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An American Lady

Page 26

by Emma Brady

  “Even though it means we will be competing against each other?”

  “It will keep me on my toes.” Lucas ran his finger down along her cheek. “I have no intention of letting you win but it will be fun to be in on the chase.”

  Sinclair blinked away the tears and he let her snuggle closer to his body and lay her head on his shoulder. Holding her he no longer worried about this being a bad decision. If it was, it was the best mistake he would ever make.

  Unfortunately they did not get to sit there long before there was a knock on the door from Frederick, reminding them that they had things to do that day. Lucas had to go to work and Sinclair had to meet with Mr. Gates to wrap things up before he left. Lucas didn’t feel any need to follow her and find the man since he would be gone soon anyway. They kissed on their way out and he went to the office feeling better than he ever had before.

  Lucas loved the feeling he got when he worked. It gave him the feeling of importance and respect, nothing that could be earned simply by birth. This is what separated him from many of his peers.

  He was busy looking over the accounts to his new ships when something outside caught his eye. A familiar female form passed by the window. Not knowing exactly who it was, Lucas decided to take a break from business and go after the woman.

  Watching the rose colored dress stroll down the street a few feet in front of him, Lucas chose to follow silently. He wanted to know where she went before he interrupted. Shortly the young girl went into the bookstore. He waited outside until she emerged, book in hand.

  “Are you going to offer to walk me home?” Charlotte asked, her back to him.

  “How did you know it was me?”

  His sister laughed at him, throwing a mischievous glance over her shoulder. Lucas knew she waited for him to walk alongside her. Shaking his head he caught up to her quickly as she began walking.

  “Lucas, I can sense when you are around,” she said, now focusing on the sidewalk in front of her, “You are my brother after all.”

  “If you knew I was following you, why did you not say anything?”

  “I did not want to be late picking up my book.”

  Charlotte spent a great deal of time in the bookshop, more than most ladies. Before it would frustrate him that she continued to waste her time, but now he was glad she found something she enjoyed. Perhaps Sinclair wasn’t the only one changing.

  “I would accompany you home but I unfortunately need to be getting back to my office,” he told her, “Will you be able to walk the rest of the way?”

  “I am more than capable of finding my own way home.” Charlotte told him. “But Frederick is waiting for me around the corner. He insisted I let him ride with me.”

  Lucas might have been wrong about the servant. “You will not be angry with me?”

  “No, I understand how difficult your work is,” she said with a smile, “It is more than a means to an end, like you try to convince everyone else. I hear that the competition has gotten more difficult.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Rumor is, Brown Shipping has managed to acquire more than a few of your customers.”

  Lucas felt shocked, but struggled to keep his composure. He didn’t want to alarm his young sister.

  “How is it that society is talking about my financial affairs?” Lucas asked.

  “People are curious to know who they are,” she told him, “Few people have met Mr. Gates and Sinclair never wants to discuss him.”

  “Gossip is a waste of time.”

  “It is a resourceful way to get information. You might try it yourself one day.”

  “Alas, I have more important things to donate my attentions too.” That would be the last act of desperation for Lucas and he hoped never to resort to it.

  “You never were one to indulge in such fancies, far too practical.” Humor twinkled in his sister’s eyes.

  He pretended to look stricken by her comment. She laughed and shook her head as she had when they were children.

  “Are you implying that I am dull?” Lucas pressed his hand to his chest in a dramatic gesture.

  “I am telling you that a man of your advanced age does not understand excitement any longer.”

  “My advanced years? I am barely nine and twenty.”

  “That seems practically ancient to me.”

  “We will see what you think when you are my age.”

  They laughed together without restraint. The two had always been closer than most siblings of their class. That was a result of their being raised with only each other. An unbreakable bond had formed between them that not even the loss of their parents could break.

  “Lucas, are you disappointed not to have met Mr. Gates?”

  “Should I be?” Lucas asked.

  “I think he would surprise you, but I don’t think he should give you worry.”

  Lucas felt a twinge of jealousy that his sister had met the man when he hadn’t. “What is he like?”

  Charlotte looked away for a moment, thinking about it. “He’s nice, but far too arrogant. He is efficient but knows it too well.”

  “Handsome?” he watched his sister’s cheeks turn pink.

  “Yes, I suppose to some ladies he would be.”

  “Mr. McDonald is more your taste?”

  Charlotte’s eyes drifted away then, to gaze across the street. She had a strange expression on her face that reminded him of how young she was.

  “It’s nice to get such attention from a man like him. He is a considerate gentleman.” his sister’s soft voice said.

  “It is not kindness, Charlotte. The man has good taste.” He gave her a pat on the arm. “He would be lucky to get you.”

  “I just don’t know if I agree with that.”

  With those words still hanging in the air his sister marched away from him. Lucas was left standing on the street, staring after her.

  Chapter 27

  Sinclair sent a note to Mr. McDonald that she wanted to meet him at the hotel and he agreed. That meant she had to find a way for both her and Frederick to leave the house without Lucas noticing. She got lucky when he told her he had to go to the office to do some work of his own. Sinclair was glad that she wouldn’t have to continue with this for much longer.

