Unapologetic for My Flaws and All

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Unapologetic for My Flaws and All Page 12

by Charlena E. Jackson

  Summer rolled over on the bed as she was out of breath. “By the way, I am Ms. Know-It-All because you taught me eighty percent of everything I know.”

  I tickled her and said, “Well, that’s good to know.”

  I got up and opened the door and said, “Summer, the realist and the comedian, and an added bonus, Secretary of State, who knows everyone’s business; and to top it off, Ms. Love Bug. We thank you for the laughter and the knowledge. I must say, Ms. Know-It-All, it was very delightful; however, you have to exit my room because Chloe and I gotta have a well-needed girl talk.”

  “No problem. You all are more than welcome for my services,” Summer said after she gave Chloe another hug.

  I walked over to my dresser and put on some music so Summer couldn’t hear our conversation.

  I received five text messages in a row. Chloe was about to pick up my phone as she said, “Damn, who is that? Brian?”

  I rushed to pick up my phone before she picked it up.

  “Umm… are we keeping secrets?” Chloe asked as she tried to reach for my phone.

  I moved back quickly as I read the message from Eli.

  Thursday, 7:39 p.m.

  “Hey, Breana!”


  “Can you talk?”

  “I hope you had a great day?”

  “Hit me up when you can.”

  “Secrets? I met this guy named Eli, but he’s just an associate,” I replied.

  “Damn, that is why it’s been so easy for you to not respond to Brian,” Chloe said.

  “Nooo… I am tired of Brian’s shit. Like I said, Eli and I are just associates,” I repeated.

  “Eli,” Chloe said as she forgot all about her breakup.”

  “Is he cute?” she added.

  “We are not going to talk about him right now, but he’s alright. Are you okay?” I asked.

  “What is our motto?” Chloe asked.

  We said at the same time, “We are the Yin Yang sisters. We can get through anything and problems are temporary.”

  “No, I am not okay. I helped Darius when he didn’t have shit,” Chloe said.

  I nodded my head and agreed. “Yep.”

  “I made that fool who he is today. If it wasn’t for me, he would be nothing,” Chloe said as she got up, pacing around the room.

  “Exactly, that is how I feel about Brian. I was the one who made him better,” I said as I punched a teddy bear that Brian gave me in the face.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Chloe asked as she just about died laughing.

  “That was the teddy bear Brian dumbass gave me,” I laughed.

  Chloe walked to her purse and took out a picture of Darius. She walked over to my desk and got a pair of scissors and tape. She got the teddy bear Brian gave me and taped Darius’ picture on it. Chloe punched the hell out of the teddy bear as she said, “You ain’t shit. I made you who you are. You are a user, a punk, and fake as hell.”

  Chloe punched the bear one more time and said, “Screw you! I love the skin I am in and I am beautiful! I am the shit whether you see it or not!”

  She ripped off the picture, got the scissors and cut it into as many pieces as she could.

  She fell on the bed, out of breath. “Damn, I am tired. That was a workout. I am going to miss his dumb ass, but time heals all wounds. Bree, I am going to pull your move and keep my distance. What the hell am I talking about? Damn, I cannot do that, because we are in the same classes.”

  We both laughed.

  I said as we both laughed, “Block his ass. You won’t have to wonder if he called or texted you. Trust me when I say it helps. That way, you will be on the fast track of getting over his no-good ass.”

  I lay on the bed beside her and said, “Chloe, we have to be strong. I miss Brian. I want him to see he cannot treat me the way he does. He doesn’t see it, because the messages he’s been sending me are so disrespectful.”

  I reached for my phone and read the messages to Chloe that I’d saved to help me not to give in.

  Saturday, 9:19 a.m.

  “Bree, you can be such a spoiled bitch at times. You think I should be kissing your ass.”

  Saturday, 9: 22 a.m.

  “Fuck you, Bree.”

  Saturday, 10:37 a.m.

  “You think you’re better than me.”

  Saturday, 10:43 a.m.

  “I should come up to your job to make you talk to me.”

  Saturday, 10:46 a.m.

  “Bree, I am on my way up there.”

