by Hew Strachan
Scouting Group, 1st 429, 432, 438, 2nd 429, 432, 438
war plans 405–7, 410–13, 423–6, 428, 431, 437–40, 452–4, 650, 1017, 1019
Persia and 770–2, 774, 778–88, 790
Portugal, relations with 557–9
powder production 1025–7, 1036
press 52–3, 103, 144–5, 261–2, 408
price control 516, 592, 839, 896–8, 910, 1039
Progressive party 21, 118, 891
propaganda 274
railways 1017
raw materials office (KRA) 1015, 1018–25, 1033, 1039–40, 1134
Reichstag 853, 890–2, 895
revolution as strategy 696–7, 703–4, 710, 718, 730, 744, 746, 753, 754, 757, 763, 782, 814, 1132–3, 1136
Romania, relations with 669
Russia, relations with 15, 20, 23–4, 49, 52–3, 58–9, 62–3, 73–4, 85, 121–2, 287, 289–90, 405–7, 664, 790, 814, 1131
Schutztruppe 497–8, 501, 506, 509–17, 532
shell production 1027–9, 1031–5, 1037
socialists 21–2, 74, 111–15, 117–24, 129, 147–8, 153–4, 174, 238–9, 890–1, 893, 1008, 1011, 1017, 1133–5, 1138
spirit 1128–9, 1134–6
state intervention 897–8, 1015, 1018, 1021–4, 1038–9, 1112, 1134, 1138
Sweden and 945
Switzerland and 945
tariffs 58–9
taxation 21–2, 63, 120, 175, 852–3, 865, 889–98, 903–4, 909, 912
capital gains 891–2, 895
coal 895
income 864, 890, 895
inheritance 863–4, 890
war profits 893–8
trade 941–4, 946, 952–4, 986, 1018–19, 1025, 1027
trade unions 111, 114, 118, 122–3
treasury notes 836, 838, 910–11, 914, 944, 950
Tunisia and 763
Turkey, relations with 51–2, 60–1, 648–50, 663–80, 695–701, 706–12, 812–14, 949–54
unemployment 1039
United States, relationships with 407, 943–4, 975–6, 1139
universities 1122–3, 1126, 1127
war aims 1–4, 696, 1040–1, 1044, 1136–7
‘war council’ of 8 Dec 1912 52–5, 172, 176, 836, 1017
war credits 104
war enthusiasm 149–54
war guilt 1–4, 100–1
war loans 911–14
war ministry 172, 174–6, 212, 896, 898, 995, 1002, 1010, 1014, 1016, 1018, 1020, 1023–4, 1026, 1029–32, 1034–6, 1039
war plans 44–5, 55, 63, 70, 74–5, 81, 85, 88, 90, 164–80, 232, 240–4, 287–91, 323, 510–11, 695–701, 1005–6, 1008–9, 1014, 1017–18, 1035
wars of liberation 1120, 1130
Weltpolitik 9–11, 14, 16, 20–2, 31, 34–5, 46–8, 100, 118–19, 407, 447, 695, 890
world war and 651, 694–6, 975–6
Gerua, Alexander 302
Gette, river 210, 216
Ghadames 744–5, 761–2
Ghadr 795–7, 799–805
Ghat 744, 761–3
Gheluvelt 276–7
Ghent 272–3
Gibbs, G. 1077
Gibeon 563–4
Gibraltar 376–7, 446, 644, 647
Gide, André 1123
Giers, M. N. de 673
Gil, Jose C. F. 624–5, 636
Gilbert, Georges 181
Giolitti, Giovanni 887
Girouard, Percy 1075–6, 1078–9
Giurgevo 692
Givenchy xiv, 268
Givet 216–17
Gladstone, W. E. 866
Glaise von Horstenau, E. 294
Glasgow 161, 868, 1081
Glasgow, H.M.S. 470, 472–4, 477–8
Glasgow University 147
