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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

Page 72

by Eve Newton

  “Oh, hey, Dawn,” Cole says. He is dressed only in sweats. I cast my eye over his gorgeous self. As does Dawn, I note with a small smile. She recovers herself as she senses my eyes on her and clears her throat. Cole, oblivious to her interest, smiles winningly at her and she practically swoons. Interesting. She is completely taken with my husband. I cross my arms and wait.

  “You’re staying?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.

  “If you don’t mind,” I reply breezily, and he shrugs.

  “I don’t mind. Dawn?” he asks. She looks slightly alarmed but shakes her head.

  I watch hungrily, in both senses, as he approaches her, and she turns to face me. She closes her eyes against the sharpness of the bite but soon the pleasure takes over. She is enjoying this far more than she should and well, frankly, so am I.

  He pulls back to lick her, and she shivers as he releases her shoulders. His eyes find mine and he is surprised to see how turned on I am. He tilts his head in question and I smile seductively at him. He tears his eyes away from mine and asks Dawn, “You okay?”

  She nods and adjusts her neckline, completely flustered that I have witnessed her sustaining my husband.

  “Sorry to interrupt your weekend off but the studio sent some changes for you to look at,” she says.

  He looks annoyed but nods. “Sure.”

  She pulls a folder out of her bag and hands it to him.

  I’m a bit annoyed myself now, as I wanted this time for us. Instead, I say to Dawn, “How about we go downstairs and have a coffee?”

  Surprised, she looks at me. “Uh, okay,” she says.

  Cole crosses to me and says, “I won’t be long. I’ll join you in a bit.”

  I nod and he kisses me chastely in front of Dawn, but I pull him closer for a deeper kiss for a few moments, tasting her blood in his mouth.

  Hm, now I am hungry.

  Another knock at the door forces us apart and I answer it again. A not-so-attractive man is hovering in the doorway. “Liv Nelson?” he asks.

  “It’s Liv O’Dell, but yes,” I correct him.

  He frowns and says, “Mr. D’Arcangelo sent me.” He peers around me at Cole and Dawn and says, “For, you know…” He taps his neck and I get his meaning.

  “Oh! Come in, please,” I say. He looks relieved that I know what he is talking about as Cole grumbles about the use of my other name. Sebastian is definitely right about one thing: CK is in denial. I have to smile inwardly though that he sends me someone he knew I wouldn’t find attractive.

  I lead him to the bedroom, and he sits at the dresser as I lean over him. Taking my fill, I release him, lick him and retract my fangs. “Thank you,” I say quietly, and he nods.

  I turn to see Cole watching mutinously from the door.

  “He said he would take care of me… err… it,” I say, meaning my twice-a-day feeds. “Although, he is a day late,” I mutter more to myself.

  Cole just glares at me. “I will take care of you,” he says quietly, after the man has left.

  “Don’t make a fuss. It’s his job,” I grouse. “Please try and forgive him. I have. I need you to as well.”

  “His job? And not likely.”

  “As my sire,” I say impatiently. “Like it’s mine to take care of you.” I look pointedly at Dawn who is trying her best not to eavesdrop.

  “Fine,” he sighs. “I will be nicer, maybe.”

  “Thank you,” I say and kiss him. “I will talk to him, too. This animosity has to end. We’ll be back in L.A. soon – all of us. We need to get back to where we were before…” I hesitate, “… Lincoln.”

  He nods grimly. “I just want you to be happy.”

  I kiss him again. “Come,” I say to Dawn. “Let’s leave him to work.”

  Dawn scrambles to me at my order and opens the door for me. “Bye, Cole,” she says twinkling at him, much to my amusement.

  “See ya, Dawn,” he replies absently, already focused on his papers and her face falls slightly.

  A fairly awkward silence ensues as we step into the elevator. I know she is wondering why I am asking her for coffee. I don’t really know myself. I don’t have any female friends. Well, in truth, I don’t have any friends, unless you count Devon. It might be nice to give this a go. She’s nice enough and as she is human there is no jealousy. Female Vampires are probably worse than our male counterparts when it comes to territory. It’s probably why I don’t seek out female company. Men are just easier to be around. Although, my group in a room together doesn’t usually end well.

