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An American Lady

Page 25

by Emma Brady

  The gown on Sinclair was a deep red, with a low bodice and wide skirt that fell from her hips. Black lace draped over her arms in place of straps. Her hair fell down her back in rich curls.His mouth watered at the sight of her. He envied all the men who would get to look at her tonight, but he got to be the one who brought her home.

  “You act as though you’ve never seen a woman in an evening gown before.” Sinclair smiled at him, flashing her dazzling white teeth.

  “I have never seen anyone look as ravishing as you do tonight.”

  “That is outlandish flattery sir.” Sinclair glided down the stairs. “I absolutely adore you for it.”

  He kissed her then, tasting her lips delicately. He would have continued kissing her if not for the sound of Frederick clearing his throat.

  “You don’t want to be late, sir,” the butler said, holding open the door.

  The Downings were a family of moderate means and no title. Mr. Downing was the second son and had been forced to go into business to support his family. Lucas respected the man for that, more than most of society did. It made things difficult for his daughter in the marriage mart.

  On this particular night a modest amount of society was in attendance. Lucas was certain they were there to see him and his wife, rather than the twins. Society seldom showed up for such small events

  “My wife was thrilled to see the amount of people coming tonight,” Mr. Downing told him.

  He was a large man with a think brown mustache and shiny brown eyes. There was a jolly light in his demeanor, one that showed itself to only his few friends. Compared to his ambitious wife, the man often faded into the background in silence. Often Lucas wished the gentleman would stand up to the overbearing woman.

  “Yes, Sinclair felt confident that it would be a success,” Lucas told him, “That is why I am here. Must be seen by the right people and all that.”

  The older gentleman nodded in understanding. Lucas had now joined the ranks of other husbands in society.

  “Your daughter’s are looking lovely tonight.” Lucas told him.

  “They should, considering how much time was spent on their appearances this evening.”

  “Hoping to have them married off soon?”

  Mr. Downing glanced around, checking to see if his wife was close by, then leaned in to whisper to Lucas.

  “Between us, I am not in a hurry. I would rather they be happy than anything else.”

  “I feel entirely the same way about Charlotte.”

  Mr. Downing looked across the room at where Charlotte stood talking with the twins. A crooked smile peaked out from beneath the bristles of his mustache.

  “They grow up quickly do they not?”

  Watching Mr. Downing’s face as he stared at his daughters, Lucas began to envy the man. He wondered briefly what it might be like to have children of his own. Now that he was a happily married man he could afford to dream of such things. He hoped he would be a good father, better than his own.

  “I do not mean to distress you, but a woman is staring at you from across the room.” Said Mr. Downing, indicating the direction of the doorway with his head.

  “Is she wearing red?”

  “Yes, a lovely shade.”

  “It is probably my troublesome wife.”

  “I didn’t know your wife had red hair.”

  That caught Lucas’s attention and his head snapped around to see who could be watching him. He saw his wife standing in a corner, completely engrossed in conversation. Continuing to scan the room he watched a trail of red skirt disappear out of the room’s main entrance.

  “If you will excuse me,” he told the host putting down his empty Champagne glass.

  The gentleman looked confused but Lucas ignored that. The tiny hairs on his neck were standing up now, warning him about something. Never one to back away, Lucas intended to follow the women and discover who she was.

  Being careful not be noticed, Lucas slipped quietly from the room. The soft scent of perfume was in the air. It was familiar but he couldn’t quite place it. Footsteps could be heard rounding another corner in front of him. He quickened his steps in an effort to catch up with her.

  He reached a set of doors that where open slightly. Still feeling uneasy, Lucas slipped into the darkened room. He could hear the rustling of fabric a few feet away.

  “I knew you could not resist a little excitement.”

  That soft, sultry voice now rang a bell in his head. Marissa was the mysterious woman in red and he had fallen for her trap. Now it was too late and he needed to find a way back to the crowd without being notice. First, he decided to that she must understand that it was over between them. This must never happen again. He had too much to risk in playing her childish game.

  “I wanted to find out why you were here,” he answered casually, “This is not where I expected to see you.”

  “Why not?”

  “You are not usually invited to dine with proper society.” Lucas recalled how many night she had complained about that.

  “I don’t need an invitation.”

  “Snuck in then?”

  “I like to surprise people.”

  “You certainly surprised me.”

  Her laughter was as songlike as always, but now it grated against his nerves. This was a calculating woman, one he would never underestimate. If she was here, there was a reason and he worried what that reason might be.

  “I would feel more comfortable if I could see who it was I am talking to.” Lucas didn’t like facing his enemy in the shadows where he was at a disadvantage.

  “I thought the dark might be more romantic.” He could hear the sound of her shoes moving around the floor.

  The scent of her perfume grew stronger and he knew she was getting closer to him. Every muscle in his body grew tense, waiting for her to get within reach. He didn’t have to wait long before her fingers were running across his chest.

  “Does this not remind of a stormy night we spent together in Paris?” she whispered.

