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An American Lady

Page 22

by Emma Brady

  “I have only the highest opinion of you.”

  “Only if I restrict myself to the feminine pursuits you approve of. What about the things that give me pride?”

  Lucas shook his head in frustration, watching her stare him down. The determination in her eyes told him that nothing he could say would change her mind. For a moment he was going to simply give up and storm out, but the sight of her tongue as it ran across her lip gave him another idea. Before she could protest, Lucas took her mouth with his in a fierce kiss that left them both winded.

  “Then I will leave you to your work,” he ground out between gasping breaths, “Whatever that might be.”

  He watched the struggle of emotion play across her face, wondering if she might change her mind. When her sad eyes opened to look at him with such regret, he knew she couldn’t be swayed.

  “Lucas, I’m sorry for not being able to spend the day with you.”

  “Do not worry,” he said with a wink. “You will be regretting it more than me.”

  In swift movements he wetted her lips with his tongue until she open her mouth, expecting a kiss. She pressed against him with her eyes closed. They snapped open when he abruptly released her. Heaving a heavy sigh, the earl turned and left his wife standing there with a bewildered longing in her eyes.

  Chapter 22

  Sinclair was furious at her husband after he left the library. She knew that kiss had been given to deliberately make her want him. He toyed with her and it irritated her how well it had worked. Even now, hours after he’d left the house, she still thought of the fire in his lips.

  “I hope that frown on your face is not anything serious.”

  Charlotte had swept into the room without Sinclair even noticing, so caught up in thoughts of Lucas. The young girl looked as cheerful and proper as ever in her yellow gown and matching bonnet. Sinclair quickly wiped away the look of concentration on her face and rose to meet her friend.

  “I was just contemplating these numbers and it’s giving me a bit of a headache,” Sinclair lied, not wanting to worry her sister-in-law. “I didn’t realize how much work this would be.”

  “Nothing you cannot manage, I hope.”

  “Of course not.”

  Charlotte sat on one of the window seats, while Sinclair gathered up the papers spread across the sofa. Lucas would be arriving soon for dinner and she had to be ready to face him. The accounts were almost finished and the numbers could wait until tomorrow. It seemed the business was more than ready to succeed in its London office.

  “Speaking of what you put your mind to, how did things go last night?”

  Sinclair paused, her hand stilled over one of the pages she’d fallen asleep on. A smile appeared on her lips, soft and warm. Last night had been like something out of a dream.

  “It went better than I had hoped.”

  “Then you and my brother have found some common ground?”

  “We appear to be perfectly matched in every area but one.”

  “That would be?”

  Sinclair turned, to lean on the edge of her desk. “He still thinks of women as nothing but ornaments and decoration, not capable of doing anything important.”

  The smile Charlotte gave her was one of female understanding. It wasn’t just Lucas who thought that way, but all men. It wasn’t his fault he thought like a man.

  “My brother is slow to change, but I have a feeling he would reconsider his opinion if he knew how well you were doing.”

  “I’m not so certain he would understand.” The lies she had told might not sit well with him.

  “You will not know unless you tell him the truth.” Charlotte was only trying to help, but it wasn’t what Sinclair wanted to hear. “At some point you will have to trust him enough to tell him about your scheme.”

  “I’m just not ready for that risk.”

  A knock on the door was heard then, followed by the sound of a maid letting someone in.

  “A Mr. McDonald is here to see you,” the maid said through the door. “He is under the impression he was invited to dinner.”

  This meant she was going to have to keep Frederick out of sight the entire evening. A quick glance to Charlotte and the young girl disappeared to explain the situation to him. “Show him in.”

  Mr. McDonald slipped in past the maid with a broad smile on his face. A new suit was on his body and a new hat was perched on his head. The glint of money sparked his eyes, making them glisten. He appeared far more confident today than he had upon their first meeting.

  “I hope I’m not intruding, but your husband invited me to dinner when I ran into him earlier today.” said Jack. “Eating at the hotel every night has gotten dull.”

  Sinclair was surprised that her husband would do that but she didn’t want to let it show. “You are more than welcome to join. I’m afraid there won’t be much excitement.”

  “I wouldn’t say that.” Jack wasn’t looking at her but at something over her shoulder. When Sinclair turned she saw that Charlotte had entered the room from the other side.

  “I’m afraid the maids will have to serve dinner, the butler is in bed with a fever.” Charlotte said, her cheeks flushed from taking the stairs too quickly. “Lucas is already in the dining room waiting for us.”

  Sinclair was proud of her friend for doing such a good job telling that story. When she recited it to Lucas he didn’t even question it. Charlotte had a talent for being deceiving. The meal went well and Sinclair used the time to speak highly of the elusive Mr. Gates. She didn’t want McDonald getting nervous because he still hadn’t met the man. Mr. McDonald was more focused on getting to know Charlotte and the girl was flustered by his attention.

  After dinner, Sinclair told Lucas she had a headache and wanted to go to bed early. He looked like he wanted to join her but thought better of it. Things with them hadn’t ended on a good note, so they were both left uncertain how to move forward. Sinclair didn’t ease the situation because she needed to talk to Frederick without her husband present.