  “Do you like working for Cole?” I ask her, more out of something to say than actual interest.

  She nods enthusiastically. “Yes. He’s great. So easygoing. Not like a lot of the other actors.”

  I nod and smile. “Yes, he is.”

  “He misses you when you aren’t here,” she blurts out.

  I blink at her before exiting the elevator. “I miss him too,” I say quietly.

  We make our way to the hotel bar, order our drinks and sit.

  “How is Scott?” she asks innocently, and I raise my brows at her.

  “He is fine. In New York with us now,” I say with a knowing smile. “I will tell him you asked after him.”

  She blushes but doesn’t answer as her phone rings and she looks apologetic while saying, “Sorry, I need to get this.”

  “No worries,” I say and take the opportunity to call CK to thank him for the Feeder.

  “Yes, my sweet?” he answers on the first ring. “Everything okay?”

  “Perfect. Thank you for sending someone.”

  “I told you I would take care of you and I will.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  “Nico has sent some of his team to you. They should be there shortly.” The usual abrupt change of subject comes as expected.

  “Oh. Shit. I forgot to tell you. He isn’t after Cole, he’s after me.”

  “How do you know?”

  I launch into my tale of the nightly visit – in Italian – so Dawn won’t understand.

  “I see. So not only did you see him hours ago and fail to report it to me, you are also basically telling me he tried to kill you?”

  “Sorry,” I squeak. “I forgot. And no, not exactly kill me as such,” I gulp. Perhaps I should have left that bit out.

  “Well. In that case, I am not going to let him get anywhere near you again. Nico’s men will stay, and they will be with you at all times.”

  “Erm, not all times.”

  “All times, Aefre.” he insists and hangs up on me. I stare at the phone incredulously, but why it still surprises me that he does it, I don’t know.

  “Infuriating beast,” I mutter.

  Dawn has finished her phone call and is staring at me in awe, “You speak Italian?”

  “Yes,” I say. “One of many.”

  “Wow. Impressive. I would love to learn another language.”

  “I could teach you if you like,” I say suddenly. Actually, I am a pretty good teacher. I taught Devon the five languages he knows. I wanted to teach him more, but he wasn’t overly interested, numbers being more his thing.

  “You would?” she asks.

  “Sure, pick one.”

  “French,” she says, not hesitating. “I know we won’t be here much longer, but it would be really helpful. And it’s kinda sexy,” she chuckles.

  “That it is,” I murmur, my wayward thoughts drifting to Sebastian.

  We spend the next couple of hours on a beginner’s guide to French and I end up having a really good time. Dawn is fun and cheerful and a good student.


  C ole finds us huddled over a notebook on the table, pens in hand, giggling like old friends.

  “Hey,” he says.

  “Hey, baby,” I look up as he kisses me.

  “You two look cozy. Whatcha doin'?” he asks as he plonks himself down in a chair next to me.

  “Liv is teaching me French,” Dawn says proudly. “She is
an excellent teacher.”

  “Oh, really?” Cole says, surprised.

  “Why do you sound so surprised?” I ask, a bit affronted. “I taught Devon.”

  “I’m not surprised at your teaching ability. I know what a good teacher you are,” he says with a slight leer at me. I giggle as Dawn looks away.

  “Well, I will let you two get back to your weekend,” she says, putting her notes away.

  “I’ll see you at the studio tomorrow. We can work on it some more and I’ll have some notes for you to practice until I come back.”

  She looks delighted. “That’s great. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome,” I say sincerely, and she waves as she disappears.

  Cole is watching me with interest. “What are you doing?” he asks suspiciously.

  I frown at him. “Teaching Dawn French.”

  “I mean apart from that.”

  I sigh. “Trying to make a friend. I don’t have any.”

  “You have all of us,” he says.

  “It’s different,” I try to explain it to him, and he nods.

  “Well, I won’t deny you a female friend. Just don’t let it interfere with our time together. Your attentions are divided enough as it is.”

