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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

Page 32

by Eve Newton

  “Had I the presence of mind to save him for you, I would have. As it was, he fucked up any chance I had to tell you about myself and to turn you the right way. I saw red after he stabbed you, stabbed us, and I ripped his fucking head off.” Constantine is practically yelling himself now and he never, ever raises his voice. My eyes widen at this revelation, and I start laughing hysterically.

  “Really? You really took his head?” I ask in between laughs. “You never told me that. I guess I always just assumed you stabbed him back.”

  He smiles now. “No, my love. If you really must know, I took his head and placed it atop the spear, outside your cottage’s front door, for all to see.”

  Cole gapes at him in horror, while Devon looks impressed.

  I cross over to him and embrace him. “Thank you. Somehow that makes me feel better,” I say.

  He shrugs. “Anything to protect you, my sweet. I would do it again in a second. I should have, but you wouldn’t let me,” he adds softly.

  Ahmed clears his throat. I had forgotten he was even there.

  “I am sorry, my dear. It was necessary that you learn the true events of that day. To know that nothing you did or didn’t do would have changed the outcome.”

  I nod grimly, seeing it all in my memory again.

  “Your rise to power will be swift now, child. You need to be prepared,” he states.

  “Rise to power? What does that mean?” I ask confused.

  “You are the Power of One. The only one, to rule,” he says.

  Pardon? Rule?

  “What? What about The Council?” I stammer.

  “It will be disbanded.” He shrugs apologetically at Constantine, who just looks as if he knew all along.

  “Disbanded how? Gregor and Eloise won’t take that sitting down,” I ask.

  “They won’t have a choice.” Again, with the mystery. “Come here, child.” He holds out his hand and I take it hesitantly, glancing at Corinne, who nods reassuringly. As our hands join, a spark flares up and everything I need to know is transferred into my head. I double over at the overload of information that is racing through every synapse. In agony, I try to pull away, but Ahmed holds on tight as I drop to my knees unable to stand up any longer.

  Cole rushes forward. “What are you doing to her?” he demands, trying to get to me as CK holds him back. I can see all of this going on even though it is behind me. I’m trying to separate all the images, all the knowledge in my head. I cry out clutching at my head with my free hand.

  Then it all stops.

  The pain is gone, the images, knowledge and Power are there. My future is clear. The mission is perfectly clear.

  Ahmed helps me up and he says, “The transfer is complete. You know what you need to do?”

  I nod. Yes, I do know. My eyes gleam as I hold out my hand and a sword made from the flames of Hell appears in my hand.

  All five Vampires take a collective step back as I twirl the sword in a perfect circle, flicking my wrist expertly, remembering William’s tutelage.

  “Err, Liv?” Cole asks, “What the fuck is that thing?”

  “This, my love is Gladius Infernus,” I say in awe.

  “The Sword of Hellfire?” CK breathes. “I thought that was just a myth.”

  “Nope. The only weapon created that can end an Initial Vampire. Or two,” I add in unrestrained glee.

  CK and Ahmed exchange wary glances and step back further, much to my amusement.

  “How do you have that?” Devon asks.

  Eyes focusing on him, I let the sword go back from whence it came. “It seems I have every weapon ever created at my disposal.” I click my fingers and the dagger from Nagyvárad is back in my hands. Tossing it to Devon, I click my fingers again and a large sword appears. “Excalibur. Niiiiiice,” I say. Letting that go, I pull on the virtual armory and a beautiful sword with a pure gold hilt appears. I throw it to CK who deftly catches it. “Recognize that?” I ask.

  I giggle in delight at a speechless Constantine.

  “Christ,” he says finally. “I haven’t seen this thing since…”

  I interrupt, “Rome went to war with Egypt and you gave it to Octavian as a gift for his success.”

  He looks at me in wonder, saying, “Fuck me. How did you know that? Every weapon ever created?”

  I tap my head knowingly. “Every single one,” I say and to prove it, I pull out an M5 rifle. “Hm, could do some damage with this,” I murmur.

