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Cowboy Brothers of Rainbow Canyon: A Western Contemporary Cowboy Romance

Page 23

by K. C. Crowne

  I fell into it instantly. It was the kiss I’d been waiting for, the one he’d been teasing me with since that first time on the porch. I placed my hands on his chest, feeling the outlines of his pecs through his shirt. The man was built solid, firm and hard and irresistible. With each second of the kiss, I became wetter and wetter.

  Without thinking, I pulled back. “Is this a good idea?” I had no idea why the hell I’d asked it. His kiss was all I’d been wanting, and Wyatt had been the one to deny me.

  He grinned. “Hell yeah, it is.” Wyatt was confident and sure, wiping away whatever doubts I had.

  Before I could say another word, he scooped me up into his big, strong arms and lifted me from the ground. I wrapped my legs around his hips, his cock stiff and solid against me. I had no idea where he was taking me, but I was ready to go anywhere with him. We kissed as he carried me, the passion between us like the sweetest drug I could imagine.

  He set me down on a bale of hay in the corner of the barn. It was such a fucking turn-on the way he was able to effortlessly carry me, my chest rising and falling from the excitement. Wyatt gazed at me with those steely golden eyes, and I felt powerless before him. And I loved it.

  Was he going to take me? Would our first time be in the barn? All I could do was wait and see.

  He kissed me again, making me melt on the spot. His hands moved over my body, squeezing my breasts through my shirt and making my nipples hard as pebbles. I was paralyzed by him, putty in his hands.

  Please fuck me, I thought. Please.

  But I knew we’d only do what Wyatt wanted to do. The man was stubborn, wanting things his way. I’d thrown myself at him, giving him the all clear. What happened next was his call.

  “I’m gonna make you come,” he purred, his voice low and sensual.

  “O-okay…” His words pushed me to a new level of arousal.

  He squeezed my breasts again before letting his hands move down to my belt. Once there, they undid the big oval belt buckle and pushed it aside. Then he opened the button and pulled down the zipper, revealing a triangle of my dark red thong.

  Wyatt kissed me as his fingers moved beneath the waistband of my panties, over the trimmed hair above my pussy. I was soaked by this point, so ready for whatever he had in mind. His touch moved down, grazing my clit and down to my lips. I felt a grin form on his lips as he realized how turned on I was.

  “Someone’s eager,” he teased.

  “I’ve been eager since the moment I saw you,” I admitted. Part of me hated the spell Wyatt had over me. But the bigger part of me loved it. I wanted to give myself to him, let him do whatever he wanted with me.

  How the hell had this happened so fast? Sure, I didn’t know what kind of woman I’d been before the accident, but I couldn’t have been the type to fall for a man so quickly. No – this was something special, something that didn’t happen every day.

  I pushed all that out of my mind as Wyatt spread my lips and slipped a finger inside of me. The pleasure was instant, pulsing through my body as he pushed deeper and deeper. I sighed, the moan pouring past my lips.

  “Feel good?” he growled. Something in his voice made me think he was confirming instead of asking, like he knew the effect he was having on me.

  “So fucking good,” I said, my eyes closed.

  He thrust one finger deep, followed by another. I was so wet he was able to enter me easily, effortlessly. I bit my lower lip as he eased in and out. But as good as it felt, all I could think about was how much the tease of his fingers made me crave his cock.

  We kissed as he fingered me, and I was barely able to keep my lips on his as I moaned.

  “Don’t stop,” I whimpered. “It feels…so fucking good.”

  “I bet it does.” His cockiness made it even hotter.

  Closer and closer I moved to orgasm, and right when I was on the brink, he kissed me again as if guiding me through it. I fell off the edge, the pleasure cascading over my body as I shook with delight.

  I came hard, just like he said I would.

  His fingers remained inside me as I came, only removing them when he knew I was done. My eyes widened like I’d woken up from a dream, and I sucked in breath after breath.

  Holy shit. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d come, but there wasn’t a doubt in my mind there was something special about that one.