  As Chloe was reading the messages with me, she said, “Oh my gosh, Bree, I didn’t think it was that bad. I didn’t know he was this disrespectful. Did he come up to your job?”

  “No,” I answered.

  I continued, “He’s always been disrespectful. I never told anyone.”

  “Bree, has he ever hit you before?” Chloe asked.

  Slowly I said, “Well, he pushed me a couple of times. He shoved me on my car a couple of times. He also grabbed my arm a couple of times, but he never punched or slapped me.”

  “Before, you say anything,” I continued, “I know that’s abuse and unacceptable but I knew he needed me. I figured if he didn’t put hands on me then…”

  Chloe cut me off, “Oh my God, Bree. Why didn’t you tell me? Why?”

  “Because I didn’t want people to judge Brian’s and my relationship,” I said as I started across the room.

  I asked, “Chloe has Darius ever put hands on you?”

  “No. He hasn’t. We got into a couple of arguments, but we never put hands on each other.”

  Chloe hugged me and said, “Bree, I am so, so, so, so, so sorry you had to go through this alone. You know I am always here. Always.”

  Chloe and I gave each other the longest hug. I told her, “I know you are here for me and I am always here for you too.”


  Chapter ten

  I have a busy week this week. I have exams back-to-back

  and Homecoming is this week! I hope Faith wins Ms. Tenth grade! Speaking of Faith, I totally forgot to call her. I’ve had so much going on. I have to call her before the week is out. As I walk to the library, I waved at T’eo as he was rushing to class.

  He yelled, “Bree, are you going to the library?”

  I yelled back, “Yep, I have to study. My professors canceled our classes this week so we can study.”

  “I will be there when my class is over,” he yelled.

  “Okay. See you then,” I yelled back.

  I walked into study room one—it’s not too big, but it is big enough for three or four people. I took my books out of my book-bag. I laid them out on the table, closed the door and started to study.

  A knock on the door… I looked up. It was Dr. Wright. I said to myself, what does he want and why is he in the library?

  “Ms. Anderson, it is good to see at least one of my students taking advantage of the time I gave you all to study,” Dr. Wright remarked.

  I wanted to say, I am not studying for your class.

  I looked up for a split second. “Hello, Dr. Wright.”

  “That was a dry hello,” Dr. Wright said as he welcomed himself into the study room.

  I kept my head in my book.

  He sat down and asked, “Will it be okay if I take a seat? Do you mind?”

  My phone was in the seat beside me. I picked it up without him noticing, put in the password and pressed the record button. I said, “Dr. Wright, I do mind because I am trying to study.” He touched my hand. “My apologies. I was trying to reach for your pen. May I use it?” I pulled my hand back and said, “Sure.” I looked up and noticed he’d closed the door. I asked, “Dr. Wright, will you please open the door?”

  “The door was closed before I walked in. I figured you wanted me to close it,” he replied. “Dr. Wright, I prefer that you open the door, please. I am not comfortable being in the room with you alone,” I told him. “Ms. Anderson, I am not going to bite. You’re acting like I am going to hurt you
,” he remarked, as he looked at me and smiled. I said in a firm voice, “Dr. Wright, please open the door. As you open the door, I would appreciate it if you would please leave.”

  Dr. Wright didn’t open the door. I got up to open the door. He touched my hip and asked, “Ms. Anderson, where are you going?”

  “Please take your hands off me, Dr. Wright!” I said loudly. “What’s the matter, Ms. Anderson? It’s a friendly touch,” he answered with a creepy smile on his face. He reached to touch my breast. I yelled, “Stop! Please leave!” Nobody heard me because study room number one is the last room and further back in the library.

  He opened the door and asked, “What has gotten into you? What’s your problem?” I yelled, “You are my problem! You talked and touched me in an inappropriate way.”

  “Nobody is going to believe you if you say something. It’s going to be your word over mine,” he commented as he wrote his number on a sheet of paper. As he walked out of the room he said, “Ms. Anderson, I told you, you need an older man. I wrote my number down just in case you need help with your assignments.” He winked.

