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To Arms

Page 169

by Hew Strachan

  cavalry 232, 260, 278–9

  command 248–50

  corps: I 222–3, 245, 257, 273, 277–8

  II 222–3, 248–9, 258, 273

  III 231, 257, 273

  IV 273

  deployment of 271–2

  discipline 223, 225, 248–9, 259

  divisions: 7th 272–3, 278, 1003

  Royal Naval 272

  manpower 277–8, 1006

  British Indian Steam Navigation Company 660

  British South Africa Company 620, 640

  Brits, Coen 550, 552, 565–7, 603, 613–14

  Brocqueville, Charles de 210

  Bronsart von Schellendorf, Friedrich 686–7, 722–4, 746

  Brooke, Rupert 137–9

  Brudermann, Rudolf von 351, 353–7

  Brugère, Henri de 184, 226

  Bruges 273

  Brusilov, A. A. 78, 315, 354–5, 357, 364, 366, 372

  Brussels 112, 114, 117, 122, 127, 159, 217, 231, 265, 270

  Bryan, William Jennings 456, 487, 804, 962, 966

  Bryansk arsenal 1098

  Bryant, F. C. 505–8

  Brezeziny 370

  Buchan, John 137

  Bucharest, Treaty of 57, 63–4, 667

  Buchlau 43–4

  Budapest 309, 1043

  Buea 509, 519–20

  Bug 286, 289, 307, 309, 350, 353

  Bukoba 565, 588–9, 615

  Bulgaria 42, 44, 48–50, 52, 55–6, 341–2, 404, 652, 667–8, 671, 677–8, 692, 698, 701, 1048–9

