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Cowboy Brothers of Rainbow Canyon: A Western Contemporary Cowboy Romance

Page 22

by K. C. Crowne

  “Where do you come up with this shit?”

  She laughed. “Doesn’t really matter.”

  “That’s gotta be one of the most insane plans I’ve ever heard, Amy. And that’s really sayin’ something with a woman like you. Nobody who knows me is gonna believe you.”

  “Doesn’t matter what anyone but the judge believes. I know what’s mine and I’m gonna do what I need to do to get it. And I want you to know what I’m capable of along the way. Consider this phone call your warning. What happens next is really up to you, big guy.”

  I inhaled a slow breath through my nose. Part of me wanted to let loose, really give her a piece of my mind. But the smarter part knew that provoking a reaction was exactly what she wanted.

  “I’m askin’ you one more time to do the right thing and leave me alone. Take your money and let’s put this all behind us and move on with our lives.”

  “You know that’s not gonna happen. So think about what I said. Make the smart call or I sue you for pain and suffering.”

  She ended the call with her threat, which unfortunately, did have some bite to it. Not because any of it was true, but because I had no proof either way. Neither did she, but he said/she said in court usually didn’t fair well for the he in the conversation.

  I wanted to punch a damn hole in the wall. I clenched and unclenched my fist until the anger subsided. Losing my mind over this nonsense wouldn’t have done me a bit of good. More than that, I’m sure Amy would have a big old smile on her face if she knew she’d had such an effect on me.

  Once I’d calmed down, I slipped my phone into my jeans pocket and thought the matter over. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that she’d claim abuse. The woman was scheming, manipulative, and greedy. Pretty sure every other trait she displayed was a fake other than those. Hell, she’d totally lied to me for the entirety of the six months we’d been married.

  I decided to take a walk to clear my head. A stroll around the property was usually the thing to get my mind right when something brought me close to losing my cool. However, in the hallway I spotted the exact person I wanted to see, someone who managed to turn my mood right around with nothing more than a mind-blowing smile.

  “Hey, cowboy!” Jess waved as she strolled toward me.

  She looked good as ever, of course. She was dressed in a tight white T-shirt and a pair of dark jeans that showed off the curves I was so crazy about. God, I wanted her. Those luscious tits, that perfect shape to her body. Just the sight of her was enough to make me feel like an animal who needed to rut. As she moved toward me, her hips swaying, all I could think about was throwing her over my shoulder like a damn caveman and taking her to my bed to give her the screwing of a lifetime.

  I was right to hold back, though. If I wanted to play it smart, my fantasy in the shower would be as far as I’d let things go. As much as I wanted her, sex would only make a complicated situation even more so.

  “Hey there, cowgirl,” I retorted with a smile. “You’re just the girl I want to see. Ready to giddy up for the day?”

  She laughed. “Wait, giddy up? Is that really a thing cowboys say?”

  “What, you think it’s only in the movies?”

  “That’s what I assumed. Like, hey-ho Geronimo, away!”

  “Well, he only said that because his horse was named Geronimo.”

  “And what about you?”

  “I’d be lyin’ if I were to say I hadn’t let out a giddy up now and then. Somethin’ about it just feels right, you know?”

  “It’s in your nature,” she said. “Cowboy to the core.”

  “You’ll have to try it sometime. Take one of the horses out for a ride and, you know, let it all out. See how giddy up feels comin’ out of your mouth. And somethin’ tells me I could teach you a thing or two about riding.”

  “Never realized how forward cowboys could be. I thought you were all such gentlemen.”

  I grinned. “I’m thinkin’ there’s a lot about cowboys you don’t know. Can’t wait to teach you.”

  The conversation with Jess was exactly the opposite of the one I’d had with Amy, which had put a fire under my mood, causing tension and the possibility of an ulcer. This one was light, easy, fun, putting me at ease and calming my soul. I could talk and joke around with Jess all day.

  “Does that mean you’ll let me ride one of the horses?”

  I put my hands on my hips and pretended to give the matter some serious, deep reflection. “You think you’re up to it?”