  “Um, Lizzie, sweetie. You are kind of scaring the shit out of me,” Devon says. “Wanna put the arsenal away and maybe get back to the part about killing an Initial Vampire?”

  “Or two,” I remind him.

  “Yes, or two,” he repeats.

  “I’m going to assume the other one is Eloise,” CK says wryly.

  I nod slowly. “I’m afraid so. She is surplus to requirements,” I say, trying to restrain my glee.

  He narrows his eyes at my tone. “How so?” he inquires warily.

  Ahmed answers for me. “There can be only one,” he says, going all Highlander on us. Quite fitting really, seeing as how that ended.

  “One?” CK stands up straight now.

  “Don’t worry, my love. We are in this together. Always and Forever. That hasn’t changed. Everything else is about to though,” I say mysteriously.

  Still wary, he keeps his distance from me, eyeing me speculatively.

  “Aefre,” Ahmed says, and I turn to him. “The Powers and knowledge you have been bestowed are of great importance. It is up to you now to use them as they were intended. In order to gain control, you need to wipe out your enemies. It is what She needs you for. We will see each other again very soon.” He bows and takes Corinne’s hand.

  “Next time we meet I shall have more to tell you,” she says and they both blink out of existence.

  “She?” Cole asks hoarsely.

  I spin around at his voice and shrug. “That is the one thing I still don’t know. The root of this Power. I know that ‘She,’ whoever She is, wants unity. That leaves no room for dissension.” I turn to CK, who is still impassive. “I’m sorry, my love. My mission – what She wants of me – is to kill Gregor and Eloise. They are against me,” I say sadly.

  “How?” he asks.

  “I’m not sure I should tell you; you may not want to know. I know I don’t really care for it,” I say with a shudder.

  “Aefre, I told you not to keep secrets. Tell me what you know,” he says, now annoyed.

  “Fine. Gregor was also in London in 1012. Both of you were sent there,” I say.

  “Sent there? I was there by my own choice,” he says in a huff.

  “No, it was implanted in your subconscious to come to London, to find me. Yours and Gregor’s. They knew it was me. They had been watching me and they sent you to me to turn me. To fulfill the prophecy.”

  He closes his eyes at this revelation. “No, it’s not possible. I would have known if he was there.”

  I shake my head. “I’m sorry, my love. You happening upon me in the marketplace was no accident. It was fated. I chose you when I looked at you.” I smile softly.

  “You chose me?” he croaks.

  “Yes. I don’t ever remember seeing Gregor and yet he was there as well trying to make contact with me,” I tell him.

  “Well, fuck me. You are shattering my illusions, my sweet,” he says and slumps his shoulders.

  “I know,” I say sadly. “I told you, you didn’t want to know.”

  He pulls me to him, and I lean into him. “Do you want me to carry on?”

  “I suppose you better had,” he sighs.

  “Once he became aware of you and me, he was angry. Furious that you were there and that I wanted to be with you and not him. He was the one who told Radulf about us, that we were in the barn that day. That’s how he knew to come looking for us. His intention was that I either died or you turned me to save me, losing your chance at a Holy Union.”

  “No!” he says vehemently, taking
a step back.

  “I’m sorry. He wanted me for himself and if he couldn’t have me in a Holy Union…”

  “…then no one could?” Devon asks sadly.

  I turn to him.

  “Me too?” he asks, quick as ever.

  “Yes. Although he convinced Eloise to join his vendetta. It wasn’t difficult, as she hated me anyway. It was she who told your mother about us. About me. That is how she ended up in your barn that day. Eloise told her that she had to kill me, knowing that you would try and stop her. Which you did, my darling boy.” I touch his face gently as he closes his eyes in pain.

  “And Fraser? Gregor killed him because you loved and married him,” Cole says quietly.

  My heart wrenches at his name. “Yes.” I turn to Cole. “And our relationship was such a whirlwind, but they were watching us. It’s how they knew to come to the chapel, but they were too late. Thanks to you.” I turn back to Constantine, who is looking thunderous. “Once I had turned Cole, he effectively fell under your protection, knowing I would insist on it. There was nothing they could do to him without setting off a major shit storm. It’s why they seemingly accepted the situation as well as they did.”