  agriculture 902

  finance 853–4, 902, 954–5

  trade 1027

  Bulgarian Agricultural Bank 954

  Bülow, Bernhard von 9, 16, 20–3, 34, 44, 103, 118, 134, 695

  Bülow, Karl von 207, 220–1, 233, 235–7, 240–1, 245, 250–1, 255–9, 262, 265–7

  Bultfontein 553

  Bund der Industrieller 1024

  Buner 807

  Burgfrieden 123–4, 131, 133, 153–4, 1134, 1138

  Burian, Stephan 43, 56, 77

  Burns Philp and Co. 482

  Burujird 788

  Bushire 771, 775, 781, 786

  Bussa 542

  Buxton, Lord 600

  Bwiko 611

  Bzura river 371

  Cabrinovic, Nedeljko 65

  Cadmus, H.M.S. 797

  Caen 224

  Caillaux, Joseph 25, 28, 33, 61, 79, 92, 130, 878

  Cairo 742–3

  Çakir-baba ridge 723, 728

  Calais 221, 270

  conference 971–2, 975

  Calcutta 473

  Caliphate 702–5, 709–10, 730, 743, 749, 756, 1117

  Callaghan, George 394–5, 414, 436

  Callwell, Charles 402, 599, 601–2, 738

  Cambon, Jules 24, 29, 91

  Cambon, Paul 19, 93, 95

  Cambrai 239, 265

  Cambridge University 147, 1124

  camels 734–5, 761, 764

  Cameron of Lochiel 160

  Cameronians 225

  Cameroon Cape 523

  Cameroon river 523

  Cameroons 24–5, 448, 498–503, 509–43, 570, 586, 627, 749, 763

  British administration 541

  British-French plans 518–20, 524, 527, 529–31, 536

  civil-military relations 513, 516, 540

  communications 516–17, 525–6

  evacuation 538–41

  finance 516

  French administration 542–3

  German administration 510, 512, 516, 540, 543

  intelligence 517–18

  munitions supply 512–13, 532, 537, 540

  New 518–19, 524, 543

  partition 541–3

  plan for defence 511, 513, 533, 535

  popular loyalties 520, 538–41

  Schutztruppe 510–13, 532, 538–9

  Campbell-Bannerman, Henry 18, 31

  Camperdown, H.M.S. 392

  Campo 536, 538–9

  Canada 32, 204, 443–6, 819

  finance 988–9

  immigration 795

  munitions production 1086–8

  navy 445–6

  wheat 986, 988

  Canary Islands 767

  Cannae 171, 177, 289, 333

  Canopus, H.M.S. 472–4

  Cape Coloured Corps 544

  Capetown 600–1

  Caporetto 752, 922–3, 982

  Caprivi, Georg von 1007

  Carden, S. H. 674, 680

  Carliol, J. W. 1137

  carnet B 128

  Carnot 524–5

  Caro, Nikodem 1026

  Caroline islands 448, 465–6, 471

  Carpathians 286, 350–1, 357, 359, 366, 372–3

  carriers 498–501, 528, 531–2, 539–40, 588, 610, 616, 618, 620–1, 628, 630–1, 634, 636, 640–1

  Carter, C. H. P. 521–2

  cartography 327, 504, 517–18, 604, 611, 641, 716–17, 725, 735, 771

  Casablanca 769

  Castelnau, Edouard de 213–16, 224, 244, 255, 267–9, 279

  Çatak 723

  Catholic church 652, 706, 1115, 1117–19

  Cattaro 754

  Caucasus 312, 315, 655, 664, 671–2, 675, 680, 687–9, 695–6, 699, 701, 704, 706, 712–29, 737, 748, 775–6, 779, 786, 1093, 1095

  balance of forces 715–17, 728

  committee 719

  geography 716, 723, 728

  nationalisms 712, 714, 718–19, 728

  plans 715–17

  railways 715

  Caucasus chasseurs 715

  Caulfeild, F. W. 581–3

  cavalry 207, 218, 231–2, 259–60, 273, 278, 320, 327, 348, 683

  Cawnpore 805

  Central Cooperative Bank 954

  Centralverband Deutscher Industrieller 1024

  Cephalonia 646

  Cer plateau 344

  Cetniks 345

  Ceuta 766

  Chad 749

  Chad, Lake 509, 527–9, 534, 763

  Chagall, Marc 158

  Chakravarty, C. K. 804

  Chala 605

  Chalaua 639

  Chamberlain, Austen 811, 860, 867

  Chamberlain, H. S. 1137

  Champagne 264

  Chandernagore 793–4

  Chandler and Co. 944

  Chandra, Harish 791, 804

  Chandra, Ram 804

  Channel, English 206, 376, 378, 384, 395, 412, 415, 419

  Charlemagne 1123 Charleroi 220–1, 223, 231

  Charles Martel 1123

  Charleville 263

  Charmes, Trouéede 195, 230, 244

  Chôteau Thierry 252

  Chatellerault 1060

  Chatfield, Ernle 391

  Chattopadhyaya, Virendranath 798–9

  Chelmsford, Lord 810–12

  Chemin des Dames 258

  Cherbourg 439

  Chesterton, G. Κ. 1124

  Cheti 509

  Childers, Erskine 106, 145

  Chile 446, 467, 475–6, 489, 1025

  Chilembwe, John 600, 636, 642

  China 443–4, 447, 455–6, 459, 462–4, 483–93, 702, 795, 802–3, 805, 1114

  arms to Russia 1107

  finances 492

  labour 488, 492

  monarchy 487–9

  Sea 454, 460, 464, 466

  Chinde 621

  Chios 662, 667

  Chiwata 635

  Cholm 348, 350, 364

  Chomba 636

  Chorzele 326

  Choshu clan 458

  Chra river 508

  Christianity 1115–21, 1125, 1135–6

  Churchill, W. S. 27, 31–4, 95, 103, 202, 204–5, 271–2, 377, 380–2, 386, 389, 395–6, 403, 414–15, 419, 422, 437, 446, 474–5, 602, 646, 650, 661, 673–4, 680, 685, 999, 1012, 1075, 1089