globalization of war 453–5, 495, 504–5, 554, 651, 694–6, 746, 1007, 1009–10, 1114, 1136, 1139
Gloucester, H.M.S. 646–8
Gneisenau, S.M.S. 449, 466–7, 471, 473, 476, 480
Gnila Lipa river 354, 356
Godley, Alexander 464
Goebel, Otto 1021
Goeben, S.M.S. 644–51, 671, 673, 677–9, 699, 717, 754
Goethe, J. W. von 1135
Gogh, Vincent van 137
Gokalp, Ziya 658–9
Goldap 321
Gold Coast 505–8, 542
Gold Coast Regiment 505–8, 627–8, 635
Goldmann, Nahum 1135
gold standard 818–19, 823–5, 828, 832–3, 835, 845
Goliath, H.M.S. 582
Golovin, N. N. 302
Goltz, Colmar von der 148, 664, 666, 681, 695–7, 770, 779, 784–5, 787–8, 814, 1007
Goncharova, Natalia 1117
Gondos, Franz 746
Goodenough, W. E. 416–17, 428–30
Good Hope, H.M.S. 472, 474
Gora Kolvaria 365
Goremykin, L. L. 83
Gorges, E. H. 523, 530
Gorlice-Tarnow 1097
Gosse, Edmund 141
Goto Shinpei 803
Gough, Hubert 260
Gouraud, Henri 767
Gourko, Basil 371
Graf von Götzen 616
Grajewo 326
Grandmaison, Loyzeaux de 188–91
Gras rifle 1061
Graudenz 320
Grautoff, Friedrich 695
Graz 1043
Greece 48, 50, 56–7, 79, 646–9, 667, 671, 673, 738, 1046
navy 662
Gregorian church 714
grenades 1033, 1100–1
Grenfell, E. C. 860–1
Grenoble 155
Grey, Sir Edward 18–19, 22, 25–6, 28–9, 61–2, 79, 86–7, 93–8, 100–1, 110, 130, 208, 374, 443–4, 455, 457, 459, 481, 485, 487–8, 491, 557, 655, 661, 673–4, 680, 773, 776, 778, 803, 1107
Grierson, James 201, 249
Griesinger, Walter 781
Grigorovich, I. K. 83, 404
Grodek 355
Grodno 290, 307, 318, 326
Groener, Wilhelm 75, 78, 163–4, 175, 178, 206–7, 239, 265, 279, 896–7, 1010
Grootfontein 548, 558, 567
Grünert, Colonel 324
Grunshi, Alhaji 495
Guam 458
Guaranty Trust Company 944
Guchkov, A. I. 300–1, 1097
Guerre sociale. La 129
guerrilla warfare 566, 569–70, 578, 598, 615, 631, 636–7, 696
Guesde, Jules 126, 130
Guiot, French banker 961
Guise 245, 248–50
Gumbinnen 321–2, 324, 327, 331, 333
gunnery, naval 385, 387–91, 408, 417, 433–6, 474, 477–9, 646–7, 998–9
Gupta, H. L. 800, 803–4
Guse, Felix 717, 722–4, 728
Gwinner, Arthur von 907, 952, 1026
Gwynned 161
Gyür 1046
Haase, Hugo 112–15, 119–20, 121–3
Haber, Fritz 1026, 1083
Habibullah, emir of Afghanistan 770–1, 789–91, 807, 813
Haeften, Hans von 695, 1009
Hafiz, Moulay Abd al- 756
Haggard, H. Rider 137
Hague Conference 400, 410, 448
Haida ou Mouis 767
Haifa 690, 738
Haig, Douglas 204, 222–3, 249, 273–4, 276–7, 280, 1001, 1006
Hakki, Hafiz 677, 687, 723–4, 726–8
Haldane, Richard Burdon 26, 33, 51–2, 87, 97, 146, 159, 201, 203–4
Halévy, Daniel 154
Halicz 355
Halil 676, 776, 778
Halim, Said, see Said Halim
Hall, W. R. 422
Hamadan 780, 788
Hambas, Muhammed Bas 710
Hamburg 151, 394, 400–1, 406, 944, 1116
