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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

Page 73

by Eve Newton

  “Prepared for…” he repeats. “That’s an odd choice of words.”

  “Yes, I suppose it is, but accurate nonetheless.”

  He peers at me. “You think it is inevitable?”

  I don’t answer him for a long time. I just stare into his beautiful, ever changing, blue-gray eyes. “I’m afraid so,” I say eventually and put my head on his chest to avoid the sad look in his eyes.

  We lie in silence for a while and I start to drift off. I hear Cole whisper so quietly to me, “I never, ever want to be apart from you. I will never leave you. He will never have you.”

  This jolts me awake and he shifts uncomfortably, only having voiced his thought because he thought I was asleep.

  I frown, knowing I must go again tomorrow. To what? This back and forth life I have gotten myself into is confusing and someone always ends up hurting when I go. I end up hurting too because of their pain. Plus, Devon’s betrayal is still such a shock. Between spending two days with Constantine and then the trip to Las Vegas, it is going to be Saturday before I get back here again to see Cole. It also leaves no time for Lincoln, and while he isn’t as needy as the Vampires tend to be, he still requires my undivided attention some of the time.

  I sigh and make a decision. About this week, anyway. I climb off the bed, pulling on a robe and go to my phone. I call CK, much to Cole’s annoyance, but I shush him, and he stops complaining.

  It rings. And rings. And rings.

  Hm, he must still be in a foul mood over our previous conversation. Determined to be a pain in the arse, I leave it to ring until he eventually answers it.

  “What?” he snaps, and I flinch.

  “Is that any way to answer the phone?” I say sweetly.

  He grumbles at me. “I am pissed with you. You hung up on me,” he sulks. I resist the urge to burst out laughing. Sulking is most amusing on him.

  “You do it to me all the time,” I point out.

  “Yes, well, I am your sire,” comes the huffy reply.

  “And I am your Queen,” I retort.

  He snorts in amusement.“I wondered how long it would take you to play that card. What do you want me for?” he asks, and just like that his altered mood shift catches me by surprise.

  “All sorts of things,” I murmur to his delight.

  “Don’t be a tease, my sweet. Remember how that turned out last time? Specifically.”

  Yes, I do remember. Most unfulfilling. “A proposal,” I say.

  “I’m listening,” he says with interest.

  “I would ideally like to go to Vegas sooner than Thursday and wondered if we could have our two days there. A two birds, one stone, kind of deal.”

  “Oh? A bird now, am I?” he asks rhetorically. “How does that benefit me?” he asks all business-like now.

  “I’m sure I can think of something,” I say dryly.

  “Aefre. The terms are not for you to negotiate,” he says sternly.

  “Tough shit,” I snap. “We are revising the terms regardless, in light of recent events anyway.”

  “We are?” he interrupts my outburst.

  “Yes,” I say, drawing it out like he is dense. “Don’t think this arrangement is acceptable anymore. But more on that later. I propose we take our two days in Vegas and you can get to do that thing you want.”

  “And what thing would that be?” he asks innocently.

  “You know what you want.”

  “Hm, that I do. Fine, I accept your proposal,” he says as if he had any choice.

  “Good. I will call Scott and he can bring everything forward. See you on the jet at 6 AM Tuesday,” I say smartly and hang up on him again.

  I email Scott to change our itinerary.

  “What is that thing he can get to do?” Cole asks, sounding like he doesn’t really want to know.

  I lean over and whisper it in his ear and his eyes go wide.

  “That’s a bit weird,” he says.

  I shrug. “Not for him. I don’t mind, I have no issue with it. But I didn’t tell you anything.” I smile.

  “Your secret is safe with me.” He mimes zipping up his mouth. “Now, come here. I want to make you forget about him.”

  And he does.


  I ’m on my way to falling asleep again, when I am disturbed by a knocking on the door.

  “I’ll get it. Go back to sleep, baby,” Cole whispers and I let him go.

  My Vampire hearing is on alert, though, just in case of trouble.