  I glare at his ordering tone. “Yes, sir,” I say sarcastically.

  “Mm, I do like it when you call me that,” he murmurs, leaning over to kiss me.

  “Ms. Nelson?” a voice from above my head asks. I pull away from Cole, who is looking mad as a snake at my other name again, knowing who is responsible.

  “It’s Mrs. O’Dell!” I snap. He just looks at me mildly. Oh, yeah, he belongs to Nico, no doubt.

  “We’re here to watch you. Mr. D’Arcangelo sent us.”

  No kidding.

  “Fine, but don’t hover.”

  “The boss said to stay next to you, ma’am.”

  “Next to me? As in right next to me? I am sure you can watch me from across the room.”

  “No, we are to stay next to you,” he repeats.

  I stand and he backs up. A little shorter than Nico but just as wide, I glare up at him. His two buddies standing at his back shift their eyes from him to me and back again.

  “Well, in that case,” I grab Cole’s hand, getting him to stand, “I hope you like to watch because we are going upstairs to fuck for the rest of the afternoon,” I say smartly and to my delight, he looks faintly horrified by my vulgar declaration. I march us to the elevator with a very amused Cole in tow, while Mr. Bodyguard – I didn’t get his name – looks concerned as he pulls out his phone and follows us.

  He hands it to me after he tells, I assume my control freak sire, that I am refusing to be cooperative.

  I grab it. “Yes?” I say sweetly.

  “Don’t be a fool, Aefre. Let them do their job,” he reprimands me.

  “Oh, I told him he could, as long as he likes to watch,” I say to rile him up as I step into the elevator, with the four men following me closely.

  He draws in a sharp breath and replies coldly, “It doesn’t normally bother you having people watch.”

  “Well, I’ll be sure to have him give you a full report after we’re done.”

  “Stop being childish, Aefre. It is not an attractive quality.”

  “Call off the guards then. They can stay but not right next to me.”

  “Fine, have it your way, but I am not amused by your behavior.”

  “I am not amused by yours,” I retort boldly.

  “Aefre,” he warns.

  I give in. “I’m sorry. You know I don’t like to be hovered over,” I whine at him.

  He sighs. “I need you safe, my love. Please.”

  “Fine, but they stay outside. It’s non-negotiable.”

  “Fine,” he says in a huff.

  “Thank you,” I say and have the pleasure of hanging up on him. I give the phone back to what’s-his-name and take Cole’s hand as we exit the elevator and enter the suite, happily closing the door on the three irate bodyguards.


  We forget all about everyone else as we kiss. Cole runs his hands up my arms and into my hair. I pull his t-shirt off and admire him, planting little tiny kisses all the way down his chest. He picks me up and carries me to the bedroom, placing me down gently and removing all of our clothes and shoes. He grins down at me as I lose a few inches and whispers, “I do love you in just your bare feet.”

  “Mm, I am quite partial to having you tower over me. Makes me feel safe and protected,” I murmur.

  He looks delighted with my words. “I will always keep you safe,” he says before he kisses me again. He sits on the bed and pulls me on top of him. “You first,” he says.

  I smile and drop my fangs. Digging my claws into his shoulders, I lower my mouth slowly to his neck and push his head to the side.

  “Oh, baby,” he moans as I bite down softly, drawing out the anticipation of the initial sharp sting. He pushes his hand into my hair and increases the pressure, encouraging me to bite harder. I oblige but still so slowly. The blood is seeping out of the puncture wounds around my fangs and slowly rolling down his chest. His cock stirs beneath me and it excites me that my bite, my harsh touch, arouses him. He lifts my hips and pushes himself inside me and it’s my turn to moan as I feel him enter me. I’m suckling slowly on him as I move over him and it is driving him to the point of no return. I want to do this for him. Just think about him. He can sort me out later. This moment right here is all about Cole, my husband that I love, my charge that I would do almost anything for. I can feel our bond strong and beautiful and I know he feels it too as he lets go with a soft grunt thrusting deep inside me.

