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Behind the Count: Cessna U Wildcats Book Two

Page 26

by Readnour, Kimberly

  In a swift movement, he lifts me up and cups my ass. With my back against the door, I wrap my legs around his waist. His dick pulsates against my pussy. I’m so wet and he’s so hard; it wouldn’t take much for him to slide right in. My thighs clench liking that idea.

  “I’m going to fuck you against this door, but I promise to slow it down and take my time for round two. I need inside you now.”

  All I heard was fucking me. I’m so ready.


  “What’s wrong?”

  “I need a condom.”

  He goes to put me down, and I tighten my hold in protest. “I’m on the pill. Fuck me bareback.”

  The shudder surging through his body is the sexiest thing I’ve witnessed.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. God, don’t make me wait any longer.”

  “Christ, woman. You’re killing me.”

  He hesitates, and when I think he’s going to decline, he lines his tip to my entrance and drives inside. My walls clamp around the thickness of his shaft. We let out a collective moan as he pauses momentarily, letting my body adjust to his generous girth.

  “Sweet Jesus, being inside you feels like home.”

  Truer words have never been spoken. “Fuck me, Noah. Hard.”

  He lets out a guttural moan and clamps his hands tighter around my ass. I hang on to his shoulder as he thrusts into me. Back and forth. Harder and faster. A sense of greed takes over his control. Each forward lunge strengthens his claim on me.

  It’s exhilarating.

  It’s feral.

  But we fit together as if my pussy was molded for him. There isn’t anyone else I want.

  We’re chest to chest, bodies slapping, with my back pinned to the door. Our bodies move in perfect sync as he gives me what I want. And damn, this feels so good. It’s everything and so much more.

  My nails dig into his back as I cry out a pleased moan. His teeth tug my shoulder with just enough pain to let me know he’s there.

  “Oh, baby. You feel so wet and warm. I’ve missed you.”

  He powers into me relentlessly. He’s never been so rough. So untamed.

  And I like it. A lot.

  I get lost in the symphony of our sounds.

  His grunts.

  My gasps.

  The slapping sound of flesh meeting flesh.

  It’s both erotic and delicious, and I never want this to end.

  The familiar warmth surges through my veins and tightens my belly. A warning my orgasm hangs in the balance. I’m not going to hold out much longer.

  He shifts and does some circular thing with his hips and I come unglued. “I’m going to come.”

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, my body convulses. My heels dig into his waist, and I unravel as my climax shows no mercy.

  “That’s right, babe. Come for me, my beautiful girl.” He keeps the pace until his climax slams into him. He sinks into me, fully seated, and then pumps his release. He rests his forehead on mine, panting heavily.

  He slowly pulls out of me and lowers me to the ground. I put my feet down one by one.

  “I hope you’re okay with us being together, Sprinkles, because I’m never leaving you again. You’re mine. Always.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Nope, us together is what I’ve always wanted.

  He swoops me up in his arms and carries me to the bed. “Good. Because as soon as I clean you up, we’re going for round two.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  Chapter Forty-Six


  “Whoa.” My feet stutter to a stop. I blink in surprise and turn a questionable glance toward Todd. “Did you know the school was going to do this?”

  “Oh my God, it’s a winner reveal party. You know, like the gender reveal parties but better because there’s a winner.”

  My stomach flips like a gymnast doing a triple full twist and renders me speechless. I want to win so badly. The classroom has been transformed into what looks like a reception. Today is the day they announce the winner for Glamour Project, and they must be making a bigger deal over it than I thought. A linen-covered table in the back of the room holds a punch bowl and plate full of sugar cookies. They’re square with white icing. In the middle is the teal logo for the TV show.

  “I’m glad they decided to do this, though. Who’d be able to concentrate?” Todd says.

  “Certainly not me. I haven’t concentrated on anything these past few days.” I scope out Professor Scott standing pretty close to our teacher. Nudging my head toward them, I say. “Your sources must’ve been right. Those two seem pretty cozy.”