  “Do you think we’ll be able to continue keeping your identity a secret?”

  As always, Charlotte was the voice of reason. The young girl was waiting for her in Frederick’s room, although she was as far from him as she could get while talking to him. The servant’s quarters would not be something a lady was accustomed to. After this morning’s discussion, Sinclair was certain Lucas wouldn’t be happy to find out his wife spent her time in the pursuits of a man. Before she wouldn’t have cared about his opinion, but last night changed things. Now it was vital that her involvement remain a secret.

  “I certainly hope so since that is partly responsible for the success,” Frederick said, “Everyone in London is trying to figure out who I am.”

  “It has become quite the popular topic of conversation,” added Charlotte, “I have heard almost everyone take a guess.”

  “That is why I’m certain that if we can continue to keep the secret it won’t be long before Mr. Gates can leave me in charge without a problem.” said Sinclair. “Gossip is the best kind of advertisement and we seem to be the topic of quite a bit of gossip.”

  “Just what I always wanted.” Frederick frowned again.

  “Mr. McDonald’s support will help. Once you land a big fish, the rest are sure to follow.” said Sinclair. “It won’t be long. Charlotte was a big help in that direction.”

  Frederick glanced over at her friend and huffed. “Turning into a real actress.”

  Charlotte stuck her tongue out at him and he returned the favor. The two adults were acting like children. Sinclair decided to step in before they got to the part where they spit. “She made him feel more at home. Nothing devious.”

  There was still thick tension in the air but Charlotte was now acting like her polite self. “I’m sorry you disapprove, but I was raised to be a gracious hostess.”

  “And I’m just the help.” Frederick shook his head. “I’m going to be glad with this whole thing is over and I can go back to
that. At least that’s the life I’m experienced with and I can do it honestly.”

  “I just have to make sure Lucas doesn’t find out before then.” Sinclair felt her stomach sink, knowing she would have to keep lying to him.

  “You could try being honest and hope he understands.” said Frederick.

  “I can’t.” Now that her emotions might be involved it was too much to risk.

  Both of her friends were giving her worried expressions. She wasn’t ready to admit to anyone, especially herself that Lucas might mean more to her. Once they were well established here and Mr. Gates was gone, then she could focus on what she felt. Once crisis at a time.

  STANDING INSIDE ONE of London’s best jewelers, Lucas was stumped. Looking at all the dazzling rings behind the glass, he had no idea which one his eccentric wife would prefer. A diamond was usually a safe way to go, but with her, nothing was easy. This ring was essential, since he hoped it would smooth over their tension.

  The night before didn’t go as planned. Mr. McDonald was interested in his sister, but less interested in doing business. Sinclair spent the evening charming him into keeping him as client for her partner. Lucas hated listening to her talk about Mr. Gates in such glowing terms. It frustrated him enough that he chose to sleep alone in his study. Now he wanted to make amends with his wife.

  A man’s voice came from behind him. “Decided to buy a little bauble to please your wife?”

  It was Viscount Andrews. His skin crawled as he heard the man’s footsteps coming closer. His knuckles cracked as he gripped the counter. This was the last thing he needed at the moment.

  “Is it not a little late for such trifles?” Michael asked.

  Gritting his teeth, the Lucas turned to face the pompous man standing there with an arrogant grin on his face. His first instinct was to wipe the smile from Michael’s face, but his sense of propriety stopped him.

  “I am simply taking care of something that needs to be done,” The earl leaned towards the man in hopes he might back away.

  “I do not know why you bother, since she would hardly notice if you did not.”

  “My wife is not as unusual as you think. She likes pretty things like all women.”

  The viscount simply shrugged and began looking at the jewels himself. Lucas ignored the man and turned to stare at the sparkling rings once again. One of them caught his eye, an emerald surrounded by diamonds. Motioning for a salesman, he asked to see the ring.

  “That rock has an odd shape to it,” said Andrews. “I have never seen anything like that.”

  “It reminds me of her.” Sinclair would love the even edges of the cut.

  The viscount laughed and it sounded like someone stepping on a cat. “Do not try to play the part of the lovesick husband with me, I know better.”

  Lucas felt knuckles crack again as he struggled not to shatter the display case with Michael’s face.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about. My wife and I are deeply in love, haven’t you heard?”

  “You can’t lie to me.” The viscount motioned for the gentleman behind to counter to show him a pearl necklace, “I know that you married that little troublemaker for the fortune she came with. You two could barely stand each other last time I saw you.”

  The man had the nerve to say such a thing casually, as he thumbed along the string of pearls. Lucas focused his eyes on him as if he were a tiny bug about to die beneath his shoe.

  “My reasons for marrying Sinclair were not just about money.” said Lucas.

  “It could hardly be a coincidence that you are in need of funds and she has plenty to spare.”

  “I am hardly in the poor house, considering my shipping business is taking off.”

  “I am sure her father’s ships will help with that.” Michael gave him a wink and Lucas flinched.