  “These were just sent up,” what’s-his-name says.

  “Who brought it up?” Cole asks

  “A bellboy.”

  “Did he say who gave it to him?”

  “No, there’s a card though.”

  Silence as I assume Cole snatches the card out of what I also assume is one of Cade’s bloody rose baskets. I get out of bed and pulling my robe back on, I join Cole at the door. He hands me a card with a grim look. “Get rid of it,” he says to the bodyguard.

  “Wait.” I stop him. I can smell the blood from here, but it isn’t his. I read the card: “A favor from a friend, Your Majesty. C.”

  I look at Cole who looks like he is going to be sick and I'm pretty sure I do too as I reach for the basket and scramble for the bloody rose at the bottom, splattered with blood with a tiny wooden stake pinned in the middle. I sniff. Vampire blood. He bled a Vampire and then staked him or her. I really do feel like I’m going to hurl as I shove the basket back to Cole in horror. He shoves it back to the bodyguard.

  “Burn it,” he says and closes the door.

  “What does he mean by a favor?” Cole muses. “Did he stake someone who didn’t support you?”

  “I don’t know. Does it matter? Either way, he killed a Vampire to mess with me. Next time I see him, he’s dead. No more fucking about with these games.” I am furious with myself for letting it get this far. I should have ended this the first time I saw him at the coffee cart. “How could I let this happen?” I ask.

  “You couldn’t know,” Cole tries to reassure me.

  “Yes, I should have. He’s a Hunter. It’s what he does.”

  My phone rings and, as expected, it’s CK. He can tell my anxiety from the other side of the world, so it must be bouncing off him just down the global road in New York.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks in that overly concerned way of his.

  I explain what just happened and he sighs. “This is why I need you safe, my love.”

  “I know. I’ll behave. Is… is Sebastian okay?”

  “’Bastian? He’s fine, why?”

  “Just checking,” I murmur.

  “Oh, don’t worry about him. He is a lot harder to take down than he looks.”

  “Hey!” I hear Sebastian object in the background and smile despite myself.

  “Okay, good. Erm, keep an eye on those two downstairs for me,” I say hesitantly.

  A long pause before he says, “Of course.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  He grunts and hangs up on me. I shake my head at the phone. Bet he feels mighty pleased with himself, infuriating beast.

  “Let those three in,” I say, gesturing to the door. “And find out what their names are,” I add as I go back to bed. I’m exhausted and hungry, remembering only now, that we sent the Feeder away before because we were busy. I collapse on the bed, still reeling from the sheer nerve of that man, when Cole reappears with a glass of blood and a glass of wine.

  “Main guy is Tony. Guy on right is Phil and guy on left is Ty,” he says handing me the glasses. “I told them to make themselves at home and to get whatever they wanted.”

  I nod. It’s the least we can do. We haven’t exactly been the most gracious hosts so far.

  Waking far too early on Monday morning, Cole is already up and ready to go at 5 AM.

  “You should have woken me sooner,” I say to him.

  He smiles gently. “You look so beautiful, so peaceful when you sleep. I didn’t wa
nt to wake you.” I seem to hear that a lot these days. I’m beginning to wonder what a ravaged fright I must look like when I’m awake.

  I return his smile, spin in a circle and I am ready to go. We leave with Grayson, Tony, Phil, and Ty in tow.

  Cole abandons me with a kiss and says he will return as soon as he can. I settle into his trailer to work. I spend a couple of hours on and off with Dawn and we are bonding nicely. We make plans to go shopping in New York, next time she can manage a day off when I’m not with Cole, or CK.

  When she has to go, I pull out my phone and lay it on the table. Placing my hand over it, I focus my magick. Getting what I want, I pick it up as it rings.

  “Now how did you get this number?” Cade asks.

  “I have my ways,” I say mysteriously.

  “Did you get my gift?” he asks slyly.

  “I did. Next time I see you, I kill you,” I say bluntly.

