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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

Page 31

by Eve Newton

  “What?” I say incredulously and grab it from him, while Cole and Devon look shocked at that piece of information. “Holy fuck! I seem to recall being on the business end of this thing as well!” I laugh at the memory of Nagyvárad when Constantine came to find me.

  “Oh, my love. You were such a vicious creature then,” he says sadly. “You should have heeded my warning.”

  “Mm, indeed,” I murmur, wanting to change the subject. Cole still doesn’t know about my evil years and nor does he yet know about Lance, the eviler sibling.

  Suddenly the dagger vanishes into thin air and we all stare at the space it used to occupy.

  “Weird,” we all say in unison and then glare at each other.

  Shrugging it off, CK hands me a medium-sized box. “For you.”

  Curious, I open the box and in it is a diamond tiara with alternating clear and black diamonds. Shocked, I take it out of the box. “Fuck, Constantine. It’s exquisite,” I manage to get out.

  “Like you,” he murmurs and takes it from me to pop on my head.

  Devon peers at it. “Isn’t that the same design as the one you wore in Swan Lake?”

  CK and I nod together. “Although this one is very real,” I comment. “You shouldn’t have,” I scold my sire.

  He shrugs and says. “Now you are ready to go and face your past. And you couldn’t look more beautiful.”

  Cole and Devon agree heartily. Wow, a girl could get used to this. With their praise still ringing in my ears, we leave The Council behind and set off for La Scala.


  A rriving at the theatre a few minutes later, we are flooded with paparazzi. CK disappears, always elusive out in public, as we pose for what seems like a million photos. Finally, we are ushered into the foyer. It is a welcome reprieve from the press inside, cool and calm. Devon goes off in search of drinks as Gregor and Eloise sidle over.

  Eloise smiles seductively at Cole and licks her lips. “Hello, Cole,” she coos.

  He just nods at her as I tighten my grip on his arm. She gives me a scathing once over, eyes blazing as they land on my tiara.

  Unable to resist a dig, I say, “Beautiful, isn’t it? My sire has such impeccable taste.”

  She narrows her eyes as she places her arm through CK's in a possessive move which makes me want that dagger back. “He certainly does,” she murmurs, eyes on him.

  Looking rather annoyed by her advance on him, Constantine removes her hand and steps away. Slightly mollified that he dismissed her, I relax and hold out my hand to him. He takes it immediately to my delight and Eloise’s dismay.

  I am smug.

  It doesn’t last long.

  “Yes, Constantine certainly has a good eye when it comes to his…acquisitions,” Gregor remarks slyly.

  I bristle at his comment but say nothing. CK just stares at him mildly, but underneath I know he is seething. Well, this atmosphere is getting to be a right downer, so I say, “Excuse us,” and gently pull Cole and CK away.

  “What is it with that woman?” Cole mumbles. “Every time she looks at me, I think she’s going to pounce.”

  “Well, if she so much as makes a move in your direction, I will rip her head off,” I say with a sweet smile.

  CK chuckles and Cole relaxes a bit.

  “Really, Aefre. Your loathing of her amuses me. One day you will have to tell me why you hate her so much,” CK says.

  I gape at him. Like he doesn’t know! Rah! I could just punch him in the nuts sometimes.

  The lights flicker to let us know it’s time to take our seats, so I’m saved from having to say anything. CK leads the way as Devon catches up to us looking rather disheveled, Champagne bottle and four glasses in hand.

  “What’d I miss?” he whispers to me, fixing his tie.

  I frown at him. Normally, I would expect him to find a shag wherever we were, but not after his words to me yesterday.

  “It’s not what you think,” he says with a meaningful look, that I don’t get the meaning of.

  I drop it though as he wouldn’t lie to me. “Eloise has been checking out my husband and Gregor insinuating I was one of Constantine’s acquisitions,” I say. “Fun times.”

  He snickers as we take our seats. I must say that I’m looking forward to watching this now that I am here. It’s taken a while to get me here as my leaving the ballet has left a bitter taste, but with the best seats in the house, we have a fantastic view of the stage.