  “Of course I am. Don’t know if I’ve ever done it before, but I’m sure I’ll be a natural.” She waved her hand as if to say nothing to it.

  “I like that confidence.”

  “I bet you do,” she said with a grin.

  I looked her up and down again. God, the girl was so smoking hot I had to refocus my gaze and my libido, or I’d jerk her into my bedroom and give her a different kind of ride.

  “Something on your mind?” she asked, the grin on her lips taking on a shade of slyness. Made me wonder if she had the same thoughts as me.

  “Yeah,” I acknowledged, playing the game just a bit. “There is.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “Thinking about your attire.”

  She glanced down, spreading her arms wide as she looked at her clothes. “What about it? Not a fan of my tastes in clothes?”

  “Nah, not that it exactly. Thinkin’ about how you look out of place.”

  “Of course I look out of place,” she snorted. “I’m a city slicker, remember?”

  “Oh, I know,” I said with a smirk. “You’re wearin’ that just as surely as you’re wearin’ those clothes.”

  “Alright, alright,” she said with a smile. “You’ve made your point.”

  “It ain’t a fashion thing,” I assured her. “More about practicality. If you’re gonna be runnin’ around on the ranch, you’re gonna need some different clothes.”

  “Not much I can do about that,” she reminded me. “All I’ve got is what’s in my suitcase.” She frowned for a second, her mood dampening as some thought crossed her mind.

  “What’s goin’ on in that head?”

  “Well, I was just thinkin’,” she mumbled, looking up at me. “We found my wallet with my ID, but I looked again and there’s no credit cards or debit cards or anything like that. Don’t you think that’s weird?”

  I tilted my head, my brows furrowed. I hadn’t really thought about it, though I probably should have. “It is odd. Makes me wonder how you got here?”

  “Same,” she murmured, a far-off look in her eyes.

  “Hey,” I said, recapturing her attention. “Your brain just needs time. It’s only been a few days. And forcing it is probably just gonna stress you out.”

  She nodded slowly. “You’re probably right.”

  “So how ‘bout that ride?”

  She smirked, some of the light returning to her eyes. “I have nothing to wear.”

  I tossed another glance at Jess, a plan forming in my mind.

  “Alright,” she said, side-eyeing me. “You’re up to something.”

  “I sure am.” I took my phone out of my pocket and fired off a text to Emily, who was quick to respond with a yes. “Come on – we’re gonna go see my sister.”


  “Just come on.”

  Jess was confused, but she’d get it in a second. We headed down the hall, taking the stairs up to the third floor where Emily stayed when Logan was out of town and she was lonely in her cabin. I knocked on the door and she opened it, all smiles.

  “So,” she said, leaning against the door frame and crossing her arms over her chest. “You two are lookin’ to raid my closet?”

  Jess raised an eyebrow, but I answered my sister. “Thinkin’ she can borrow some of your clothes before we head out on a ride.”

  “Come on in,” Emily invited giddily. “I’ll show you what I got.”

  Jess flashed me a quick expression of uncertainty, and I retur
ned a grin. Before she could do voice her reservations, Emily took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom. The door shut behind them, and I heard Emily’s excited voice announcing that Jess could borrow anything she liked.

  As I waited, my conversation with Amy returned to mind, and the anger with it. God, the fucking audacity of that woman. We’d been married for barely half a year and she thought she was entitled to the damn stars and the moon. And the threats she made…any other woman and I might think she was bluffing, but I knew what Amy was capable of. It’d be a fucking nightmare to watch her drag my family’s good name through the mud for some damn money.

  Without thinking, my hands clenched into fists. Part of me wanted to punch the fucking wall again. But I took a deep breath and let the anger pass. No sense in getting worked up about it –it was a problem, and it’d be handled. For now, I had a day with Jess to look forward to.

  Minutes passed as I wandered up and down the hall, but the door eventually opened, and the two women stepped out. My damn jaw nearly hit the floor.

  “Well?” Emily asked, looking Jess up and down with me. “What do you think?”