  “My sources don’t lie.”

  “Did your sources happen to mention who’s going to win?”

  He barks out a laugh. “No, but my bet’s on you.”

  “Such confidence.” I may be teasing, but his firm conviction helps calm my nerves. Somewhat. I’m glad the wait is over.

  “Move out of the way.” Marla’s nasally voice sends a shiver down my spine. Win or lose, I’ll be glad to not be working beside her. These past few months have been anything but pleasant.

  “Are you worried?” another female student whisper-yells to Marla as they stride past.

  “Not in the least. Big brothers have no pull with the executors of the show.”

  My head whips to the backside of Marla. Did she accuse me of getting this far in the competition due to my brother? That’s bullshit. Braxton has zero influence over the art department instructors. The science department, maybe, but not here. I step forward, but Todd grabs my arm.

  “Let it go,” Todd murmurs in my ear. “Your win will shut her up.”

  “I’d love to shut her up all right,” I mumble.

  “Save the boxing for all the awards you’re going to win. You’ll need something to put them in.”

  I bark out a low chuckle. He knows exactly what to say to back me off the ledge. “I hope you’re right.” We find our seats, and I let Marla’s comment go. Christ, it has been over a year since Noah last touched her, and the times she has forced herself upon him, he hasn’t been exactly friendly. You’d think she’d give it up already. And speaking of my man, he’s supposed to meet me after class. Win or lose, we’re celebrating.

  This past month of dating has been busy between his ballgames and practice and my last-minute design tweaks and homework. We steal time when we can, but there’s a sense of normalcy that has settled between us, and I have to admit it’s rather nice.

  I straighten in my seat as Professor Scott clears his throat. I’m half afraid to hear the results.

  “I’m sure you’re all aware the results are in as to who will represent CU at the Glamour Project this summer.” He waves the beige envelope in the air. I grip the edge of the desk to keep from swiping it from his hands as he drones on about being proud. The more the guy talks, the more I think he likes hearing himself speak. Finally, he gets to the point.

  “So, without further delay, the producers chose”—he opens the envelope—“Shannon Smith.”

  A gasp that sounds more offended than shocked reverberates off the walls, but I’m too ecstatic to care about Marla’s hurt feelings. Todd’s arms draw me into a hug while hands from every direction pat me on the back. I did it. I actually did it.

  Professor Scott and Professor Higgins come over and offer their congratulations. I glance at my phone, itching to text Noah. It doesn’t escape me that he’s the first person I want to tell. Warmth floods my insides, knowing he’ll be waiting for me.

  Twenty minutes later, Todd and I step from the art department. My gaze lands on my tall, muscular boyfriend leaning up against an oak tree. He looks so handsome with his hands tucked in his shorts’ pockets and knee bent, his foot resting on the trunk. His broad shoulders and squared jawline scream all man. My man. As if he heard my body summon him, he jerks his head toward me and pushes off the trunk, his eyes holding nothing but anticipation.

  “So, how does it feel?”
Todd asks.

  “Hmm?” I ask absentmindedly.

  “How does it feel to have your childhood dream come true?”

  Little does Todd know, his question has dual meanings. He’s referring to the Glamour Project show, but my childhood dream has involved Noah in one form or another. He’s ingrained so deep in my life I can’t recall any childhood memories without him being involved.


  Todd’s chuckle fades at Noah’s approach. “I’ll leave you to your man. Catch you later.”

  Glancing at Todd, I nod. “Later.” I redirect my focus back on Noah, who’s taking way too long to reach me. I want him in my arms now. Without pause, I take off running toward him and jump into his arms.

  “You got it, didn’t you?” The corners of Noah’s mouth lift to the sexiest grin I’ve seen yet on him. He doesn’t even need to ask. He can read my body so well. Matching his smile, I wrap my legs around his waist as he props me up by my ass.