Hamburg-Amerika Line 1020
Hamilton, Ian 277
Hamilton-Grace, R. S. 817
Hampshire, H.M.S. 479–80, 1111
Handeni 595, 610–11
Hankey, Maurice 198–9, 374, 401–3, 441, 455, 1012
Hannibal 171
Hannover 325
Hanssen, Hans Peter 152, 833–4
Hanyehping Co. 484–6, 490
Harcourt, Lewis 481–2, 586–7, 600
Hardie, Keir 112, 114, 119, 126
Harding, W. P. G. 973
Hardinge, Charles 674–5, 789, 793–5, 807, 810
Harnack, Adolf von 1116, 1119, 1132
Hart, Basil Liddell xiii, xv-xvi, 164, 178
Hartlepool 428
Hartwig, N. V. 49–50, 79
Harwich 397, 415
Harwich Force, see Britain, navy, Southern Force
Hasan, Prince Aziz 757
Hasan, Mahmudul 806–9
Hasankale 719, 722, 728
Haus, Anton 650, 699
Hausen, Max von 207, 220, 222, 239, 255, 257, 262
Havenstein, Rudolf 836–7, 946
Hawaii 458, 471
Hawke, H.M.S. 419
Hawkins, E. B. B. 641
Haywood, A. H. W. 539
Hazebrouck 273–4
Hazelton, P. O. 603
Hedin, Sven 771
Heeringen, August von 52, 411
Heeringen, Josias von 175–6, 207, 213, 235, 244, 269, 1016
Hegel, G. W. F. 1121, 1130–1, 1133
Heinrich, Prince, of Prussia 406
Hejaz 690, 757, 806–8
Helfferich, Emil 800
Helfferich, Karl 850–2, 858, 892–5, 897, 903–4, 912–13, 941, 950, 975–6, 1010, 1026, 1132
Heligoland 10, 382, 394, 402, 406, 411–12, 425–6, 430–1, 440
Heligoland Bight, battle of 416–18, 423
Hell, Emil 328
Henderson, Arthur 132, 869
Henson, Hensley 1126
Henry, Belgian officer 586
Henry, Josué 519
Hentig, Werner Otto von 772, 788, 790–1, 799
Hentsch, Richard 253, 256, 262, 269
Herat 788–9, 791
Herero 556
Herero war 119, 207, 497, 545, 554–5, 559, 568, 574, 577
Hertzog, J. B. M. 544, 551–2, 554
Hervé, Gustav 129
Herzog, Gotthilf 1135
Hewins, W. A. S. 1075
Heydebreck, Joachim von 555–6, 559–60, 570
Heymel, A. W. 137
Hiba, el, see Allah, Ahmad Haybat
Highland Light Infantry 161
Hilmi, Abbas 700, 730, 732, 734
Himo 606
Hindenburg, Paul von Beneckendorff und 325, 328–9, 332–5, 358–61, 365–6, 367, 372, 897, 913, 1024, 1036
Hintze, Paul von 490–1
Hipper, Franz von 409, 417–18, 423, 426, 428–34, 436–8
Hirson 205
Hirst, F. W. 873
historians in the war 1123–4, 1137
historiography of the war xiii-xvii, 1–4, 163–4, 694, 815, 1036, 1138
Hitler, Adolf 2, 104
Hobhouse, Charles 437
Hobhouse, L. T. 1124
Hoffman, Max 322–5, 335, 367–8
Hoggar 763
Hogue, H.M.S. 419
Holland 173, 178–9, 204, 272, 456–7, 833, 942, 944–5, 947, 984, 1005, 1019, 1040
Dutch East Indies 799–800, 802
Holland, J. P. 384–5
Hollebeke 276
Holst, Gustav 136
Holstein, Friedrich von 16
Holy War, see Islam
Holtzendorff, Henning von 31, 439
Homberg, Octave 828, 851, 963–4, 970–1
Homs 751–2
Hong Kong 384, 445, 447, 455, 466–7, 470
Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank 492
Honved 282–4
Hooge 277
Hope, H. W. W. 422
Horn, Cape 472–4, 476
Horsan 722
horses 240, 260, 278, 561–2, 565–6, 568, 605, 609, 612, 683; see also cavalry
Hoskins, A. R. 579, 603, 614, 627–32
Hottentots 556
Hoyos, Alexander 71–3, 75, 90
Hugenberg, Alfred von 1024
Hughes, Billy 443
Hughes, Sam 1087
Huguet, Victor 205, 225
Humann, Hans 666–7
Humbe 558–9
Humber 416, 427
Humbert, Charles 1061–2
Hungary 337, 346, 357–8, 361, 372, 900, 916–18, 947, 1028, 1041, 1043
Husab 562
Hussein, Sherif 757
Hutin, French officer 518–19, 524–8, 531–2, 536, 539
Huxley, T. H. 134
Huyghé, Colonel 630
Hyacinth, H.M.S. 590
Id 719, 722–4, 728
ideas and war 1115, 1128–9, 1131–2, 1135–7
Idris, Mohammed 750–3
Ifni 766–7
Igominyi 623
Ikom 521
Ikoma 630
Imperial Bank of Persia 774, 785
Imperial Camel Corps 748
imperialism and war 495–6, 504–5, 623–4, 637, 642–3, 694–7, 753, 814, 1114
see also under individual countries
Imperial Ottoman Bank 653, 656, 676, 950–1
Indefatigable, H.M.S. 644
Independent Labour Party 132–3
India 14, 19, 198, 204, 442, 445, 580, 660, 674–5, 722, 773, 786
Bengal 793–4, 798–800, 804–5, 809
Bombay 809
Central Provinces 809
Congress 806, 809–10, 812
Defence of India act 794, 796, 813
Dominion status 811
economic importance 792
economy 809, 812
emigration 795–6
finance 873, 987, 989
Germany and 695–6, 710, 770, 770–2, 784–5, 790–1, 797–800, 802, 1132
Hindus in 793, 796, 798, 806, 809, 812
Japan and 488, 490, 492, 795, 797–8, 802–3
Madras 809
munitions production 1085–9
Muslims in 702, 706, 709, 739, 743, 776, 790–1, 796, 798, 805–10, 812–13
nationalism 793, 795, 797, 799, 803–4, 808–9, 812
police 793–4, 796, 804–5
political reform 810–12
press 805–6, 810
Punjab 795–7, 809, 813
revolution 795–6, 799, 814
self-government 810–12
Sikhs 795–8, 804
terrorism 793–4, 799
United Provinces 809
wheat 979, 982, 986
Indian army 200, 463, 528, 579–82, 586, 642, 674–5, 739, 775, 791–3, 796–8, 805, 807–10, 812
130th Baluchis 797
12th Cavalry 797
23rd Cavalry 796
5th Light Infantry 797
14th Rajput Riles 800
36th Sikhs 797
Indian ocean 448, 467, 470, 493, 580, 586, 803
Indomitable, H.M.S. 433, 644, 646–7
inflation 817–18, 830–2, 836, 839, 849–50, 863, 865, 876, 883–4, 886, 892, 898, 904, 906, 909, 914, 929, 936, 946, 953, 989–90
Inflexible, H.M.S. 475, 477–8
Inge, W. R. 1127
Ingenohl, Friedrich von 412, 415, 417, 423–32
inheritance tax 863–4
see also under individual countries
Insterburg 317, 323, 332–3
Institut de France 1123
aerial 220, 251, 348–9, 738, 742
diplomatic 75, 79, 488, 648, 679, 757, 781, 789, 791
financial 975