  I get completely lost in the performance, the music, the steps I haven’t danced in over a hundred years, but I remember them all so well.

  A t intermission, Devon, Cole and I are left alone to talk quietly for a few moments.

  CK comes back to find us after talking with a group of Vampires whom I don’t recognize. It’s odd for me to see him interacting with strangers. It’s been so long since we were in this kind of setting. Usually it’s just me and him, and of late Cole and Devon. I actually feel kind of jealous, which must show on my face as he peers at me curiously before I adjust my expression, but he says nothing.

  The rest of the performance is fantastic, and I end up thoroughly enjoying myself. When we stand and clap at the end, CK pulls me towards him and whispers, “I love you, Aefre.”

  A ll too soon, we are back in the car and heading towards the hotel.

  “Stay awhile?” I ask CK and he agrees.

  As we are standing at the door to the hotel room, I get a weird vibe and hesitate, hovering the key card over the lock.

  “What is it?” CK asks immediately as he feels my Vampire senses go into hyper drive.

  “I think we’re about to enter the next phase,” I say slowly as I unlock the door and push it open.

  As we all warily peer through the doorway from the threshold, all we see is the hotel room. Exhaling in relief, I step across and into the room, while everyone follows. As soon as Devon pushes the door closed, the room goes hazy, and sure enough, we are now standing in the cave from my vision with Corinne and, who I think is, Ahmed, in front of us. With a quick glance at me to confirm, I nod as CK strides forward to stand in front of the man. He tops CK’s six feet with at least another foot and glares down at him as CK glares up and starts speaking to him in…Sumerian? Actually, no, not Sumerian. Similar. Akkadian then? Either way, a super dead language. Having no experience of actually speaking either of them outside of a scholastic environment, this is quite fascinating for me. I glide forward intent on their conversation. Yes, definitely Ahmed, trying to patiently explain to my furious sire where he has been for the last two thousand years. My wide eyes flick to Corinne, standing serenely watching me. A petite brunette, she is like a little china doll: flawless.

  She inclines her head. “Aefre,” she says. “Nice to finally see you again.”

  “And you, Corinne,” I reply. I have only met her once briefly back in 1053 when she came to Tuscany to see Constantine. He wasn’t there and she left and never returned. “You brought us here?” I indicate the cave.

  “Yes, my magick transported you,” she says, lightly placing her hand on her irate sire’s arm. He breaks off his conversation with CK and looks adoringly at her.

  “You are being rude, my love,” she scolds him gently.

  He clears his throat and looks at me. “I apologize,” he says in that deep, gravelly voice I am now familiar with. “Your sire is a stubborn man.” He glares down his nose at CK, who glares furiously back.

  I smile as I say, “You don’t need to tell me twice.”

  CK glares at me now, but I ignore him.

  “Ahmed, I presume?” I say, holding out my hand.

  He bows in response, taking my hand to his lips. “At your service, my lady,” he says straightening up. “You have kept us waiting for a long time,” he adds.

  I raise both of my eyebrows at his comment. “Through no fault of my own, I assure you, sir,” I say haughtily.

  He laughs. “Of that I am certain,” he says cryptically. “You are the Chosen One, my gi
rl. You will become more Powerful than you can imagine, but first there is something you must do.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Let go?” I ask.

  Again, he laughs. “She listens,” he says in delight.

  “What do I need to let go of?” I ask, still having no clue.

  Ahmed glances over my shoulder at Devon, who is watching this with interest. “Your boy knows. He will go with you.”

  Devon looks suspicious but stays silent.

  “You will also need the strength of your sire and the love of your new charge. The four of you will go and return here when you are complete,” he says.

  “Go where? And where is here?” I ask.

  “Here is the Underworld,” he answers simply, ignoring my other question. “Go now. Corinne?”

  She raises her hand and mutters some strange words. A strange glow washes over us and we are transported somewhere else. Somewhere dark. It takes a second for my Vampire night sight to kick in. My stomach drops and I want to be sick. I spin around in disbelief as the chill night air seeps into my very soul.

