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Can't Change Nature

Page 2

by H. D. Nels

  Mike thought the man sure was in good shape for an older guy. After a few minutes, Gar came back wearing sweatpants and a tee shirt.

  He blew out a big breath. “I didn’t know you were up here. I’ll keep in mind we have a tenant. You asked some personal questions there. Maybe we can talk about that later.”

  Mike nodded. “Sure, I needed your advice and Mrs. Hall told me to wait here for you. I have a date with Simon this Saturday evening. I’ll be making dinner and we might do a movie later, but what if things get romantic and he wants to make out? I’ve never had sex before, I mean, we jerked off together, but I’ve never… you know. I don’t know how. I was hoping you could help.”

  Just then Mrs. Hall came back in and saw a bewildered look on her husband’s face.

  “What’s up Gar? Michael, is everything okay?”

  Mike stammered. “Um yeah, fine I guess. I was just asking Mr. Hall for some advice. I have a date with Simon tomorrow evening. I’m making dinner and stuff. I, um, well I was hoping…” He could feel himself blushing.

  Mr. Hall looked at the young man. “May I fill her in?” and continued when Mike nodded.

  “Michael has a date and was hoping I could give him some advice on sex, in case things go that far. Does that about sum it up, Mike?”

  He shrugged and noticed a gentle smile on his teacher’s face. “I’ll leave you two to continue that talk. Will you join us for dinner, Michael? I can make an extra serving, no problem.”

  Mike nodded and turned back to Garrett.

  “The best advice I can give you, Mike, is to be prepared with condoms and some lubricant. It’s normal to feel nervous, especially your first time. But, the most important thing is to talk. Understand what you both want and expect. Get to know each other more. Having sex is a big step if it happens and only do it if you’re mentally prepared. There is no rush and no quota on how many times or how soon you have sex. Just be you, and I’m sure the rest will fall into place.”

  Before dinner was ready, Mike went downstairs. He wanted to put on his date suit to see what they thought. When he came up, they both looked at him and smiled.

  “You look handsome, but the suit could use adjusting and a good press. Let me measure and I’ll do it this evening if that’s okay. Do you have shoes or are you planning on wearing these runners? I’m just asking so I can adjust the hem.”

  He could see them smile at each other but was sure they weren’t laughing at him.

  As soon as Michael went downstairs to change, Garrett looked at his wife with a huge grin. “That kid shoots from the hip. I would have been so guarded with questions like that, but he’s so innocent, it seems almost charming. And he’s asking me for advice on gay sex no less.”

  They both laughed. “You know Gar; I’ve had kids in my classes develop a huge crush on me. It passes, but it makes for awkward moments. I can see Michael has that same infatuation with you. Plus, you’re his only male role model for the time being. Be prepared for more uncomfortable questions and observations from him.”

  Mike soon appeared, and they got dinner served. Later they all cleaned up and sat to watch an action movie.

  Chapter Two

  Saturday morning came and Michael got up early to make a pot of coffee. He didn’t like the stuff, but the Halls did and he wanted to surprise them. He cooked eggs and bacon, made toast, and threw it all on a platter to take upstairs. The sounds he heard didn’t register at first but then he realized, after hearing Garrett’s moans, what was going on. Curious, he edged down the hallway to the bedroom where the door was wide open and they were having sex. Garrett was on top, kissing her, and she had her legs wrapped around his waist. Michael could see him as he was thrusting in and out and soon they both groaned again. Garrett stiffened and shook. Mike headed back to the kitchen, grabbed the tray, and went to the door to his apartment.

  “Good morning.” He called out a bit too loud. “I made you breakfast.”

  Oh lord, he realized he had a boner from watching. He put the tray down and untucked his shirt to cover his groin and the prominent swelling just as Garrett came down the hallway tying his robe.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you. I thought I’d make breakfast to say thanks for everything. I’ll leave it here.”

  Garrett smiled. “Hey, that was very nice of you. Want to stay and join us?”

  Mike shook his head. “Thanks, but I’ve got a few things to do. I hope you both like it though.”