  Wyatt grinned, and I knew he wasn’t done with me. Not by a longshot.

  “Lose the boots.”

  I bristled slightly at his command, but more than that, it excited me. I kicked one boot off, then the other, followed by peeling my socks off with my toes. When they were gone, he grabbed the waist of my pants and panties and yanked them off, rendering me half-naked.

  Was he going to give me what I’d been wanting since I’d first laid eyes on him? I waited for him to undo his belt buckle and jeans. But he didn’t. He lowered himself to his knees and spread my legs, his eyes on my soaked pussy. Wyatt moved closer and closer, kissing along one of my thighs and then the other. Slowly, he moved up between legs, his lips so close to my center it made me want to scream.

  Finally, he placed his mouth on me. All I could do was let my head hang back with total ecstasy. He licked me slowly at first, dragging the flat surface of his tongue over my clit. Shocks of sensual delight coursed through my body.

  He flicked his golden eyes up as he ate me, his gaze narrow and heated. I ran my hands through his thick hair as he began to flick my clit with the tip of his tongue, each pressure pushing new waves of electricity through my body. I sighed, I moaned, I did everything I could not to thrash in place. But it was hard – Wyatt knew what he was doing, and there was no holding back.

  When he entered me again with his fingers, his tongue and his touch working in tandem, I knew I was done. Another orgasm broke loose, and I couldn’t hold back my screams. Wyatt expertly ate my pussy as I came, not relenting even for a moment.

  The orgasm faded and I collapsed, my head resting against the rough wood of the barn wall. Wyatt rose, his mouth glistening with my juices as he wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

  “Damn woman, you taste amazing.”

  I couldn’t speak. He grinned, knowing he’d taken me to the point of speechlessness.

  “Don’t need to say a word,” he said. “Your face says it all.”

  He kissed me again, a smile forming on my lips as I tasted myself on him. As pleased as I was, I realized that he’d taken me to the brink, stopping short of giving me what I really wanted. It drove me crazy. He’d made me come, but all I wanted was for him to fuck me, to pleasure me in the way I knew only his cock could. Wyatt’s restraint was crazy – how was he able to hold back when I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him?

  “Now,” he announced, as if he’d completed the job he’d started out to do. “We need to get moving. Come on. Big day ahead.”

  He handed me my clothes, and I wordlessly slipped into them, frowning. Once I was dressed, he stuck out his hand and I took it, him helping me to my feet.

  As I stood, however, I froze in place. Memories began to come back. They were faint, nothing concrete, but they were there. Several moments must’ve passed, because by the time I came back to myself, I felt Wyatt’s hand on my shoulder, jostling me back into reality.

  “Jess,” he said. “You alright?”

  “Yeah,” I said, shaking my head. “Just…remembered some stuff.”

  Wyatt raised his thick eyebrows. “As in, from your past?”

  “From my past,” I confirmed.

  “Shit,” he breathed, looking at me with concern. “This is a good sign. Come on, let’s talk on the way back to the house.”

  My mind raced with the memories that had returned. Between that and what Wyatt had done to me, I could hardly think straight. Seeming to sense this, Wyatt took my hand and led me out of the barn. He gave Juniper another once-over before the two of us headed back into the chill of the late afternoon.

  “Okay,” he cajoled. “Sta
rt slow. Don’t rush yourself.”

  I loved the firm calmness in his voice. It was as though nothing could bother him. It helped set me straight. “Like I said, it’s only swatches of memory.”

  “That’s a start. Could mean the details are coming back. But let’s hear what you remember.”

  “I remember…living alone.”

  “Living alone?”

  “Yeah. I live alone. I can picture a tiny studio apartment, probably in Houston. I live alone. There’s no kids, no husband, no boyfriend.”

  “You’re sure about that?”

  “Yes. I’m sure. And I…I work by myself. Not at an office or anything like that.”

  “What kind of work?”

  I closed my eyes and tried to focus. “Nothing’s coming to mind. I can’t say what it is, only what it’s not.”