  Citroën 880, 1056

  civil-military relations 1005

  see also under individual countries

  civilization 1123–5, 1129, 1135

  Clarke, George 738

  Class, Heinrich

  classics 1123–5, 1127, 1132

  Clayton, Gilbert 737

  Clemenceau, Georges 28, 130, 757, 858, 981, 1123

  Clydeside 1073, 1075

  coal 467, 692, 982, 1019, 1044–5, 1050, 1092–5

  Coblenz 234–5, 324

  Cole, G. D. H. 139

  Collyer, J. J. 603

  Cologne 106, 207, 234

  Colomb, Philip 392

  colonialism and the causes of the war 17, 24, 26, 34–5, 47, 95

  Comité des Forges 1053–4, 1062

  Commission Internationale de Revitaillement 957, 959, 980, 1104, 1111

  Committee of Imperial Defence (CID), see Britain, Committee of Imperial Defence

  communications 233–4, 256, 314, 320–1, 326–7, 356, 391–3, 410, 415–17, 421–2, 429–30, 432–35, 473, 516–17, 525–6, 583–4, 594–6, 603–4, 612–13, 638, 640, 647–9, 682

  Compiègne 239, 257, 264, 267

  Concert of Europe 36, 41, 43–4, 52, 55–7, 86, 652, 655, 660–1

  Condé 231

  Confedération Générale du Travail 111, 124–9

  Congo act 509–10, 518, 575

  Congo, Belgian 499, 519, 585–6, 634, 704, 955

  Congo river 506, 518

  Conneau, General 260

  Conrad von Hötzendorff, Franz 4–5, 51, 55–6, 68–71, 78, 88, 102, 173, 281–2, 286–96, 319, 336–8, 340–1, 346–61, 366–7, 372–3, 670, 677, 680, 695, 698–9, 1004, 1007

