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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 65

by Robin M Helm

  Conscious of the hundreds of eyes, human and angelic, trained upon him, Xander refrained from rolling his eyes. Very funny. Again, do not quit your day job.

  Again, I am wounded by your lack of appreciation for my sparkling wit, returned Niall.

  Guardians and warriors stood thickly around the perimeters of the auditorium, honored to be present at an event so highly anticipated, and Xander was aware that they watched his every move. He raised his chin slightly and trained his eyes on the doors through which his bride would walk for the last time as Elizabeth Bennet.

  The doors opened, and Bethany Martin walked slowly down the aisle, her petite figure shown to advantage in the floor-length, hunter green, sleeveless, silk bridesmaid dress. A wide, stiff sash of the same fabric circled her just above the waist of the sheath dress, coming to a large bow in the back which fell to a train following the hemline of the skirt. She and the other bridesmaids carried a bouquet of small white calla lilies, edged in pink, and tied with a light green bow. Sender walked solemnly beside her, looking squarely before him.

  After Bethany had taken her place to the left of the steps, Charlotte began her slow walk down the aisle with Edward at her side. Xander noticed the moment when her eyes met Jonathan’s, for he saw her expression brighten as she smiled for him. Though Xander did not look at Jonathan, he heard his friend’s thought of appreciation for Charlotte’s appearance.

  Once Charlotte had taken her place, Janna, Alexis by her side, stepped forward from the back, her lovely face full of joy for her sister. As she passed her mother’s pew, she turned her head to smile at Lynne and Chance.

  Baby Matthew had been left in the church nursery with a babysitter but would join them for the reception, freeing Chance to escort his mother-in-law and sit with her.

  Xander saw the affectionate display between Janna and Lynne and looked at the empty pew where his mother would have been seated, if he had ever had a mother. Lynne had left the pew empty in honor of his mother, even though, to her understanding, she had given her son up for adoption. His heart swelled as he thought of Lynne, soon to be the only mother he would ever know, and David, who would become his earthly father.

  Two small flower girls, daughters of the church’s minister of music, came next in matching light pink dresses accented with green bows, strewing the petals of sweetheart roses down the aisle as they giggled, their guardians trailing them. Janna took the hand of one child, and Charlotte reached for the other as they arrived at the front, turning them to face the audience.

  The wedding director closed the back doors, and a trumpeter stood, beginning the strains of Jeremiah Clarke’s “Trumpet Voluntary,” accompanied by the string ensemble. After a few moments, the director re-opened the doors to reveal Elizabeth and her father waiting in the doorway, and every head turned to see the bride. Then, all movement stopped until her mother stood and faced them.

  Xander had always considered Elizabeth to be the most beautiful woman of his acquaintance, both past and present, but as he beheld her radiance on this special day, he thought that she was even more magnificent than she ever had been before. He forgot to breathe as she started slowly down the aisle toward him on the arm of her father, Roark and two warriors walking behind them.

  Elizabeth’s ivory silk gown, covered in lace, fit her slender, willowy figure perfectly, dropping from her waist straight to the floor. The gown was tiered; the scalloped edges of the lace overdress covered the area above her bust left bare by the strapless silk slip-dress and continued in wide straps over her shoulders. Her figure was defined by a wide ivory silk sash which hugged her just above her waist, covering her torso until it met the gentle swells of her bosom. Elizabeth’s back was bare, as the lace capping her shoulders continued in a V pattern until, above her waist, it met a squared bow made from the sash. From there, folds of lace covered silk fell in a graceful train. Rather than a veil, her dark curls were caught up by several ringlets of pearls which held it loosely, allowing tendrils to escape, framing her face and wandering down her back. She wore no jewelry except for her engagement ring and her grandmother’s pearl earrings. The effect was, at the same time, innocent yet alluring.

  Xander was enchanted, and his perfect face displayed his emotions for all to see. She was, and is, worth waiting for. She is everything that is beautiful. The idea that she had arrayed herself for him was nearly overwhelming, and his eyes spoke the words to her that he could not say aloud.