  He hurried downstairs, pulled off his pants, and got the lube Gar suggested he buy. It didn’t take long before he shot a hefty load all over his shirt and bedclothes.

  “Brilliant, Mike.” He grumbled out loud. He gathered everything together, got dressed again, and tossed the sticky mess into the washer. Oh well, it was laundry day anyway.

  Once he’d finished washing clothes and preparing his own breakfast, Mike took a bus downtown and puttered around. He needed time to work up his nerve. After a while, he made his way to The Griffin and asked to see Bert. It surprised him how quickly he got to Bert’s office. Trying to keep his voice steady, Mike said, “I heard you were looking for help and I’m looking for a part-time job. A friend told me you sometimes hire younger guys and suggested I speak to you.”

  Bert looked him over for a minute before speaking. “How old are you, kid?”

  Mike hated when people called him a kid. “I’m fifteen, Sir; I’ll be sixteen in September. I’m just looking for something part-time since I’m still in school. I can work on Thursday and Friday evenings and anytime on the weekend. I’m handy and a quick learner.”

  “You know I run a gay bar, right? Are you going to be okay with guys hitting on you?” Bert raised his eyebrows.

  Mike grinned and nodded. “I’m gay and I get that a lot anyway so I may as well get paid when it happens.”

  Bert cupped his chin. “Stand up, take your shirt off, and turn around.”

  Mike did while Bert walked over to a cupboard and brought back a black leather vest.

  “Put it on, have a look in the mirror, and tell me what you think.”

  Mike slipped on the vest, shivering slightly as the cool liner touched his skin. He appraised his reflection in the mirror and nodded. “Not bad, Bert, I’m in decent shape from the gym. What will I be doing if you hire me?”

  The man sighed. “You’re underage so legally I can’t hire you. We’ll get you a pair of jeans that fit snugger than those to show off your package. We’ll teach you how to mix drinks. The vest is part of your uniform. Thursday evenings you’ll work six to ten, Friday and Saturday nights seven until two and Sunday noon until five. I’ll pay four hundred a week cash, plus you’ll get a share of the tips. With your looks and build you can expect good money from that. Start next Thursday.”

  Mike was excited to have a job and saw his 1300T getting closer. They shook hands and Mike thanked him while he put his shirt back on. When he was leaving he blew out a deep breath. He hoped his date with Simon went this well.

  During his errands, Mike sent a birthday card to his mother. He’d bought a cell phone and figured he should call her since it was almost her special day. He’d do that closer to her birthday. It surprised him to feel so nervous about his date with Simon. Not just about the possibility of having real sex, but that his boyfriend was coming to his home for a special dinner he’d planned to make.

  Simon was so handsome. His hair was almost chestnut, and he had the most beautiful brown eyes. He stood taller than Mike. They seemed so right for each other. Mike grabbed a bus home and his first task was to check on his suit. It impressed and surprised him that Mrs. Hall did an amazing job on the alterations. He felt like a model or a movie star in it. He hung the jacket and rolled up his sleeves before gathering the ingredients.

  As soon as the eager young chef got dinner started the doorbell rang. Mrs. Hall called down to let Mike know his guest had arrived. Slipping on his jacket before running upstairs with a huge smile, Mike walked over to the door to give Simon a hug. He
introduced him to the Halls and the two young men headed downstairs.

  Simon paused and looked around. “Wow, man this place is great and you look hot in that suit. Maybe I should move in with you.”

  Mike laughed. “Let’s have dinner first and see where things go from there.”

  Simon walked over, wrapped Michael in his arms, and kissed him. Mike felt the probing tongue and tried to follow Simon’s lead. It was awkward.

  “I’d better finish cooking the meal. We can pick up where we left off later. Grab a seat anywhere. Sorry, I don’t have a TV yet but it sure is on my list. Oh, and I got a part-time job at The Griffin. I start next week.” Mike wondered if he sounded like he was bragging.

  Simon laughed. “Maybe I should get my folks to throw me out so I can get a break too.”

  Mike wasn’t sure why but that comment kind of felt like a kick in the stomach.