military 177, 180, 184–5, 194, 202, 213, 217–18, 223–5, 231–4, 256, 258, 267, 274, 296, 309, 323–4, 327, 348–9, 475–7, 504, 517–18, 555, 561, 563, 604, 608, 615, 640, 737–9, 781, 995
naval 475–7, 588–90
signals 82, 88–9, 91, 251, 356, 361, 367, 421–3, 427–8, 430, 432, 434, 471, 473, 475, 619, 757
international law 395, 400, 411, 419, 588, 644, 646–7, 1122, 1125–6
see also Congo act; neutrality
International socialisn, see Second International
International Socialist
League 544
Invincible, H.M.S. 386, 416, 475, 477–8
Iraq, see Mesopotamia
Ireland 79, 94, 131, 161, 203, 696, 869, 1111, 1132
Iringa 571, 577, 619, 621–3, 629, 640
iron ore 1019–21, 1043–5, 1051, 1090, 1095
Isère 155, 1053–4
Isfahan 772, 780–1, 783, 786–8
Ishak Pasha 752
Ishii Kikujiro 486, 488, 491
Islam 651–2, 658, 660, 662, 674–5, 696, 702, 708–10, 718–19, 722, 729–31, 743–4, 749, 756–7, 763, 775, 778, 787, 791, 797, 798–9, 805–10, 812–14, 952, 1115, 1117
Holy War 696, 700–4, 729, 735, 746, 757, 776, 789, 791, 1117
Ismailia 736, 739
Istanbul, University of 658
army, manpower 283–4
banks 906, 908, 921–3, 961
borrowing 909, 921–3
overseas 960–2, 971, 975, 982–3
and Britain, borrowing from 960–2, 971, 975, 982–3
budgets 859
circulation 923
colonies 495
declares war 745, 887, 921, 960–1
Entente and 16, 101, 231, 661, 745, 750
exchange 960–1, 982–3
and France, borrowing from 960–1, 983
exports to 1050
and Germany, borrowing from 961
Libyan war 49–50, 655, 700, 743–5, 750–3, 759–62, 887
moratorium 923
munitions production 1065, 1107, 1109
navy 32, 377, 646
neutrality 261, 495, 646–7
and Russia, loans to 960
taxation 886–9;
war profits 888–9, 922
treasury bills 923
Triple Alliance and 8, 16, 47, 51, 57, 75, 261, 265, 743
Turkey, relations with 49–50, 655, 661, 703
and United States, borrowing from 961, 971, 975, 977, 982–3
war loans 921–2
Itanga 619
Itxanka river 366
Ivangorod 307, 316, 347, 351–2, 359, 361, 364–6
Ivanov, N. J. 353–4, 359, 364–5, 369, 372–3
Izvolsky, A. P. 20, 43–4, 61, 82, 661
Izzet, Ahmed 664, 684
Izzet, Hassan 716–17, 719, 722–3
Jabassi 523–4
Jäckh, Ernst 697, 706, 770
Jackson, John 456
Jackson, Thomas 422
Jacobsköller, L. 1116
Jadar river 338, 340, 344
Jade estuary 394, 406–7, 416, 432
Jafar al-Askari, see Askari
Jaffa 690
Jaghbub 748
Jagodnja 346
Jagow, Gottlieb von 63, 72–3, 88, 668, 706–7, 783, 787
Jakalswater 560, 562–4
Jakoby, Heinrich 710
Jaluit 464
Jamboli 590
James, William 135
Janow 355
Japan 466–7, 470, 1025
army 447, 457–8, 463–4, 481, 485–6, 488–90, 493–4
and Britain, alliance with 13–14, 17, 442–5, 447, 455, 457–60, 462–3, 481–3, 485–6, 488, 490–4, 803, 1107, 1116
China and 455–6, 458–60, 462–3, 483–93, 802–3, 1107