  She seemed to float down the aisle toward him as in a dream, stopping by her mother to hand her a white rose which she had held under her bouquet of calla lilies and roses, and he shivered slightly when she and her father finally stood beside him. The groomsmen and bridesmaids turned to face the couple as Lynne took her seat, signaling the guests to sit down as well.

  Elizabeth, still holding her father’s arm, tilted her face up to his and smiled, and he forgot for a moment that anyone else was in the room. Xander knew that Jonathan was talking, and he knew that the evangelist prayed, but his voice sounded like a faint buzz in the background. All he could see was Elizabeth, and all he could hear was his own heartbeat thundering in his head.

  “Who gives this woman to be wed?” asked Jonathan.

  “Her mother and I,” answered David. Elizabeth broke her gaze from Xander and looked at her father. David kissed her cheek, and moved her left hand from his arm. She lifted her right hand so that her father could place it in Xander’s hand, but Xander remained motionless.

  “Take her hand, son,” whispered David, smiling as he looked at Xander’s expression.

  Xander shook his head slightly and lifted his left hand to take her slender fingers in his. Hearing Niall chuckle behind him, he remembered to breathe.

  Jonathan stepped from his spot to the seat left vacant for Xander’s mother, and David moved to the position Jonathan had held, continuing up the steps to stand behind the flowered arch. Xander led Elizabeth up the steps, and Janna adjusted her train before she, Niall, and the rest of the wedding party followed them. Once the bride and groom stood under the arch, Janna stood to Elizabeth’s left and Niall took the position by Xander’s right. The other bridesmaids, flower girls, and groomsmen walked to their assigned spots, and the ceremony began.

  After David gave the charge to the bride and groom, speaking about the sanctity of marriage and the relationship of Christ to His bride, the church, a pianist began to play, joined by the strings, while Xander sang “Forever” to Elizabeth in his wonderful baritone, as she had requested. She looked into his beautiful eyes as he sang to her, and he nearly forgot the words he had written himself.

  The women in the audience tried unsuccessfully to hold back their tears at such an open display of love from the normally reserved young man, and some of the men surreptitiously wiped their eyes.

  As soon as Xander finished singing, David continued the traditional ceremony with the pledges, Xander and Elizabeth each answering “I will” at the appropriate moments.

  Xander thought that they were then ready for the vows and the exchanging of their rings, but Elizabeth turned her body to fully face him, smiled a heart-stopping smile, and whispered, “I have a surprise for you.”

  A CD began to play through the sound system, and he was stunned when he recognized her piano styling on the recording and realized that she had actually found the time to record the track. Xander was further astonished when Elizabeth began to sing to him, a song which he had never heard before, “My Angel’s Kiss.” Her clear soprano softly caressed the words describing how special he was to her and how deeply she loved him. The song was a pledge in itself, a vow that she was his and his alone. Her words spoke of their love for God, and her gratitude that God had brought them together, choosing each of them for the other.

  More tears flowed freely down her mother’s face as Elizabeth sang, and even her usually imperturbable father choked back a sob. Sniffles were heard throughout the congregation.

  Xander gazed at her glowing face and knew that everyth
ing he had suffered was worth it to have a lifetime with her. His love for her was a living entity, burning his soul with her brand. He would spend the rest of his own life trying to be worthy of her love.

  There was silence as she sang the final notes, and then one of the flower girls tugged on Elizabeth’s gown, pointed her little index finger at Xander, and solemnly intoned, loudly enough for everyone to hear, “He looks like an angel. Is he really one?”

  The titters of the crowd broke the emotion of the moment, enabling the service to continue without the threat of tears from the wedding party, but not before Elizabeth looked down at the child, whispering softly, “Yes, he is. He is my angel.”

  Her words brought smiles to the faces of the groomsmen as well as the hundreds of guardians present. Even the warriors wore small grins which they quickly extinguished, resuming their proper stoicism.