  “Before you decided to move to London?”

  “You asked me to come here,” the sound of a pout was in her thickly accented voice, “I gave up my family for you.”

  “You did it for the money, not me.”

  “You do not really believe that, do you?”

  “I know that the few years we spent together cost me every spare cent I had.”

  “You had plenty to spare.”

  It was true that Lucas had lavished his mistress with gifts and money, but nothing more than he could afford. That was the only luxury he had allotted himself. He never let it interfere with caring for Charlotte or with growing the business. It was far less than she could have gotten from some of the other titled gentlemen in town.

  “Why did you come here tonight, Marissa?” he asked.

  “I thought you might be feeling bored with married life and appreciate the kind of distraction only I can offer.” Her hands were still stoking his chest.

  “I thought we agreed you would find another man to appreciate your talents.”

  “I never agreed to the idea.”

  Her body pressed against his, soft and warm but entirely unappealing. Disgusted, Lucas pushed her away roughly. She gasped with indignation.

  “You should be grateful I am willing to give you another chance,” the French woman hissed, “Not many men are so lucky.”

  “I am lucky,” he replied, clutching her wrists in his hands, “To have a wife who can forgive me for my foolish past.”

  “If she forgave you once, she will do it again.”

  “She will not have to.” He wanted to be clear in his position.

  Now standing in the darkness with this talented seductress, Lucas only longed for the innocent strength of his wife. The shadows and darkness were gone from his life. Sinclair had cast them out with the brightness of her smile. He would do anything to preserve that happiness.

  “I am going to explain something to you and it is in your best
interest to listen,” growled Lucas, “I do not want you coming anywhere near me or my wife.”

  “Afraid you might not be able to resist?” She moved closer to him, but didn’t risk touching him again.

  “It is not even a temptation anymore. I just do not want you to upset my wife with your bitterness.”

  Marissa laughed again, her hot breath skimming the skin of his neck. Revulsion churned his stomach. The woman just didn’t seem to understand what he was trying to tell her.

  “I saw the ring your wife wore. Seems like an expensive apology for something you don’t plan to do again.”


  “Yes, but not because of some bauble attached to her finger,” Marissa sighed dramatically, “I only want to be with you again.”

  “That is unfortunate, since it will never come to pass.”

  Lucas released her, letting her stumble back in the darkness. He was certain he got his point across and there was nothing left to say. Leaving her alone in the dark, Lucas returned with a lightened heart to the party.

  Chapter 26

  Sinclair could feel that something was different about Lucas, but she didn’t know what. The entire evening she could feel him watching her with more intensity than usual. Nothing unusual happened during the dinner to warrant such attention, so she assumed it was something just between them. Perhaps he hadn’t forgiven her for keeping him form Mr. Gates earlier. Even as they rode home, he sat silently in the carriage, watching her without saying anything. Charlotte didn’t notice and Sinclair was grateful.

  Once the two of them were alone in their room, she expected him to say something but he didn’t. Instead he began to undress, facing away from her in silence. Following his lead, Sinclair decided to quietly undress as well. Unfortunately it was impossible to reach the buttons on the back of her gown by herself. She called for a maid, but felt warm hands on her back, undressing her with skill.

  “You looked beautiful in this.’ Lucas said, the sound of his voice echoing in the room and allowing her to breathe.

  “I was trying to please my husband.” she said, not turning to look at him because he might see her blushing.

  “That’s new.” He gave a chuckle.

  “Change is a good thing.”

  He turned her as her dress pooled at her feet. He held her away from him while his eyes roamed over her shape. She was still wearing her chemise and drawers, but felt naked to his gaze. When their eyes met she saw the hunger in them and felt that same desire.

  “I don’t want you to change.” Lucas ran his hand up to her shoulders to slip the straps of her chemise down. “Everything about you is just what I want.”

  She knew he couldn’t mean what he said, that it was just the passion in the moment talking but she didn’t care. The feel of him as he peeled away the layers of her clothing were too was distracting. She shivered as he slipped her drawers down and she stood there in only her skin. Perhaps she should have been embarrassed but instead she felt powerful because his face showed how badly he wanted her.

  Lucas had already removed his clothes, so they both stood there with nothing but the warm air between them. For a moment they stood, each drinking in the sight of the other. Lucas pulled her forward and they collided in mutual desire.

  Spending the night with his eyes on her had made every nerve in her body attuned to him. Now those nerves were tingling as he touched them where his eyes had been. Sinclair felt like her body had been wanting this all evening and was desperate for some kind of release. The way his kiss devoured her she thought he might feel the same way.

  He lifted her and carried her to the bed, laying her out on display. His eyes dance as she ran her hands along her own body for him. When she reached the place between her legs, she hesitated. This wasn’t something she had done before and with him gazing at her it felt too intimate.

  “Do you remember how I touched you?” Lucas sounded like temptation as he spoke. “Show me what you remember.”

