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An American Lady

Page 21

by Emma Brady

  His large body was sprawled out in the tiny chair with both arms hanging off the sides and his head tilted back. His mouth was open and his eyes were closed. Sinclair should have left him sleeping but she couldn’t resist the urge for a closer look.

  The room was warm and lit from a fire burning in the fireplace. Lucas was close enough for the light to be cast across him. It lit him up like a piece of art in a gallery.

  “Sinclair?” His voice was deep and sleepy as he blinked at her and brushed a lock of dark hair away from his face. She didn’t realize how close she was standing until he straightened in the chair and there was only a few inches separating them.

  “I’m sorry I woke you.” She watched him become fully awake.

  “I’m not.”

  The silence between them was full of things neither wanted to talk about. This had started as a mistake and was only getting worse.

  “I heard you had a bad day at the dress shop.” Those green eyes were focused on her. “You ran into an old acquaintance of mine and she can be malicious.”

  “How did you know about that?” She knew Charlotte wouldn’t mention it.

  “Gossip is faster than news in town.”

  Sinclair knew that the scene happened in public, so any number of people saw. It made her cheeks burn to think everyone knew about her husband’s mistress. If word had reached Lucas, half of London must know.

  “What did she say?” he asked.

  “She implied that you would be continuing your friendship with her.” That was a simpler version of what the woman had said. “She didn’t seem impressed with your choice of bride.”

  His expression darkened. He wasn’t denying the mistress’s claim that they were still involved. Sinclair swallowed the lump in her throat as she admitted to herself she had hoped he would. He hadn’t admitted he would either and that at least gave her hope.

  “This is my fault.” Lucas ran a hand down his face. “I should have been clear with her to stay away from you. I never thought she would go that far.”

  “I think she was unhappy to hear you had a wife. She thought she would be filling that position one day.”

  “I never gave her that impression.”

  Sinclair found she didn’t have the nerve to ask him to stop seeing the other woman. The only other option was to give him a reason to stay home. Perhaps if she gave in a little, he would do the same. There was only one way she could think of to show him that her feelings had started to change. She knew that the two of them shared passion and hoped that if she encouraged it that it could become more.

  “Lucas, I have been thinking about our arrangement.” Sinclair wasn’t sure how to get things started.

  “You mean the ridiculous notion that we are married but not sharing a bed?” He smiled at her with that look that made her melt.

  “Yes.” She swallowed her nerves. “I was thinking we might try being more intimate.”


  He wasn’t going to make this easy for her, she could see that. If things between them were going to change it would be up to her to make the first step. Taking a deep breath, Sinclair reached for the buttons of her gown. She closed her eyes so she wouldn’t have to watch his face as she undressed, in case he wasn’t pleased with her performance. If she saw anything close to disappointment she would go running from the room.

  “What are you doing?” His voice was strained, but she still couldn’t look at him.

  “I’m trying.” she replied.

  Her hands were trembling, making it difficult to undo the pearl buttons. It was fashionable to have as many as possible, but now she wished there were fewer. When she was only about halfway down her chest she was so frustrated that she stopped. Opening her eyes, she saw Lucas was watching her intensely. His hands were no longer hanging off to the side, but he gripped the arms tight enough to make his knuckles white. That was the motivation she needed to keep going and this time her eyes were open.

  Each button she undid made his eyes flicker until it became a game for her. The slow simmering desire she saw building there made Sinclair feel powerful in a way she never had before. Having that kind of control over a man like Lucas was intoxicating.

  Stepping forward, Sinclair stood in the space between his open legs. She couldn’t help but notice that his shirt was open and she had a good view of his muscled chest. The fire light flickered across it, creating teasing shadows. As he shifted to sit up straighter, her gaze dipped lower and she saw the evidence of her success in his trousers. Her fear shifted to excitement knowing he wanted her like that.

  She had the buttons finished and she slowly removed the belt there. In one fluid movement she pulled it free and let it drop at her feet. Now her dress was free of constraints and could be easily removed. Not wanting to rush the moment, she paused and savored the freedom. She let the fabric pool on the floor and stepped into her husband’s lap, where she could feel the bulge press against her bottom.

  “Have I mentioned how much I approve of your choice to avoid corsets?” asked Lucas, his eyes drinking in the sight of her without it.

  “I thought you said it was improper.” She giggled. The game they were playing was making her feel giddy.

  “That isn’t always a bad thing.”

  He ran one finger up her leg, from her knee to her hip and then over the curve of her breast. She was still wearing her stocking and chemise but the fabric was so thin she could feel everything. Her skin tingled where his touch went.

  Sitting perfectly still, Sinclair let him slowly remove the chemise from her body, pulling it over her head. Her nipples tightened as she felt the cool air across them, but the rest of her was on fire. Her breasts were heavy and aching for more of his attention.