  “I actually did it. I’m so freaking excited.”

  “I knew you would win.”

  The entire campus fades as our lips join. Everything I want is right here. Prize included. Moving on in the contest is a bonus.

  * * *


  “This calls for a celebration,” I say as I place Shannon’s body back on the ground.

  I intertwine our fingers as we stroll along the sidewalk toward the parking lot. The entire afternoon belongs to us. It’s nice to not rush for once.

  “You know what the best part is?” Shannon asks.


  “Winning means I don’t need to worry about getting an internship this summer. I’ll have to report to the studio in July, and the competition will last about a week. Oh my gosh, I’m going to be on Glamour Project!”

  I smile down at my girl. She looks so cute and happy. At least one of us knows where they’ll be in July. It’s a scary thought knowing your future hangs in the balance of the draft. If I don’t get called, I’m pretty screwed. But I don’t mention this to her. There is no way I’m souring her mood. This is her day to shine.

  I bite back the growing lump in my throat as the test results from the doctor’s office weigh on my mind. I haven’t opened the envelope yet. Shannon is every bit as invested in the results as me, so I thought we should be together to open it. I had planned on opening it after I picked her up, but what if the results are positive? There’s no way we could celebrate her success after learning that news. No, I’ll wait for another day before unleashing that news. I lean over and kiss her on the head. “My fashion designer. How does it feel to win the world series of fashion?”

  She stares up at me, her eyes gleaming. “Fucking awesome.”

  I laugh and open the passenger door for her as she echoes my earlier sentiment from when we were in the cab of the truck together. It seems so long ago now, but we’ve come a long way since the beginning of school. “Where shall we go?”

  “Hmm.” She flashes me her blue eyes that darken with want. “Somewhere more private.”

  “Oh, no, food first.”

  “Fine, have it your way,” she says dramatically.

  When I hop inside the truck, I’m surprised when she pulls me into a quick kiss.

  “I’ve wanted to be alone with you all day.”

  “I do like the sound of that.”

  She swings her leg over mine and straddles me, her back bumping the steering column. I hold her hips as my dick tightens in my pants. Her soft lips are back on mine in a nanosecond. Fueled by adrenaline and need, she grasps my hair and grinds against my lap. Moans fill the inside of the cabin, her plea and my cry for mercy. God, I love this girl so much.

  “As much as I want to be inside you, we better stop unless you’re okay with a live stream to CU-Pal.” As much as my body yearns to continue this make-out session, I hold her shoulders in place and back away.

  “I told you to take me somewhere private.” A slight tease edges the tone of her voice.

  “Maybe I should’ve listened.”

  She kisses my forehead before lifting off me, but she isn’t too graceful. My clumsy girl bangs her head against the visor, knocking the envelope out.

  I reach for it on the floorboard, but she’s a tad quicker.

  “What’s this?”

  Shit. It’s not like I can lie when the return address clearly shows Dr. Riccodo Gravio, MD.

  “Oh my gosh. This is your test results,” she says before I answer.

  I swipe the envelope from her hands and try stuffing it back into the visor. “We can look at that later. This is your day.”

  I’ve dealt with this burden hanging over me ever since I learned my chances of inheriting it. As much as I want to find out, there’s a piece of me that would rather not. Living with the possibility is easier than knowing the fate.

  She stares openmouthed at me. “I don’t think so. There’s no way we can go celebrate with the results hanging over our heads.”

  “What if the results are positive?” I ask, my voice strained. “Then, your day will be ruined. We can wait until tomorrow.”

  She climbs the rest of the way off of me and snatches the envelope from the visor. “No, we can’t. You’re way more important than any contest.”

  My heart warms. “It’s not just any contest. You know that.”

  “And these aren’t just any kind of results either.”

  She’s right. I just don’t want to admit it. “You really want to open this?”

  “Of course.” She tears the corner off, and I stop her by placing my hand on her forearm.

