leapt to their feet, fists raised, and cadenced in unison, “Praise them! Praise them! Praise them!”

  After allowing himself a full five minutes of their adoration, Lucifer raised a hand to silence his followers. “We are closer to realizing our goals than ever before, my subjects. This time, our prize will not be denied us. We will ascend to heaven, we will raise these thrones before you above the stars of God, we will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north, and we will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will make myself like the Most High. When that is accomplished, we will cast God and His angels to this dismal planet, and we will take our rightful place, ruling the universes.”

  He paused, allowing the darkness to flow from him and fill the place, and after a moment of total silence greeted his terrible words, the demonic throng began to scream, “Our king! Our prince! Our prophet!” over and over again, stomping their feet and dancing in their frenzy, until their voices reached the throne room of Jehovah-Elyon and resounded through the halls of heaven.

  Light beings throughout all of creation covered themselves with their wings, grieving at the blasphemy and crying out against it, until the bright, warm light of Jehovah-‘Ori flooded the spiritual plane and penetrated their wings with His presence. They folded their wings and turned their faces in worship toward the Light which obliterated all darkness.

  Until that moment, the warehouse had been shrouded in thick blackness, though the day had dawned. As Jehovah-Helech ‘Olam’s light grew, the darkness fled, and the assembly of evil quieted to a fearful hush. They knew that Light and shrank from It in utter terror.

  In the brightness of His light, the warehouse was shown as it truly was – no longer a throne room, but a filthy, run-down building, condemned and fit only for a wrecking crew. The Light then disappeared as quickly as it had come.

  Lucifer frowned as his minions cowered before him, dreading his anger.

  From Dirk Horne, Dark Spirit’s low voice began to speak persuasively, creeping into their minds. “We still have much to do before we prevail – and prevail we shall. Have no doubt of it.”

  Gregory smiled easily as he shifted forward on his throne, leaning toward the audience with his arm on his knee, allowing his beauty to mesmerize the demonic force before him. “Dark Spirit is right, my friends and colleagues. Send out your underlings to whisper into the ears of the easily lead humans. Our power grows day by day, and in four or five earth years, the time will be right.”

  Lucifer glanced at Gregory, narrowing his fiery eyes, and then back at his minions. “Wait no longer. Go and do our will.”

  The demons fled into the light of the morning, scrambling to escape, preferring the light of the sun to the scalding holy Light which had briefly invaded the warehouse.


  Xander smiled in satisfaction as he finished his last exam, put down his pencil, and turned the test over on his desk at Converse on Thursday, December 11. He gazed at Elizabeth beside him, her head bent over her work, dark hair held back by her left hand as her right hand busily scribbled. She chewed her bottom lip and wrinkled her brow in concentration. The day after tomorrow, she will be my wife, he thought in wonder and exultation. In fewer than forty-e
ight hours, she will be mine.

  From beside him, Michael rolled his eyes.

  Gabriel, on the other side of Elizabeth, smiled at Xander, full of joy for his brother.

  Though Xander had looked forward to his wedding day with great anticipation since the moment God had revealed his plans concerning him and Elizabeth, he could hardly believe it was nearly upon him. He was going to be married in two days, assuming all the joys, responsibilities, and privileges that came with the title “husband.” Xander was fully ready for marriage, but he was sobered by the knowledge that Elizabeth would trust him to care for her financially and emotionally, and that she would look to him to be their family’s spiritual leader. He had absolutely no fear of the total commitment required; he could, however, now better understand the men who did.

  Mr. and Mrs. Xander Darcy . . . I like that. I will be her husband, and she will be my wife.

  He sighed in contentment, and Elizabeth turned toward the sound as she flipped the paper over on her desk, finished at last. When she smiled at him crookedly, he realized that he must have a rather silly expression on his face. Yes, I was thinking of your becoming Mrs. Xander Darcy in two days. So shoot me, he thought into her mind.

  We are a pair. The thought is never very far from my mind. How could it be with my wedding dress hanging up in my room, gifts piled in the den, and a list of errands in my purse that must all be done today? she mused.

  Is there any way I can help you? he asked. All I need to do today is pick up the tuxes for my brothers and me. Otherwise, I am fully at your service. Xander had arranged all the details for the rehearsal dinner weeks before.

  Oh, yes, my love, there is. You can ‘Feed me, Seymour!’ and then drive me around, pleasantly distracting me while I complete my list. Then we can go to my house, open presents, write thank you notes, and help Mom and the others decorate the fellowship hall. We can also take the gifts from Mom and Dad’s to our house and unpack some more things. I don’t want to come back from our honeymoon to a war zone, though I suppose it will have to do as it is for our wedding night, she thought, gathering her things. Because Xander absolutely refused to spend their first night together in a hotel or on an airplane, they had decided to stay in their home for that night and fly out the next morning.

  Xander and Elizabeth had bought an older two-story, four bedroom house just outside of Bethel in a beautiful wooded area only two miles from her parents’ home. He had moved into it the week before, loading what furniture he had from his townhouse into a U-Haul for the thirty minute drive. Several college students who attended Tabernacle had been happy to earn extra money by helping him to move the items. His custom-made bed took up more than half of the master bedroom in their “new” house, but he could not part with it. The couch and occasional tables were new. He and Elizabeth had decided to wait until after they returned from their wedding trip to shop together for the rest of their furnishings.

  Hmmm …our honeymoon. His thoughts drifted.

  Focus, Xander. Today – lunch, the list, presents, thank you notes, helping Mom decorate, and unpacking. Tomorrow – decorating the hall for the reception, and then attending the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Saturday – the wedding and reception. Then, the honeymoon. She smiled at him.

  As long as we eventually get to the honeymoon, he answered.