  Lucas was only stretching out the torture by slowly rolling down her stockings one at a time. Then he lifted her just enough to remove her drawers, leaving her naked in his lap. It felt naughty to be wearing nothing while he was still fully dressed but she enjoyed it. This was a side of her that she had never known before, so she was as surprised by her reactions as he was.

  “As much as I enjoy the view, if we continue there will be no going back.” Lucas let his eyes connect with her. “I want to be sure you are ready for our relationship to change.”

  Sinclair couldn’t find the words to tell him what she wanted, so she let her actions speak for her. She slid one hand behind his head and pulled him in for a kiss. The kiss was all the desire and need she had in her. Lucas didn’t hesitate to respond with the same heat, tasting and teasing her mouth the way she had wanted him to.

  While their lips devoured each other, Lucas slowly moved her body so she straddled his lap. She leaned forward, her breasts rubbing against his bare chest and the dark hair there. His hands on her hips, helped guide her where the hard length of him fit between her legs. She was wet and aching there, but his actions intensified the feelings. If felt like a hunger building inside of her that would soon become insatiable.

  Needing to feel more of him, her hands pulled the shirt farther apart. There was hard muscle beneath it, exposed for her hands and mouth. The sounds he made when she licked him along his collarbone were like a man in pain. She knew that feeling because it was struggling inside her too. .

  Lucas’s hands were busy as well, stroking as much of her skin as he could reach. They worked their way between their bodies to cup and tease her breasts until she arched against him for more. Then he took the tight nipples into his mouth one at a time, sucking them to the points where she dug her fingers into the skin of his arms. A sound came from her throat she didn’t even recognize. This was a transformation for her. She saw him smile at the new sound she made.

  Those skilled hands moved lower now, his fingers working magic on her body. As they found the hot center of her body and stroked the wet flesh there, she realized she was no longer the one in control here. The man knew her body better than she did as he teased her to the point of insanity, she was begging him for something she
didn’t understand but he did. He stopped what he was doing long enough to undo his trousers and free himself.

  Sinclair had never seen that part of a man before and it surprised her. Without thinking she reached out to wrap her hand around the hard, smooth length of it. Lucas flinched and she pulled away.

  “That hurt?” she asked, watching his eyes come back into focus on her.

  “In the best way, but right now I need to feel something else.”

  There was no warning before he lifted her and slid her down his length. At first there was a snapping pain, followed by the stretching of her body to hold him. Then the fullness dulled the pain and it began to feel good again. Carefully, Sinclair moved her body up and down with her hands pressed against his chest. Lucas gripped her hips with his large hands to help her move faster and harder. Their eyes locked as the rhythm continued to build. Then Sinclair felt like her body shattered on top of him.

  Lucas groaned with one more thrust and then pulled her to lie across his body. Both were panting for air and covered with sweat. The clothes Lucas still wore stuck to both their bodies. Sinclair tried to pull away, but his hand stopped her.

  “Just a few more minutes.” Lucas mumbled against her ear as she rested her head on his shoulder.

  Sinclair’s better judgment told her that it wasn’t wise to linger but she was selfish and not ready to disturb the perfect moment. If he wanted to sit there, holding her like a prize she wasn’t going to dispute it. A warm sense of peace settled through her, making her feel more relaxed than she could ever remember.

  “Perhaps we could just stay here all night.” As Lucas spoke she could feel the ripple of his chest against her cheek.

  “If we stay, we might be found by the servants.” Sinclair whispered back. “Wearing this.”

  “Most of the servants wouldn’t dare, but that butler of yours wouldn’t hesitate. I don’t think I want him to see you in such a state.”

  It only took a few second for him to help her back into her dress, ignoring the undergarments. They snuck upstairs quietly to undress all over again.


  The light peeked in through a crack between the closed curtains when Lucas awoke the next morning. With a contented sigh, he remembered the night before with vivid clarity. The memory left a smile on his face as he reached with his eyes closed for his wife. As his hand closed, empty around the edge of the bed he realized he was alone in the large mattress.

  Now he was confused. Lucas had often left a woman in the dark of night, but he’d never been left alone. Getting dressed quickly, he began to worry that something might have happened. Rushing down the stairs with on his pants and an unbuttoned shirt, Lucas hoped to find her in the safety of the parlor. He sighed in relief when he saw her sleeping on one of the sofas with open accounting books around her.

  Stepping quietly, he moved to stand over her still figure. Last night had been like a dream, a wonderfully perfect dream. Never before had he imagined himself finding a woman that could completely take over his world. Now he only hoped he could survive being married to her.

  “Wake up, my precious,” he whispered.

  Her skin felt warm and soft under his fingers as he brushed hair away from her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open, slowly coming to focus on him. He wondered briefly what she had been dreaming about. Lucas hoped he had been involved.

  A tiny yawn slipped out between her pink lips as she brought her hands up to stretch out over her head. He watched her silently, burning every inch of her into his memory. This was how he loved to see her, when she was vulnerable. It was a rare sight for such a proud woman to let her softer side show.