  Emily was roughly the same size as Jess, so the clothes fit well. However, Jess’s breasts were a little bigger, so the fit was gloriously tighter. Jess wore a cowboy shirt, the fabric straining. She’d borrowed a pair of Emily’s jeans, the denim hugging her curves like they were painted on. A pair of cowboy boots and a big belt buckle finished off the look. Needless to say, my cock took notice and threatened to break my damn zipper.

  “Holy hell,” I said. “No complaints here.”

  “Classy,” Emily said with a grin. “Anyway, I’ll leave you to it.” She made a quick exit back into her room. The attraction between Jess and me was obvious as hell, and I got the sense she knew we wanted to be alone.

  “What do you think?” she asked. Obviously, she felt a little out of sorts in clothes she’d never worn before.

  “You wear ‘em like you were born in ‘em,” I said.

  “Thanks.” Her cheeks bloomed with color.

  Fucking hell, the girl was fine. How I was going to keep my hands off her, I had no idea. I’d been exercising restraint before, but she was pushing me to my limits. Only a matter of time before something gave.

  “Anyway, what’re you thinkin’?”

  “Horse ride,” I announced. “But I wanna check on Juniper before we go.”


  We headed outside, and again I wished she’d walk in front of me. I opened the front door for her and let her precede me, and that ass in those jeans nearly undid me. The wind had picked up since we’d last been outside, a bitter bite to the air. But the sky was clear and cloudless and most of the mud had dried out since we’d had no more rain. Perfect Texas winter’s day on the ranch, in my opinion.

  “Your sister’s nice,” Jess said as we headed for the barn, the gravel crunching beneath our boots.

  “She’s a good woman,” I said, my eyes narrowed and fixed forward. “I’d do anything for that one.”

  “It’s great what you all have here,” she mused. “Big, loving family, all close by. Kinda the opposite of my situation.”

  “You don’t know that,” I said. “You could have a family of your own waiting for you back in Houston.”

  “Maybe,” she said, a tinge of sadness in her voice. “But as far as I know, I’m alone. My gut tells me that’s how it is.”

  I hated to hear it. A woman like Jess had no business being alone. But it might be the case. For now, we’d give her all the hospitality she needed. It went without saying that I wanted to give her even more.

  Focus, damnit, I thought. Quit thinking with your dick and focus on the job ahead.

  We reached the barn and I opened the door, letting light pour into the space. A few of the other horses were in their stalls, though Juniper was still in the center awaiting the arrival of her foal. Jess hurried over to grab the brush and moved to Juniper.

  “Hey, girl,” she cooed. “How’re you feeling?”

  Juniper seemed tense when we’d opened the doors, but as soon as Jess went to work on her, she calmed down. City girl or not, she had a way with animals that I admired.

  I gently patted Juniper’s haunches, letting Jess soothe her with the brush. “See, you’ve made a new friend.”

  “That’s right,” Jess said with a smile. “We’re tight.”

  “She’s gonna need all the friends she can get.”

  “How long you think she has?” she asked curiously.

  I put my hands on my hips and looked the animal over. “Hard to say. She’s lookin’ tired, but in a good way – like she’s about ready to get that foal out of her.”

  “You delivered a lot of horses?” Jess asked as she continued to brush Juniper.

  “Sure have,” I said proudly. “Deliveries can be tricky, but Juniper’s a tough old girl – she’ll be just fine.”

  My eyes tracked over to Jess again, her body a magnet for my gaze. God, I wanted to throw her over my shoulder, march her right up to my room, and do things to her that would linger in her fantasies for the rest of her life.

  Not a good idea. We still didn’t know if she had a boyfriend or a husband back home, not to mention her vulnerable state. Emily’s online skills had garnered nothing; Jessica Whitman, the one that looked like the beauty standing in front of me, didn’t have an online presence. Didn’t seem to exist before I plucked her out of the rain.

  My cock didn’t care about any of that. All he noticed was that a sexy-as-hell woman was in front of him, one who seemed to want me as bad as I wanted her.