  “Her father’s share of the business belongs to her and her partner. It has nothing to do with me.” Lucas hated admitting that.

  “Then the rumors of competition I heard were true?”

  “I am surprised you would listen to such gossip.”

  “The gentlemen I had lunch with seemed quite interested,” the viscount said. “They seem to think that Brown Shipping is going to do quite a bit of business. They just landed a rich new account with another American and it’s convincing people to take her seriously.”

  Mr. McDonald had more influence than Lucas realized if others were talking about him. “I am not worried about losing a few dollars to an upstart American.”

  “I heard they already have a long list of waiting clients.” Michael trailed his hand across the glass counter. “Must be hard to watch your wife spending so much time promoting the agenda of another man.”

  “You shouldn’t believe everything you hear.”

  Now he began to lose patience with the ignorant man. If he was forced to speak with him much longer he would lose control.

  “I will take this ring.” Lucas waived at the salesman in hopes of finishing his business quickly.

  “I hear her partner is unknown to most of the people they do business with. Only a small few have met him since he arrived,” Michael continued, while browsing through the glass cases, “That has many people intrigued.”

  “It is none of my concern who might be in charge of such a small office.” said Lucas, knowing that Sinclair did most of the work. He knew that was what was in the books she had scattered around the parlor.

  The viscount gave him a slanted look from beneath his raised eyebrows. Lucas could feel the muscles in his body tighten in frustration. The salesman moved swiftly but not quick enough.

  “You can tell the gentlemen telling you these things that I am not the least bit worried about the state of my business and neither should they be.”

  “Of course you are not worried,” Michael said, “You just landed a rich wife.”

  “I am only going to tell you this once,” Lucas used his body to press the viscount against the counter, “I married Sinclair for reasons that had nothing to do with her money. You would do well to remember that.”

  “You might be able to convince her of such rubbish, but I know better,” Michael said with a chuckle, “A man who loves his wife is a fool and you are no fool.”

  With a jerk, Lucas grabbed the package and left the store. To his amazement the viscount was dim-witted enough to follow him out.

  “Listen, I am trying to be a good sport about this,” said Michael, nipping at his heels. “I understand that you stole my bride for a good reason. I simply wanted to congratulate you on your victory.”

  “Sinclair is not some prize pig won at a county fair, she is my wife.”

  “I hardly see the difference.”

  That was the final straw. Lucas could no longer hold back the violent reaction he had. Like a predator, he turned and wrapped his large hand around the white of Andrew’s neck. The viscount squealed like a pig himself as Lucas lifted him up onto his toes.

  “I will not allow anyone to speak about my wife like that, do you understand?”

  The viscount nodded his head vigorously, his cheeks turning a bright shade of pink from lack of air. The pristine look of his clothes was ruined as he swung his arms around hopelessly.

  “You had better go home.”

  With that Lucas released the man who stumbled back along the sidewalk. The viscount was quick to turn and practically ran down the street in the opposite direction. Lucas watched him scramble away, but it didn’t make him feel any better. Gritting his teeth he headed towards his office.

  Once inside the bustling shipping office, Lucas felt his anger begin to cool. After checking on a few ships and talking with his assistant, the earl went into his office. To his surprise the duke sat waiting for him there.

  “I hope nothing is wrong.”

  “Actually I came to ask you how my granddaughter is doing.”

  “You and Lillith are more than welcome to stop by and visit with her.”

  “My wife seems to thi
nk you two need time alone, so we are waiting.”

  Lucas knew how stubborn Lillith could be and he smiled at the duke’s situation. All the women in that family seemed to have a talent for driving men crazy.

  “I will make sure you two get a formal invitation to dinner soon,” Lucas said, “That should convince her that everything is well.”

  “I take it things have improved between you and your new wife?”

  Lucas smiled, remembering the lovemaking he’d shared with Sinclair the night before. That had changed everything for him. It was as if she had changed him into a completely different man.

  “We are doing much better.”

  Her grandfather was visibly relieved. Lucas could see the old man smiling into his cup of coffee.

  “If I may ask, why is it that Sinclair had not been married before her parent’s death? She is well past an age where she should have been.”

  “Like her mother, the young girl was too opinionated and stubborn.” The duke looked at Lucas over his cup. “I doubt the men in American found that any more appealing than the men here.”

  “Her father had enough money for them to overlook such attributes.”

  Davonport shrugged, his bushy white eyebrows lifting slightly. “Sinclair is a smart girl, smart enough to spot the liars. She would know not to pay mind to those who were only after her money.”

  “She would rather have a failed season?”

  “From what I have learned of my granddaughter, she is not the type to worry about her reputation.”

  “She should have worried about becoming a spinster.” Lucas knew that was what all the women he knew thought about.

  “I think she saw it as being preferable to a cold marriage.”

  “My mother allowed herself to be charmed by my father and he sunk his teeth into her family’s fortune.” Said Lucas. “It was the fear of being alone that encouraged her to accept him.”

  “He loved her for more than the dowry she came with. A man wouldn’t act that possessive about something he didn’t care about.”

  “Yes, but he did not mind the money.”


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