  “I’m going to be glad when I no longer have to wear this suit.” Frederick grumbled as they entered the hotel lobby. “I’m much more comfortable in my uniform.”

  For the first time Sinclair took a good look at her old friend in the gentlemen’s clothes. She realized that they fit him better than he knew. Perhaps she should try giving him a real position in the company. He no longer belonged in the servant’s quarters of her house, which was no longer hers alone. Frederick deserved to pursue a life that belonged to him and only him.

  “I think you look handsome and I’m sure there are plenty of ladies who would agree.” Sinclair brushed one of his shoulders with her hand.

  Frederick snorted. “I can’t imagine the maids would find this appealing.”

  “There are a lot of women in the world, not just the housemaids.”

  Her friend stopped her hand and looked her in the eye. “I don’t have hopes for things outside my reach. I took this job when your father offered it and I’m not unhappy with it.”

  “Yes, but I might offer you another. Would you be unhappy with that?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Sinclair was stunned. She thought Frederick would be thrilled about moving out of the role of a servant, but he seemed hesitant. It couldn’t be that he didn’t think he would do a good job, the man was very bright. Something else was making him pause and she wished she knew what it was to be rid of it.

  She would have asked him more questions but he noticed something behind her and his expression changed. Those dark eyes of his grew wide and his mouth opened slightly, although no words came out. His face grew pale and it made her heart beat faster. When she turned, she found she faced her own husband furious husband.

; Lucas stood in the crowded lobby with his hands in fists at his side. His face was pulled tight with a frown on his lips. When Sinclair looked at him it made all the other people disappear from her vision. Her focus was on him and everything else faded away. She couldn’t believe the fury in those green eyes as he stared back at her. Neither of them said anything, just stood there facing each other for a few minutes.

  “Lucas, what are you doing here?” Sinclair was the first to speak.

  The way his lips twitched, she knew he struggled not to yell at her in public. “I have a meeting with Mr. McDonald. I told him to send me word when he wanted to meet. He told me today so here I am.”

  “He’s meeting with us.” Sinclair felt confused.

  “You and your butler or you and your partner?” Lucas let his eyes flicker at Frederick who flinched from the fury in them. “I knew that hat looked familiar, I believe it is mine.”

  Quickly Frederick pulled the hat from his head and held it in both hands. Sinclair regretted putting her friend in such a position. He was never the type to deceive and now looked uncomfortable at getting caught in their lie.

  “I know you are upset, but this might not be the right time to talk about it.” Sinclair said, as the people around them began to notice their argument.

  “Why? Afraid it might upset your biggest client to know he has been working with a servant in a stolen suit?” Lucas let his voice get loud enough that many people in the lobby heard and were now staring openly.

  “No, I just didn’t think you would want everyone in London to know.” She motioned with her hands the amount of people surrounding them and he understood what she meant. His face turned pink.

  “Fine, we will continue at home.” He took her by the elbow, steering her in the direction of the door with Frederick following behind them.

  As they were going out, Mr. McDonald was coming in and he wasn’t alone, Viscount Andrews was with him. They both stopped with surprised looks on their faces when they saw the group on the way out.

  “Lord and Lady Westmore, I was just arriving for our meeting.” Said Mr. McDonald. “I know I might be late, but I hope you are not cancelling because of it.”

  “You set a meeting with us both?” Now things were starting to make a bit more sense.

  “You are both so busy, I thought it best to kill two birds with one stone.”

  His face indicated that he meant well by his actions, but had accidently caused the situation they were now in. Jack noticed that Frederick stood behind them and extended his hand to the man. Pausing only a moment to see if Lucas would object, he shook Jack’s hand.

  “Mr. gates, good to see you again.” Jack said.

  Viscount Andrew’s laughed out loud. “I didn’t know your butler was also such a good businessman, Lucas.”

  “Butler?” Now Jack was confused.

  “This is Lady Westmore’s devoted servant, who came with her from America. I believe he is wearing a borrowed suit.” Viscount Andrews grinned as he explained the situation to Jack, clearly enjoying how uncomfortable everyone was.

  “He’s their butler and he’s her business partner?” Jack wasn’t getting the whole picture. “I can’t even get mine to hang my laundry in the closet properly.”

  “He’s not really her partner.” Michael was still the only one speaking. “It was ruse. She dressed him up to play a part and deceived everyone with it. There is no partner, because she has been doing everything on her own.”

  Now that it was said, the truth hung in the air between them. Sinclair could see the affect they had on Lucas, who frowned more than before. It was never her intention to humiliate him, but that is exactly what had happened. Now that Michael knew the truth, he would be sure to tell everyone in London. A story like this would spread fast and be in every ballroom by evening.

  “That’s clever of her.” Jack was the only one in the group who didn’t seem to be shocked by the revelation. “Good way to get around the restrictions and get things done.”

  “But she lied.” Lucas snapped.