  After he left, I closed the door. I picked up my phone to make sure it had recorded everything. It had. I called my daddy in a panic. “Daddy,” I said, scared and afraid as I packed my books and crammed my papers in my book bag. “What is it Breana, are you okay? He asked. “No, Daddy. No. My professor came in my study room and touched me inappropriately.”

  I walked out of the room as I was talking to my daddy. He yelled through the phone and said, “What! Where are you?” “I am walking out of the library now. I am about to walk to the police office to report him,” I answered. “No, stay right there. You do not need to walk alone. I am on my way,” he said in a hurry.


  It started to rain. I was nervous and watching my back. I felt pressure on my back. I jumped up to prepare to defend myself.

  “Bree, Whoa, My bad. I didn’t mean to scare you.” T’eo said and he jumped too.

  “Don’t creep up on me like that!” I yelled. I started to pace back and forth.

  “Whoa, Bree are you okay? What happened?” T’eo asked as he tried to calm me down.

  “I am waiting on my daddy,” I replied.

  “Why? Do you need a ride?” T’eo asked out of concern.

  “No. My car is fine.” I answered.

  I looked out the window and I saw my daddy running. I grabbed my book bag and ran outside in the rain and into his arms. I cried and cried with relief because I knew I was protected.

  “Where is your professor?” Daddy yelled. “Where is he, Bree! Show me now!” T’eo came outside and said, “What is going on?”

  “Is this him?” Daddy asked as he ran up on T’eo. I yelled, “No! Daddy! That is not Dr. Wright!” T’eo’s heart was about to jump out of his chest when Daddy asked him, “Who are you?” T’eo was thinking quickly and on his toes as he said, “No, sir, I am not Dr. Wright. I am T’eo.”

  Someone had called the police, as they were running down the stairs yelling at my daddy, saying, “Put your hands up, sir! They yelled again, “Let us see your hands, sir!” I yelled, “Daddy! show them your hands, Daddy! Show them your hands!” My daddy showed them his hands. They patted my daddy down as they asked, “What is the problem?”

  I showed them my college ID to let them see that I was a student. Officer Smith said, “Breana Anderson, what is going on?” Officer Smith is always at the front gate checking for cars without a student tag, as he put tickets on them. I always say hello and goodbye when coming and leaving. I was so happy he was there today because he is the only officer I knew here.

  I was speaking fast and told them what happened. “I was sexually harassed by my professor, Dr. Wright. This man, right beside me, is my daddy. He didn’t want me to leave campus because he didn’t want me to walk alone.”

  Officer Smith said, “Let’s get out the rain.”

  We walked inside the library building. We were soaking wet.

  Officer Smith said, “Ms. Anderson, do you know what you are saying? You are accusing a professor of something serious.” I replied, “Yes. I know exactly what I am saying and I know precisely that what he did is not acceptable.”

  As I tried to talk, Daddy asked in a harsh tone, “What are you saying? My daughter is lying?”

  Officer Smith said, “Sir, I understand your concern, but I need for you to calm down.”

  I tried to talk, but apparently, my daddy’s voice overpowered mine as he said, “Don’t tell me to calm down. My daughter is telling you all that she was sexually harassed. I believe my daughter! Do you have a daughter? If so, would you think she’s lying?”

  Officer Smith said, “That’s beside the point.”

  Daddy replied, “What the hell do you mean, it’s beside the point?”

  I yelled because I knew they weren’t going to let me say anything, “Everybody, listen to this!”

  I played the recorder back, and as I played it, I sent it to my mother, sister, brother, and my daddy to make sure they all had a copy. I also sent a copy to all of my personal email addresses and our lawyer.

  I put the recorder up so everyone could hear it loud and clear. After it was completed, I asked the officers, “Now do you think I am lying?” I continued, “If I didn’t record the situation you wouldn’t have believed me.” My daddy said, “I didn’t raise a fool.”

  Officer Smith said, “Ms. Anderson, we are going to need your phone as evidence.”

  Daddy said, “We have rights, we are not handing anything over until our lawyer gets here. Baby, I am going to keep my eyes on them while you call Attorney Davis.