  “How long have you been standing there?” she asked, her voice a deep whisper.

  “Not very long.”

  She blushed a lovely rose color that matched the color of her lips. He felt the urge to take her again, here in the morning lit library. It was important for him to speak to her, to discuss what had changed between them after last night. Lucas couldn’t let his physical needs distract him from that important conversation.

  “I guess I was more tired than I thought.” Sinclair looked up at him with sleepy eyes.

  “Why did you not stay in bed?”

  “I had a lot on my mind.” She looked away and he saw the emotion in her eyes when she looked back, “I just needed some time to think.”

  “Do you regret what happened last night?” He felt his breath catch as he waited for her answer.

  She must have heard the strained sound of worry in his voice, because she leapt from her seat to wrap her arms around him. Staring into the crystal clear blue of her eyes, Lucas knew that everything she said was the purest truth.

  “I could never regret what happened.” said Sinclair.

  “Do you realize that this changes things between us?”

  “Yes, I knew that before it happened.”

  “Is this really what you want?”

  What he was really asking was if he was really what she wanted. The answer to that question was all that mattered.

  “Lucas, I want to start a life with you. I’m your wife now, in every sense of the word.”

  Every muscle in his body relaxed as her hand reached up to stroke the line of his jaw and tension was released from him. The scent of strong coffee filled the air and he leaned in to catch her scent more deeply. Her tender lips parted and he took that as an invitation.

  Last night had been about hunger and need, but this kiss was different. It was slow and soft, sending chills through him. His arms wrapped around her lush body, crushing her to him. He never wanted to release her or stop tasting the sweetness of her mouth. It was an addicting drug, overpowering his sense of will. This was getting dangerously close to losing control and that jolted him into pulling away.

  “This is definitely the best morning I have had,” he said, being careful to keep his tone calm so she wouldn’t sense his anxiety. “I was a little worried when I woke up alone.”

  “I’d meant to be there.”

  “What took you away?” He wanted to change the subject to anything that didn’t involve his possible emotions.

  Before he could get a look at what was written in the books sprawled out across the floor, Sinclair blocked them with her body. In swift movements she managed to close the books and form a neat little stack with them.

  “I was just catching up on work,” she said, “I had trouble sleeping.”

  “Next time I will have to make sure you are as tired as I was when we are finished, so you won’t be wanting to calculate numbers.”

  “My work is important.” Sinclair lifted her chin just a notch.

  “I did not like waking up without you.”

  “I’ll be sure to remember that next time.” Her tone let him know that she wasn’t going to let that stop her.

  “How about we go upstairs and try again?” Perhaps a different approach would work better.

  He had felt certain she would agree but she bit her lip and showed her hesitancy. Slowly Sinclair slipped away from him and walked with her back to him. Patiently he waited for her to say something.

  “Unfortunately I can’t,” she said over her shoulder, “I have to finish a few things before this afternoon.”

  “You are my wife, what could you possibly have to do?”

  Lucas smiled when he said that, thinking it made perfect sense. One look at her face as she spun around told him that she thought differently. A fire burned in those blue eyes now.

  “Are you saying that a married woman can’t have responsibilities outside her home?” said Sinclair.

  “Of course not,” he stuttered, “You probably have many things that need taken care of.”


  When he saw her raise a skeptical eyebrow, Lucas tried to continue in hopes of correcting his mistake. If he soothed her t
emper they might still be able to spend a lovely day together.

  “Being a wife involves a lot of work, which is why you shouldn’t be involved in your father’s business anymore.”

  “I should give up running the company so I can better run your household?”

  “I don’t want you to be burdened with both.”

  She stood there staring at him with a hurt expression. It felt like everything he said came out wrong. He wasn’t trying to upset her, but clearly he had done nothing else.

  “Then you still believe a woman is incapable of understanding business?” Sinclair spoke.

  “I can’t imagine why it would interest them.”

  “Only frivolous things, like shopping could interest a woman?”

  “Those are the things that most women value.”

  “Just not me.”

  “You are unusual.”

  There were so many words he could have used, but he chose that one. He watched his wife’s face grow red as she puffed herself up with anger. Without hesitation, Sinclair picked up one of her accounting books and heaved it at him with such forced it thumped against the wall behind him. The thin volume wouldn’t have done much damage to his head, but the fact that she’d attempted to hit him fired his own anger.

  “You cannot really believe that a woman is better off working in an office than in her own home. They could not handle that kind of work.”

  “Why not?”

  “A man is responsible for taking care of his entire company, while the woman has only herself to worry about.”

  She snorted and he could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears. Lucas didn’t want this to be how they spent the day after their first lovemaking, but he had made such a mess of things.

  “I am sorry,” he said, stepping slowly towards her, “I did not mean to upset you.”

  “Your low opinion of me upsets me.” Said Sinclair.


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