  “Yes, well that part is unfortunate.” Jack wavered when he saw how angry Lucas was. “I just understand why she felt she needed to.”

  Lucas looked like he was ready to explode. “I’m afraid my wife and I have to leave. Neither of us will be able to meet with you.”

  It looked like Jack wanted to say something to protest, but quickly rethought it and moved aside to let them pass. Sinclair saw the way the viscount grinned and wanted to kick him. The man shouldn’t be enjoying her misery so much.

  Outside they waited for the carriage in thick silence. Avoiding her husband’s eyes, Sinclair scanned around the busy street and realized that someone watched them from a discreet distance. At first it was difficult to see past the carriages on the road and the other people, but then she got a good look and gasped.

  Marissa stood across the street from them, watching from beneath the cloak she wore. It was a somber dark blue, not the bright colors she usually preferred. That made it difficult to notice her among the crowd. This time she tried to hide, not draw attention to herself. There was no way she could have known about the mistake Mr. McDonald made, so she must have been following Lucas alone to be there. Sinclair shivered and Lucas noticed.

  “I believe you have an admirer.” Sinclair told him, indicating across the street.

  “I will deal with her later.” he said, ignoring his ex-mistress watching them. “You should be more worried about how I will handle you first.”

  THE RIDE WAS UNCOMFORTABLY silent. Lucas was barely maintaining control as the carriage rolled towards his home. Over and over he remembered the look on her face when her secret was revealed. She had the audacity to appear guilty and apologetic over the incident. It was such a clever ploy, but he knew better than to believe it.

  “Lucas, please,” she whispered from across the carriage.

  “Do not speak,” he barked.

  “I want to explain.”


  She jumped in her seat and he saw Frederick reach out to take her hand. The man glared at him but he didn’t care. He had no sympathy for the liar sitting across from him.

  “Frederick, I want you to upstairs as soon as we get home,” he said. “I will be alone with my wife.”

  “I am not your employee.” said Frederick.

  “No, but it is my house. I do not have the patience to argue,” Lucas ground out, “You will retire for the evening or you will no longer be welcome in it.”

  Once they arrived home, Frederick did as he was told and went to the servant’s level. Lucas dragged Sinclair into his study, shutting the door with a loud thud. She shuddered, but he didn’t let that affect him. He couldn’t allow his feelings for her to override the fact that she had betrayed him.

  “Lucas, I know what you must be thinking, but I never meant for this to happen.” The strained notes in her voice sounded sincere, but he shook them away. He felt as though he were staring at a stranger.

  “Which part did you not count on, the business being such a success or me finding out?” He couldn’t help but pace the room.

  “I tried to tell you more than once, but I was afraid.”

  “Afraid to tell me that you have been deceiving me throughout our entire marriage no doubt.”

  “This started before we were married.” She let out a sigh. “I never thought I would be married, remember?”

  “So I’m to blame for your deception?”

  He was yelling now, his voice booming across the room. Instead of being frightened, Sinclair appeared weary of his temper. She stood, staring him straight in the eye. A fire burned there, but she didn’t even flinch.

  “I was not keeping it from you to be deceitful,” she said, the sound of tears in her words, “I did not think you would understand.”

  “What is there not to understand?” he threw his arms up for emphasis, “You made a complete fool of me.”

  “It wasn’t meant to embarrass you. I created th
e lie to continue my work. ”

  “I was competing against my own wife.” Lucas hated the sound of it. “You made me joke.’

  “Are you angry that I lied or that my lie was beating you?”

  Their chests were heaving in unison as they faced off. It surprised him that she wasn’t trying to use her femininity against him like so many others would. Instead, she stood facing him as an equal. Lucas turned away from her, unable to look into her beautiful face any longer.

  “Lucas, I couldn’t let go of my company because it frightened you.”

  “Nothing frightens me.” They both knew how untrue that was.

  “My independence does,” she continued, even when he turned his back to her, “You’re afraid of what might happen if I become too independent, if I don’t need you anymore.”

  Shaking his head, Lucas wanted not to hear her. With every word she struck a chord within him that he would rather ignore. It would be better if he could stay angry at her for this.

  “It appears as if we have reached that point,” he growled over his shoulder.

  “I still need you, Lucas.” A sob escaped from her, “You’re my husband.”

  “You have your company now, what room do you have for a husband?”

  “Things have changed,” he felt her hand on his back, burning through his coat, “I want to build a life with you and our children.”

  “I do not believe you.” He shrugged her hand away, still refusing to look at her. He heard her crying, the sobs now filling the room. They weren’t the artful tears he was used to, but ones of genuine pain.

  “I just do not understand why you felt you needed to make a mockery of me in the one area a man should feel safe.” The sound of her gasping for air followed his question and it made him look back at her to see her expressions. “You should have told me the truth after we were married.”

  “I needed a man in order to do business. I couldn’t be that man so I created one.” Said Sinclair.

  “Who else knew about this?”

  She didn’t answer him, instead turning her face away. In sharp movements he lifted her chin, only to release it the moment their eyes locked. Guilt swirled in the wet reflections of blue.


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