  “If I had the choice, I’d be home. My parents can’t stand me but I don’t understand why other than the gay stuff I mean. Is it that bad?”

  Mike continued preparing the meal and wondered if he should call his mother tomorrow. They ate in silence while Mike thought about what they might do later. Simon seemed to have a lot on his mind. He was off in another world but seemed to enjoy the meal at least.

  Michael asked. “What are you thinking about, Simon?”

  Simon shook his head. “Huh? Oh, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention here. Dinner is awesome, thanks. You want to jerk off or have sex or something?”

  Was this what teenage foreplay was like? Mike’s body didn’t feel like it wanted to get a workout this evening.

  “Maybe later—I was just hoping we could talk before we kissed and got all romantic and stuff. How’s school? Are you still looking for a job?”

  They degenerated to mindless small talk and then Simon decided it was time he went home. He said he had forgotten an assignment and Mike walked him to the door.

  “I’ll call a taxi for you so you don’t have to take the bus. It’s the least I can do for forcing you to eat my dinner.”

  He agreed and Mike called a cab, handed Simon enough to cover the trip and a tip, and went with him outside. He kissed his boyfriend and stayed while Simon got in the car and gave the driver the address.

  Garrett was in the kitchen when Mike came back in. He raised his eyebrows in question.

  “I’m still a virgin.” He sighed. “I think he liked the dinner but I couldn’t bring the conversation around to asking what he liked with sex so I guess I let him down.”

  Garrett shook his head and glanced over at the young man. “Go easy on yourself. Sometimes it’s better to go slow. I don’t know Simon but from what I know of you that seems the best approach. If you jumped into something tonight and it didn’t work out, you would be hard on yourself for ages.”

  Mike mumbled something about having a hard-on for ages as he walked downstairs to clean up the dinner dishes. He heard Gar snort a laugh as he left.

  * * *

  Sunday afternoon Garrett came in while Michael was sitting in their living room. The younger man looked sad. “Hey Mike, what’s with the long face?”

  Mike looked over at him and tried to smile. “I planned to call my mom to wish her a happy birthday. I sent her a card. They changed their number, and it’s unlisted. I hope she liked the card.” He tried to put on a smile but he could tell from the look on Garrett’s face it didn’t work.

  Garrett went over to Mike and patted his shoulder. “Mike, it’s good you’ve tried but don’t give up on them yet.”

  Mike sighed, nodded, and went downstairs.

  * * *

  Michael was glad when he got to start his new job. He checked his look wearing the work gear and decided he looked hot in that vest and the tight jeans. He got the hang of most of the mixed drinks but the shooters kept driving him nuts. Bert laughed when Michael moaned that he’d never remember the difference between an Orgasm and a Cumshot. He quickly became popular with the regulars and figured it was because he was new.

  Bert assured him it was his looks and build that got attention. He introduced Mike to a bouncer, Barry Decker. Barry was eighteen and stood six feet two inches of solid muscle. He appeared to Mike like a Greek god. Bert told Barry to keep an extra eye out for Mike since he was new, inexperienced, and young. Every time Mike looked into those green eyes his heart skipped a beat. When Barry spoke, Mike nearly melted into a puddle of goo. His voice was deep and resonant. Hearing Barry talk gave Mike the same chills he got whenever he heard his favourite song.

  “I’ll be over at the door. Just call or signal me if you have any problems or questions. Oh, and welcome to the bar. You’ll fit in just fine so relax and have fun.” He smiled a genuine and wide smile that nearly caused Mike to melt once again. He had to remind himself that he had Simon.

  The bar pooled the tips and shared them at the end of the evening. From what the regular staff said, Mike would bring in a lot which made him felt good. At the end of his shift, he changed and got home at a decent hour. He went to work on his homework and got it all done before hitting the sheets. Fatigue washed over him and Mike slept like a baby.

  Friday night at The Griffin was nuts. Michael was run off his feet. He had guys wanting him to take all his clothes off and have sex in the bathroom, but they kept buying and tipping. They made a fortune tonight. He couldn’t wait to see what Saturday night brought. Mike’s share of the tips was a hundred and fifty so he cabbed it home. Barely able to stay awake, it was a still good feeling. When he got to the house, the Halls were still up which surprised him.