  conscription 147–9, 1007

  Constantine 764–5

  Constantine, King of Greece 648, 667

  Constantinople 648, 650, 652, 657, 677, 681–2, 687–90, 692–3, 697, 699, 708, 712

  contraband 400, 411

  Cooper, Ethel 942

  Copenhagen 111–12

  copper 1015, 1027–8, 1095

  Coptic church 730, 747

  Corbett, Julian 393, 403, 414

  Coronel 428, 474–6, 479–80

  Çoruh river 722, 728

  Cossacks 699, 715, 727, 773, 787–8

  Courbet 377

  Courland 360, 406

  Courtrai 273

  Coventry Ordnance Works 1066–7, 1082

  Cracow 286, 309, 351, 357–9, 364, 367, 372–3, 1043

  Cradock, Christopher 428, 472–5

  Crailsheim, von 522, 533–4

  Cramb, J. A. 1130

  Crammond, Edgar 816

  Craonne 258

  Crayford 1072

  credit 816–18, 892

  see also under individual countries, borrowing

  Creditanstalt bank 853

  Credito Italiano 908

  Crédit Lyonnais 848

  Cressy, H.M.S. 419

  Creswell, F. H. R 543

  Crete 652

  Creusot, Le, see Schneider-Creusot

  Crewe 107

  Crewe, Charles 617–19

  Crimean War 868

  Croats 37–8, 46, 156

  Croce, Benedetto 133

  Cromarty 397

  Cross river 521–2

  crowd behaviour 108

  Crowe, Eyre 18, 95


  armoured 383, 385, 448–9

  auxiliary 449, 454

  battle 385–7, 433–7, 441, 445–7, 449, 478–9

  light 415–17, 449

  warfare 445, 448–55, 466–7, 470, 472, 476, 479–80, 580, 588–9

  Cruttwell, C. R. M. F. xiii, xv, 4

  Cuangar 558

  Cumberland, H.M.S. 522

  Cummings, B. F. 139–40

  Cunene river 559

  Cunliffe, Lord 831, 861, 966, 968–9

  Cunliffe, F. 522, 524, 528–9, 533–5, 537

  Cunliffe-Owen, Francis 680, 685, 693

  Curragh mutiny 131, 203

  Curzon, Lord 793, 805, 811

  Cuxhaven 394, 406, 431

  Cyprus 652

  Cyrenaica, see Libya

  Czechs 37, 40, 117, 157

  Dahomey 505–6, 763

  Daily Mail 143, 145

  Daimler 896, 1039

  Dakar 520, 528, 538

  Dakawa 612

  Dakhla 748

  Dalbiez law 1063

  Damascus 682, 690, 712

  Danilov, Yuri 84, 306, 308–12, 315, 351, 365, 370–1

  Dankl, Viktor 350, 352, 354–5, 359, 361, 366–7

  Danube 335, 338, 340–1, 344, 692

  Danton 377

  Dardanelles 648, 650, 661, 670, 673–4, 677–80, 686–7, 702, 884, 960

  see also Gallipoli

  Dar es Salaam 574–7, 579–80, 582, 588–9, 598, 604, 608, 614–15, 621, 626, 638

  Darfur 747, 749

  Darwinism, social 9, 54–5, 68–9, 133–4, 136, 138–9, 149, 413, 1007

  Dashnaktsutiun 714, 718

  Daudet, Léon 107

  David, Eduard 122

  Davison, H. P. 973

  Dayal, Lal Har 795–6, 798–9, 808

  Deauville, Max 211

  deception 332

  Debussy, Claude 1123

  Defence, H.M.S. 472–5

  Deime river 332

  Delagoa bay 600–1, 624

  De La Rey, J. H. 551

  Delbrück, Clemens von 72, 121, 798, 1010, 1016–18, 1024

  Delbrück, Hans 1, 171, 1009, 1137

  Delcassé, Théophile 14–16, 29, 50, 130, 377

  democracy 1125, 1130, 1139

  Denmark 405–7, 439, 945, 947, 984

  Deoband 806

  Deppe, Ludwig 571

  Derfflinger, S.M.S. 433

  Derna 744

  destroyers 394, 411, 437

  deterrence 12, 18, 29, 94, 99–100, 379, 393, 400, 408–9, 413, 449, 668

  Detzner, German surveyor 465

  Deutsche-Asiastische Bank 492

  Deutsche Bank 663–4, 689, 850, 907–8, 944, 950, 952, 1026

  Deutsche-Türkisch Vereinigung 706–7

  Deutschland, S.M.S. 432

  Deutschland, submarine 1029

  Deventer, Jacob van 563, 603, 605–14, 621–3, 629, 631–3, 635, 638

  Devies, of Schneider-Creusot 961

  De Wet, Christiaan 551–3

  Diedenhofen 266

  Diego Garcia 479

  Dietzel, Heinrich 892

  Dieuze 245

  Dilke, Charles 1011

  Dilman 779

  Dikov, I. M. 403–4

  ‘dilution’ 1072–3, 1081

  Dimitrijovic, Dragutin 66–7

  Dinant 217

  Dinar, Ali 746–9