  “No!” I shout. “No!” Louder and louder until my voice is hoarse. I drop to my knees, my hands on the damp grass as I hear Devon whisper behind me with dread, “Culloden.”


  I close my eyes tightly, hoping this is a dream or a nightmare. It is a nightmare. My worst nightmare. I haven’t set foot back here since that day and I had every intention of never seeing this place again. I hear the three sharp intakes of breath and Cole’s, “Motherfucker.” I open my eyes, hoping to be anywhere but here, but I can still feel the wet grass underneath my hands. I sob in horror as I see the scene playing out before my eyes. The sounds of battle are loud in my ears. I see him. I see Fraser. Hard to miss, cutting a swath through the government soldiers. I struggle to stand and push off CK’s attempts to help me. I move forward towards the scene unable to look away. It’s playing back as sure as if it was that day in April of 1746. My eyes are completely focused on Fraser. I hear my voice scream for him as everything literally slows down. He is run through viciously with a sword twisted and pulled up and out. The man who killed him turns briefly towards me and I realize now why I never really saw what happened. It’s because it happened in super speed.

  Vampire speed.

  It was Gregor.

  Gregor had killed my husband in battle.

  Time speeds up again and I see myself as Emily reach him and kneel beside him, ripping my wrist open to feed him my blood, to turn him, to save him, but he was already gone. I’m weeping, the tears falling down my face as I relive the worst moment of my life in High Definition.

  “You know, lass, I would have been furious with you, had I still been alive for you to turn me,” Fraser’s voice comes out loud and clear behind me and I spin. Seeing him standing there, all six feet seven inches of him close enough for me to touch, my heart lurches.

  “Fraser,” I whisper.

  “Aye, lass, it’s me. You on the other hand…” He waves his hand at me. “Pretty enough, but not my wife.” He gives me that devastating smile and I Shift instantly. I feel my hair tumble down my back in soft curls. I feel myself getting slightly taller and the bodice of my dress gets slightly tighter.

  “There she is, m’anam charaid,” he whispers softly, touching my face. My soul mate. I clap my hand up to his, feeling him, real, in front of me once again. He leans down and picks me up into his arms, lifting my feet clean off the ground.

  “It’s good to see you again,” he says.

  I’m still speechless, crushing him to me, never wanting to let go.

  Finding my voice eventually, I say what I have wanted to say to him every day for two hundred and sixty-six years: “I love you. I miss you.” I know that my men are watching this, but I don’t care. In that moment, I just want Fraser. I pull his mouth to mine and kiss him desperately. He moans into my mouth and kisses me back before pulling away with a sad smile. “Do you know why you are here, lass? Why you were sent here?”

  I shake my head. “No. I don’t know. To let go? I don’t want to let you go. Not ever again,” I whisper urgently.

  He sighs and says, “Did you see what you were supposed to see? Did you see who killed me?”

  I nod hesitantly, shaking all over.

  “You know that I would have been dead either way?”

  I stare at him dumbly, not following.

  “Sweet Emily. Even if I had let you turn me, I still would have been killed that day. Not by a sword to the gut, but to my neck. There was nothing you could do to save me. You have to forgive yourself and let go. Let me go.”

  “No! I should have gotten to you sooner. I should have saved you,” I say vehemently.

  He shakes his head sadly. “No, my love. It was inevitable. He came for me and he got me.”

  “Oh, Fraser. This is all my fault. I’m so sorry. If you hadn’t ever met me, it wouldn’t have happened.” I weep openly into his shirt.

  He laughs sadly. “And the alternative? Never knowing you, never loving you, never sharing your bed and being your husband. Ending up dead in battle anyway, or in prison for treason? No, my love. This is how it was meant to be.”

  I cling to him, not able to let go.

  “Forgive yourself, Emily. It’s the only way,” he says.

  He turns then to Constantine, who is watching us intently. “There is a lot to come. Protect her for me,” Fraser says.

  Constantine nods stoically. “Of course,” he says.

  Fraser looks at Devon and asks, “Devon, yes?” Devon nods. “Emily told me all about you. She missed you terribly while you were apart. I’m glad you came back to her after I was gone. She needed you and she’ll need you again. Thank you for helping her.”