  Sharon said, “Mike, we worried about you. It’s late and you’re just getting in.”

  Michael got defensive. “I’m fine. My job on weekends runs late. You don’t have to worry about me. I made good money in tips tonight. I’m beat so I’m going to head to bed. I want to get my homework done tomorrow morning and hang out with Simon after that. Good night.” He went downstairs undressing as he walked and barely made it to his bed before he crashed.

  Saturday came far too early as far as Mike was concerned. He stretched and rolled out of bed. Grabbing his books for homework he set them on the kitchen table. He breezed through the geometry which was a tribute to the skill of his teacher and landlord. He impressed himself with how quickly he got the other work done. After a breakfast of cold cereal, Mike sent a text to Simon to set a time to meet. They planned to take in a matinee movie and follow it up with a late lunch. Later they’d make a trip to Future Shop to scope out televisions. He washed the dishes, made his way to the shower, and chose his clothes carefully. Once satisfied, he headed out to find his boyfriend.

  They met up Sunridge Plaza and after a short hug and kiss checked the billboard for the list of movies. Simon got the tickets while Mike went to load up on popcorn and drinks. As soon as the lights went down the two young men were holding hands, sharing a bucket of popcorn, and watching an action flick.

  “Jeez, Simon, do people even talk like that in real life? I mean seriously,” he tried to put on a fake accent. “‘You made this too easy, detective. I was looking forward to the hunt before the kill.’ sounds lame. It was obvious which one would take out the other.”

  Simon snickered and stuffed more popcorn into his mouth. Mike leaned over and rested his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder feeling content, the worries of the past months behind him. He thought the only thing that could make this better would be if his parents had accepted him and Simon.

  They left the theatre and blinked in the bright sunlight. Simon glanced over and said, “Sunridge Mall is only a short walk. Let’s go check out a few places there. You might just find a great buy on a TV.” He bumped shoulders with Mike.

  “Are you ready for lunch first and will you even be able to eat after that popcorn? We can grab something on the way home later if you’d prefer.” When Simon shook his head, Mike led them to a store that sold appliances and electronics. Although there was a fair selection, Mike suggested they grab a bus
to Deerfoot Meadows shopping center near his home. They wandered through the Best Buy and Mike went to check out tablets and laptops while Simon made a beeline to the entertainment section. By the end of the shopping spree, Mike had dropped over twelve hundred dollars but got his television—a big-screen LG brand, a tablet for reading and other stuff, and his laptop. “I’ll pay for this and tell them to hold it until we get lunch. There’s a gourmet burger place close to here.”

  They ordered and Simon paid. Mike took the tray with the little triangle sign showing their order number to a table while Simon poured the drinks.

  Simon sat and looked at his boyfriend. “What are you going to do after we finish school? You’re getting set up for a home of your own with all this stuff you’re buying.”

  The burgers and fries were delivered. Mike grabbed a fry before taking a bite of the burger. It was huge, covered in mushrooms under melted Swiss cheese, with lettuce, tomato, and red onion. He moaned after that first taste wiping his mouth with a napkin.

  “I spoke with Mr. Hall about that. He’s an engineer and what he does sounds like a lot of fun. My father’s an accountant but I know I wouldn’t like that. I’ll save up to buy my motorcycle and check out a few universities to see what they offer. I’ve got time to figure it out. What’s your plan, Simon?”

  It was clear that the young man was enjoying his meal. “I will do something with my hands, perhaps a trade. I don’t think plumbing or electrician but I like woodworking and welding in shop class at school. Hey, if you’re a fancy college grad will you even want to hang out with someone who gets his hands dirty every day?”

  Mike laughed. “The dirtier the better. I’d get to help you clean up every day after work. Will you come over and help set up the entertainment unit? I’m sure I can figure it out but it’d be more fun if you helped. I don’t have to work until seven so we’ll have lots of time.” He smiled when Simon nodded around a mouthful of burger.


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