  He closes his eyes briefly. “How do you know all of this?” he asks.

  “Ahmed and Corinne have known I was the Chosen One since I was born. He is a conduit for this ‘She’ Power. He transferred all this knowledge to me. I know things now that I wish I didn’t, but…” I trail off.

  He pulls me to him. “I’m sorry, my sweet. If I had known I would have stopped them.”

  “I know,” I say simply.

  “They must die, both of them,” he says ferociously.

  “They will. I know how. I just need to be able to get close enough to them. I will get one chance and I will need your help. All of you.”

  “Of course,” they all say together.

  “What is the plan?” Devon asks.

  “I know how to get to Gregor,” I say with distaste and they all protest knowing what I’m thinking.

  “I won’t let that man near you,” Cole growls.

  “Baby, it’s the only way. I have to get close enough to him to end him,” I say, taking his face in my hands. “If his defenses are down it will be easier.”

  “Aefre, I will not allow you to do this. There has to be another way,” CK says all sire-like.

  “I’m sorry, but it isn’t up to you,” I say quietly, and his eyes harden at my lack of agreement. “This is my mission. I am the only one who can do it.” I pull on my handy armory for Gladius Infernus and the three step back again. “Unless you want to have a go?” I say smartly.

  Glaring at me, he remains silent. Hm, I could get used to this new dominant role with him. The wicked thought must flash across my face as he suddenly smirks and says, “Not likely, my sweet.” And old CK is back. I sigh. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I let G.I., as I now fondly think of it, go and they all breathe a sigh of relief and step forward again.

  “Can we get out of this cave now?” Cole asks wearily.

  I nod at him. He looks worn out and I don’t blame him. It’s been a trying day all around and he needs to feed. I turn to CK and ask, “Can you get them out of here? There’s somewhere I need to go.”

  He looks suspicious but agrees. “I can get out of here, but can you?”

  “Yes, I can. Don’t worry about me. Just please get Cole back to the hotel and get him something to drink.” I pull Cole to me in a tight hug and he grabs me back in a death grip.

  He pulls away slightly to kiss me sweetly. “Where are you going? Do you want me to come with?”

  “No, I’m fine. I need to go on my own. Go with CK and Devon. I’ll see you shortly,” I say.

  He agrees reluctantly. Devon pulls me to him then and we repeat the process. Bless my boys, I think gratefully.

  “If you aren’t back in twenty minutes I will come and find you,” CK threatens me and I smile.

  “Just go. I will be fine.”

  He takes Devon and Cole by the arms and blinks out of the cave. Left alone, I put my now shaking hand to my stomach. I feel weak and my head is spinning. I need to feed as well and soon, but first I have to go to him. Concentrating on where I want to be, I close my eyes and Astral out in a swirl of black.


  F eeling the wet chill of the rain on my arms, I open my eyes again. My heart lurches and I sob when I see his gravestone. “Fraser Hamish Campbell. Beloved husband to Emily Campbell. 1720 – 1746. Ne Obliviscaris.”

  Dropping to my knees on the wet grass, I crawl over to the headstone and place my hand on the cold, wet stone, tracing each letter out over and over again.

  “Thought I would find you here,” CK’s voice says from behind me some time, presumably twenty minutes, later.

  Not startled, as I knew he was there, I ignore him and carry on with my tracing.

  He crouches next to me. “We should get back, my love. It’s muddy and wet. What is it with this place and rain?” he asks rhetorically.

  “You go. I’m staying,” I say absently.

  “I’m not leaving you here,” he says resolutely and sits down next to me.

  I shrug and carry on with my obsessive tracing.

  After a few minutes, he murmurs, “Your true love? Can’t say that didn’t hurt.”

  Placing my hand flat on the stone, I stop my task and look at him then. He looks almost sad. Even though my heart is breaking over Fraser, I take his hand in mine and lean into him. He puts his arm around me, and we sit again in silence for a few minutes.

