Unapologetic for My Flaws and All

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Unapologetic for My Flaws and All Page 21

by Charlena E. Jackson

  It was time to eat, and the food smelled so good! We sat at the table and talked about whatever came to mind. When I tasted the pasta “ears” the sauce melted in my mouth as it smoothly massaged my taste buds. As I covered my mouth I said, “Ms. Rosa, oh my goodness the sauce is perfect! I see what you mean when you said the noodles savor the taste. It is delicious!” I had seconds and made a to-go box to take home.

  Later that evening we all cleaned up and sat outside near the fire pit in T’eo’s apartment complex and looked at the stars in the sky. It was a perfect day!


  Chapter eighteen

  School is back in session! I am so ready to get this semester

  out of the way. I have everything jotted down on my calendar and everything is in order. All of my classes are on Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. through 5 p.m. The best part is that they are all back to back and I do not have to wait around campus for my next class to start. It’s kind of a Catch 22 because I do not have a break in between classes. I will take advantage of the ten-minute break as I switch classes in order to eat something. Tuesday and Thursday will be my study days. Since soccer season will be starting soon, I will study when I take Summer to soccer practice. I cut my hours at work so I will only work on Saturdays. Sunday is my rest day. I cannot afford to fail any classes. This semester is make it or break it. I cannot afford to be distracted. My main goal is to graduate with an Associate Degree. I’ve outweighed my options with the credits I’ve earned—when I complete my classes this semester, I will be able to obtain an Associate of Science degree.

  I called T’eo on my way to school to see if he was on campus. His first class starts at 11 a.m. I told him to have a wonderful and productive day and I will text him in between classes. As I walked into Anatomy II my professor, Dr. Robinson, was wearing casual blue jeans, a blue sweater, and he had on white tennis shoes. He had a fade and a thick mustache, sideburns and his skin was the color of dark chocolate. He greeted me and said, “Welcome, Ms. Anderson.” I smiled, waved, and said, “Hello, Dr. Robinson.” Everyone in the class was looking at me as if I was a celebrity. There was a dude with pimples all over his face, and his teeth look gross—he looked like he had a nasty yuck mouth. He said something about me to another dude with pimples on his face that look liked he had traced the puzzle from a kid’s menu on his face, “I thought she would have transferred schools.” They both laughed. I tried to ignore him, but he kept running his yuck mouth. I turned around and said, “Dude, I am right here. If you have something to say, say it to me.” He and his friend laughed. I laughed back and said, “What the hell have you been doing? Chewing on rocks? You need to brush your teeth with your nasty yuck mouth.” The class started laughing at him. He stopped laughing and said, “Dr. Robinson, did you hear that?” His friend said, “Yeah, Dr. Robinson.” I looked at them as I arched my eyebrows and said, “You and your friend who has connected the dots on his face are little punks. You can dish it out, but you can’t take it when someone retaliates. The both of you need to grow up.” I turned back around and said, “For your information, I am not going anywhere. If you don’t want to see my face then I suggest that you transfer. If not, get used to seeing me around.” I opened my notebook and said, “Dr. Robinson, I apologize for being rude and interrupting your class. I had to set a couple of people straight, the ones who said something and the ones who didn’t have the balls to say anything at all.” Dr. Robinson smiled and said, “Well, Ms. Anderson, no apology is needed. To be honest, I would have taken the same route you took. Sometimes people need to be put in their place the first time around. That way, they know exactly where you stand.” I nodded my head and said, “I agree, sir.”

  What a coincidence, the two ass holes were in my 11 o’clock Anatomy II lab. Dr. Robinson walked in, smirked a little and said, “We all meet again.” I was looking like, ugh, this is going to be a long semester. I got myself together and said to myself, you know why you are 0here—to graduate with an Associate in Science. Dr. Robinson pulled out two human brains and a pail filled with sheep brains. He said, “Welcome to Anatomy II lab. Normally, some professor goes over the syllabus, but as for me, just like in our lectures, I am going to get right down to business. As we discussed the anatomy of the human brain in our first Anatomy II lecture, we are going to identify the structure of the brain, and we will dissect the sheep brain. Next week you will have your first lab exam and it will be about the sheep and the human brain.” As he passed out a thick package he said, “This package is information on the brain. Do not get used to me handing out packages. It is going to be your job to do your own research. This is a one-time thing just to give you all a head start.” After he walked around and passed out the last package he said, “Okay, let’s get started.” As time went by, I was engaged in my lab and lecture, however, my brain was fried.

  As I walked out of the lab, I thought to myself, will this be too much? Maybe I shouldn’t have taken classes back to back. Am I putting the cart before the horse? All kinds of negative thoughts were running through my mind. I walked into the ladies’ room to wash my face because I was overwhelmed and it was the first day of school. “Hey, Breana,” said a girl who had about twenty earrings in her ears. I said, “Hello.” She said “I know you do not know me. My name is Ruby. I want you to know you are brave and strong. I might be older than you, but I want to be like you when I grow up. I am working on speaking up. You have given me strength. I want to say thank you.” I really didn’t know what to say, because from looking at her she seemed like she would stomp someone in the ground if they came at her wrong. I guess it is true that looks are deceiving. As I pulled some paper towels out, I said, “You are more than welcome. I really don’t know what to say, but I do know that once you speak up, your soul will feel lighter and at peace.” She looked in the mirror and said, “Peace sounds good. Setting my soul free sounds good as well.” I knew I had to get to class but I couldn’t leave her in the bathroom, talking like she was going to commit suicide.