  Having no words, Devon just inclines his head.

  Fraser looks back at me. “Go now to your husband.” He chokes out the last word. “He needs you. They need you to be strong, Emmie. He needs all of your heart, my love.” He pulls away from me and I die inside knowing I have to let him go. Again. “I love you. I will always love you,” he says softly.

  I square my shoulders, trying to be strong…for him. “I will avenge you, m’fhìor ghaol,” I say to him, not caring that two out of the three men behind me understand as I call him my true love. “I swear to you I will have his life for yours.”

  He nods.

  I say, “I love you. Ne Obliviscaris.” Forget not.

  He smiles his wonderful smile. “Ne Obliviscaris,” he repeats his clan motto – our clan motto – back to me.

  He fades away and I break down into a heap on the wet ground as the rain starts to fall, mimicking my tears.

  Constantine is at my side in less than a second kneeling on the wet ground with me, pulling me to him, comforting me – or trying to, as there is no solace for me. I have lost my soul mate all over again and I don’t think I can survive this, not again. Cole drops to his knees and strokes my back as I let my head fall into Constantine’s lap. He strokes my soaking wet hair. Devon takes off his jacket and places it over me to keep most of the rain off. I grip his hand, and he too sinks to the cold, wet, muddy ground.


  Who knows how much time passes? It feels like forever.

  “Be strong, Aefre,” CK whispers to me. “Come back to me, come back to us. We need you.”

  Need me? Since when does Constantine need anyone? That random thought cuts through my sorrow.

  “I always need you, my sweet. Even if I don’t say it,” his voice softly repeats my own words back to me, with that uncanny ability of his to read my thoughts.

  Forcing myself into a sitting position, I demand, “What did you just say?”

  He looks puzzled. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “Yes, you did. I heard you. You repeated my words back to me from the other day. You’ve never said that to me before,” I insist.

  Watching me closely, he says, “Aefre, I didn’t say anything.” But I can tell so
mething is amiss. I huff and fall back into his lap.

  Rounding on Devon, suddenly I snap, “You knew. You knew this would happen and you didn’t warn me.”

  He looks at me, confused. “No, Lizzie. I didn’t know this was going to happen. I knew you couldn’t let go. That you blamed yourself. I think it’s safe to say, not even a tiny bit of this is your fault, Kitten. There is nothing you could have done,” he says quietly.

  I choke back another sob. “Gregor,” I say flatly. “Why? Why would he do that?”

  “Why does he do anything?” CK snarls.

  “We’ll ask him,” Cole says harshly, “right before we hold him down and you take his fucking head off.” He pulls me to him, and I lean into his chest as he tightens his arms around me.

  “Now, my boy. That is a sound plan,” CK approves with pride and he Teleports us off the wretched Culloden Moor and back into the Underworld cave.

  Still huddled on the floor, we are all soaking wet and filthy. We must look a fright as Corinne and Ahmed stare at us in pity.

  CK and Devon help me stand up. I smooth out my ruined dress and pull my hair from my tear-stained face. Everyone is staring at me.

  “What?” I snap, more than agitated.

  “You are not yourself, my dear,” Corinne says kindly. I realize that I still look like Emily Campbell.

  “Shit,” I mumble as I turn my back to them and Shift. I’d rather none of them had seen me that way. I get now why Devon is so possessive of Elizabeth. Taking a minute to bring some clips to my hands, I pin it back. I turn around, and everyone is still looking at me.

  “What now?” I say wearily, but they all look away quickly. Ignoring their sympathy, I turn to Ahmed. “So, what next? Is my other dead husband going to appear?” I snarl. “Pretty sure that reunion will go differently,” I add, my rage over everything I have just been through firing up its engines.

  “Aefre,” CK croons. “Calm yourself.”

  Spinning to him, I yell, “No! I won’t calm myself. I want him here so that I can beat the shit out of him myself before I kill him all over again. You should have saved him for me.” I pout now, realizing how foolish I sound. The Power is surging through me again and is causing havoc now that my emotions have been so severely fucked with.


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