  disease 365, 500–2, 528, 532, 593–4, 614, 624, 627, 637–8

  Diskonto-Gesellschaft 944–5, 954

  Ditam 537

  Dixmude 273, 275–7, 279

  Djanet 761

  Djavid, Mehmed 656, 675–6, 678, 903, 950, 953

  Djemal, Ahmed 657–8, 668–9, 676, 678–9, 685, 709, 722, 735–6, 742–3, 748

  Djerablus 691

  Dnieper 306

  Dniester 286, 291, 309, 347–8, 353, 356

  Dobell, C. M. 505, 519–20, 522–4, 527–31, 533–9

  Dobrava river 344

  Dobrovsky, General 84

  Dodoma 610–11, 621, 629, 630, 640

  Doering, Major von 506–9

  Dogger bank 429

  battle of 431–8

  Donetz basin 1092, 1094, 1097

  Donop, Stanley von 1070, 1074–6

  Doshikai party 459

  Douglas, Charles 203

  Doullens 268

  Doumergue, Gaston 33, 519–20, 536, 541, 584

  Doutte, Edmond 758

  Doyle, Arthur Conan 1124

  Dragomirov, A. M. 353

  Dragomirov, M. I. 302, 306

  Dreadnought, H.M.S. 386, 388

  Dreadnoughts, see battleships

  Dresden, S.M.S. 454, 471–4, 478–9

  Dresden Bank 944

  Dreyer, F. C. 389–90, 435

  Dreyfus affair 1116

  Drina river 338, 340, 343–7

  Dryander, Ernst von 1119–21, 1136
  Dscha river 525

  Dschang 523–4, 527, 535, 537

  Duala 509–10, 518–24, 528–9, 531, 534–6, 540, 542

  Dubail, Auguste 186, 212–13, 244

  Dublin, H.M.S. 646

  Dubno 286–7

  Du Cane, J. P. 1077, 1082–3

  Duchône, Major 1060

  Ducuing, General 1010

  Duisberg, German officer in Cameroons 535

  Durkheim, Emile 139, 658

  Dume 524, 526, 529, 533, 535

  Dunajec river 373

  Dunkirk 221

  Dunthumi river 614

  Durnovo, P. Ν. 81–2, 157

  Dvina 306

  East Africa, British 496, 499, 576, 578–9, 587–8, 598–600, 628, 746–7

  East Africa, German 448, 453–4, 479, 497–505, 513, 540, 565

  administration 574, 615

  Africanization of campaign 627–9, 631, 641–2

  Belgium and 585–6, 597, 604, 608, 615–19, 630,


  British administration of campaign 579–80, 584, 586–7, 590, 600–2, 608, 630–2

  British aims 586, 599–602

  British plans 604–5, 633, 635

  campaign’s nature 569–71, 633

  campaign’s strategic significance 569–71, 632, 641–2, 695

  casualties 641–2

  civil-military relations 574–5, 583, 596

  command 596–8

  economy 574, 592–3

  finance 592–3

  food 592, 597, 616, 620, 624–5, 629, 633–5, 638

  France and 584

  munitions 591, 633–5, 638–9, 641

  Portugal and 623–5, 629, 632

  railways 574, 583, 595

  rebellion within 571, 574, 576, 581, 629

  Schutztruppe 571, 576–9, 593–4, 596, 628–9, 633, 635, 637, 640–1, 643

  supplies to Germans 589–93, 632

  war plans 575–7, 598, 634–5, 638, 640–1, 746–7

  East African Standard 496

  Easter island 471–2, 474

  eastern front, compared with western front 1103–4, 1108–9

  Eberhardt, Admiral 717

  Ebermaier, Governor 510, 513, 516, 540–1, 642

  Ebert, Friedrich 120, 122

  Ebolowa 512, 520, 535, 537–9

  Eça, Pereira d’ 559

  economic factors in causing war 96, 101

  economic war, see blockade Economist 873

  education and national identity 142–3, 146–8

  Edea 523–4, 527, 530, 536

  Edward VII 90, 655

  Egypt 204, 652, 657, 673–4, 687–90, 695–7, 700–2, 722, 729–37, 742–3, 745–51, 770, 798, 813

  Eifel tower 234

  Einem, Karl von 16, 174–5, 996

  Einstein, Albert 1122

  El Ala 690

  El Arish 735–6, 738

  Elbe river 394, 402, 406–7

  Eleskirt 719

  El Fasher 749

  Elizavetpol 775

  Elswick 1075

  Emden, S.M.S. 466, 470, 473, 479–80, 580

  Ems estuary 402, 406

  Enfield 1067

  Engels, Friedrich 115, 1011

  Engineering Employers’ Federation 1072, 1074

  Enlightenment, the 1129–31

  Enslin, B. G. L. 603, 613


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