  David asked Xander and Elizabeth to face each other and hold hands. After they had turned in full profile to the wedding guests, David began to read the familiar words of the vows in a steady voice, pausing at intervals for Xander to repeat the words. Xander spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear, his deep voice full of conviction as he recited the vows which would bind him to Elizabeth forever. “I, Xander Darcy, take you, Elizabeth Faith Bennet, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live, for all eternity, according to God's holy ordinance, and thereto I pledge you my love and faithfulness.”

  David then directed his attention toward his daughter, and she also repeated her vows, looking into Xander’s eyes and speaking in an unwavering voice. When Elizabeth spoke her final pledge, he smiled at her, his countenance so achingly radiant that she nearly gasped aloud.

  As she finished speaking, beams of light shot through the stained glassed windows though it was already past sundown. The sanctuary was illuminated with the dancing colors, and Xander and Elizabeth were bathed in a golden aura. Xander knew that his Father was blessing his wedding and showing His approval, and he spoke into Elizabeth’s mind, Our Father is here today, Elizabeth. Jehovah-‘Ori is pleased with our union.

  She prayed with her eyes focused on the light beams, I love you, Jehovah Adonai. Thank you for your blessing.

  The assembled angels glowed with the light and hummed their praise to Almighty God. Michael, Gabriel, and Niall smiled and praised Him in their minds.

  David had always known that Xander was full of the Spirit and different from anyone he had ever met, and, while he did not recognize the full significance of the light, he correctly surmised that God was present in the little church in a special way at that moment. He felt that God Himself had planned the marriage of his daughter to this man of God.

  Lynne’s thoughts were similar to those of her husband, and she watched in awe as her daughter and son-in-law were surrounded by the light of God. Though she and David had privately talked of how God had worked through the couple in marvelous ways, she had not expected to see God manifest Himself in such a way at the wedding, and she was humbled and filled with praise.

  The rest of the wedding party as well as the congregation saw the light and felt the presence of God, and they were hushed. Jonathan and Charlotte looked at each other in full understanding. They had spoken often of how God had brought Xander and Elizabeth together.

  The dark ones fled for miles around the area, for darkness and the pure light of God Himself could not exist together in the same place.

  After a moment, David looked first at the couple and then at the assembled wedding party and guests, saying, “I feel led to pray. Please bow your heads. Father, I sense Your presence, and It is glorious. Thank You for our children who stand before You. Thank You for bringing them together, and I pray that they will always serve You as one. Please bless their union, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  David then raised his head and continued the ceremony. At his direction Janna and Niall handed the rings to Elizabeth and Xander, and Janna took Elizabeth’s bouquet. The congregation bowed their heads as he prayed, "Father, bless these rings which Xander and Elizabeth have set apart to be visible signs of the inward and spiritual bond which unites their hearts. As they give and receive these rings, may they testify to the world of the covenant made between them here."

  As everyone lifted their heads, Xander placed the slender wedding band on Elizabeth’s finger, saying, "Receive and wear this ring as a symbol of my trust, my respect, and my love for you."

  Her eyes full of love for him, she in turn slid his solid platinum band on his finger, repeating, "Receive and wear this ring as a symbol of my trust, my respect, and my love for you."

  Together they pledged, "This circle will now seal the vows of our marriage and will symbolize the purity and endlessness of our love."

  David finished the simple ceremony by saying, “By the power vested in me by the state of South Carolina, I now pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together let no man put asunder. Son, you may kiss your bride.”

  Xander wasted no time in leaning down to draw his wife into his embrace, taking the liberty of kissing her fully and soundly. Behind him, Niall cleared his throat. I think that is enough for now, Xander. The natives are restless. You have all night, you know.

  David spoke the moment Xander broke the kiss. “I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Xander Darcy.”

  Seraphim flooded the building by the hundreds, spinning and dipping in a kaleidoscopic dance of joy in the air above the people.