  How the hell had it happened so fast? I’d been into Jess since the moment I saw her on the ground in the rain. I thought it might’ve been something that’d pass, but nope – the opposite happened. Each moment I spent around her made her harder to resist.

  As I watched her brush Juniper, I realized it was only a matter of time before I gave in.


  I did my best to pay attention to Juniper, but damn was it hard. The way Wyatt was looking at me… it made me feel things I wasn’t prepared for. I knew the clothes were doing a lot of the legwork – Emily’s outfit clung to me like spandex – but undeniably there was something between us.

  “Good girl,” I murmured, brushing Juniper’s coat to try to take my mind off the heat between Wyatt and me. “That’s a good girl.”

  He grinned, watching me fiddle with Juniper’s mane. “I’m gonna show you something.” The way he spoke made it clear I didn’t have a choice in the matter. Wyatt was stern, a little rough around the edges at times. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t dig it.

  “You wanna show me something?” I asked. Part of me hoped he was going to whip what I assumed was a glorious cock out and have his way with me. I wouldn’t have had a problem with that.

  “Yeah,” he said, his voice low and deep and sexy as hell. “Tricks of the trade.”


  He stepped around Juniper and moved to my side. “Your technique’s good for an amateur.”

  “An amateur?” I asked with a smirk. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I’m a pro,” he reminded me, winking. “You’re an amateur. Just how it is.”

  “Alright,” I conceded. “I guess technically you’re right.”

  He nodded. “Give me that.” I handed him the brush. “No, not just the brush, your hand, too.”

  Without saying a word, I held out my hand toward him. He wrapped it in his big, rough grip and squeezed it tight. As before, all I could think about was those hands all over my body, touching every inch of me.

  “Now,” he said. “Your technique is good.”

  “For an amateur,” I added with a smirk.

  “For an amateur,” he repeated, the faintest hint of a grin on his lips. “But with a girl like Juniper, you need to go nice and slow. See, she was the jumpy sort even before she got knocked up.”

  “Who’s the lucky guy?”r />
  “The stud?” he asked. “That’d be Harley. He’s over at a neighbor’s farm right now, doing the sort of work a guy like him can do.”

  Wyatt didn’t need to explain what he meant. All the stud talk, however, got me thinking about the one in front of me.

  “Anyway,” he continued. “Juniper’s a finicky girl. You need to go nice and slow with her.” Juniper snorted, as if agreeing with him. “Don’t want her gettin' spooked. Only thing worse than a spooked horse is a pregnant spooked horse.”

  It was hard to focus on his words when he had my hand wrapped in his like that. Without thinking, my eyes flicked down to his crotch, noting again the way the denim hugged his package.

  “Try it like this,” he said. He urged my hand over to the mane, guiding the brush slowly through it. “See what I mean?”

  “I do,” I said. “Nice and slow.”

  “Right. With an animal like this, you can’t rush. You have to treat her right; give her all the time she needs.”

  I grinned, wondering who he was talking about here. “That’s probably true,” I agreed. “But then again, sometimes the stud can’t mess around. Sometimes he needs to understand what she wants and to take it without hesitating.”

  He grinned broadly, and I got the impression he was on the same page as me. “Maybe. But a good stud knows when the time is right. No need to rush.”

  Knowing Wyatt understood exactly what I was talking about sent a tingle rushing through my pussy. At that moment I sure as hell felt like an animal in heat. I cleared my throat and said, “I mean, she gets that. But there’s only so long she can wait.”

  Wyatt moved my hand and the brush through Juniper’s mane, his grip tightening slightly. “And sometimes she knows how to make it hard.”

  The double entendre needed no explanation. I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned to Wyatt, his tall, powerful body looming over mine. I bit my lip, chewing it as I gazed up at him. I was so turned on that I couldn’t even speak. But he’d made his thoughts on the matter clear – we needed to wait and find out more.

  But at the moment I resigned myself to what we’d decided, Wyatt changed his mind. He leaned in, his lips pressing against mine. He released my hand and placed his on my hip. Without thinking, I dropped the brush onto the hay-covered ground, the implement landing with a soft thud. He pulled me close, kissing me harder and deeper.


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