  Oh, yes. I promise to happily give you my full and undivided attention for ten glorious days in – where will we be again? she questioned innocently.

  Good try, he chuckled.

  It was worth a shot. Elizabeth laughed lightly, stood, pulled her purse over her shoulder, and picked up her exam. As she walked to the professor’s desk and left her paper, Xander strode behind her, put his exam on the desk, and joined her in wishing the professor a “Merry Christmas” before he took Elizabeth’s hand and led her to the door, followed by Michael and Gabriel.


  Xander woke up early on his wedding day, and his first thoughts were of Elizabeth. This is the last time I shall awake alone. She was still asleep in her own bed only two miles away – close enough for him to ‘see’ her dreams; he closed his eyes and allowed himself the luxury of sharing her unconscious mind. They were flying together, and she dreamed that she had wings like his. If only that were so.

  The thought saddened him, but he refused to allow anything to spoil the day. He sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, looking at his brother. Gabriel, will you work out with me?

  Of course. Your preferred form or mine? he asked.

  Human form. You need the practice, Xander stated.

  I do, and you need the distraction, replied Gabriel, morphing into human form.

  True. It is unfortunate that Michael cannot join us. He would love a hard training session, thought Xander, rising from the bed and pulling on his sweatpants.

  When you and Elizabeth are married, we three will be together all the time. Since she knows about us, we can train whenever we wish. I must say that I am glad I am with you today, Gabriel thought.

  Really? I appreciate the sentiment, but why? asked Xander, walking toward the bathroom.

  Michael will spend this entire day with five women preparing for a wedding. They will be getting their hair done, having manicures, doing their makeup, and getting dressed. It will be a time of talking and giggling, crying, and sharing memories. Gabriel smiled. Does that sound like an enjoyable day for Michael?

  Xander laughed aloud. It is fortunate that you thought of having a contingent of warriors relieve him and Niall at two o’clock so that they can be here to dress for the ceremony and ride with us to the church. You will have to speak peace into his mind to cheer him. He must not be glaring in all of the pictures.

  We will lift his spirits together, thought Gabriel. It will probably take both of us.

  There may not be sufficient time, brother. We will have only two hours. Grinning, Xander picked up his sword and led Gabriel to an empty bedroom.

  Michael heard them from two miles away in Elizabeth’s bedroom. We can spend one of those hours training. I will be in extreme need of exercise and diversion by the time I have spent six hours with the ladies. In fact, I think I will call in the warriors at one o’clock. Roark, Edward, Alexis, Hector, Duarte, and Sender will be here. I can have the house surrounded by a phalanx if necessary.

  Xander smiled compassionately at the note of desperation in his “big” brother’s voice. We will expect to see you and Niall at one o’clock then.


  The wedding party had been at the church for the past two hours while the photographers took all the wedding pictures which did not require the bride and groom to be together, and they, along with the videographer, had stationed themselves in inconspicuous places in the church sanctuary.

  Finally the time for the actual wedding had arrived, and Xander, with his groomsmen and Jonathan, waited nervously in the hallway which ran by the right side entrance of the Tabernacle church sanctuary. He checked his watch again as he listened to the string quintet from Converse College playing Handel’s “Water Music Suite.” He had fought his urge to listen to Elizabeth’s mind all day, fearing that he might catch a glimpse of her in her wedding dress before a mirror. He could not bear to disappoint her, but his patience was nearly at an end. Jonathan, Lexus at his side, put a hand on Xander’s arm and chuckled.

  “The next song should be ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring,’ Xander. That’s our cue. Relax,” Jonathan whispered as he patted the groom’s shoulder affectionately, checked his white rose boutonniere, and straightened his bowtie.

  As the words left Jonathan’s mouth, the familiar strains of Bach’s masterpiece began. Niall, Gabriel, and Michael stepped up behind Xander, placed their hands on his shoulders and back, and bowed their heads, silently speaking peace into his mind.

  When they lifted their heads, Jonathan opened the door and walked to his assigned spot at the front of the church, followed closely by Lexus. The previous morning, Xander, Chance, and David
had removed the pulpit from the front center of the stage and placed steps on the floor leading up to the area it vacated. Jonathan now stood in front of those steps and faced the assembly. Xander, Niall, Gabriel, and Michael followed closely behind the evangelist, found their proper places, and turned to face the double doors at the end of the aisle.

  The whispering began as soon as the men entered the sanctuary. While the church family had grown used to Xander’s unusual height and physical beauty, only those at the rehearsal dinner had met his brothers. Gabriel’s blond hair, dark blue eyes, and serene countenance were angelic, while Michael’s towering height and emerald green eyes commanded attention. Niall, though six foot two inches, looked almost short beside the archangels and the Chief Guardian, but his dark hair and laughing deep brown eyes won the hearts and attention of every female under the age of twenty-five. The men were the handsomest group of groomsmen ever assembled; their immaculate tuxes were perfectly fitted, their postures and bearing regal in appearance.

  Xander looked anxiously down the aisle, not noticing the pink and white poinsettias or the twin Christmas trees – covered in white lights and decorated in ivory, dark green, and gold – which stood on either side of the flower-trimmed arch, flanked by candles on the raised stage. He gazed past the carriage lamps tied with hunter green bows affixed to the ends of each pew, completely filled with friends of the couple and relatives of her family. His arm twitched with the effort to keep himself from looking at his watch again. Surely it is time. What could be taking so long?

  Women are always late, Xander. Get used to it, thought Niall. Then he added softly, Elizabeth is well worth waiting for, is she not?

  Xander smile in response, deliberately releasing the tension in his shoulders. Do you have the ring?

  The ring? I thought you were supposed to have it, answered Niall.

  Xander turned his head to glare at him, and Niall winked. Gotcha!


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