  I called Chloe. “Hey, Yin! You called me just in time. Since it’s an early day for me I was about to put my car in drive and head home. I’ve been practicing not texting and driving.” She said as she chewed the hell out a piece of gum. “Hey, Yang,” I said, sounding concerned. She said, “Bree, are you okay?” “I am fine,” I replied. I continued, “I am in the bathroom with someone I just met. Her name is Ruby. I was calling to get information on the classes you started to help girls that are…” Chloe cut me off and said, “Put me on speaker.” I put her on speaker. Chloe said, “Hi, Ruby? Are you okay? Do you need any assistance or help? Do you need for someone to call 911?” I was looking like wow… this is Chloe talking? Ruby started crying and said, “No, I do not need anyone to call 911. I am tired of being mistreated and taken advantage of. Nobody believes me.” Chloe said gently, “Ruby, I believe you.” I looked at Ruby and said, “Ruby, I believe you too. What’s going on?” She said, “Dr. Wright touched me too.” I hugged her and said, “Ruby, trust me when I say you are not alone. I believe you.” Chloe said, “Ruby you are more than welcome to come to our meeting, it’s on Tuesday at 7 p.m.” Chloe asked Ruby for her number and sent her the information. I said, “Thank you, Chloe, I will call you later. Love you.” Chloe said, “Love you too.”

  I asked Ruby for her number and I called my lawyer. Ruby gave me her information to give to my lawyer. As Ruby and I walked down the hallway, Ruby said, “It’s awful how people judge a person because of how they look or what they have on. It shouldn’t matter. We all are human.” I agreed with Ruby. I told her she should attend the meeting. I gave her my lawyer’s number and I reassured her that she wasn’t alone.

  I was late for calculus. As I walked in, my professor, Dr. Gilbert, was writing on the dry board as she said, “I do not accept tardiness. Next time you decide you want to walk in my class late. Don’t.” I said, “Yes, ma’am. My apologies.” Dr. Gilbert looked over and said with excitement, “Good afternoon, Breana!” I waved my
hand and said, “Hello, Dr. Gilbert. I apologize again for walking into class late.” She said, “Oh, do not worry about it, if you walked in late, there must be a good reason.” I said, “Yes, ma’am, there was.” She looked at me and waited for an explanation. I looked at her and said, “Dr. Gilbert, it’s personal.” She said, “Okay. Well… I hope your personal matters are worked out.” I didn’t say anything, I just walked up the steps and took a seat. I was playing catch-up because she had two boards filled with notes and she started on the third dry board. My fingers were numb, but I had to keep writing. After Dr. Gilbert dismissed class, I was still writing math problems in my notes. I knew I was going to be late to Economics as well, but I had to finish writing down my notes.

  When I walked into my econ class, it was empty. I walked back out and looked at the room number. It said 511. I looked at my schedule to make sure I was in the right place. I looked on the door and it was a note saying, Class is canceled for today. Thank goodness! I was relieved. I sat in the empty classroom with my head on the table to collect my thoughts. I then gathered my things and headed home.

  When I walked in the door I said hello to my daddy. He said, “Baby girl, how was your day?” I said, “Daddy, you don’t want to know.” He replied, “Yes, I do.” I took off my shoes and told him, “It was long. I had to put two boys in their place. It’s the first day of school and I have so much work to study. I am grateful that Econ was canceled. A girl name Ruby said Dr. Wright touched her too. Ugh. I had a lot going on today.” My mother walked out of her office and said, “Gosh, sweetie, you had a long rough day. Is that young lady okay?” I took a breather and said, “I guess so. I called Chloe and she was a pro—she handled the situation very well because I didn’t know what to do. Chloe invited her to the self-help group she came up with. I called our lawyer and hopefully, they talked.” My daddy said, “I am waiting to hear about you putting the boys in their place. I didn’t want to cut your mother off because it seems like you took care of the problem but I want to know what happened with those boys.” I was tired as I said, “Daddy, it’s not important, and yes, I took care of them. One boy said he thought I would have left the school. But I came back with fire and shut him up.” He asked, “So you are okay?” I walked over and hugged him and said, “I am more than fine, Daddy. Thanks for asking. I am about to go to my room and study. I have an exam next week.”