  I release the bite and retract my fangs before I kiss him deeply. I pull back, push him back to the bed and crawl over him to lick up the blood that is now cooling and slightly sticky on his chest. Oh, he tastes heavenly.

  “Oh, Liv,” he sighs as I bring my face back in line with his. “Let me show you how much I love you. How much I want you.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not done with you yet,” I say wickedly, and he is elated. I slowly kiss my way down his neck and across his shoulder, all the way down his right arm to his fingertips, where I suck each one in turn and graze his palm with my fangs causing a ripple to run through him. I drag my fangs lightly over his wrist and up the sensitive inside of his arm. I kiss my way across his chest and repeat the process on his left arm and he is about ready to explode. “Liv. That feels so good. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.”

  Taking that as my cue, I speed up my arduous torture on him and drag my tongue down his chest, over his very well-defined stomach, lower and lower until, fangs retracted, I take his twitching dick in my mouth.

  He groans, “Oh, yes, baby.”

  I work my fingers and tongue over his length, relishing the taste of him on my lips. He comes soon after in quick bursts down my throat. I swallow and he whispers, “Christ, I love you. The things you do to me.”

  “What else do you want me to do to you?” I say playfully, reveling in the role of pleasing him without getting anything in return. It is exciting me beyond belief, and I want more.

  “I just want you to love me forever,” he says quietly.

  I crawl up him and kiss him. “That, my love, is a done deal.”

  He smiles that gorgeous half smile that I love so much. “My turn,” he says with a fiendish glint in his eye.

  I yelp in surprise as he flips me over onto my back. I shriek in delight as he starts to tickle me. I playfully try to fight him off, letting him best me as part of the game. Still laughing, he pulls me up onto his lap, facing outwards. “I need to taste you,” he says, suddenly serious, pushing my hair over my shoulder. His hands find my breasts and his claws dig into the soft flesh as he bites down hard on me, his urgency apparent. He drinks, long and hard, far past the point when he should have stopped but I let him take what he wants. He drinks and drinks and I start to feel a bit woozy,
but I let him carry on. My head falls back to his shoulder and he releases the bite, apologies on his lips, “I’m sorry, baby. I just couldn’t get enough of you.”

  Still in a bit of a daze, I smile slowly at him, “I know how that feels.” I squirm on his lap and he inhales sharply, “Let me please you now. I want to make you happy.”

  “Just being with you makes me happy,” I say.

  He keens in desperate need, nuzzling my neck and fondling my breasts until my nipples are two aching points. He lifts me up and onto him and I push down, bringing his wrist to my mouth. I drop my fangs and feed from him, my strength returning, I speed up my movements as he rubs his fingers against my clit. I throb around him in ecstasy.

  “Oh, yes,” I say softly, “I love you.”

  He climaxes again, unloading into me, unable to stop himself at my words.

  We collapse into a heap on the bed breathing heavily, the exertion having taken its toll on Cole, and me still feeling the after-effects of a severe draining. It was the most surreal feeling, knowing I was being drained but that my body was regenerating fast enough for it not to do me in.

  “I wanted to know what it felt like,” Cole admits shyly.

  “What what feels like?” I ask, still in a bit of a daze.

  “Drinking past the limit. Drinking enough to kill.”

  My fog instantly forgotten; I sit upright in horror. “Cole! What are you saying?”

  He rubs his hand over his face in agitation. “I don’t mean I want to kill someone, I just wanted to know what it was like. That’s all. I get these…urges sometimes. It’s nothing,” he says, looking away, probably wishing he had never started this.

  “Cole, baby. It’s natural to feel like that. The urge to hunt and kill, it’s the most basic part of us. You are so strong. You have been so controlled, even in the face of everything that has happened in the last seven months. It’s any wonder you have managed so well, especially with me gone so much. I am so proud of you and I’m so much in love with you.”

  He beams now at my praise but the shadow of my comment about being gone flashes underneath.

  “If it ever gets too much, just call me and I will be here in a swirl of light, my love. I don’t want you to lose control and do something you aren’t prepared for, something you will regret.”


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