  “Well, that means we’re gettin' closer. What else do you remember?”

  “I…” I closed my eyes for a moment. “My parents.”

  “What about them?”

  “They’re gone. I can’t remember their names or what they look like or anything like that. But when I think about the subject of parents, there’s this…emptiness, this sadness. I know it means they’re gone.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” he sympathized. “But if you don’t have parents or a family or even a boyfriend, that means…”

  “It means I’m alone,” I said, a piercing pain in my heart. “I have no one.”

  Wyatt stopped and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Now, you know that’s not true.” There was a tinge of something, almost like anger to his voice that froze me. “You’ve got me, you’ve got us here.”

  His words moved me. I didn’t know what to say.

  “You’re goin’ through a hell of a lot right now. But don’t think for a second that you’re goin’ through it alone.”

  As I stared into his eyes, the camera popped into my head like an invading thought. Was I a photographer? That didn’t sit right…perhaps a private investigator? My brain had no answer. With my eyes on Wyatt, I realized I wanted to tell him about the camera and its contents. I knew it was the right thing to do. But the moment the words formed in my mouth I stopped them.

  I chickened out.

  “Thank you.” The words came out weakly, and I hated feeling so frail. But as Wyatt gazed at me, his golden eyes even more brilliant in the clear light of day, I felt his strength pour into me. I cleared my throat, ready to move on. “Anyway, what about the horse ride?”

  He grinned. “That’ll have to wait. Dinner’s before too long, and Mama G’s not gonna be too happy if we skip out on it for a ride. And Juniper’s lookin’ to pop at any moment – I wanna be nearby when it happens.”

  “Got it,” I said. “But I’m holding you to it.”

  He grinned again, as if sensing I meant something else by the phrase. It wasn’t only the horseback ride we were putting off. We’d started something in the barn, and it was only a matter of time before we finished it.

  We arrived at the house, Wyatt holding the door for me as we stepped inside. Once in we headed to the kitchen where Silas had on a pot of delicious-smelling coffee. He poured us a couple of mugs and we sat in the lounge and chatted about nothing in particular, mostly goings-on at the ranch. I was happy to discuss lighter stuff after the shock of my memories coming back.

  Before too long five o’clock hit and we were ready and waiting for Mama G to serve dinner – the delicious aromas of cooking food had been thick in the air since we’d walked in the door. By the time the dinner bell hit I was so ready to eat it wasn’t even funny.

  Dinner was steak, and lots of it. Along with the meat there was butter-sautéed asparagus, skin-on mashed potatoes, and heaping piles of golden-brown biscuits. I ate my fill, the conversation flowing as I did. As we ate, I thought about what Wyatt had said, about how I wasn’t going through this alone. It’d only been a short time, but I was starting to feel like a member of the family.

  It was…strange. Strange, but nice. Better than nice, really – I relished it.

  There was after-dinner coffee and apple pie, and by the time we’d polished that off I was ready for some rest.

  “I’ll see you up to your room,” Wyatt offered, seeming to sense what I was feeling. He flashed me a grin as he rose from the table, and it made me wonder if he planned on finishing what we’d started in the barn. We headed up the stairs, Wyatt leading me to my room.

  “Dinner was great as always,” I said.

  “Mama G’ll be happy to hear that,” he replied, his voice gruff. “Not much makes her happier than knowin’ a guest is well taken care of.” We stopped at my door and he opened it. “Get some rest,” he said. “Take an early night in if you need to.”

  “I just might do that,” I said. “I had a good day.”

  He flashed a half-grin, one that was totally sexy. “I agree with that.” Then he kissed me softly on the cheek. “Good night, Jess.”

  And that was all. I watched him head down the hall toward his room, my eyes locked on his perfect ass in those jeans. When it dawned on me he wasn’t going to give me more, I sighed and stepped into the bedroom and shut the door behind me.