  I break the silence when I say, “He was my true love. I won’t deny that.”

  “I’m not asking you to,” he says petulantly, and I snort unattractively. Petulance on him is most amusing, even considering the somber mood. Relaxing slightly, I feel the need to comfort him. “Don’t pout, my sire. You know you will always be my first and my last, forever.”

  His smug, arrogant look returns at my words, but then he frowns. “Don’t do that,” he scolds.

  “Do what?”

  “Don’t feel you have to protect me or comfort me. I told you before, it’s not your job,” he says.

  “But I will do it anyway,” I say softly.

  He sighs. “Are you ready to go? You need to feed after everything you’ve been through today.”

  “A few more minutes, please.”

  He nods.

  Another few minutes pass in silence and I say, “Thank you. For this.” I point at the grave. “I know it couldn’t have been easy to get him and I haven’t ever said it before.”

  He shrugs. “I couldn’t leave him to be…with the others. It was nothing.”

  I sit up and look at him seriously. “It was everything. It is everything. You will never know how much I appreciate what you did and for giving me back this.” I open my hand where I had been clutching at the wedding ring I gave to Fraser, that I had called to my palm.

  Shifting uncomfortably, his face impassive, he just nods, and knowing that I won’t get any more from him than that, I drop it.

  “We can go now. I’m ready,” I say.

  He stands and pulls me up with him. I step into his open arms and he Teleports us back to the warm, dry hotel room in Milan without another word.

  I cling to CK, even though we are back in the hotel. I don’t ever want to let him go again.

  He steps back first and appraises me critically. “Feed, then bath,” he says decisively. Insulted, I look down at myself, but then I have to concede I look a mess. Muddy and wet, I definitely do not look my best.

  “You’re back,” Cole’s voice comes from behind me. I turn to him and he smiles softly. “Everything okay?” he asks in concern over my freshly tear-stained face. I nod and he takes me in his arms. He smells delicious, fresh from the shower.

  “I have a bath ready for you. There’s also a Feeder waiting for you in there,” he says.

  I smile my thanks and step away from them towards the bathroo
m, fangs already dropping.

  Taking my fill, I step away from the human and dismiss him. He retreats hastily in case I change my mind and again I wonder what makes people do this. Struggling again with the zip on this dress, I let my shoulders sag in defeat. Slouching back into the sitting room, I ask for help and all three jump up at the same time. I disappear back into the bathroom. They all follow, and I grimace. But I need them, all of them around me now. And I need more blood.

  Somehow, they know exactly what to do, and silently Cole unzips my dress as CK untangles the tiara that is still miraculously somehow on my head. Devon hands me a Scotch which I down in one gulp. Letting the ruined dress fall to my feet, Cole picks me up gently and lowers me into the bath. I relax instantly, when the bubbles cover me up. CK hands me another Scotch, which I take from him. I hand it to Cole. I grip CK’s wrist instead. He knows what I want and pulls up his sleeve.

  “Take as much as you need, my sweet,” he whispers.

  I let my fangs descend and bite down hard. Human blood is the best medicine, but this is a remarkably close second. I drink and drink until he hisses, as he wants more from me than just the bite. I pull away and quickly snap my fangs back. Cole watches this but has the good sense to remain silent. I lean back now feeling better, physically at least. My heart is still ripped into a thousand tiny pieces, but I won’t show them my weakness anymore. It’s time to step up and put a plan into motion that will destroy the traitors once and for all.

  “I need you to seduce Eloise,” I say, eyes closed, but pointing in the direction of my sire.

  I feel his shock and open my eyes as he says, “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, please. No need to look so scandalized, it’s not like it would be the first time,” I scoff. His features radiate confusion at my words. Not letting him deny it as I just couldn’t bear it again, I press on, “I will get to Gregor first, but she will feel the shift when I kill him, as will you. I need you there to distract her, so she doesn’t realize what’s happening and Teleports away before I can get to her. I propose we go about this in The Council HQ, that way I can get from Gregor’s office to hers in a matter of seconds before I lose my shot at her. Sod the ban,” I add under my breath.


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