  He chuckles. “Why would you do a thing like that?” he asks. “I did you a favor, I helped you. You do know you have those who oppose you and he was not your biggest fan. He wanted you dead.”

  “So do you,” I remind him.

  “Hm, maybe so before, but I have learned more about you. You are so much more now than just another Vampire to Hunt and kill.”

  “You’re only saying that because you know you can’t kill me,” I say confidently.

  “Is that so?” he asks with genuine interest and I could curse myself.

  “That is so,” I say. Might as well run with it now.

  “Well, I can’t say that I’m not disappointed to hear you say that. However, I am wildly curious about you. I want to learn more. You pack quite a punch. Definitely more than what I was expecting.”

  “Not likely. Apart from the fact that I will kill you the next time I see you, it will be virtually impossible now for you to get anywhere near me enough to ask.”

  “Ah, yes. I have been thwarted by your possessive boyfriend's guard dogs. You really should speak to him about his obsession.”

  “Ha! That’s rich coming from you!” I laugh.

  He laughs too. “Well, never let it be said, I didn’t get involved in my job.”

  “Cade,” I say then, seriously.

  “Yes, Liv?”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Talking to you. You called me, remember.”

  “Yes, to tell you I’m going to kill you. You don’t seem too concerned.”

  “That is because I’m sure I can talk you out of it.”

  “How so?”

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  “What’s that then?” I ask suspiciously.

  “Now, that is something I would prefer to discuss in private.”

  “Oh no. That isn’t going to happen.”

  “But I told you I have no more interest in killing you,” he says, hurt.

  “And I while I’m not sure I believe you; I’m not scared of you. You, however, should be scared of me.”

  “Listen to what I have to say to you and if you still want to kill me after that, then by all means.”

  “There is no way that CK will allow you anywhere near me.”

  “CK? The jealous lover? Hm, find a way. When will you be back in New York?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” I say mutinously.

  “I could find out for myself, you know. It’s just easier if you tell me.”

  “I won’t be back for a few more days. I have business to attend to.”

  “In Toronto?”


  “You are exasperating,” he sighs.

  “So I’ve been told.”

  “I will always find you, Mrs. O’Dell. My reach is very far.”

  “Catch me if you can then,” I say and hang up.

  I’m inclined to believe that he won’t try to try kill me, but the fact remains he did kill a Vampire to send me a message. I also still believe he doesn’t know about Cole. I’m terribly curious about what he has to say to me that he would risk asking for a private meeting, but you know what curiosity did. I plan on setting up this meeting, even if it ends up me killing him, but I’ll keep this quiet. I will get blasted from all sides if my boys find out about this.


  I ’m back on the jet, heading back to New York, very early on Tuesday morning, after a lingering goodbye with Cole. I miss him already and I can’t wait for this to be over so that we can go home together and start to rebuild our family.

  I tell Jenna to let Jim know that I’m going to bed and to just leave me, as I won’t be getting off before the others get here. After much arguing, ending in another phone call to their boss, Phil and Ty stay with me while Tony stays behind to watch Cole. This is all getting a bit ridiculous. How much trouble can I get into alone on a private aircraft?

  Ignoring the two guards, I go to the tiny bedroom, strip, and crawl into bed. It’s 4 AM and we are due to land soon. I should be seated and buckled in but it’s not like it’s going to kill me if I get thrown from the bed during landing.

  My head hits the pillow and I’m flat out until I sense someone staring at me. I open my eyes and find myself staring into eyes so remarkably like my own. A type indeed. I glare at Sebastian.

  “That’s just creepy,” I say, turning my back to him. “Where are CK and the others?”

  “Our sire will be here anon. He is on the phone. The others came separately. Something about confined spaces and ancient Vampires.” He shrugs. “You look very peaceful when you sleep.”

  Geez, this is just getting weird, everyone watching me sleep, and now I’m more convinced than ever I must look haggard and in torment while awake. Not a pleasing thought.