  Immediately, the string ensemble began playing Handel’s “Arrival of the Queen of Sheba,” Elizabeth received her bouquet back from her sister, and the happy couple walked down the steps, leading the recessional. As they left the sanctuary, the Light disappeared, and the seraphim followed It back to the throne room of heaven.

  As soon as they cleared the church doors and stood in the foyer guarded by warriors, Xander swept his bride back into his arms and kissed her as he had longed to kiss her throughout the whole interminable day of separation. Though the wedding party quickly arrived and surrounded them, speaking of the Light, he did not let her go. He knew that hours of pictures, receiving guests, and attending the reception remained before he would have her to himself again, and he did not release her until the groomsmen and ushers began to escort the guests out of the sanctuary and into the foyer.

  I liked the appetizer, she thought as they returned to the sanctuary to finish having their pictures taken.

  Then you will love the full course I have planned for later, he answered, favoring her with a fully dimpled smile.

  Her only answer was a quick peck on his cheek and a mysterious smile of her own.

  Chapter 8

  “ …behold you have sinned against the Lord, and be sure your sin will find you out.”

  Numbers 32:23

  After the final pictures had been taken, the bride and groom entered the church’s fellowship hall hand-in-hand for their reception, and a cheer went up from the crowd of well-wishers already helping themselves to food and beverages. The DJ stopped the music long enough to announce the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Xander Darcy and the rest of the wedding party.

  By Michael’s command, warriors surrounded the church grounds and stood around the edges of each room being used. Xander had assigned extra guardians to Lynne and Elizabeth, though there was little likelihood of their being needed. He knew that Lucifer himself would not dare to enter a place so heavily fortified. However, he would take no chances with the safety of his bride, her mother, or any of their guests, so guardians shadowed their charges as they moved from place to place.

  Though it was mid-December, the weather was unseasonably warm, and a large, enclosed, white tent had been set up outside, attaching to a side exit of the fellowship hall, in order to increase the capacity of the building. Because of the great number of guests for the event, only food and drink buffet tables had been set up in the main h
all. Seating was provided around the perimeter of the room, but most people stood to chat, holding their plates and setting their punch cups on them. Tables were provided in the heated tent for those who wished to sit and eat. Speakers had been set up so that the music flowed through both the hall and the tent.

  Xander and Elizabeth had been busy on Thursday evening and all day Friday helping David, Lynne, Janna, Chance, Grace, Charlotte, Jonathan, and Bethany decorate the areas, and they were all quite pleased with the results. Because Xander had arranged for the rehearsal dinner to be catered at the local country club, the fellowship hall had been free since the missions groups had met there on Wednesday, and there had been time to do everything without the pressure of being rushed.

  The men, under the direction of Lynne and Grace, had strung grapevines just below the ceiling connecting the twin rows of columns that ran down the center of the hall. Looped through the vines were white Christmas lights under white netting, silk ivy, and pink and white silk flowers. The food tables were covered with white cloths overlaid with hunter green netting, and white bows caught up the netting in scallops around the tables. White and pink poinsettias were arranged in groups throughout the hall and the tent, and each window was decorated with candles under globes, greenery, and ribbon. The tables in the tent repeated the theme of the food tables, and each featured a centerpiece of a large crystal globe over white candles nestled in pearlescent stones. The globes were surrounded by silk ivy vines and their light cast a warm glow over the room. To further light the tent, white Christmas icicle lights outlined the ceiling and dripped down the walls, giving a fairy tale appearance to the place.

  After greeting their guests, Xander led Elizabeth to the wedding cake, topped whimsically by two angels rather than a bride and groom. As cameras flashed, he cut a piece and fed it to her, being careful not to spoil her make-up, and then she cut a piece for him. While he was eating the piece she was feeding him, Xander noticed a commotion behind her. Elizabeth heard the noise and turned to see Richard Williams shaking hands with the other guests and smiling. He broke from the group and walked to the table, waiting for the photographer to finish.


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