  “Wait. Let’s head toward the beach.” The calming effect of the ocean may help.


  When I pull into the parking structure, I grab the envelope and stuff it in my shorts’ pockets.

  She gives me a smile and grabs my hand. We walk in silence toward the water’s edge. The waves lap against the shore in a rhythmic motion. It’s relaxing, but I can’t help but wonder if it’s the calm before the storm.

  I draw in a breath of salty air as we stare out at the water. I’m stalling. Fuck, I don’t want the results to dampen our mood. Finally, I take the envelope out and just hold it. The words written on this paper can change my future. I’m not sure I’m ready to face a lifetime of knowing I’ll end up like my dad.

  “Do you want me to open it.”

  Without a word, I nod and hand it to Shannon. The world stands still as her fingers glide along the edge. I swallow when I see the slight shake to her hand. She flattens the paper, and her entire face relaxes. “Negative. The test is negative.”

  I grab the letter and read over the results, my heart racing. I reread them to make sure I’m retaining the information. I whip my head to face her.

  “I’m free.”

  I pick my girl up and spin her around before placing her feet back on the sand. Her laugh is the sweet melodic sound I crave. “Holy hell, I can’t believe how good this feels.”

  “I’m so happy for you, Noah.”

  “Be happy for us.” There’s still the possibility the specific genes haven’t mutated yet, but for now, I’m in the clear. I look into the eyes of the girl I’ve known my entire life. The girl I never thought would be obtainable. And I know our future holds us together. No matter where we’ll be. If I’m drafted or working in some investment office, I’ll wait for however long it takes before I can make her officially mine.

  “I love you, Shannon Smith.”

  “I love you, too, Noah Geren.”



  Apprehension hangs around me like a desperate plea for validity. Day one into the baseball draft has me on edge, ready to take flight. The entire gang circles around the wooden table in the bar. This scenario—the same hotel, same city—is all too familiar. In a few days, we’ll start the first round of the College World Series, but my concentration is on nothing but the draft, which begins in a few minutes. My only hope is this year’s out
come will be different. I don’t have the grandiose belief my name will be called in the first two rounds today, but I can’t stop the nervous tic in my stomach. As they work through all forty rounds in the next couple of days, life will be hell. I don’t know what I’ll do if none of the thirty teams call. I don’t have a backup plan.

  I glance over at Shannon right as she tips her head back in laughter at whatever Cara said. So fucking pretty. There’s a peacefulness to her expression that makes me smile and eases some of my worries. Her long blonde hair is held in a high ponytail, showcasing the slender lines of her neck. I want to nestle my nose in the crook of her neck and breathe in her lilac scent. Well, I’d like to do a lot more than that, but considering her parents are sitting at the next table over with Mom and her new fiancé, I need to keep my thoughts G-rated and on the task at hand—the draft.

  I already know the Arizona Diamondbacks are looking for pitchers and catchers this year. They lost a couple of pitchers after their stellar season last year, but I’m pretty sure I blew my chances with them. I have no regrets. The girl by my side makes it all worth it.

  The other team rumored to be looking for catchers is the Los Angeles Dodgers. This knowledge comes from a credible source, considering Cara’s brother plays for them. The dream has always been for Braxton and me to play for our home team, the San Francisco Giants, but that’s a crapshoot. A fantasy made by two wannabe little leaguers. The odds aren’t in my favor. L.A. Dodgers pick the twenty-fifth spot, so I’ll have a few minutes to wait.

  But I want this. I want to play professional ball so badly I can taste it.

  The noise level in the bar drops as the commissioner steps to the podium and announces the Baltimore Orioles will have the number one pick. The rumor mill has a third baseman from Arizona State as the top contender. There’s also speculation that Braxton will be called in the first round of picks. He was invited to attend the live event, but he declined. He said he wanted to be around family and friends, and since his friends were also his teammates, he didn’t want to be singled out.


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