  He trails his hand down my naked back, causing my Dragon to ripple first, in pleasure, but then something else I can’t figure out. “This is incredible,” he murmurs.

  So is his touch, I think traitorously but flex my shoulders in protest. “You know he knows you’re touching me,” I say a second before he comes barging in with a thunderous look on his handsome face.

  Sebastian pulls his hand back quickly. I smile and sit up, tilting my head up for a kiss.

  “Hello, my sweet. Is he bothering you?”

  “No. He’s harmless,” I say, chuckling at the insulted look on his face.

  “You should get dressed. We are taking off soon.”

  I nod but stay where I am, as I’m naked under this sheet. I’m not in the mood to provoke my sire this early on as there are going to be words later and I want him happy and amenable.

  He raises his eyebrow at me with a smug smile and says, “Out, Sebastian. Let the lady get dressed without you gawking at her.”

  Sebastian sits up, but quickly trails his hands up my arms and bunches his fist in my hair, pulling my head to the side. He inhales deeply. “One taste. I just want one little taste,” he says not to me, mind you, but to CK.

  “Get your fangs away from her,” CK says mildly.

  “Come now. She wants it. She wants to be with us. She told me she wants to feel what it’s like,” he says, baiting CK.

  He narrows his eyes at Sebastian and takes another step forward. “Hands off,” he says quietly, and Sebastian lets me go.

  “Fine. One of these days, I will have her, you know that,” he says and exits to the Main Cabin. I sigh. Why do people always talk about me like I’m not even here?

  CK watches him go and joins me on the bed. “Did you?” he asks, regarding me closely.

  “Did I what?” I ask.

  “Did you tell him you wanted to be with us?”

  “Not in as many words,” I say coyly.

  “Aefre,” he pauses.

  “I do want to know what it feels like,” I say. “It has been made very clear to me that it’s special and I know what it’s like from the sire side. I want to know what it’s like from the charge side.” I crawl onto his lap and he puts his arms around me.

  “Aefre,” he says again, closing his eyes with a
pained expression. I know he’s going to give in, so I kiss him softly on his forehead, putting my fingers to his lips.

  “But until Cole lets me off my leash, there’s nothing I can do about it,” I whisper, watching as his eyes pop open in relief.

  He smiles at me, and my choice of words. “I missed you,” he whispers.

  “And I missed you,” I whisper back, kissing him again, this time on his lips, my hands moving around to undo his shirt. He stops me, putting his hands over mine.

  “I love you, Aefre and I do want you, but you know I don’t play second fiddle.”

  I gape at him for denying me, but I know that I brought it on myself, as I came straight from the hotel bed to the airport, not via the shower. I look contrite as I climb off him and pull a robe out of thin air. “I’ll just be a few minutes,” I mumble and make a hasty exit to the shower room. Going to have to remember to always go via the shower, I scold myself as I turn on the taps and step in. I soap myself up good and proper so there are no more complaints from the peanut gallery. I finish up quickly and step out, drying myself. I pull on a tight black mini dress and Louboutins. Straightening my hair and getting some smoky eye make-up going, I want to look every inch of Liv for this meeting. I go to the Main Cabin where Lincoln and Scott have turned up. CK’s eyes land on me and harden as I kiss Lincoln – chastely, I might add – and say hello to Scott.

  “Under the circumstances, I think Scott should sit as far away from you two as possible,” I say to his relief. He is delighted when I tell him to go sit up front with Captain Jim, leaving the four of us to sit around the table, and the two bodyguards to sit on the sofas. I sit first and find it amusing that the three men all step up to the seat next to me. CK glares them back and they sit opposite us. “That’s okay,” Lincoln says with a wicked grin. “This way I get to play footsie with you.” I laugh at him but CK is less than amused.

  “Keep your feet to yourself,” he snaps at Lincoln, who just smiles back innocently.

  “You look beautiful, V.A., by the way.”

  “Thank you,” I say with a sidelong glance to my sire, who glares at me and takes my hand.


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