  Sinclair kept her gaze focused on him as she imagined it was his hand touching her. That was what gave her the courage to keep going. At first she used her palm to rub against her mound, spreading her legs so he could see. Then she let one finger slip between the folds to where she was slick. Once she found the spot where he had pleasured her, she circled it with her finger. The sensations climbed and grew until she ached for release. She bit her lip to keep from moaning his name while he watched her.

  Lucas was masculinity and arousal in the firelight. His hair was a mess from her having her hands in it, dark locks falling in every direction. That broad chest was dusted with equally dark hair that trailed down his muscled body past his hips. The part of him that hung there was full and heavy, showing he was as much in need as she was. That thought made her call out his name. It was the mating call he had been waiting for.

  The weight of his body on top of hers brought her a feeling of satisfaction. He groaned and his hot breath swept her neck as they melted into each other. Her body was ready for him and he slid the full length of himself into her. That was the sensation her body needed to finally burst. Sinclair clung to him as the pleasure rippled through her.

  Lucas remained frozen until after she stopped trembling, then he drew himself up on his arms and gave her a smug smile. “Looks like you are an excellent student and I’m a superior teacher.”

  “Then please, continue the lessons.” Sinclair matched his grin with one of her own.

  He captured her mouth in a searing kiss, letting his hips move him inside her. He reached down with one arm, hooking it under her knee and bringing the leg up towards her shoulder. She was wide open and he was deeper than before. Little whimpers escaped her throat, encouraging him to move faster. Finally he found the right rhythm. Her body matched him stroke for stroke until she was able to find release again, this time bringing him with her.

  “I was thinking about this all night.” Lucas pulled her with him to settle against the pillows on the bed. “I could hardly concentrate on the people I was talking to.”

  “That would explain the way you were looking at me. I was beginning to worry.” She smiled against the skin of his shoulder.

  “I think I’m the one who should be worried. I feel like I’m going mad.” He let one hands slowly stroke her hip. “I never expected to find passion in a marriage. I didn’t want to.”

  Sinclair remembered what she heard about his parents. “Passion isn’t always a bad thing.”

  “It can’t be trusted.” Sinclair felt her breath catch. Lucas reached down and with one finger tilted her head to look at him. “Can I trust you?”

  Sinclair felt her stomach turn. In her mind she tried to find the words to confess everything to him, because this was the moment to do so. No matter how she tried, nothing seemed right. She was scared to ruin what they had with the truth. In the end she nodded and kissed him before he could ask anything more.

  LUCAS WOKE UP SHORTLY before dawn and was more confused than ever. The things he had said to Sinclair the night before were true and scared the hell out of him. For a man who was always in control, falling in love was something that made him feel reckless. There was too much emotion involved for his mind to think clearly. He decided to let her sleep while he went to his study to mull things over. He wasn’t alone for long.

  “Lucas?” Sinclair asked from the doorway. “Why are you up so early?”

  She let a yawn escape from her lips as she shuffled forward wearing only his robe. The massive amount of fabric enveloped her with only her face peeking out. The sleeves hung past her hands and the hem completely covered her feet. It made her smile to watch her moving closer to him like a sleepy nymph.

  “I am an early riser, but I was trying not to disturb you.” He replied. “You should go back to bed.”

  “It’s too cold without you.”

  That pretty much summed out how Lucas felt about his life now. If he thought about what it was life before her it almost gave him a chill. Sinclair had
brought a warmth to him that he didn’t know he needed, but now couldn’t live without.

  “Then come here and sit closer to the fire.” He patted his lap and waited for her to scramble into it. The chair was barely big enough for him alone, but the two of them was a squeeze.

  “I was worried you might be down here regretting things.” Sinclair admitted to him, her eyes wide and clear. “I know we both said things last night that were deeply emotional.”

  “Do you regret them?”

  “No!” she answered quickly. “I don’t, but I thought maybe you might since you have... other people to consider.”

  Even after last night she was still worried about Marissa. Looking at the fear in his eyes he wished he had never had a mistress.

  “I don’t have anyone I care about more than you.” He told her, using one finger to brush across her cheek. “There are no other women I will be spending my nights with. Any friends I had before I no longer care to be with.”

  He felt it when she sighed and it made him feel better. He wouldn’t want Sinclair to worry over nothing and there was nothing between him and Marissa now.

  “Mr. Gates is leaving today.” Sinclair blurted out.

  Lucas had almost forgotten about the other man in Sinclair’s life. After last night he found he was no longer worried she might have feelings for the man, but he had to admit relief that he would be gone.

  “He’s going to finish up a few things, but then he is going back to America.” She continued, her words running together because she talked so fast. “He’s going to run the office in Chicago and I will run the offices here. I know you don’t like the idea of a woman in business, but I...”

  He cut her off by placing his finger across her lips. “I think you will do a wonderful job.”

  Lucas watched as her blue eyes grew wider and then filled with tears. “You do?”

  A lot of things had changed last night and that was one of them. “I realize that your father’s business is significant to you and brings you great joy. I wouldn’t want to deny you that kind of happiness.”


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