  Summer came into my room and said, “I heard you had a rough day. Do you need me to do anything for you?” I had a pencil in my mouth and a black pen in my hand as I was writing notes and said, “No, I don’t need anything, thanks for asking.” Summer started to walk out of my room as she said, “Okay. You’re welcome.” Her ponytail was swinging from side to side as she picked up the pace. I asked, “Hey Summer, how was your day?” Summer replied, “Bree, I see that you are studying. I don’t want to bother you.” I stood up and said, “I need to stretch my legs and body anyway. What’s going on?” Summer said, “Nothing.” I hit her on her leg softly and said, “Hey, this isn’t like you. Talk to me.” I opened my closet and got two PINK blankets out and said, “Come on, let’s sit on the swing outside in the back near the fire pit and talk.” As we went down the stairs I walked into my mother’s office and asked her if she didn’t mind making Summer and I some tea because we were going to have a little talk in the backyard. My mother was more than happy to make us some tea.

  Summer and I cuddled up together to keep each other warm. She laid her head on my shoulder and said, “Some of the girls that didn’t have boobs last year all of a sudden have boobs. I have a flat chest and all of the boys says I have a chalkboard chest.” I looked at Summer and said, “They are lame.” I continued, “Your boobs are going to grow before you know it. You already have ‘mosquito bites’. Look on the bright side, at least you do not have to worry about your breasts moving all over the place when you are playing soccer.” Summer made a face and said, “Oh my gosh, I didn’t think about that. If my boobs grow, they are going to get in my way.” I laughed, “Well…you’ll have to wear a sports bra to keep them in place.” Summer said, “I feel so much better because I do not want anything to get in the way of my playing soccer.” Mother brought some tea and asked us what we were talking about. Summer told her. Mother smiled and said, “Aww, honey, you know what? Your breasts will form sooner and faster than you know it.” Daddy heard the conversation and said, “Those boys are mad because you be tearing their butts up in soccer. Do not let them get in your head.” Summer smiled like the Grinch and said, “You’re right, Daddy, they know I am better than them, and they will find any excuse to try to distract me. I am bringing the storm like I always do!” He replied, “Yeah, see baby, that’s my kind of thinking.” Summer said, “I love my family. Thank you.” She looked up at me and said, “Bree, thank you for making time for me even though you were studying.” I hugged her, “Anything for my baby sister.” Summer cuddled on me, and our parents decided to join us. We all talked about our day and later that evening, called it a night.


  Chapter nineteen

  T’eo isn’t happy with me. He’s been trying to hang out for a

  couple weeks but I haven’t had the time. I called off at work two weekends straight. I’ve been studying nonstop. I am overwhelmed with so many assignments that are due. I do not have time to take a break. If I do, I will lose track of time and fall behind. He’s in college, so he should understand.

  I had books all over my bed when my daddy knocked on my door and said, “Bree, you have company.” I didn’t look up, I had a yellow highlighter in my right hand, an orange highlighter in my left hand and a red pen in my mouth. He repeated, “Bree. You have company.” I spit the pen out of my mouth as I continued to study my notes and said, “Daddy, tell them to come back another day. I cannot hang out right now.”

  He leaned on my door and said, “Bree, look at me.” I slowly looked up and said, “Yes, Daddy.” He said, “I know you have goals, and that’s great, baby girl, but for weeks you’ve been penned up in your room studying. You got to give yourself a break.” I didn’t say anything. I just looked at him as I blinked my eyes. He said, “Bree, I am serious. You are going to stress yourself out with all work and no play. Give yourself a break. Just for a couple hours.” I said, “Daddy, who’s downstairs?” He looked at me as he folded his arms and said, “T’eo.” I said, “Daddy.” He said, “I do not want to hear it, Bree. This young man’s been calling the landline day and night and calling Luke, trying to get in touch with you. What you are doing isn’t right. It’s not right at all.” I said, “But Daddy…” He said, “Remember this…we all make time for who and what we want too.” I closed my books and notebooks and said, “Okay, let me freshen up. I will be downstairs in a couple of minutes.”

  T’eo was sitting on the couch, looking out the window, deep in thought. I put my hands in my purple sweat pants. I then took them out and put my hands in my PINK hoodie. I cleared my throat and he looked up. I said, “Hi.” He replied, “Hello, stranger.” I felt guilty, but I said, “How am I a stranger? You act like you haven’t heard from me in years.” T’eo said with a straight face, “I’ve heard from you by text 80% of the time. When we talk on the phone the conversation is extremely short, and we haven’t spent quality time with each since we cooked dinner for my mother.” I said, “But… we have seen each other.” T’eo looked at me as if he was saying, Bree, are you serious. He said, “Breana, the only time we’ve seen each other is when we are passing by each other going to go to class. Yes, we speak here and there, but Breana, I’m sure you know just as well as I know, that is not quality time.”

  I looked down at the floor as I begin to swing my foot from side to side and said, “T’eo, I apologize. This might sound cold-hearted, but I have to graduate with an Associate degree. I’ve worked so hard through high school to complete all my high school classes in tenth grade. I also worked hard for two years, including going to summer school, to earn enough credits to graduate from colleg
e as well. That way, my credit will transfer over and I will have two years left to get my Bachelor’s degree. I want to graduate with my Masters at the age of twenty-two so I can start my career or go to medical school. I would think you would understand how important school is to me.”


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