  He’d made me come twice, but all I wanted was for him to open that door and step through and give me what I craved. I couldn’t figure out if the man was a tease or genuinely wanted to wait until I was at one hundred percent. The revelation that I was single had to have been a relief to him as it was to me.

  But that was an issue for later. At that moment, I needed to take care of things. I slipped out of my jeans and boots and undid Emily’s flannel shirt. When I was naked, I hopped under the covers and pulled them up to my stomach. I reached between my legs and closed my eyes, my fingers grazing over where Wyatt had been only hours before. I might not be able to have him in real life, but in my fantasies, he’d give me whatever I desired.

  I imagined him on top of me as I touched myself, his powerful body over mine, his cock disappearing into me over and over again. I imagined the expression on his face, tense and focused, as he fucked me. I imagined my breasts bouncing back and forth with each thrust.

  As I brought myself closer and closer to orgasm, moans began to slip from my mouth. I should’ve kept quiet, but I couldn’t help myself.

  Wyatt had burned himself into my mind, and he’d be there until we finally fucked. It was frustrating and thrilling and hot all at the same time.

  And as I worked myself closer and closer to orgasm, I began to wonder if there was something more to this man being in my life.


  I sat on my bed, leaning against the headboard. Through the wall I could hear soft moans from Jess’s room, and it didn’t take much thinking to know what she was doing in there, and what she was thinking about. A smile spread across my face, my cock twitching in my jeans.

  Teasing hadn’t been my goal, but if I was still lingering in her mind, so much the better. I dragged my tongue over my lips. The food had been delicious, but it was hardly the best thing I’d eaten that day. I could still taste her. The image of Jess as she clenched her face mid-orgasm was fresh in my mind.

  Without thinking, my hand dropped to my cock, hard as hell from the sexy-as-fuck sounds from the other room. I wondered if she was putting on a show and trying some teasing of her own. Maybe so. But the time wasn’t right for her and me to take things to that level.


  Her voice was muffled, but I could tell she was getting close. I rubbed my cock through my jeans, wondering if I ought to take care of it before I did something stupid like go in there and give her what she was no doubt fantasizing about.

  I licked my lips again, her taste coming to mind. The longer I listened to her touch herself the more I wanted her. It wouldn’t be hard. All I’d have to do was go in there and take what I wanted, what she wanted.

  Not a good fucking idea and you know it.

  My other head spoke loud and clear. And it was the right answer.
I kept on rubbing my cock, thinking about what it’d feel like with her tight walls wrapped around it, what it’d be like to come inside that gorgeous, pink pussy of hers.

  “Fucking hell.” I stood up and shook my head. The moans from the other room grew more and more intense. She was getting close to her third orgasm of the day. “I need to get out of here.”

  I ran to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water, shaking it off when I was done.

  “Oh, fuck. Ohh…fuuuck.”

  Now she was loud enough that I could hear her in my bathroom. If anyone happened to walk by her room…I chuckled at the thought of it. But as far as I knew, the rest of the family was either downstairs or had gone home.

  I needed something to clear my mind. Once I was ready, I headed out of my room and into the hallway. As soon as I shut the door behind me, my eyes jerked to Jess’s door, the soft moans still pouring out of it.

  Don’t even think about it.

  I steeled myself and began moving. The second I passed her door, the urge to knock came over me.

  I said, don’t even think about it.

  “Fine, fine,” I said. It took some doing, but I walked past her door and down the hall.

  Why the hell was this girl so fucking hard to resist? Not like I’d had trouble saying no to women in the past. And because I was a Walker, I’d had to do it more than a few times. But there was something about Jess that made me want to take my barriers down and…fuck, I didn’t even know.

  But I wanted her in my bed – that was for damn sure. My stunt in the barn had been my attempt to hold that shit off, like satisfying the hunger I had for her enough to work through it all. Of course, it’d had the opposite effect. Knowing how she tasted and how she looked when she came made me want her even more.

  As I headed down the stairs, I started to think it was only a matter of time before I made her mine. Such a bad fucking idea.


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