  As I called our lawyer, my mother called. I asked Daddy to call Momma as I talked to Attorney Davis. After speaking with Attorney Davis, he told us not to hand over anything until he got there.

  I called my mother back and she said she was five minutes away from the school, she stayed on the phone as she listened to what I told her had happened.

  T’eo was still standing in his spot in the corner. I walked over and asked him was he okay. He said, “I am fine. Are you okay?”

  “No, I am not. Thanks for asking,” I answered.

  “It seems like you all are going to be here for a while. I am going to go home and bring you back some dry clothes. Will that be okay?” he asked.

  “Yes, thank you, because I am freezing,” I replied.


  Just about fourth-five minutes passed and my lawyer finally made it. T’eo made it back before Attorney Davis showed up. He went to the store and bought my daddy and me gray sweat suits and socks. That was very thoughtful of T’eo. Attorney Davis apologized because he was stuck in traffic because of the rain.

  He said he listened to the recording over and over again. He made us aware that he’d called the news station about what happened. They were all over campus. Our lawyer had paperwork for the officers to sign before I turned over my phone. After they signed the paperwork I looked up and saw Dr. Wright walking out the science building in handcuffs.

  My daddy ran outside in the rain again as he said, “That’s him!” Five officers had to hold him down because he was running full force to jump on Dr. Wright.

  It was a long night. I wasn’t allowed talk to the news anchor until my lawyer and I had a chance to sit down and talk about the entire story. Attorney Davis had on a black suit with a white shirt and baby blue tie. As he looked in the cameras he said, “We will not release the victim’s name at the moment. All I have to say is we will keep you all posted after the facts have been given. Until then, we will be in touch soon.”

  This is going to be a long journey, but I will not keep quiet that I was violated, disrespected, and sexually assaulted on so many levels that are not, and will not, be acceptable.


  Slowly but surely the week is picking up. BSU has been on the news on every station. Attorney Davis said it is not time for me to talk. He wanted me to stay behind the scenes for a couple more days. Unt
il then, I am going to carry on and prepare for Homecoming which is in two days. Last week my daddy bought me a new phone since the police still have the other phone for evidence.

  I picked up the phone to call Faith. “Hey, Faith. This is Breana,” I said after she answered the phone. She replied excitedly, “Hey, Breana! How are you doing?” I appreciated Faith asking me how I was doing. I said, “I’m holding up, thank you for asking.” I continued, “I know it took me a long time to call you. I apologize. I have a lot going on.”

  It took Faith a second or two to say something. She said, “Breana, I understand. You do not have to explain anything. I thank you for calling. I know you have a lot going on and a lot on your mind.” She paused again, “I am glad you are holding on. I cannot imagine what you are going through.” I said, “Yeah, but life goes on slowly but surely.”

  “You can say that again,” Faith said after she took a deep breath. She took another deep breath and said, “I’ve been catching hell left and right from these jealous girls.”

  “I heard all of the things are you going through. You have to have thick skin because these girls are like vultures, but what they fail to realize is that they are making you stronger. Stay focused on what’s important to you and do not let them sidetrack you from your goals. With that being said, how are you holding up?” I asked.

  “I am feeling better after you said that,” Faith told me. I heard her voice trembling as she said, “It is hard.” She repeated herself as she cleared her throat, “It is hard. You’re right, those vultures are trying to rip me to shreds.” I felt bad for Faith as I said, “When you are alone at home, cry your eyes out if you have to, but not around them. You have to act like you don’t give a shit. When you act like you don’t give a shit, believe me when I say, it gets under their skin. Carry on as if everything is fine. I am here if you need to talk.”

  “Thank you, Bree. Oh, by the way, I am moving out of state next year so there’s no need to talk to anyone about me joining the varsity squad. Thank you anyway,” she said. “Why are you transferring? I asked. “Because I want to start fresh. I am going to stay with my grandmother next year,” she answered. “You are not letting them run you away, are you?” I asked. “No, I just want to start fresh” I laughed and said, “Well, there isn’t any better way to leave a bitter and sour taste in their mouth as you leave as Ms. Tenth Grade.” Faith laughed, “You’re right about that! You made me feel so much better. Thank you, Bree.”


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